Guess who got a free boat safety inspection by a friendly Ohio waterways patrolman at 10:30 pm this past Sunday evening?

Guess who was playing with his new Gobee Bow light while heading back to Jamestown at 10:30 pm this past Sunday night?

Guess who didn't get his free safety boater decal at 11:15 pm this past Sunday night?
Seems my registration numbers don't meet the requirements

(or his likings). Strange though, the numbers have been on the boat since May of 2003 but suddenly, there not right. Maybe they have to be big enough to be seen at night, I dunno.
Also, I had no distress flag on board. (17.5 ft. runabout on Pymie)
Satisfied the requirements for PFDs but, wasn't asked to produce a (required) throwable device.
Fire extinguisher passed as far as the pressure gauge reading but, never checked for being outdated.
Not complaining...... not one bit, the Officer was quite courteous and could have issued citations but, didn't. Seems I read somewhere recently, these guys can be the "

Judge, Jury and Hangman

" if they choose!
Caught a few bass, some dinky perch, gills and crappie.
Looking forward to my next trip to Pymatuning..... on the PA. side.
PS. Brand new(used once) GoBee 55 watt bow searchlight with navigation lights, remote control and storage bag................ for sale!