Arthur memorial weekend

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2015/05/24 22:42:39 (permalink)

Arthur memorial weekend

We were at Arthur yesterday.  Wasn't quite the zoo we thought it might be.  Pretty normal kayak numbers, which is to say they were thick like flies.  Also sailboaters all over the place, back in the fingers where you never see them.  I don't have much nice to say about sailboaters... I still blame them for ruining the epic weedbeds we used to have.  And for generally being douchy.  Then again I'm a fat redneck on a floating living room, so who am I to judge.  
Anyone recall the weedbeds we used to have?  Not that "this entire finger is choked with weeds" stuff you can still find, but BIG healthy well defined weedbeds in 3-6 FOW that you could fish inside or outside of and catch all sorts of fish.  SIGH.
Anyway, not sure what today was like with it being warmer, nicer, Sunday, AND free to fish day.  Might have been truly crazy.  Fishing was... meh.  Lake is 5 degrees colder than two weeks ago, which is kindof crazy.  And the fish acted like it.  I'm going to say the crappies went back to pre-spawn, which pretty much makes them uncatchable for me.  And no catfish at all.  That's the first time we've been skunked on catfish in years.  Caught a few perch, but I can catch perch on Arthur in a hurricane so that's not really a big deal.  No numbers and no jumbos though.  
Still a beautiful day on the water, like always.  Might get out tomorrow, might not.  If you do, have a great day.  Unless you are a sailboater, in which case I hope you crash into an ice berg.  

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    Re: Arthur memorial weekend 2015/05/25 08:16:31 (permalink)
    "Now that s@*t, right there, is funny.............. I don't care who ya are!" ~ Larry The Cable Guy
    All kidding aside Zelie you are not alone in your thinking about the weeds and, the sail boaters!  Seems like all the lakes in PA. have gone barren of weeds for many many years.  I understand shallow lakes are susceptible to over growth by 'weeds' and may require some control in order to keep 'navigation channels' , 'swimming areas' and, 'docking areas' open.  
    However; killing of all the weeds just ain't right (nor needed) except in the minds of shore anglers,  swimmers, herbicide mfrs. and, sailboaters!  
    Least not forget the biologist working for the PFBC that think PA. should have 'fish specific lakes' which would, require the removal of undesirable aquatic vegetation that they (biologist) think will, not aide in the growth of "bucket mouth sized Bass"!
    Killing the weeds kills a vital oxygen supply, kills habitat, kills the food chain, coupled with fishing pressure, reduces the fish in a lake.  'Restart' stocking the lake (only this time) with a specific fish, the forage of that fish, and the 'aquatic plant(s)' preferred by said specific fish.  Bingo......  "bucket mouth sized Bass" in two years! (after the restocking, of course)
    Think this is a farce and wouldn't work.............  don't tell me............ tell the PFBC!
    Okay, still not convinced, how about this one?  Some PA. politician has stock in, or has a Uncle who owns, a business that produces/sells aquatic plant herbicides!
    Ladies and Gentlemen never forget the sacrifices made by those; that gave you freedom to,  enjoy your time on the water.

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    Re: Arthur memorial weekend 2015/05/25 13:59:18 (permalink)
    going up thrus or fri  will try the bear run area in a few places.  might travel over to that middle bay are also
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    Re: Arthur memorial weekend 2015/05/25 16:11:26 (permalink)
    Ruining of the lakes in PA - if not the frackers, probably due to all the coal burning power plants in the midwest and the years of fallout drifting our way.
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    Re: Arthur memorial weekend 2015/05/25 21:04:01 (permalink)
    Try heading to muddy creek in about a month or two. There is enough vegetation in that section alone to keep Arthur full of oxygen. I do agree though, per fishing. Many productive weed beds in years past, often are not there the next year.
    I have no doubts that politics very likely is a culprit. Those in politics (above local level and can include them as well) not to make money are liars, those in it to make money are obviously liars as well.
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    Re: Arthur memorial weekend 2015/05/26 02:41:21 (permalink)
    I found 'em!

    Faith is only as good as its object
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    Re: Arthur memorial weekend 2015/05/26 12:20:47 (permalink)
    That's a nice fish there!  Like pork said, there are still plenty of weeds if you go to the right places.  Still they aren't the same as "back in the old days" and they are all back in shallow fingers as opposed to adjacent to deeper water.  The musky guys were having fits about this a few years ago, but I think they just gave up.  Still musky in the lake, just like there are still crappie/etc.  They just moved and/or adapted to changing cover.  I'd still rather have the big weedbeds instead of sailboaters.
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    Re: Arthur memorial weekend 2015/05/26 18:50:53 (permalink)
    Don't get me wrong, sail boaters can go pound some salt.  About 7 years ago, I had my fishing boat stored in the Watts Bay Marina for a season (the sail boat marina).  Numerous occasions I had Geeves and Stewart Howell III stop me, and remind me that I wasn't supposed to be there, being some sort of exclusive private launch.  We had one instance a guy was irate with my calm explanation of being where the park put us.  I thought my Ivy League educated father in law was going to drown the old fool.  On the lake, I haven't had too much of an issue.  There are definitely a few that take all advantages of the navigation right of way for non-powered boats, doing their best to change directions into my path, seemingly on purpose.  I love the sail boaters with motors that still think they somehow have the right of way.  That said, there are twice as many knuckle dragging motor boaters out there, cutting between me and shore, while I am clearly fishing towards shore, or pulling within spitting distance and dropping anchor or pulling right in front of me while wading.  The idea of fishing an area from a boat, even if first come first serve, that is a known popular shore fishing spot kind of burns me up.  Now, if it is some sort of crazy structure (hot water discharge) or something like that, then sure.  But in Arthur, if it is a known shore hot spot, I usually don't even mess with it by boat.  If I happen to be fishing one, and someone strolls up from shore, I move on for them and fish something they can't.  None are worse than some of the tools that rent the rental boats.  Not sure if some of them even know how to turn the wheel on a boat.  They clearly see you trolling, but must maintain their straight line trajectory, even if it means going through your trolling lines.  In the Summer, I try to be off of the lake by 11AM, or not on it until 6-7PM.  It is what it is.  Tool boxes seem to mostly be out during the nice hours, I am fine going the inconvenient hours to avoid them.
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    Re: Arthur memorial weekend 2015/05/26 19:14:39 (permalink)
    Pork you nailed it. they need to make the people renting boats read the rules of boating first. Multiple times i've had idiots come cruising next to me or heading right at me not paying any attention.

    And then there are the night time boaters.. lol but I wont get into that!
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    Re: Arthur memorial weekend 2015/05/26 21:55:33 (permalink)
    This turned into a great anger-fest, and I'm all about that.  :)  The new scourge on the lake is clearly kayakers.  They seem to think that since they only draft inches of water, they are entitled to ALL shoreline, and F you and your anchored boat.  Kind of like a golfer "playing through" while you putt.  By the way I hate golf and everything it stands for, but the metaphor fit too nicely.  Anyway, the ones that are fishing are bad, but the ones that are doing... I don't even know what paddling around like jackhats are REALLY bad.  
    Just another part of the ME culture I guess.  Last trip I cut behind a guy, and then couldn't tell if he was maybe trolling (it was twilight).  I stopped dead in the water just in case he was.  Yeah, that put me out for a few seconds, but common courtesy should be COMMON.  Even if he wasn't trolling, it was worth it for me to stop so I wouldn't be that guy.  
    While I don't get the whole SUP thing, they never seem to leave the main channels of the lake.  They just paddle on by for no reason, then paddle back the other way later.  They don't seem to shout at each other like they are at a Metallica concert (seriously, women kayakers, looking at you) and they aren't in the way at the launches.  Kayakers at the launches are like 4th grade recess.  Just stop right in the middle of everything and dump out their crap.  Come on people.
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    Re: Arthur memorial weekend 2015/05/28 05:00:34 (permalink)
    Well you might as well get used to all the yaks,canoes, ignorants, crowding It will only get worse. Just like it has for the past 15-20 years !! People come here and all the other fishing site and hand feed any schmuck and his brother on how to catch every kind of fish in the lake and where to do so. Yeah giving info seams to be a nice thing to do, But will just make it like it is today. I have made the mistake myself and paided for it.
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    Re: Arthur memorial weekend 2015/05/30 00:43:40 (permalink)
    'By the way I hate golf and everything it stands for'
    ZelieSam, WOW! Please expound on this comment.
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    Re: Arthur memorial weekend 2015/05/30 13:41:46 (permalink)
    i was there yesterday.  had to rent a "tiller".  no lcr unit no trolling motor.  not like  my boat(dry dock).  the anchor was a bucket of cement.  i had my own "Fluke" but no way to tie it on.  then the wind was tough main lake.  not permitted to go past either 422 or 528 bridge.  You know the house on bear run?  not permitted past there either.  not that many sailboats or boats on the water.  several kayakers.  no bother.  and the kicker 60.00 for 2  1/2 hrs thats all i could take.  i was just not comfortable using this boat.  mayb i'll try again in  a couple of weeks.
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    Re: Arthur memorial weekend 2015/06/03 00:33:55 (permalink)
    Once again ZelieSam, please explain:
    'By the way I hate golf and everything it stands for'
    ZelieSam, WOW! Please expound on this comment.
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    Re: Arthur memorial weekend 2015/06/03 09:50:26 (permalink)
    Sujie'By the way I hate golf and everything it stands for'

    No great story there I'm afraid.  I just hate golf.  Top three most boring "sport" there is along with major league baseball and Nascar.  But those two you could easily fix; composite bats for the pros so they could hit the ball a mile and/or kill other players, and c4 rigged up to all Nascar bumpers.  Rubbing WOULD be racing then.  But golf can't be fixed, it would still be brain meltingly boring no matter what you did.  Maybe polar bears staked to each green?  Cobras sprinkled around the rough?  Quicksand instead of traps?  Would still barely be watchable.
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    Re: Arthur memorial weekend 2015/06/03 13:12:08 (permalink)
    Can't argue on the top three most boring "sports".  Besides calling golf and Nascar sports.  I was flipping through the channels the other day and hit some sort of racing.  It was actually funny, how hard they were trying to convince the audience, that the drivers are athletes.  Kind of reminded me of studio wrestling or dog shows.  I'm sure a few of the guys are athletes.  Adrenaline junkies for sure.  Isn't it fine just being called a great race car driver?  Just to answer the obvious response that will come along within a day...  I can't fly a commercial jet, does that make them athletes?  
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    Re: Arthur memorial weekend 2015/06/03 18:34:07 (permalink)
    People come here and all the other fishing site and hand feed any schmuck and his brother on how to catch every kind of fish in the lake and where to do so.

    There is the whole problem in a nutshell but you cant unring that bell. Just like LM F posting all those pics of dead Hybrids laying all over the ice this past season. Guys cant help themselves. Happened on every body of water you can name. I just kinda gave up and decided to GOLF a whole lot more.

    Jus say'IN...
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    Re: Arthur memorial weekend 2015/06/04 05:48:54 (permalink)
    "But golf can't be fixed, it would still be brain meltingly boring no matter what you did.  Maybe polar bears staked to each green?  Cobras sprinkled around the rough?  Quicksand instead of traps?  Would still barely be watchable."
    Fair enough.
    I started playing the game when I was 30 yrs. old and was hooked the second time I played. Sixty-five now and still playing. It's like fishing - a game for life. BTW watching some pro yank in bass after bass on some fishing show ain't my idea of entertainment.
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    Re: Arthur memorial weekend 2015/06/04 15:26:17 (permalink)
    TV bass fishing is dumb.
    This on the other hand is better than the Masters or any golf.

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