Cross Creek

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2015/05/20 08:21:14 (permalink)

Cross Creek

Been going to Cross Creek two or three times a week since ice-out shore fishing for crappie. So far I brought 5 keepers home (10"+). 
Yesterday, dead bluegills and a few crappie lined the shore. I remember a few years back when the shore used to be lined with fishermen and everyone had crappies in the bucket.

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    Walleye jigs
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/05/20 11:56:31 (permalink)
    Just hasn't been the same for the last several yes. Since the weed bed on the low end hasn't been developing like it was, before the year of the 4 big pumps, the whole lake has been off. Lot of the people I use to fish with just don't bother with going over there.
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/05/21 07:45:35 (permalink)
    And they say the frackers don't do the enviroment any harm!  I say they are full of s..t!
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/05/22 12:52:16 (permalink)
    I have to agree.No one will know the truth tills its too late!
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/05/23 05:21:23 (permalink)
    The politicians knew the truth from the beginning.
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/05/23 06:32:26 (permalink)
    They sold that lake to the locals on a pack of lies, half the things that were suppose to be there never did happen and over half the trails were only there till the weeds grew back.They lied then why change now? Its a shame cause that park could have really been an assess to the area. You very seldom hear anything about Cross Creek on TV or radio like Mingo or Ten Mile.
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/05/23 10:02:10 (permalink)
    They shouls just make it a trout lake seems like that's all pa cares about anyway most of our warm ewater specie lakes are nothing like they used to be Pymatuning, author Wilhelm shenango all have declined.Marinas are lousy and run down boat ramps the same. I guess we should be thankful for what we do have.But there is no doubt its not what it used to be!!!!
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/05/25 16:12:58 (permalink)
    One more thing ... how many bass tournaments have there been a CC? Years ago, there used to be at least one a month.
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/05/25 19:56:20 (permalink)
    Fished Cross Creek 3 weekends in early April caught good numbers of crappie and gills .Don't keep fish so I didn't measure any but I'm sure I had 10 to 20 legal size total .2 boats nearby were measuring and keeping fish, I was too busy catching fish to notice how many they kept .
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/05/27 09:38:42 (permalink)
    Just received a phone call front page of the local paper dead fish floating every where at cross creek had nothing to do with gas wells I guess Surprised they didn't cover up like last 2 accidents they had over there!
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/05/28 01:16:28 (permalink)
    I won't be there anytime soon, hope that bait shop they advertised on here two months ago stays afloat. 
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/05/28 09:22:34 (permalink)
    Sorry folks the PFBC said all those dead fish I saw are a result of natural causes and fishermen miss handing their catch! I've going to the lake since day one and have never seen that heavy of a die off or lack of weeds. As for the bait shop I'd keep my fingers crossed mikes been struggling for the last few years, some reasons his fault some not. We'll see. Just glad Range's not covering up a small spill like the last one.
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/05/28 17:31:23 (permalink)
    Um, no.  If you killed every fish you touched for a week you wouldn't see a die out.  Mishandled fish get eaten, usually long before they wash up on shore.  Unless the fishermen mishandled all the birds and other fish and killed them off too.  
    The commission is smoking something they found out behind the lake.
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/05/28 21:15:32 (permalink)
    that lake has been hammered hard for a number of years when catch rates were good...size and numbers...they need to drop the panfish enhancement stuff for a while to let 50 fish keepers have at em...still a fertile lake but way too many stunted fish...too many to compete with the food base..I watched that lake get of the first to fish's been fished hard by a lot of guys and still is...a LOT of big fish got yanked and me too...frackin' aint the problem....sure was an awful quick water warm up this year...the canary in the mine? I doubt it...I've seen huge die offs of shad and other species in Raystown, Erie, Ontario, Pymy, happens and the news reports it and right away the conclusion is contamination...its nature

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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/05/28 21:19:03 (permalink)
    Um, no.  If you killed every fish you touched for a week you wouldn't see a die out.  Mishandled fish get eaten, usually long before they wash up on shore.  Unless the fishermen mishandled all the birds and other fish and killed them off too.  
    The commission is smoking something they found out behind the lake.

    I think they should share what they're smoking behind the lake...bogarts

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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/05/28 23:18:35 (permalink)
    MeatballI think they should share what they're smoking behind the lake...bogarts

    Puff, puff, ARREST!  This the guvment we're talking about.
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/05/29 09:43:03 (permalink)
    Meatball, I'm happy to see your comment about the 'die offs' at other lakes as well.  I remember the the same thing happening at Wilhelm,  a few moons ago, and it happened for a couple of years in a row.  Then it hit Pymie and eventually other lakes too, so it must be Cross Creeks turn this year.  Funny, how many old timers (me included) never saw such 'die offs' in the past and how the 'die offs' seem to have diminished at lakes such as Wilhelm and Pymie.  Oh, we still see floaters here and there but, nothing like the years since the 'die offs'.
    I can remember the 'smoke blowing' reason attributed to sudden increase in water temperatures coupled with the stress of "spawning" as being the reason.   Then came the malarky about sudden water temperature warm ups causing fish stress allowing "parasites" to kill weakened fish.  Now, it's natural causes and mishandling by anglers?
    One thing to note (seems to be common) with each of the locations where the sudden and sometimes large 'die offs' occur is, mention of, the continued disappearance of 'once abundant' aquatic plant life.
    I don't know but, I'm thinking the PFBC now has empty totes of 'Uncle Charlie's Aquatic Herbicide' and the empty containers are awaiting pick-up\return to 'Uncle Charlies' from the Cross Creek area.
    Lastly.................  A BIG 10-4 on dropping (all) the enhancement programs.  Including paved bicycle trails (with bridges) around the lakes!  
    I gotta go..  heard they are hitting at........

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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/05/31 07:34:36 (permalink)
    z sam, ice, mook, btdt, et al, mebbe i,ve been smokin that weed the commish has been( i have, now where,s them fritos?) but, how can you have little or no fish , like in the"olden days", then have a massive die off of fish? those fish must have been there all along. lakes change over time. weed beds change, both density and location. a rock or clay bottom gets changed to mud with natural rain, storm, high water events. fish change too. location , that is. maybe they ain,t where we caught ,em back when we were kids fishin with gramps. maybe your "hot spot" ain,t so hot now. (think that 11th grade "hottie" from h.s.,) finally, years ago, most kept  almost all they caught, no cpr of fish. no fish to have a die off? idk. anyway , thats my thoughts on this subject. wire.
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/05/31 18:44:14 (permalink)
    Dang wire, did ya have to mention the good ole days and high school in same thread?  I got out my senior (yes I made it that far) yearbook, looked at the pictures, then looked at myself today, ()............  well never mind about that.
    Can't argue with your concept of why and how a lake  and it's contents change over time.  But, given that aquatic plants require sunlight to thrive and sunlight easily penetrates water depths of 10' (depending on water clarity) most of the man made lakes we have become a terrarium.  These 'weeds' become a big problem involving private/public boat docks/marinas, boating, swimming and, shore fishing.  In addition to the 'shallow' water, many of these lakes are surrounded by moderate to heavy agriculture/farms thereby, supplying the lakes with ample weed growing nutrients.  
    Weed control, for whatever reason, is an issue that can only be controlled ( successfully) with herbicides.  These herbicides, if used correctly and at the right time are suppose to be safe to the fish, insects, etc.
    I can't help but think the sudden and/or continued disappearance of weeds in, sections or, an entire lake is due to use of herbicides.  Herbicides that may, at times be used incorrectly (accidentally or on purpose), weaken and/or kill fish.
    Please excuse me, I must apply nutrients to some of my plants...........
    As always.........  be safe and tight lines.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/05/31 19:27:35 (permalink)
    The only real answer is clear.  MANATEES!  Stock the lakes with manatees, problem solved.  Plus, they are rumored to be very tasty if you happen to catch one with your boat.
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/05/31 20:47:35 (permalink)
    They won't eat the groupers...........  will they?

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/06/01 09:11:44 (permalink)
    Drove over to the lake yesterday and stopped at the bait shop to see what was going on over there. They went on the defense and even wanted to argue about the die off causes. Am told the weed lost is due to no more crop planting by local farmers within the park. Was also told we have 2new launches over there, 1 on the Rt 844 side, where the residents did not want a launch in the beginning and a kayak launch at the low end of the lake at the cost of 5 mil dollars. I did not drive around the lake to see for myself so take this post for what its worth. Talk to a guy at the lake and told me the war between the Pfbc and the county is still going on over control  of the lake. Maybe well get another pellet head lake, this argument is suppose to be why no fish wardens on site making easy for buckets of fish to leave the park and we all know the sheriff deputy is seldom there for what ever reason.
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/06/01 19:13:19 (permalink)
    Buckets of stupid fish need to leave that lake...the smart ones left will get bigger...and if you think there's no numbers of fish there like there used to be...well, try golfing cause fishin ain't your thing.
    They should stock some trout ...Just think, they have the depth to survive and get big (well, we need a big air pump),,, the bass will love em and get bigger,, and morons will line the shores opening day via the trails around the lake mishandling all the subsequent catches of  panfish roughly creating a nice big die off of all the stupid little panfish (LMAO)

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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/06/07 07:28:44 (permalink)
    Been fishing Cross Creek the last few weeks. Been catching plenty of crappie and some walleye. Looks like plenty of weeds there to me....all the floating weeds are starting to make it hard to troll.
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/06/08 08:18:21 (permalink)
    In my original post I was comparing pre-drilling Shore fishing to present day shore fishing. Hasn't been the same.
    I guess I need a boat.
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/06/08 11:28:38 (permalink)
    I'm not sure about your science, but YEAH you need a boat.  Used boats are balls cheap and really fun to fish from.  Craigslist is calling you.
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/06/08 21:08:33 (permalink)
    Why does this lake not have hybrids or any type of musky stocked? County needs to give control. SWPA needs a premier big predator lake.
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    Re: Cross Creek 2015/06/21 13:39:27 (permalink)
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