Trapping deer

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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/20 11:14:10 (permalink)
Not to worry Walleye Jigs, looks like 6 deer is all that Brenner and his team is going to trap and kill.  A far cry from 150 that they were planning on culling.  They have until March 31st and with the weather breaking I don't see very many more deer being culled if any.
I personally couldn't care less what they do about the deer problem in Mt Lebanon.  The people that live there are all whack-jobs.  They're all against hunting, sharpshooters, trap and shoot and anything else that would harm the deer.  Looks like they'll have to reduce the deer population with their vehicles.  When someone gets severally injured by a deer vs vehicle collision maybe they'll finally wake up.  
wayne c
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/21 12:19:37 (permalink)
I read that they gave up now, at SIX. lmao.
As a guy who was on the wrong side of the deer wars for years, couldn't have happened to a better guy. lol.   Ol' Merlin Benner just needs to hunt longer and harder...Maybe go a little deeper into the suburbs. lol.   Pretty bad when you can't even kill a bunch of semi-TAME deer. ha ha ha.     Sounds like a bungling effort of ineptitude.   Read he couldn't even kill the deer with the ammo he was using, and had to shoot some several times.  Can't even kill deer in a pen.   And they were worried about "real" hunters not being able to get the job done.
 lol.    What a joke! lol.
post edited by wayne c - 2015/03/22 11:18:34

Walleye jigs
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/21 13:07:06 (permalink)
Does he get to keep the money? I hope those people are stupid enough to let him walk away with all their tax dollars hard at work!
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/21 23:28:43 (permalink)
He was paid $500 per deer killed.  He killed 6.  He was paid $3000.
Walleye jigs
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/22 07:39:24 (permalink)
And to think I would have been willing to pay THEM for the privilege to harvest those same deer with a crossbow, no noise no fuss and no danger to anyone.
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/22 20:35:08 (permalink)
They should permit archery hunting in the township to help with the problem.  Many communities around Mt Lebanon allow archery hunting.  It wouldn't cost the taxpayers anything.  The fact it's the anti's that don't want any of the deer killed.
post edited by ridgehunter - 2015/03/22 20:36:11
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/23 07:09:03 (permalink)
And it will get worse as urbanites try to be rural, but find it necessary to drag certain elements of the urban lifestyle with them.

A friend of mine bought a house and 10 acres near Carslile over 25 years ago. That area was and still is pretty agrarian.

About 10 years ago, a large farm, approximately 5 miles away, sold to a developer. The success of that development led to more, growing in the opposite direction of my friend's place.

Last year he was approached by an LEO and cited for not having his dog on a leash. He explained that he did not know of any leash law and besides he and the dog was on his ground.

It didn't matter, you see, because even though those developments were miles away, they were in the same township. They also saw it fit to fix whatever dog pooping on someone's yard problem by enacting a township wide leash law.

As more and more voting power is concentrated in urban areas or in suburban areas populated by former urbanites, this type of thing will become the norm rather than the exception.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/23 07:38:01 (permalink)
In some places it illegal to have a dog housed outside-they are people too ya know- just like all the talking animals who get along famously.
Walleye jigs
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/23 09:25:21 (permalink)
Same deal here a friend has the farm that's been in his family for over 150 yes, creek runs thru his pasture to a waterdam built in the 20s. Water company sold the lake to a developer who built town houses all around the lake. Called it lakefront property ,You now have to buy a townhouse to fish the lake. Couple years later a man shows and tells my friend that he has two chooses either put up a fence to keep his cows out of the creek feeding THEIR lake or diaper his cows! They're constantly complaining about the smell from his 150 year old farm ruining their enjoying their country life. By the way no locals can fish in the lake.
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/23 12:25:15 (permalink)
When I was a kid in Central Ct ya could fish wherever for small natives and hunt anyplace-there were no deer but small game abounded. In summer I carried a rifle in may car all the time and hunted Chucks wherever I pleased.
If ya did that stuff now you would be arrested for sure.
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/23 22:27:54 (permalink)
They didn't shoot themselves in the foot, the anti A-hole residents did.  They contaminate and sabotaged these culling areas which has a direct effect on the kill before the weather broke. 
Funny how neighboring Upper St Clair gets the job done each and every year without fanfair.
wayne c
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/24 17:18:36 (permalink)
Yep, definitely shot themselves in the foot.   Total ineptitude of these jackwagons probably did more to hurt possible future efforts to use HUNTING as a tool in urban areas going forward, even though this wasn't "hunting".   Who knows what kind of bone-headed scheme will be next.

Walleye jigs
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/24 18:08:08 (permalink)
Texas is devopeling a computer controlled bait trap  that will only open when it recognized the targeted animals sounds. They plan to kill off 1 1\2 million ferrel pigs that are a danger to everything in their area including humans, besides destroying all the crops they tear up everything. But because Texas doesn't want to kill the wrong animals their pouring a lot of money into these traps.
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/24 18:33:18 (permalink)
The Mt Lebanon commissioners are to blame.  They acted to late and dragged their feet.
In early January the commissioners decided to allow township employees including police to archery hunt in the Park areas only to find out that the 2B tags were sold out.  Then the commissioners held their public meetings and the BS began.  The media started to report it and turned it into a circus.
If they would've had this cull in January instead of late February and the nutjob residents would've cooperated without tampering with the target areas they would've taken more than six.
I don't expect Brenner and his crew to be back next year to cull the herd.  Guess they'll leave up to their township employees to reduce it.
Walleye jigs
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/25 13:26:14 (permalink)
Maybe someone should introduce the people of My Lebo to the residents of Ross Twp. they could trade some deer for coyotes and nature would balance its self out and like the warden told Ross Twp they should enjoy seeing animals in the wild! Take about double standards!
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/25 14:19:01 (permalink)
Walleye jigs
Maybe someone should introduce the people of My Lebo to the residents of Ross Twp. they could trade some deer for coyotes and nature would balance its self out and like the warden told Ross Twp they should enjoy seeing animals in the wild! Take about double standards!

Ha, great idea jigs!  I saw on the news last night that meeting in Ross about people freaking out about too many coyotes around Ross Park Mall.  The collective IQ of our culture seems to be rapidly diminishing in correlation with the number of wild places.  
Here's a link with some snippets of the meeting: http://pittsburgh.cbsloca...ople-in-ross-township/
post edited by rsquared - 2015/03/25 15:38:52
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/26 21:05:25 (permalink)
Walcat, you are right on, some people say some stupid chyt!  You a big fan of Steve Harvey, are ya?

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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/27 09:52:06 (permalink)
^ ah, they want to do it while the PGC does not.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Walleye jigs
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/27 10:12:53 (permalink)
Anyone have the hot line number for the GC? I have an animal problem that needs dealt with. On my 1 mile,round trip, I had to talorate 5 deer, 2 coons and what I think might have been a rabbit. To make matters worse I heard a couple turkeys and a ringneck in the tree line. I can't walk along the 2 lane interstate in front of my house ,thanks to all the gas we have here, so these wild animals are going to have to be destroyed or moved or should I call my Twp leaders?
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/27 11:06:32 (permalink)
Since many still don't seem to understand this, I'll reiterate from previous posts that the PGC is required to approve the plan pursuant to Title 34 section 2902(b) relating to deer control permits in cities of the 1st class.  They did not create the plan, that was Mt. Lebo's doing, the PGC issued the permit in accordance with their legal obligation to do so.  The community holding the permit is responsible for the development and implementation of the plan and any expenses incurred, not the PGC.  If you want them to relocate the deer, you should call Mt. Lebo and request for them to pay for a contractor to do so.      
As Ridgehunter has mentioned numerous times in this thread, similar permits have been issued to Fox Chapel and Upper St. Clair, who have been hiring sharpshooters to cull deer for many years.  Yet, I don't ever recall hearing any fuss over their programs?  
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/27 12:00:25 (permalink)
Actually we go understand it and I take exception in you saying we don't.

As you stated, the PGC "just" approves the permit. How about this, the PGC refuses to approve the permit. With no permit, the chosen course of action is no longer viable and a different solution is needed -- perhaps archery hunting of relocation. Since the township was willing to allocate funds for extermination, with that off the table, perhaps they would reallocate those funds to an alternate solution.

As for other townships doing it without fuss, that is a non argument because it is not the same residents. What residents in one place find acceptable, residents in another may not.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/27 12:23:56 (permalink)
Whoa......... Dardys, don't blow a gasket. I'm pretty sure there is a lot of us that agree with your opinion.

Also, a heck of a lot us that sees the (present) PGC as a waste of time and money. But, the PGC and key politicians do not read the blogs and threads posted on forums such as these. If our voice is not heard in Harrisburg than our opinions simply fall on deaf ears.

You know what they say in the old country?

"United We Stand, Divided...."

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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/27 12:26:33 (permalink)
On what grounds would the PGC be able to deny the permit?  The method proposed in Mt. Lebo has been successfully demonstrated as a safe and effective method to cull deer in many similar situations, so the precedent had already been set.  Perhaps after the debacle that recently occurred, the next proposal will be different, but at the time of issuance the PGC would have had no reasonable justification to deny the permit.  
The plan submitted to the PGC was prepared by a contractor at the discretion of the Township Officials, who are supposed to be the voice of the residents.  Trap and cull is what the Twp. wanted at the time, and that's what was approved.     
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/27 13:06:34 (permalink)
Not blowing a gasket. Frankly, I could not care less. I just get a tad concerned when someone, particularly someone who has no idea what people do or do not understand, tells me that I don't understand simply because it a position may be in opposition to their opinion.

On what grounds could they deny the permit? How about we don't want to approve it? Then follow that up with because there are alternate solutions. There is nothing binding the PGC to approving the permit simply because they have approved others.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/27 13:17:56 (permalink)
Not blowing a gasket. Frankly, I could not care less. I just get a tad concerned when someone, particularly someone who has no idea what people do or do not understand, tells me that I don't understand simply because it a position may be in opposition to their opinion.

On what grounds could they deny the permit? How about we don't want to approve it? Then follow that up with because there are alternate solutions. There is nothing binding the PGC to approving the permit simply because they have approved others.

And then the PGC faces a potential lawsuit for not approving it when precedent has already been set.
Why do you guys have so much concern what happens in Mt. Lebo anyways?  There is virtually NO huntable land there.  The deer should be culled and be done with it.  Maybe have WMA come in and hunt the parks after the cull to try and control the population going fwd.  Even that will be tough as the parks are the only places that can really be hunted and they are surrounded by really dense residential lands.  Hunting is much more viable in the outlying county parks suck as NP, SP and Round Hill.
Trap and transfer, in a state that has plenty of flippin' whitetails already (albeit, not where everyone wants them to be) is a non-starter.  Well, maybe if the tree hugging loonies that live in Mt. Lebo want to pay for it, they might try for it but with CWD concerns, the PGC will most likely NOT approve that permit.
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/27 13:24:16 (permalink)
What would happen if all towns and cities everywhere, where antis abound, voted NO hunting and took to similar alterative methods.
I know of one town where its illegal to discharge a weapon 'within in the city limits', outskirts were Ok to shoot ( likely a common ordinance or law in most places).
They ( antis) talked about making the entire township 'city limits'.
Obviously this would outlaw hunting without having to actually address hunting itself..
They only reconsidered the expansion  upon some folks making a big deal about state hunting laws superceeding City ordinances- coulda gone either way and with enough anti  support could be a way for the antis in the future.
States don't seem particularly forceful when Towns and Cites come up with these kind of 'alternatives', to even controlled hunting, as these professional sharpshooter things are becoming far too commonplace.
Bow hunting is a clear alternative in populated areas but its the 'HUNTING' they are opposed to -clearly not the harvesting of overpopulated Deer.
Many States are seeing the same issue.
Often its hard for folks in very rural places to understand this mindset or see that it can- sooner or later- come to them. Often they feel the State folks are not listening to the VOTERS when in fact the are listening and we Hunters are a distinct and growing  minority in many areas.
This entire thread proves that point and it aint just PA.
post edited by r3g3 - 2015/03/27 13:43:48
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/27 13:53:08 (permalink)
See, this is where the "you don't understand" slap is do off base. Like I said, I could not care less, but if pressed for an opinion, culling as proposed would be my vote. Just don't tell me I don't understand, because I do. Probably more than people think.

As for them suing the PGC, have at it. See who gets to pay for that from the township.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/27 14:24:31 (permalink)
No slap intended whatsoever. (if you referred to me-lol)
 Your well thought, educated and insightful opinions are well respected by this contributor..
post edited by r3g3 - 2015/03/27 14:30:14
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/27 15:06:08 (permalink)
I know of one town where its illegal to discharge a weapon 'within in the city limits', outskirts were Ok to shoot ( likely a common ordinance or law in most places).
They ( antis) talked about making the entire township 'city limits'.
Obviously this would outlaw hunting without having to actually address hunting itself..

So I posted as DRod earlier in this thread, but the admins recovered my rsqaured account for me.  Anywho . . .
99% certain on this as it pertains to PA, so somebody correct me if I'm wrong:
As long as the game law is followed - i.e. safety zones, etc - local ordinances intended to restrict or prohibit hunting cannot prohibit lawful hunting on private property.  On municipally owned property hunting can be restricted or prohibited though.  
CT may be different though if that's what you were referencing r3.  
wayne c
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Re: Trapping deer 2015/03/27 19:12:08 (permalink)
Trap and transfer, in a state that has plenty of flippin' whitetails already (albeit, not where everyone wants them to be) is a non-starter.  Well, maybe if the tree hugging loonies that live in Mt. Lebo want to pay for it, they might try for it but with CWD concerns, the PGC will most likely NOT approve that permit.

The people in Mt. Lebanon would've been willing to pay, as they were already paying a ton for the trap and slaughter.   And most there were actually opposed to that as I understand it.   Not only the antis, or tree hugging loonies, but many hunters also.     If they were willing to utilize the option and pay for it, it should've been a no brainer.   People would have the same fewer amount of deer in mt Lebanon as they would've with trap and slaughter.   Hunters in areas of low deer would benefit some.   The protestors would be appeased.    And everyone could sing koom-by-ya.  Wouldve appeased pretty much ALL of those people and opposed by pretty much no one, with the effort willingly paid for.  And would've cast the pgc in a better light to many.    
CWD certainly makes for a convenient excuse to keep herd low.   There is no threat in the area where the deer were to be trapped and a much bigger and unavoidable threat exists simply by deer dispersal from areas where it actually is a threat.   Deer travel during natural dispersal as they reach adulthood particularly males of the species.   At times a very significant distance.     So no, that excuse while convenient, doesn't fly at all.   But I agree that is one of pgcs stated excuses.   Along with mortality losses...  Which is pretty comical also, considering we wouldn't be moving the deer all that far compared to a hundred years ago when we were restocking the state, with  much less technology to say the least. lol.
Not that Im all that passionate on this topic, just pointing out the usual antideer sentiment involved in guiding the decisionmaking as usual, when anything to do with deer is the topic.

post edited by wayne c - 2015/03/27 19:20:07

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