Rain, rain go away

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2015/06/15 22:21:18 (permalink)

Rain, rain go away

When will the rain stop? Looks like a lot of fishing will be affected by all this rain. Every stream and creek in my area is overflowing it's banks. Kiski river blown out.

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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/06/15 22:25:42 (permalink)
    North East corner of Beaver Co flash flood warnings.  SIGH.  At this point I'll never be able to cover my boat.  Won't dry out.  Road trip to CA maybe.
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/06/15 22:29:08 (permalink)
    I'm up in southern Armstrong. We're getting it again right now. I'll be fishing in the basement tomorrow. Blah.
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/06/15 22:47:04 (permalink)
    Forget about Rain..... Rain.... Gooooo Away!
    I'm singing Row......... Row........ Row ur boat..........  and it ain't merrily down the stream either!

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/06/15 22:55:32 (permalink)
    Do I need a trout stamp to fish in my backyard?  There wasn't a stream there til a few hours ago and were it was before use to have stocked trout.  I'm thinkin' by now those fish are down visiting the Capt. at the outflow!
    Blackhawks 2  Tampa Bay 0........  I hear "Chelsea Dagger" in the air..................  Congratulations Chicago!
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/06/15 22:56:34

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/06/16 15:08:38 (permalink)
    Sunny and high 80's here in obx, caught some redfish, blues and sting rays today.  
    Seriously, hope it dries up for yinz, I hear its been nasty.  

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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/06/17 09:35:09 (permalink)
    Only going to get nasty here.  Lots of orange/red heading our way right now and the remnants of TS Bill should really hammer us this weekend. 
    Start building your arks now....
    Couple of my co-workers are running the Rachel Carson trail race this weekend.  35.9 miles. from Harrison Hills Park to North Park, along the Allegheny and parts in between.  Should be a messy, muddy, wet race for them.
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/06/17 11:30:49 (permalink)
    Hooked the boat trailer early this morning and was headed toward Shenango (even though the Clark launch is closed) when off in a field I saw a bunch of animals standing around watching some guy building a boat.  I decided it might be to my best interest to reschedule my excursion to another time and returned home!
    Glad I did cause 'eyes' is right, "lots of orange/red heading our way"!  With all this rain and 'TS Bill' coming to my little piece of Penn's Woods this weekend I think it may be to my benefit to load all my 'good stuff' into my boat.  Unfortunately, we have but one boat so, I don't know where the better half will stow her stuff!
    I gotta get............. 

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/06/20 06:12:17 (permalink)
    Sunny and high 80's here in obx, caught some redfish, blues and sting rays today.  
    Seriously, hope it dries up for yinz, I hear its been nasty.  

    Been on Ocracoke, OBX for two weeks...3 minutes of rain on Wednesday...Hot and sunny...TOO sunny...fishing patchy...a few Bluefish and Grey Trout for me....Always better than being in Pittsburgh for me no matter what though....Back to the grey damp place tomorrow,,,,,....yuck....
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/06/20 08:50:16 (permalink)
    Ocracoke is pretty cool.... We enjoyed the ferry ride over an back from the Outer Banks.

    If ya enjoy the East Coast and have not Been to Long Beach Island (LBI) it's great for a weekend or extended vacation.

    Have a safe trip home.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/06/22 11:28:50 (permalink)
    Woke this morning to glaring light penetrating through the bedroom window.  
    What could this be........ so I dashed from the bed to see what I could see.  
    To my surprise, and a joy to my eyes, what I saw was....... bright and dry!
    I whipped open the door and stepped to my deck.
    It was like walking into an oven.........  what the heck?
    It's warm.... it's dry..... it's the sun, I exclaimed..... wiping tears from my eye. (allergies)
    Overjoyed so much, my mind became deranged, I began thinking...........
    Could this be results of...............
    Climate Change? 
    Sorry, with all the rain, I just have toooooo much time on my hands.
    Good weather to all and, to all tight lines!
    I gotta get!
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/06/22 11:31:15

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/06/22 11:44:58 (permalink)
    That was good for a chuckle! Thanks.  Don't look like rain today for me, but overnight and tomorrow again. I'm dealing with it the best I can - getting wet!
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/06/22 18:11:30 (permalink)
    Good golly the weather dude is saying I'm going to get whacked with heavy down pours in about 90 minutes.
    Guess I shouldn't complain, with the dry weather and sunshine today I was able to get my garden weeded, (if only the veggies would grow as fast as the weeds), the 'taters' covered over and, my grass mowed. (1hr. 45mins.)
    Weather dude says rain showers possible all day tomorrow so, it looks like I will be wishing I was not fishing...... in the rain!
    Think I just heard thunder........ I gotta get!
    Til next time........... good fishin'!

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/06/23 11:51:16 (permalink)
    Howdy Walcat................
    Sugar does melt...... don't-cha-know?
    I got it figured out, how to fish in all this rain I mean!  I bought some gear to keep me dry and safe while I'm fishin.
    No, no not a rain suit............ I bought a 'wetsuit', a 'full face mask' and, a 'snorkel' too'!  I figure the face mask will come in handy during heavy downpours and/or running at night when the bugs are heavy.  The snorkel works real well to prevent the mask from fogging and it... uhhh it..... umm it......  heck I forgot the other reason why the salesman said I needed it!  
    Anyway, we all know fishing in a thunderstorm is dangerous so I figured, farmers use em to protect their barns so, why not install a lighting rod on my boat?  Can't wait to see how that works out.........  how-'bout-it?
    Bet your wishing I was fishing, instead of being on the 'puter', hee hee!
    As always, good to hear from ya and, hope all is well.
    I gotta get.........  storms a comin'!!!!!!!!
    PS. You asked for it.............  have a good one and tightlines! (if it EVER STOPS raining)

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/06/23 12:55:14 (permalink)
    Just like every other year, it will likely be drought conditions starting in July, and last through Sept.  Mow the lawn every week for 2-3 months, then forget to raise the deck on the final cut before the drought starts and lawn is brown for a few months.
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/06/23 14:37:34 (permalink)
    I knew yinz wouldn't believe me without a picture so..................  LOOK!

    I gotta get................

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/06/23 14:59:03 (permalink)
    PorktownJust like every other year, it will likely be drought conditions starting in July, and last through Sept.  Mow the lawn every week for 2-3 months, then forget to raise the deck on the final cut before the drought starts and lawn is brown for a few months.

    Yeah.  Where's that at?  Let's totally do that.  Grass can suck it hard anyway.
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/06/23 15:59:37 (permalink)
      Basements & roads flooded today, Lake Arthur way...
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/06/25 18:48:51 (permalink)
    Is my weather app broke.................?
    Just checking the weather forecast for the next three days and I see the weather dude is predicting high temperatures to be in the mid to low sixties for the weekend with Sat. to be a washout and Sun. not far behind, in my neck of Penn's Woods.  If I might ask.....WTF is up with that?
    Been feeling under the weather (no pun intended)  last couple of days; did ya miss me?   Guess I should of washed that snorkel after the salesperson showed me how it is suppose to work!
    Anyway started feeling gooder ('least the better half says I was better, as she handed me a honey-do) so I was hoping to do a little fishing.  Not afraid of a little rain, just ain't liking those lower temperatures and coupled with wind makes for some uncomfortable fishing(I've heard) with cold wet junk.
    I know, I bought a wetsuit that should keep me dry and warm but, I took those back.  There ain't no dang zipper in them things sooooooo hows the junk gonna stay dry?
    I gotta get!
    Tight Lines and catch a bunch.
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/06/25 18:50:48

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/06/25 19:20:51 (permalink)
     Global warm'n = Pa. gets Wash'nton States climate ..
     Worms growin' finns/gills
     Fishin' Hooker this weekend.
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/06/26 01:27:04 (permalink)
     Global warm'n = Pa. gets Wash'nton States climate ..
     Worms growin' finns/gills
     Fishin' Hooker this weekend.

    Wouldn't want to ask where it came from, that would be "spot burning" but, do you mind sayin' what variety?
    Good luck this weekend.............. send pictures.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/07/07 07:08:45 (permalink)
    HI...........  just me, trying out a 'more user friendly' Avatar.  My old Avatar, I think, gave people the wrong impression about me. 
    Thunderstorms with heavy downpours in the forecast for today................
    Somebody...... PLEASE.......  MAKE IT GO AWAYYYYYYYY!!!
    Thank-you for your attention on this matter.
    I Be Gone............

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/07/08 07:30:34 (permalink)
    And...on and on it goes...I so detest this climate...every winter and summer gets worse....
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/07/08 08:10:34 (permalink)
    It has me seriously considering a move to Florida.  I'm not really a fan of 6 months of 90+ heat, but you can at least enjoy the mornings and evenings those days before hiding in the AC.  The other 6 months is between 70-80 degree highs, nothing much below 50 degrees.  Not to mention, fishing that puts even the World's Greatest Fisherie Ever, to shame.
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/07/08 09:18:55 (permalink)
    Porktown.............  You'd miss us..................... hee hee!
    Weather dude calling for some sun with the temps hitting 73 for today and 71 with rain for tomorrow.........
    I'm sooooo happy! 

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/07/08 16:04:01 (permalink)
    How long ago since 5/7 days of rain in the forecast?  Crazy.  But hey, at least that water is holding the cover on my boat while bits of stone creep around inside my kidney shredding it like hamburger.  This hasn't been my best summer by a long shot.  At this rate the only way I'll get to fish Erie is on so much oxycodone that I'd be illegal to drive the boat.  
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/07/08 20:14:44 (permalink)
    Usually this time of year only my jet could fish the yough ! Now a Erie guide could fish it .

    Mercury jet, & Tohotsu prop.  Lowes boat, ST. Croix poles Shimano reels .
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    Re: Rain, rain go away 2015/07/14 16:19:55 (permalink)
    WOW............  Heavy rain won't even explain the downpour that just hit my little piece of Penn's Woods coupled with pea to marble sized hail.  Mini lakes formed in both my front and back yard in a matter of a minute or two.  Water in the pool was a good 1 1/2" below the top of the skimmer and now I got plenty of extra water for backwashing the filter.  Dang , I bet the pool water water temp and chemicals just got shot all to heck.
    Still raining and the wind has subsided with the radar showing the storm traveling ESE.  
    AWWWWW sugar beets......  there goes the lake level at Shenango again. 
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/07/14 16:21:06

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
      Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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