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2015/03/11 19:41:41 (permalink)

crayfish rules

Anyone that uses Crayfish for bait or anything else should be sure to check out the new regs for 2015 in Pa.. To long for me to type,lol,but very important IMO.  sam
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/11 22:47:45 (permalink)
Mr. C, how many lawyers do ya suppose it took to write this new proposal  (lol)?  Thanks for bringing it to our attention
As part of the proposal, licensed anglers will still be allowed to harvest up to 50 crayfish per day. However, the head must be immediately removed behind the eyes upon capture unless the crayfish are used as bait in the water from which they were taken. When crayfish are used as bait in the water from which they were taken, the head does not have to be removed. When crayfish are transported from the water from which they were collected, the head must be removed behind the eyes. The proposal also restricts the sale of all live native and nonnative crayfishes in the Commonwealth.........
Last, the proposal restricts possession, introduction and transportation of all live native and nonnative crayfishes except (i) when they are possessed and used as bait on, in or about the water from which taken or (ii) when they are possessed or imported for testing and scientific purposes or restaurant consumption, adequate measures have been taken to prevent their escape, and they are accompanied by documentation stating the point of origin and the destination to which they are to be delivered.

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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/12 07:17:13 (permalink)
"On, in, or about the water from which taken" think that means if I trap them in a Mon trib , I can use them whole in the Mon? I mean, the water I trapped them in will be in the Mon in a couple hours, right? I think I'm just being hopeful there.
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/12 11:12:54 (permalink)
FishinGuy that's my point, what the heck are they sayin', It's gotta be written by a bunch of lawyer's or, maybe their legal secretaries.(lol)
It was written as you see it on my thread, repeating itself, and saying whatever they thought it should say.  I guess the word "immediate" as in 'immediate area' or, 'immediate water' never crossed their minds.  Try reading the entire proposal, if ya feel like ya need a good headache!
Here's how I see it; If the crawfish is caught in any water connected to the place of said capture and; the person responsible for said capture does not leave said water or; the water(s) connected to said capture area then; the crawfish may remain alive.  However; should a crawfish be captured in said water and; the person responsible for capture of said crawfish chooses to leave said water with said captured crawfish then; said captured crawfish must be euthanized prior to said person leaving said waters where said crawfish was captured.  Even though said person simply wishes to exist said water with said captured crawfish only to return; to said waters at another location, said crawfish must be euthanized prior to said person exiting; said waters of capture, of said captured crawfish.
No I'm not a attorney but; I did sleep at a Holiday Inn last night. 
PS.  Can you imagine all the kids this could affect; kids of all ages love wading streams and creeks catching crawfish etc.,  makes me wonder if warnings or fines will be issued?
PSS. I can see the warning posters now...... BEFORE LEAVING THESE WATERS WITH A CRAWFISH, followed by illustrations of placing a craw fish on a rock, taking a second rock in hand and.............. smashing the crawfish's head..........  Just behind the eyes, mind you.
I gotta go, I gotta headache!!!!

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Walleye jigs
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/12 12:53:54 (permalink)
Do I have to eat them in place or can I take them home before killing them. Redneck lobsters need to be fresh when you add them to a slow boil.
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/12 15:10:18 (permalink)
post edited by jug - 2015/03/12 15:15:09

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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/12 18:27:05 (permalink)
Walleye jigs
Do I have to eat them in place or can I take them home before killing them. Redneck lobsters need to be fresh when you add them to a slow boil.

The proposal also restricts the sale of all live native and nonnative crayfishes in the
Commonwealth except when they are sold for testing and scientific purposes or restaurant consumption, adequate measures have been taken to prevent their escape, and they are accompanied by documentation stating the point of origin and the destination to which they are to be delivered.
Well we know we can't sell them to a restaurant and I don't know if , like venison,  the crawfish can be donated to a food bank for consumption by others (cause your gonna invite us) it looks like "shore lunch".  BUT, ya can still invite us............ 10-4?

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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pheasant tail 2
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/12 22:36:56 (permalink)
I called the Southwest Office and was told crayfish must be used in the body of water they were taken from. If caught in Ten Mile Creek, crayfish must be used in Ten Mile Creek, using them on the Mon would be a violation.
I called when this proposal was being discussed, so perhaps the things have changed?
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/13 10:39:14 (permalink)
wait a minute...I cant tell if you guys are ever really serious about eating locally caught crawfish. Is this a common thing lol?

"Here's to swimmin' with bow-legged women!"
Walleye jigs
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/13 10:53:12 (permalink)
I don't know about anyone else but I've been eating crayfish most of my life.Figure the locals have to be safer then the ones they. bring in from China.
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/13 12:24:16 (permalink)
wait a minute...I cant tell if you guys are ever really serious about eating locally caught crawfish.
 Is this a common thing lol?
One thing I have to admit, concerning consumption of locally caught crawfish, BTDT........ NOT!!
If your willing to give er a try; search the web for "Crawfish Boil", there is a bunch of recipes.  Somebody must eat em.
Last I read on the PFBC sight; this is a proposal and has not been passed into law.....yet.
The portions of the proposal, on my thread, was taken word for word from the PFBC sight.  I hope the information posted by the PFBC is merely a briefing.  There is many unanswered questions that must be addressed if, in fact, the PFBC did post the proposal in it's entirety.
Many of the questions have merit and should be addressed (including, do people eat these things (lol))
I don't care for the part that says "When crayfish are transported from the water from which they were collected, the head must be removed".  I interpret this as saying; if I catch the bait at one location and leave the water to travel to another location on the same stream, I must kill the crawfish.  Problem being, If I can question the meaning, so can some "happy citation issuing" water ways officer.   I'd prefer not to spend time nor money getting this figured out in court...10-4??
There is so many scenarios regarding people being subject, to citations being issued over this proposal, it wreaks.
For those who haven't questioned the reason for such a law and figure it's to stop the introduction of non-native species to PA. waters.  Nope, too late for that, this new proposed law is because it is difficult for the Water Ways Patrol dudes to identify crawfish.   Yep, instead of learning the different species, they propose wide open (in their favor) laws that will................. make 'their jobs' easier and for you, less enjoyment on the water.
Not and avid user of crawfish but, when I do...... I prefer "mushers"....... keep catching, my friends.           

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/13 14:26:23 (permalink)
BTDT, When I was still into handfishing for Snapping Turtles,occasionaly we would pull the tails & peel a few crawfish & eat the tails raw like cocktail shrimp. Maybe not the best idea but I made it to over 70yrs old without getting poisoned. Actually they tasted like shrimp & were pretty good I thought. I am not pulling your leg.   sam   btw  we used to use salamanders for bait & they were deadly,but know most of them are listed as endangered or threatened & you must be a Marine biologist to tell for sure.
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/13 15:29:50 (permalink)
mr. c.............  Turtle soup yes, Nicks or Bridge Inn at Cambridge Springs (not even sure those places still exist)  annually, labor day weekends...  crawfish tails no.  Not saying I wouldn't try em on a fishin' trip down the river, shrimp sauce and a few Coronas.
Ummm...   I hope you weren't making turtle soup without inviting me,  That could make for some hurt feelings (lol)  

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Walleye jigs
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/13 16:48:44 (permalink)
To get back on point can anyone offer a reason for this new rule? Are crawfish over crowding or killing off local species? I'm at a complete loss as to what is going on in the FC or for that matter the GC. Buy the way my dad use to make the best turtle soup.
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/13 16:51:48 (permalink)
Walleye jigs
To get back on point can anyone offer a reason for this new rule? Are crawfish over crowding or killing off local species? 

Not positive jigs, but I think I remember reading a few months ago that an invasive/non-native species of crawfish has shown up in some PA waters.  
Edit: Here's a link I found with a quick Google search of "invasive crawfish species in PA"
post edited by DRod - 2015/03/13 16:57:04
Walleye jigs
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/13 17:23:13 (permalink)
Thank you! Nows starting to make a little sense.
Chris Johnson
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/13 17:34:40 (permalink)
Seven species of crayfish have been introduced into Pennsylvania waters. Some are native to parts of Pennsylvania but have been moved to areas of the state that are outside of their native range; others are not naturally found anywhere in the state. Most species are difficult to tell apart and can only be reliably identified by crayfish experts. Human introductions, including the release or escape of fishing bait, aquarium pets, and classroom, laboratory and aquaculture species are responsible for most non-native invasions.

Rusty crayfishImpact
Crayfish introductions have resulted in the disappearance of native crayfish from many Pennsylvania waters. Non-native crayfish represent a significant threat because densities of these species can exceed 18 individuals per square foot and population sizes are often 10 times higher than their native counterparts. At such high densities, introduced crayfish often eliminate aquatic plants and consume large numbers of invertebrates such as mayflies, caddisflies, snails and midges. In addition, introduced crayfish tend to be less vulnerable to fish predation than native crayfish, because many introduced crayfish quickly grow to a size that reduces their susceptibility to predation, possess very large claws and are very aggressive. Introduced crayfish also consume fish eggs and can have negative effects on fish reproduction. The result for affected fish populations is often less food, decreased recruitment and reduced population sizes.

Many Pennsylvania waters have not been invaded by introduced crayfish. To protect our waters and native crayfish, people are strongly encouraged not to transport any crayfish away from the water where they were collected.

Turtle Soup at the Bridge, now we're talking.
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/13 21:17:33 (permalink)
As, exactly written, in the amendment.....................
Extending the Orconectes rusticus ban to other exotic crayfish species would be impossible to enforce because most natural resource managers and conservation officers have difficulty identifying crayfish species. For this reason, the Commission restricted the sale, possession, introduction, transportation and culture of all live native and nonnative crayfishes in the Commonwealth.
So that you may, at your convenience read the amendment in it's entirety, please feel free to visit the following sight:  Please be advised that "Adobe Reader" is required.  A download of "Adobe Reader" is available, free of charge. 
Speculation................. "A Sign of Things to Come".

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/13 22:55:31 (permalink)
Chris Johnson
Seven species of crayfish have been introduced into Pennsylvania waters. Some are native to parts of Pennsylvania but have been moved to areas of the state that are outside of their native range; others are not naturally found anywhere in the state. Most species are difficult to tell apart and can only be reliably identified by crayfish experts. Human introductions, including the release or escape of fishing bait, aquarium pets, and classroom, laboratory and aquaculture species are responsible for most non-native invasions.

Rusty crayfishImpact
Crayfish introductions have resulted in the disappearance of native crayfish from many Pennsylvania waters. Non-native crayfish represent a significant threat because densities of these species can exceed 18 individuals per square foot and population sizes are often 10 times higher than their native counterparts. At such high densities, introduced crayfish often eliminate aquatic plants and consume large numbers of invertebrates such as mayflies, caddisflies, snails and midges. In addition, introduced crayfish tend to be less vulnerable to fish predation than native crayfish, because many introduced crayfish quickly grow to a size that reduces their susceptibility to predation, possess very large claws and are very aggressive. Introduced crayfish also consume fish eggs and can have negative effects on fish reproduction. The result for affected fish populations is often less food, decreased recruitment and reduced population sizes.

Many Pennsylvania waters have not been invaded by introduced crayfish. To protect our waters and native crayfish, people are strongly encouraged not to transport any crayfish away from the water where they were collected.

Turtle Soup at the Bridge, now we're talking.

Tree hugger, with all of those... facts. Probably buy into the whole global warming thing too. Crayfish are crayfish, and anyone that looks Mexican is Mexican. M'erica!
pheasant tail 2
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/13 23:16:12 (permalink)
Its to prevent invasive crayfish from being introduced into local waterways. I have captured a rusty crayfish from a trib to the Mon (not Ten Mile Creek). I sent picture of the crayfish to the PFBC and it was identified as a rusty crayfish. Its behavior was what caught our attention, Aside from looking different, it was         extremely aggressive.
Chris Johnson
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/14 00:54:19 (permalink)
Loolz, :)

Tree hugger, with all of those... facts. Probably buy into the whole global warming thing too. Crayfish are crayfish, and anyone that looks Mexican is Mexican. M'erica!

post edited by Chris Johnson - 2015/03/14 07:38:32
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/14 07:35:53 (permalink)
pheasant tail 2
Its to prevent invasive crayfish from being introduced into local waterways. I have captured a rusty crayfish from a trib to the Mon (not Ten Mile Creek). I sent picture of the crayfish to the PFBC and it was identified as a rusty crayfish. Its behavior was what caught our attention, Aside from looking different, it was         extremely aggressive.

pt2, glad to hear no injuries, or dismemberment from this "crab from HELL" to you or yours. if you have no crime in your background you can apply for a carry permit to defend yourself from these monsters. jk. so these are native to the ohio system, have been there since almost forever, and we still have sport fish, amphibians, aquatic life of all sorts, and vegatation on/in the river system. why would they balance nicely in the ohio, but cause utter devastation when in a diff. system? p.s. shouldn,t the PBFC stop invading our water with brown and rainbow trout?jk. relax trout guys. wire
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/14 08:36:52 (permalink)
Wire, I'm thinkin', your not too far from hitting the nail on the head.  Ya wanna have some fun, grab a coffee can full of red worms, crawlers, leeches, etc. and go sit on the bank(s) of Oil Creek.  Fishin' under a bobber can give  ya whole lot more chytz and giggles.  Caution, watch out for back whips from fly lines.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/14 08:46:22 (permalink)
WTF dude................?
The man was just trying to answer a question, the only people I know that get belligerent with a response like yours, are trolls.  Certainly that's not you, I hope?

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/14 09:43:21 (permalink)
All's well that ends well...............  Soups on!
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/03/14 13:09:36

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/14 10:54:15 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Chris Johnson 2015/03/14 10:55:52
Pretty sure Chris J got what I was saying. And pretty kick A photo to boot.
Chris Johnson
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/14 10:55:41 (permalink)
I thought Pork was just having fun and in turn I was just trying to be funny as well, if anything that little kid was me. No war talk here.

I have a bumper sticker that reads "my undersized musky just ate your trophy bass", and that's about as political as I like to get.

Sometimes sarcasm just does not work on msg boards, and on an iPad I can't seem to find the smilies.

I meant no harm. Let's get back to turtle soup at the bridge, and crawdads. My grandad and I used to stop there often. That was great soup. Is it still open/available? Still good?
Chris Johnson
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/14 10:56:48 (permalink)
Darn near posted at the same time. Good luck to y'all and tight lines.
pheasant tail 2
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/14 23:43:16 (permalink)
Not looking for an argument here. I'll pass on the side arm. Merely a crawfish that was very unusual, The new regs will impact my fishing style.
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Re: crayfish rules 2015/03/15 00:13:45 (permalink)
Your not alone PT2..........

Heck, we would wade French Creek at night catching peelers and mushers to use the next day. Might of been fishing on French Creek some miles upstream from Franklin or on the Allegheny down stream from Franklin. Wouldn't matter if "the same water" rule played a part because we would leave the water where we caught them only to return at a later time. New law says we have to kill em if the crayfish are taken from the water.

Crayfish this year who knows what next year.

Happy fishing.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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