Write to The Commission

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2015/05/21 09:47:58 (permalink)

Write to The Commission

First off, Is there a public fish cleaning station anywhere near Presque Isle or Erie?
I wrote this to this email:  If you agree, please do the same!    nwedureach@pa.gov
"To Whom It May Concern:
My name is Paul Fec, avid angler of the state since I was 5 or so and been purchasing a PA resident license since the age of 16.  I have been involved with our states fishing resources for many years both through it's use as well as efforts to maintain it.  Stockings of trout and muskies and well as the promotion to our youth and promotion of "Catch & Releaase".
Recently, I took a trip up to Lake Erie for small mouth bass  and night time walleyes.  We did very well and my partner and I caught a limit of night walleye out of Walnut Creek.  However, upon our return, I realized that there was no place to clean our catch.  I am disappointed that at a mecca of walleye fishing like Lake Erie and such little shoreline PA has, that there cannot at least be one fish cleaning station for the public's use.  Why is this so?  Especially after the very nice renovations done to the launch area at Walnut in recent years?  Certainly the extra fees we pay to fish lake Erie and it's tributaries could pay for such a thing.  Today, I run a lure making company, tournament fish and fish all over the US and Canada.  Our neighboring state, Ohio has fish cleaning stations at most of their launches and they have much more Lake Erie shoreline that we do here in Pennsylvania.  I am embarrassed to say at that time that night, I had to clean my walleyes in the parking lot at our motel and I'm not real happy about that.  I have been a life long tax paying PA citizen and positive contributor to PA sport fishing and I'm appalled that Walnut, a major port or the main launch in Presque Isle would not have a fish cleaning station.  
Now, what can we do to make this happen?   I am not the only angler who has concerns about this....I am connected to MANY anglers in this state and I am sure they are also willing to help in some way to get something done.  And funds should not be an excuse....I'm a businessman and I know ways that this could easily happen and if you need some ideas, I'd be glad to help!  
Lets make it happen!"

Seriously folks....Lets put some pressure on them!  Not everyone steelhead fishes primarily...this would be a good way to have the Erie stamp money represent those who fish the lake ONLY and show that their additional fee is going to something for THEM as well!
Comments are certainly welcome here, but more importantly write to them to get this done...Its a terrible shame that we don't have a place to clean our fish at the public dock.

          "Nothing Nails Fish Like a Hammer!!"

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    Re: Write to The Commission 2015/05/21 19:42:04 (permalink)
    Erie stamp funds cannot be used until the vergage of the law is changed.
    You need to write Senator Wiley.
    The Erie, PA Charter Boat Association was working on this 2 years ago...not sure about now. Maybe write them as well.

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    Re: Write to The Commission 2015/05/22 05:09:12 (permalink)
    what is vergage?
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    Re: Write to The Commission 2015/05/22 07:04:00 (permalink)
    Techno term. You need to be rolling, to understand the vergage.
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    Re: Write to The Commission 2015/05/22 08:42:53 (permalink)
    Thanks Ken, I'm sure there are other sources to fund such a thing.....either way, it only makes sense.  I also looked into some local political influences to help promote this...waiting to hear back from them.
    post edited by CroatianSensation - 2015/05/22 08:47:56

              "Nothing Nails Fish Like a Hammer!!"
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    Re: Write to The Commission 2015/05/22 10:20:19 (permalink)
    A fortune?  You can build a fantastic cleaning station for a couple hundred bucks.  Then you hang a hose on the back of the table.  Done.
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    Re: Write to The Commission 2015/05/22 13:45:21 (permalink)
    This was pushed years ago, went no where!! Officials said would cost a fortune to  build at Walnut.

    Thats a lie!  Not what you're sayin', what they're sayin'!
    And lets not make excuses for not pushing this issue further...Lets not lay down to them, but instead take action!  It is a SHAME bottom line!  The only excuse that could be even close to viable is the fact that they DO NOT want to maintain the facility and that is it.  Any half educated person can figure out that costs would be minimal and in turn the facility would be beneficial.  One, it would attract more fishermen, It would eliminate the rotten smelling dumpsters in the lot, convenience to patrons and the fish waste is great fertilizer for the local farmers who would love to dispose of the stuff for nothing.  
    I'm sure local businesses would love to billboard advertise on the facility or donate to have it done; even though I doubt donations are at all needed.  They act like they're hurtin' for money all of the time....BS!
    post edited by CroatianSensation - 2015/05/22 13:53:53

              "Nothing Nails Fish Like a Hammer!!"
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    Re: Write to The Commission 2015/05/22 13:45:25 (permalink)
    A fortune?  You can build a fantastic cleaning station for a couple hundred bucks.  Then you hang a hose on the back of the table.  Done.

    It's probably a lot more expensive to pay for the regular disposal of fish carcasses from the station, than to actually build one. 
    It still seems like a better idea than half the stuff they spend our money on though.  It would take away from all the fines they hand out in Steelhead season for anglers trying to clean a fish along the stream banks though, I bet the PFBC likes that easy revenue right on their doorsteps.
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    Re: Write to The Commission 2015/05/22 15:30:41 (permalink)
    there was a time I would go and get those carcasses and throw them in my compost bin.  but you're right, there is no reason not to have cleaning stations throughout the area.
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    Re: Write to The Commission 2015/05/26 13:46:53 (permalink)
    In Lewiston in NY, they have one there and the grind up the salmon carcasses and sell them to pet food compines I beleive. Good way for the state to make more money if thats allowed.
    The only problem I see with a fish cleaning station is what about the guys that come in with coolers filled with hundreds of perch ? You might be waiting a while if your behind them.... You could be home cleaning them yourself by the time you get to the table....
    Plus people are slobs and would leave a mess and they would end up taking it out because the slobs could not clean up after themselves.
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    Re: Write to The Commission 2015/05/27 21:30:12 (permalink)
    I'm not a PAFBC hater, but there is no way that a maintained public use fish cleaning station at walnut would cost 1/10th the amount of any of the hundreds or maybe thousands of fancy new trucks that PAFBC employees ride around in. I sat by silently and watched them drain hereford manor lakes, until they day of it's death, in the summer there were two trucks that showed up from god knows where,hauling tractors to cut the dam grass. It's a lake, let the **** weeds grow!!!  Sell all the weedwackers and let those employees maintain fish cleaning stations and other facilities that benefit anglers, instead of the dog walkers!!!
    post edited by Stillhead - 2015/05/28 05:23:23
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    Re: Write to The Commission 2015/05/29 10:55:19 (permalink)
    Exactly right Jim!
    Yes, some people are slobs, but maintaining and keeping the station up is just part of the job and they probably just would rather not deal with it, collect our funds and shrug off our inconvenience.  That is BS!!!  We pay taxes, additional licensing fees ONLY in PA and furthermore we have the LEAST of Lake Erie shoreline.....a couple fish cleaning stations on the worlds best walleye and perch fishery wouldn't be such a bad idea would it?  Almost makes too much sense for Pennsylvania right?  
    I have made the contacts that I needed to make and I am waiting to hear back...I will not let this lie until something is done...If nothing is done...I WILL not pay for another lake Erie stamp, but continue to fish it and if I get caught, I get caught.....F-that stamp money!!  The steelhead fishing has only gone downhill since they instated that money maker years ago....a whole other story of bamboozling our PA anglers!
    Rant over 
    post edited by CroatianSensation - 2015/05/29 10:57:42

              "Nothing Nails Fish Like a Hammer!!"
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    Re: Write to The Commission 2015/05/29 11:42:56 (permalink)
    I have made the contacts that I needed to make and I am waiting to hear back...I will not let this lie until something is done...If nothing is done...I WILL not pay for another lake Erie stamp, but continue to fish it and if I get caught, I get caught.....F-that stamp money!!

    I'm sure they will get right on it since you've told them how to operate. 
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    Re: Write to The Commission 2015/05/29 13:25:48 (permalink)
    CroatianSensationI have made the contacts that I needed to make and I am waiting to hear back...I will not let this lie until something is done...If nothing is done...I WILL not pay for another lake Erie stamp, but continue to fish it and if I get caught, I get caught.....F-that stamp money!!

    Someone doesn't understand how taxes work.  You don't get to pick how they spend your tax money.  OR your fine money, which btw is also tax money.  
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    Re: Write to The Commission 2015/05/29 19:38:16 (permalink)
    I think the idea is a good one on paper but realistically I don't think it would be a good investment for several reasons.

    There is a lot of things to consider and work out before I would get behind the movement

    Good luck with the venture
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    Re: Write to The Commission 2015/06/01 19:49:14 (permalink)
    Pa fish commission is not funded like New York or Ohio from general fund tax dollars...only fishing license sales...the argument should be concentrated there...and has been to no avail..that's why they devote so much time and money on pellet heads throughout the state and not fish cleaning stations at walnut. I'm with you, I think Lewiston NY station is cool, but this is the fact.

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    Re: Write to The Commission 2015/06/02 13:09:47 (permalink)
    Ask Donnie Beaver and his friends since they control so much of the  prime fishing spots in Pa. maybe they will build one!
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    Re: Write to The Commission 2015/06/02 15:11:41 (permalink)
    Ask Donnie Beaver and his friends since they control so much of the  prime fishing spots in Pa. maybe they will build one!

    They do?  How many "prime fishing spots" do they "control"?
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    Re: Write to The Commission 2015/06/02 16:43:24 (permalink)
    3. 1. PA. 2. N.Y. 3. OH. HAHAHAHAHA
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