live bait

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2015/03/12 16:55:51 (permalink)

live bait

I am not even sure that we will be allowed to buy live crayfish anymore ,but I am sure that they will be more expensive if you can. Also I was told by 2 bait dealers to-day that all live bait,especially crawlers, just went up in price. For those that use live bait now would be the time to build a crawler farm & wait for the first warm nites. I am glad that I use mostly lures,but they are also going out of my price range.   sam

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    Re: live bait 2015/03/12 18:04:29 (permalink)
    lures 4 bucks a shot i loose over 12 a year trolling easily . last year i put power pro on my trout rods with a 10 pound leader i was able to turn around on river save lures . worms i don't use them really but i live in greensburg and i can't find them in yard ! when i was a kid hell we use to sell them to bait shops caught so many backs would lock up from being bent over so long .

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    Re: live bait 2015/04/06 22:03:53 (permalink)
    Shad raps, tail dancers, husky jerks. Just when you feel good about your selection of artificals. You lose that "one" lure that was working! At least gas may be down right?
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    Re: live bait 2015/04/07 06:19:31 (permalink)
    As a kid, never had a problem catching nightcrawlers in backyard. Now with all the chemicals people put on their lawn, they kill all the beneficial animals and insects that make a piece of ground healthy just because they don't like to see a few weeds. I stopped lawn service 18 years ago. When I bring home remaining "bought worms" which isn't very often, I always toss them in the yard. And you know, I never look for them on a rainy night!
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: live bait 2015/04/07 07:42:29 (permalink)
    I've been throwing coffee grounds in my garden for years and can always find crawler. Problem is I'm too old, too slow! By the way the only solution I use for insects is dawn with water, sometimes a little vinegar.
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    Re: live bait 2015/04/07 10:06:53 (permalink)
    Leeches........... Easy to catch (trap).

    Great for Walleye, Perch, Bass, etc.

    Will survive easily in a cooler with little aeration and a small change of water once in a while. Feeding...... a chunk of red meat about once a month. Beef liver works well and of course the number of leeches will determine the size of chunk of meat.

    Traps can be made from a 3 pound coffee can.

    Simply place a finger in the live well to catch the bait then push your hook straight through the sucker of the leech. (remove the leech from you finger before attaching the leech to your hook.)

    Tomorrow: How to catch Helgramites........ uh, hellgramit...... umm, himgromet........ Ahhh heck, Dobsonflys'.

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    Re: live bait 2015/04/07 12:10:57 (permalink)
    Leeches........... Easy to catch (trap).

    Great for Walleye, Perch, Bass, etc.

    Will survive easily in a cooler with little aeration and a small change of water once in a while. Feeding...... a chunk of red meat about once a month. Beef liver works well and of course the number of leeches will determine the size of chunk of meat.

    Traps can be made from a 3 pound coffee can.

    Simply place a finger in the live well to catch the bait then push your hook straight through the sucker of the leech. (remove the leech from you finger before attaching the leech to your hook.)

    Tomorrow: How to catch Helgramites........ uh, hellgramit...... umm, himgromet........ Ahhh heck, Dobsonflys'.
    I've never seen a leech in the wild or used one as bait. Are they very common in our waterways? Always wondered.
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    Re: live bait 2015/04/07 14:31:54 (permalink)
    they are common to lakes rivers streams and ponds in Pa.
    Wally Cat
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    Re: live bait 2015/04/07 14:58:30 (permalink)
    How do you make a trap for leeches and what type of water would you put it? I've seined thousands of minnows over my lifetime and I can count on one hand the number of blood suckers I've caught. A little more input if you would please.

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    Re: live bait 2015/04/07 15:21:14 (permalink)
    Google it. It will give you multiple ways to trap them
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: live bait 2015/04/07 17:00:26 (permalink)
    Must have been wearing hip boots or a least long pants. Try wearing shorts you'll probably find a few.
    Chris Johnson
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    Re: live bait 2015/04/07 17:10:47 (permalink)
    Walleye jigs
    Must have been wearing hip boots or a least long pants. Try wearing shorts you'll probably find a few.

    As a kid I used to wear sneakers in French Creek quite a bit and my legs would be covered in no time.  They were fairly small though.  I guess if I would've let them make a meal of me they would have grown larger.  
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    Re: live bait 2015/04/07 18:20:56 (permalink)
    Good thing I practically live on a crawler farm. My front yard looks like it's moving at night after a warm rain. Those buggers are quick though and I rarely use worms. I need to find somewhere local to trap leeches.

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    Re: live bait 2015/04/07 22:30:15 (permalink)
    Sorry fellas, was outside playing with my new pressure washer........  anyhow, I'm not very good making info videos so I've included a link to YouTube for those of you that are interested in making and trapping leeches.
    Like anything else, there is a dozen ways to build leech traps and just as many ideas on how to use them.  Traps can be made from coffee cans, plastic buckets, metal pie plates and, metal flashing used in roofing, etc.
    Most common places to find leeches include lakes, ponds, and back washes along river banks.  Weed lines are best areas to place your traps and if ya can find those areas where the leaves from last fall have accumulated along the back wash, bingo.  Some food for thought, the warmer and calmer the water, the better.
    Allowing the traps to set overnight is best but, shallow water traps should be placed far enough from shore to keep critters like 'coons' from stealing your bait and, checked before full sun up the next morning as leeches will head for cover.  Setting traps in deeper water will alleviate both problems.
    Don't get carried away with large openings/slits in your trap as the idea is to let the leeches in and keep other critters like crabs out.  Leeches will appear to be somewhat fat but, will stretch out long and skinny when they want to.  Leeches will only feed for a short time sometimes gorging themselves as much as five times their normal weight.  You should also know that leeches might feed but once a month or, longer.
    Not impossible to drop off a few traps while your fishing, returning in a few hours, and finding a good batch of leeches.  Just remember to use fresh bait such as beef liver.
    While most leeches feed on blood there are a few species that prefer their prey dead.
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/04/07 22:31:46

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    Re: live bait 2015/04/07 22:45:23 (permalink)
    Addendum to:
    Silly me how could I forget................!  For yinz never fishing leeches, they do hide under rocks and logs and other things that will make you stuck on the bottom.   Keep em floating using a dropper weight and/or floating jig.  

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Walleye jigs
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    Re: live bait 2015/04/08 06:18:21 (permalink)
    Hey BTDT when does today's lesson start ? I'm sitting here with morning coffee and pencil in hand. Ready when you are.
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    Re: live bait 2015/04/08 08:33:27 (permalink)
    Soon as I figure out how helgarmite....................  err, helgromit.............  ugh, hellograndma............. dang......  I can't look it up in the dictionary until I get it spelled rite!.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: live bait 2015/04/08 09:37:18 (permalink)
    Yeah ya need em like 4 to 6 inches them little guys might catch ya a trout lol
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    Re: live bait 2015/04/08 10:57:01 (permalink)
    Alright, moms and dads.....,  guys and gals......, boys and girls.........,  fisher dudes and fellow anglers.
    Time again to............  sit down and shutup!  Thank-you very much!!!!!!!
    Today we will be talking about the hilgamit........, helgomite........, hermorphadite .....................  Dobsonfly Larva.

    This little jewel is a great live bait for just about all species of fresh water fish native to PA. and adjoining countries.
    There is two ways in which to catch/trap the h.......,  Dobsonfly/larva.
    1.  Find a bridge (with a street light) crossing a stream/crik/river (the closer to riffles the better(from May to September)) or, any other street light in close proximity to said waters.  Anytime during the night, stand beneath the street light with a butterfly net (having a long handle (metal not recommended)), remember "patients is a virtue".  Recommendation; have the phone number for your local bail bondsman handy.............  just in case.
    2.  Two people work better but, a single person can do this using a net/sine fabricated from door screen or using actual fine mesh netting.  I use a piece of screen about 18" high by 36" wide attached to a frame made from 2" x 2"s.   Find a good set of riffles having sizable rocks (using common sense).  Starting down stream, place your trap just below a rock and as close to the bottom as possible and have your help (or you) lift the rock, (remember to return the rock as you found it).  Wait til the mud/sediment clears and quickly lift your trap/net.  That ughly multi-legged critter with the needle like pincers on it's face is a Corydalus cornutus (aka: Hellgrammite).
    Being careful, but quick to grab the little fellas for they will be back in the water before ya know it and, you ain't been pinched by anything compared to these guys.  I place my thumb/finger just behind the head and work a finger/thumb on the underside to pick them up (just as you would a crab).  However, be aware these things will curl around your thumb/finger and if not prepared, you will be surprised at just how far you can fling one of these bugs while making weird noises doing some kind of dance standing in water  (on slippery rocks).   Also, the hellgrammite contain small hooks/barbs on their tails, by which they grab onto rocks etc. but, these do not pose a threat other then getting you 'hung-up'.  These barbs can be dealt with, when your ready to bait the hook, use a pair of nail clippers to remove the tip of the barbs, being careful not to cut back too far.
    Baiting the hook is nothing more then pushing the hook through the segment just behind the head.   Once again, remember these things will wrap themselves around your fingers.  Being pinched (because you panicked) with needle like pincers from a critter impaled by a hook that is now sticking in your finger..........  may ruin your day.
    For the squeamish, tweezers, forceps or, pliers can be used (sissy's) to hold the bug.
    Do not  let these guys hit the bottom, when using them for bait, they will introduce you to the nearest rock, log, etc.
    Some food for thought.......... a. The military style shovel comes in handy for lifting (and replacing) rocks.
                                                 b. These guys will form a ball (clumping to each other) when placed in your bait container.  
                                                 c. Bumping them will cause them to break apart, or if you feel froggy, pick up the ball.
                                                 d. Ever seen those white powdery looking clumps of eggs attached to bridge abutments, boulder's,
                                                boat docks and, even boats?  Dobsonfly eggs............  so they are.
    Last but not least; please remember to replace the rocks as you found them...............  I may be along tomorrow hoping to find some hellgrammites.
    Tomorrow; how to catch frogs.................

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: live bait 2015/04/08 11:04:34 (permalink)
    PS.  catching hellgrammites while wading bare legged and wearing sandals (or bare foot) near slow moving warm water around weeds...... may get you some leeches too.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: live bait 2015/04/08 11:08:26 (permalink)
    Yeah ya need em like 4 to 6 inches them little guys might catch ya a trout lol

    Little ones are great to use with a fly rod........................  if ya like to trout fish, that is!

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: live bait 2015/04/08 11:39:17 (permalink)
    Dobbys are good bait for all game fish proof while perch fishin in madison wi i was catching small pike on em lol
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    Re: live bait 2015/04/08 17:28:25 (permalink)
    I've tried several times to gather leeches, zero success.  I have what should be perfect water across from my house and it HAS to have leeches in it.  SIGH.  End of the day they are cheap and really haven't done us better than other baits locally.  
    As for bait prices, we try to support the old dude in Zelie.  If he has to raise his prices, so be it.
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    Re: live bait 2015/04/09 07:33:17 (permalink)
    Yeah ummm, you guys are insane! Leeches are bad enough, but catching hellgrammites? No thanks! I'll stick to the million other ways to catch a fish and leave those monsters alone. Those pinchers are WICKED!!!

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    Re: live bait 2015/04/09 10:15:31 (permalink)
    Agree with ya Fisher, lots of other baits available today made from plastic and rubber. We got spinner baits, buzz bait, raps, bombers, skirted jigs and so on.

    But, back in the day, CP Swings, Bucktail jigs, Jitterbugs, Riverrunts, Red Devil spoon, and a few Rapalas were the main staple of the tackle box. (if ya was lucky)

    Live bait, consisted of crawlers, minnows, leeches, hellgrammites, and crayfish.

    Many of us couldn't afford a box full of artificial baits or, buy live bait. So, the night before we watered the grass at sunset and be crawling around the yard, with flash light and coffee can in hand a few hours later.

    We always took time to catch crayfish and hellgrammites to use or, stock up on, during our trips.

    We didn't have the electronics of today so, we spent our time along the creeks and streams catching minnows and leeches.

    I was very fortunate as I had people (young and old) teach me what fishing was really about. The decision we made back then involved what fish we were after, what bait we wanted, an what method would be needed to catch it.

    Today, we walk into a store; head for sporting and, scratch our head over what color size and manufacturer.

    Or, order it on line and this includes crawlers, leeches, maggots, etc.

    If by chance I'm reincarnated, after I pass, I'm coming back as kid in the 50/60s. Umm, wait, there's nothing stopping me from doing these things today. Where's my flashlight, sine, and coffee can. Lookout Frenchcreek....... Here I come(lol).

    Sorry........ I guess I'll talk about catching frogs........ another day.

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: live bait 2015/04/10 04:48:48 (permalink)
    Talking about bait, hope you guys took advantage of these warm spring rains the past few days and went out and picked a few dozen crawlers. They were out fairly well. I like to pick them off a pavement or blacktop to avoid injuring them, they keep much better that way than pulling and stretching them. Plastic shoe box type containers that stack well in the fridge in the garage works fine.

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    Re: live bait 2015/04/10 08:07:44 (permalink)
    Oh yeah, stop in at Gianiggle and get some ........ VELVEETA CHEESE!
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    Re: live bait 2015/04/13 12:57:17 (permalink)
    Big salamanders = big trout
    Soap also works well. As well as live mice and rats
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    Re: live bait 2015/04/13 13:34:59 (permalink)
    Big salamanders = big trout
    so long as you know your different species and only want to catch 1 trout.
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    Re: live bait 2015/04/13 20:27:23 (permalink)
    I was being sarcastic hence soap mice and rats.
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