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2015/06/16 18:43:17 (permalink)


Picked up a Johnson 115 outboard for my boat after my Suzuki 75 crapped out on me last year.  Don't know why but the hydrofoil was taken off the Johnson so I went shopping on line and saw the an SE 300 would fit all motors over 40 horse.  Well that's what I had on my Suzuki and had removed it before I trashed the motor but found that it's really not sitting flush with that part of the motor that it bolts to on the Johnson.  I would imagine that this old hydrofoil is just that, old.  Would the newer model SE 300s be a better fit?  Is it supposed to sit flush?  Any suggestions?

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    Re: HYDROFOILS 2015/06/16 22:58:06 (permalink)
    With having that much more horse power now, why would you even need the fin?
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    Re: HYDROFOILS 2015/06/17 00:05:38 (permalink)
    Gotta agree with the 'Hand', no fin needed, that Johnson 115 should put you up on plane in no time.  I think I'd try it before adding anything like a fin.  Heck, if ya did have trouble, I'd look at a prop change. 
    PS. Congrats on the Johnson 115 I think it'll set ya back in the seat on a hole shot.  (just watch the oil injection system if has one)
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/06/17 00:11:13

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    Re: HYDROFOILS 2015/06/17 04:36:02 (permalink)
    given that I try to do alot myself now I rely on youtube and product reviews and thought the hydrofoil was an improvement no matter the engine size.  But I always post here for the all important feedback.  and BeenThere, no oil injection system on this one, mixing the oil and gas myself in the tank.  a bit of a nuisance but this system's failure on my Suzuki is what destroyed my last engine.  It was a 1980s set-up and the alarm/oil lights went out on me and I didn't realize that as I was tooling around the lake, I was destroying my outboard.  So thanks Bloody and BeenThere for saving me some cash on this one.
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