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lake arthur 2
viewing old maps before the lake was filled there appears to have been a pipe line that runs through the main part of the lake and then cuts over. Would they have dug up those lines or just capped them near the shore line? and any one ever hear of the rumor of the 3~bulldozers left in the lake? near the 528 bridge. hey it was a rumor! ldiat
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Re: lake arthur 2
2015/04/24 10:40:20
Seen spooks more than once come out ov water fishin' very, very, very late night early morning with no one else 'round near 528 bridge. "Time to go" after can't figure what just happened crappy
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Re: lake arthur 2
2015/04/24 17:46:21
Hey crappy I did too...just thought it was that really good weed I had lmao
"I feel sorry for the people who don't drink. When they wake up, that is the best they are going to feel all day" -- Frank Sinatra
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Re: lake arthur 2
2015/04/24 18:28:06
LOL you sure its not the ghosts from when they had to move the graves of the church to the upper hill there??? could be...or was it the rumor of the 2 kids who disappeared from the shannon pond **** years ago???
post edited by ldiat - 2015/04/24 18:29:10
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Re: lake arthur 2
2015/04/24 23:23:28
Meatball Hey crappy I did too...just thought it was that really good weed I had lmao
Must be some really good stuff  "Willie Nelson" brand........... by chance?
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: lake arthur 2
2015/04/25 04:33:39
Ya know one night a very long time ago, Spoonie and I were fishing in a storm and heard a train running down the main part of the lake. HUH I know most of the time I go fishing at night now I hear this Swishing sound and is kinda of scary and seams to all over the lake
post edited by BIGHEAD_1 - 2015/04/25 04:36:19
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Re: lake arthur 2
2015/04/25 12:25:31
BIGHEAD_1 Ya know one night a very long time ago, Spoonie and I were fishing in a storm and heard a train running down the main part of the lake. HUH I know most of the time I go fishing at night now I hear this Swishing sound and is kinda of scary and seams to all over the lake
you mean there are rail road tracks in that lake??? WOW!
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Re: lake arthur 2
2015/04/25 19:31:08
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Re: lake arthur 2
2015/04/25 21:34:33
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: lake arthur 2
2015/04/27 15:53:13
A couple yrs. back was talking to a park ranger 'bout all the ghost hunters in the area ('round Halloween) so the next day or so noticed signs up; park is closed from dusk 'till dawn. crappy
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Re: lake arthur 2
2015/04/28 09:11:04
You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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Re: lake arthur 2
2015/05/02 04:56:58
Hmmm I thought i got that name because of all the dead stripers floating after getting deep hooked by the SCHMUCKS that can't catch a fish without alewifes. a friend of my told me that the Swishing I keep hearing was cast nets go figur
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Re: lake arthur 2
2015/05/04 10:08:24
I'm one of the schmucks that kills them with lures...  I do about 60-70% of my fishing with either plugs or deep water lures for wipers. 20-30% with alewives. The rest are usually bi-catch on harnesses targeting walleye. Most of the bad hookups that I have had are on lures. They hit lures so violently, 1:10 ends up in a gill (either inside or outside), in an eyeball, 2 or possibly 3 trebles so deep that it takes 5 minutes to unhook the fish. I think that I have seen maybe 1-2 gut hooked fish, out of hundreds of fish that I have landed or been fishing with others landing. 99% of wipers that I catch with alewives are in the front portion of their mouths, rarely are even deep in mouth. If you are out fishing for these fish, you are part of the dead wiper floating issue. These things fight so hard, they wear themselves to death. I've had perfectly good hooksets, didn't overly fight a fish, and it ended up belly up after minutes of trying to revive it. Luckily I was fishing from shore, and able to grab it and not let it go to waste. I can't imagine that every other fish that I release, that seems ok, makes it either. I thought for years that catching and releasing them in the Summer was just fine. Those were always from my boat (mostly on artificials), would release, they would swim off just fine, and not notice any floaters. According to the biologist report that Crappy posted a while back, they seem fine for an hour or two, then go belly up. I wonder what the water temp is, when you are seeing most floaters. I don't see many floaters, but definitely have seen a few. I couldn't tell you what the water temp was at the time that I saw them.
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Re: lake arthur 2
2015/05/04 13:36:58
BIGHEAD_1SCHMUCKS that can't catch a fish without alewifes I love that you somehow figure it is more noble to tie on some fancy plastic and beat the water to foam than to catch live bait and use it instead. Fishing is fishing, get over yourself. Wipers are a put and take fishery. You don't need to return the "breeders" to the lake to make baby wipers, and taking one home for dinner isn't any worse than releasing one to possibly float away, or to live and be caught by the next guy. I can see if you catch some giant musky or 20lb+ catfish that's been in the lake forever treating it like it is something special. But those wipers were put into the lake to eat alewives and provide an interesting and edible fish to try for.
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Re: lake arthur 2
2015/05/05 05:24:02
PT, for quite a few years fish certain bays that prevailing wind is into to shore. So most of the fish I have caught and had gone belly up they would have more than likely been along the shore line. I never recall seeing any floating there !! the temp would been 58 and up. I always have my drag set pretty high, and so they don't get a chance to wear themselves out. PT all most all the floaters I see have either line sticking out of there face with hooks attached or their guts pulled into the throat ZS, Get over yourself Yeah right !! put and take is true, But I am looking out for the future. So we can grow some monsters to be caught for all. There is plenty of table fair to be caught, Just go catch walleyes,perch,crappies. Or maybe thats to tough for some. Heck I'll even tell ya where (((right outside the bear run launch and the bridge))) But you will need the right fancy plastic !!!!!!!!!!!! Good Luck
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Re: lake arthur 2
2015/05/05 09:35:23
I've caught thousands of stripers and hybrids on both live bait and lures. I use Gamakatsu Circle hooks (size 2-2/0 depending on bait size) and 95% of the fish are caught right in the lip. I've definitely killed more fish throwing plastic with treble hooks. I also remove the middle hook on any lure with 3 hooks.
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Re: lake arthur 2
2015/05/05 10:07:12
I'd venture a guess that a fair portion of the ones with lines hanging out of their mouths dead could be bye catch from pan fishermen that were way undergunned to land the fish quick enough and thought they swam away fine. Though they were actually mortally wounded. The first big one I caught came on a small minnow within 2' of where I had just caught a crappie about 1 minute prior. It ran me 3/4 of the way around the boat, under a tree branch, and around the anchor rope and I still managed to land it on 4lb braid. I kept it because I heard they would die under those circumstances. It was ok. Sorta chickeny in texture compared to most fish I've had. Another time while pan fishing we landed probably 8 small ones in the matter of a half hour on worms and small minnows. 2 ended up gut hooked. We moved the boat after that.
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Re: lake arthur 2
2015/05/09 19:04:12
Looking for some info - Water temps and activity in the evening -- PM me please.
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Re: lake arthur 2
2015/05/09 20:57:36
I can give you the temp... whole lake is 70 now. At 9am. Couple degree swing for shallow/deep/current/sun down. I didn't check it when we left the lake at 4pm or so, but the whole place was hotter than the hinges. Summer is here boys and girls. Until next week when it snows. :)
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Re: lake arthur 2
2015/05/10 16:54:32
Last night was quite interesting, Seen a boat fly threw the channel at the little Island at full throttle ( freaked me out just a bit seeing I was sitting there killing time till the action started ) How he didn't clip the rocks or the real shallow was as lucky as it gets, I suppose. Then I managed to catch a lure that was connected to some guys line Well of course it was my felt seeing that I was anchored there and casting there for a hour before this guy came in. But other than that was a beautiful night to be on the water