Erie erie erie

smally hunter
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2015/04/06 21:46:05 (permalink)

Erie erie erie

Names Evan . I'm 22 and the only thing I've found I'm somewhat good at is fishing and hunting . My life Is growing in Many good ways because I finally got a great woman . She's not much into the outdoors but she's great at tolerating how much of my free time I spend out . So let's get down to why I'm posting . At this time there's a lot of uncertainty about where I'll be living in the next year . But since last August iv moved to Edinboro while my girl finishes up schooling . Once she graduates were undecided if we're going to stay in the area or move back toward home . (50+ miles south) if by chance we do move up here semi permanent I'm in need of finding someone/someone's to fish with . My buddy's from my hometown come up from time to time but it's not practical to think that they will always be able to . I wanna get into fishing the big lake with folks . Smallies steel lakers perch eyes . It would be nice to find someone with a boat to go with . I make it out 2-4 times a year as is but if I live closer would love to be able to do it more . Financially speaking I'm just getting by at a minimum wage job until she lands a job . But if she does settle for Erie I'll hopefully find Better . My point about my occupation is while I don't make much I'm not looking to be a free ride . Before me and her have children someday she already knows my financial plans before thirty (longshot here) are a house a truck and a Erie boat ( I can dream right?) . If I can find ppl to go with I'm interested in learning the ins and outs and what to dos . My one trip for eyes last year I used the good information I learned here and was able to contribute immediately on the boat. Ie: setting up dipseys , longlining lead core , planners etc . Fishing is what I love to do . And the tactical strategies are what I love . The figuring stuff out , it's an obsession really , so with that iv throw my request out there . Looking from others standpoint I know how hard it would be to invite a stranger along with your hard earned adventures but I figure it couldn't hurt to ask . I feel so limited from shore at Edinboro lake so far this year and ice season on the bay has got me hooked on Erie in generally . It's truly a gem of the world

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    Re: Erie erie erie 2015/04/06 23:48:01 (permalink)
    smally hunter
    My life Is growing in Many good ways because I finally got a great woman . She's not much into the outdoors but she's great at tolerating how much of my free time I spend out .
    It would be nice to find someone with a boat to go with . 

    Sounds like you need to find a better woman . . . one with a boat
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    Re: Erie erie erie 2015/04/09 23:45:10 (permalink)
    Plenty of Smallies in the creeks soon. Walleyes can be caught from shore at night near all tributaries soon. Small inexpensive boat or canoe will work real good in the bay on calm days. Maybe some charter Captain might be looking for a backup local first mate........good luck.
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    Re: Erie erie erie 2015/04/10 11:22:56 (permalink)
    pm sent
    smally hunter
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    Re: Erie erie erie 2015/04/10 21:06:10 (permalink)
    Captain that would only be a dream. My dad keeps blowing my head big saying he might invest some retirement money into buying a boat for erie and upgrading his bass boat to a river boat . Wants to start doing guided trips on both . I think I have a lot to learn before that happens . I'll definitely be hitting preque in a yak sooner or later . Probably miz and the lagoons but till the weeds grow in sounds great to me anyhow . I'm quickly learning how special of a place erie is . Solo walks above route 5 with nobody around last fall created the bug .
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    Re: Erie erie erie 2015/04/11 07:37:41 (permalink)
    I'm going to be selling the old boat soon ( cheap ). It would be a good boat for a young guy like you. It runs like a top. It has its quirks but gets the job done.
    smally hunter
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    Re: Erie erie erie 2015/04/14 21:40:21 (permalink)
    I'm not sure I'd wanna see what creature would actually respond to that lol
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    Re: Erie erie erie 2015/04/15 09:40:31 (permalink)
    Is she hot or not? 

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    Re: Erie erie erie 2015/04/16 00:15:44 (permalink)
    Hey man I'm 22 also and have the same dreams as you! I have a little truck and 16ft boat. My only problem is I live 4hrs away in southern Ohio. I come up every weekend in May for the smallmouth bite. When they hit the creeks we should meet up sometime! Im always looking for a fishing partner!
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    Re: Erie erie erie 2015/04/16 12:30:23 (permalink)
    Wife wanted, must be able to dig worms, clean, cook and clean fish. Must have own boat with motor. Please send photograph of motor boat.             
    Post this in the local paper ASAP !!!

    Worked for me but, don't get caught like I did..................., MAKE SURE THE BOAT IS PAID FOR!

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
      Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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    Re: Erie erie erie 2015/04/18 09:36:59 (permalink)
    I truly feel bad for the dudes whose wives and girlfriends aren't into the outdoors. If your lady would rather paint her nails than go fishing...bah. I suppose that's tradition, but most of the time here, I'm dragging hubby out to the shores and not the other way around. Speaking of, I better go shake him and the kid awake, we're going to try to hit up some spots where troutfiends aren't. Good luck to ya. 
    smally hunter
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    Re: Erie erie erie 2015/04/20 15:58:10 (permalink)
    Mine goes she just can't stand cold
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    Re: Erie erie erie 2015/04/27 08:42:33 (permalink)
    Your woman doesn't like the outdoors? This is not a problem it's a blessing.

    You should have been here yesterday.............. Streams are made for the wise man to contemplate and fools to pass by [Sir Izaak Walton]
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    Re: Erie erie erie 2015/05/11 09:04:15 (permalink)
    I truly feel bad for the dudes whose wives and girlfriends aren't into the outdoors. If your lady would rather paint her nails than go fishing...bah. 

    Meh.  Fishing sometimes is ok, glad she doesn't like to hunt.
    smally hunter
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    Re: Erie erie erie 2015/05/14 13:24:35 (permalink)
    I don't disagree I like going by myself . There's a special enjoyment in quiet
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