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2015/05/25 11:40:20 (permalink)


If there's anyone out there that wants to make a few dollars and knows how to rewire a boat trailer I'll gladly pay you for your time and travel (Union City).  Mine's shorting out and even the turn signals on my truck are doing weird things.  I've done all I'm able: sanded down the hitches, new plug from the truck, moved my grounds.  I'm at a loss now and it would just be easier to put a new system on the trailer.  The one that's on there now is pretty old.  PM me here if you're able to do it or call my cell (814) 218-4296.  Thanks

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    Re: HELP 2015/05/25 18:44:27 (permalink)
    DON'T PANIC PIKE.................  trailer lights are a pain in the 'donkey' at times!
    From your comment about the lights, including your truck, doing weird things I'm thinking your problem is  caused by poor grounding.  If  the weird things only occur, say when you use a turn signal, then all the grounding points for that circuit need to be checked and cleaned.  That includes the ground contact in the lamp socket  as well as the ground wire (white) which is usually attached to the trailer frame via a stud.  These two points  will need disassembled for proper cleaning.  However, if all the lights seem to glow and even flash when using a turn signal or even your brakes than, the problem exists with a bad ground connection between the truck and trailer.  Cleaning the trailer ball is not necessarily a good idea as it should be lubricated for towing.  There should be a white wire leading from your truck to the trailer.  How this white wire is tied into the trucks grounding system will vary.  Tracing the white wire from the trailer connector back to the trucks wiring harness will reveal that location and type of connection.  Likewise tracing the white wire from the connector to the point of connection at the trailer will reveal the same.
    All of these contact points need to be disassembled and cleaned be they a stud, screw or, the good ole power tap clamps.  Good idea to coat all these points with a di-electric grease before reassembling.  (available at automotive or electrical stores)  Find a connection point coated with a white or green powdery substance and you most like have found your trouble spot, clean it well.
    However, should you elect to rewire your trailer, check out some of the "DIY" available on 'YouTube".  I've included one for your review.
    Hope this helps, good luck and, tight lines. 

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    Re: HELP 2015/05/25 18:53:22 (permalink)
    Silly me I almost forgot; if "the weird things" happen to be very fast flashing of turn signals when the trailer is connected, you merely need a new or heavy duty flasher.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: HELP 2015/05/26 21:29:38 (permalink)
    I have found that mice like to gnaw on wire insulation and this can cause the hot wires especially to short out thus causing the lights to flicker. I started running the wires down the frame inside a piece of plastic conduit, I put RTV sealeant at the ends to keep moisture out. Make all connections with twisted wires and solder and/or shrink tube.  I then wrap any "pigtails" with flex line and electrical tape right up to the point of attachment to the lights, frame whatever. May be overkill but I haven't had a rewire job on any I have done like this. I think the critters don't like the vinyl tape. Liquid electrical tape helps also. As far as bulbs are concerned the dielectric grease is a lifesaver also. Everything is available at auto parts except the conduit. Big Box store should have everything also. Some times you may have to clean op the pins and poles on the connector plug. Nylon coffee pot brush works fine. Using LED bulbs in regular lights may require addition load resistor to work properly. Found out about that on the motorcycle...

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    Re: HELP 2015/05/27 05:40:20 (permalink)
    I had to take the boat somewhere yesterday so I had my neighbor follow me seeing I didn't have any lights.  He told me that after we were on a rough patch of road, the lights came on and were working like they should be, running lights, brake lights, and turn signals.  He said they stayed this way for a few miles then shut down again.  This almost sounds like a connection from my truck to the trailer.  
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    Re: HELP 2015/05/27 12:13:30 (permalink)
    if you have an aftermarket hitch like a u-haul , I've seen the box that taps into your tail light wiring go bad as well. They get all corroded and short out causing all sorts of lighting issues. Might wanna check that.
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    Re: HELP 2015/05/31 00:23:00 (permalink)
    turned out to be a bad connection from the truck.  thanks for everyone's input.
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    Re: HELP 2015/06/02 15:50:43 (permalink)
    Anybody having trouble using the boards with a computer? I get no response when I click on the icons to read forums, post, pm, ect. Having no problem with my phone. I also have to use the 'full version' screen if I want to post a reply and I cannot send pm(s) Hellllllllllllllp... pretty please!

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: HELP 2015/06/02 21:57:47 (permalink)
    Emergency over........  all seems well.  Have noooooooo idea what the problem was.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: HELP 2015/06/03 07:50:38 (permalink)
    When I start having problems like that I run my registry mechanic.  Cleaning the registry repairs issues and I'm good to go.
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    Re: HELP 2015/06/03 08:48:39 (permalink)
    Thanks Pike.

    It was crazy, I could click specific topics on a forum page but, couldn't do a thing from the home page. Could not respond to pm(s), post, pictures. etc.

    I was scared.............. wellllll ok.......
    pizzed. All seems good now.

    Thanks again.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: HELP 2015/06/03 17:05:17 (permalink)
    don't know what area code anyone lives in, but Verizon in 814 had a huge internet outage for a few hours today.
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