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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 13:37:03
DRod Sheesh, read the requirements of participating in the hunting program.
WHY did ya have and go and post that; I'm gonna have nightmares for a week. (lol) I'll bet it took at least six 'Burgh Lawyers' a month to write those requirements. (snicker)
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way.
Walleye jigs
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 13:54:20
I read that document and agree with everything it states except the employment deal. This is a lot better than baiting traps to catch animals only trying to survive, closing a gate so they can't get out. Now how big are these traps? Are they going to put a gun up against the animals head or be several feet back,don't want any Sportsman to get hurt, and. Shoot the animal with a handgun,rifle,bow or baseball bat! I'll believe anyone that says the deer won't feel a thing, just like TV no pain, no suffering, no noise.Yes there is a Santa Clause
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 14:00:27
Somebody by the name of Santa Clause has cost me a BUNCH of money for toys, clothes and, jewelry over the last forty two years. So, I know there is a Santa Clause! Easter Bunny too! (lol) PS. He brings me new fishing gear................. sometimes!
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 14:28:09
Ironhed O'Hara Township has been doing this for years...using subs to thin deer populations.
So has Fox Chapel and Upper St. Clair. Upper St Clair has been doing it for several years now. They've culled 140 from 2012-2013. This isn't something new. Fox Chapel started this 20 years ago.
O'Hara = Fox Chapel
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 14:42:49
Oops! Same place different name. Thanks for the correction. Walleye Jigs, it really doesn't matter if they shoot them (using something lethal) in the head at point blank range or 10 ft. Dead is dead.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 14:59:39
Employee only hunting = Private hunting club using public land. The PGC now has in place, a grading system they use to place a $ value on illegally killed wildlife. I think it's called a 'replacement value' and can be as much as (?) $5000.00 per animal. Being employees only hunt these deer, I wonder if the IRS will be using the 'replacement value' to determine the amount of income taxes due, for a employee perk? PS. I'll certainly stand corrected on any of the above. PSS. I know I will be (lol) PSS. Bet it makes ya think...... don't it?
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/22 08:27:29
A coworker of mine in Cedar Rapids, IA is part of the city's deer population control program. From what he told me, it is a two tier program -- archery hunting and professional removal.
The archery portion, which he participates in runs from the fall into early winter. The person must qualify for accuracy every year. They also must harvest deer every year -- the idea us to rid the city of overpopulation, not provide a "hunting" opportunity, but rather a "killing" opportunity.
If I recall correctly, he must kill at least 5 antlerless deer to remain in the program. After 5, he gets another 5 antlerless tags and an antlered tag. He can fill the antlerless without filling the antlered -- that is the hunting opportunity part because there are some real monsters within the city limits.
At the end of the hunting portion of the program, the number of deer killed (all must be checked in) is compared to the number that were needed to be removed and the professional contractors take over to get to the target number.
They bait them into certain areas and use .222 varmint rifles to shoot them in the head at close range insuring they don't end up where they don't want them to.
The hunting part of the deal gets the hunters off the city's back and also reduces the cost of the contractors because of the reduced number that need removed. It is a win-win for the city.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/22 17:52:55
wayne c
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/23 19:11:51
The Pennsylvania Game Commission and similar wildlife agencies across the United States have decided to discourage the transfer of white-tailed deer for many reasons. Basically here its ONE reaon. They want fewer deer in most if not all places, not more anywhere. The primary reason is to minimize the spread of diseases like Chronic Wasting Disease. No more a threat than natural dispersal poses. And cwd has not been found in that area. Looks like Merlin Benner, an active proponent of the deer wars and of course, on the "wrong" side of the issue is jumping into a very lucrative endeavor. $500 a pop with a goal of 150 deer. Does it get any better than that? And it will no doubt "expand" to many other so called "urban" areas, and I wouldn't be shocked if some start pushing for this to occur in the "big woods" in remote areas thanks to dcnr & pgcs studies that are showing hunters aren't doing their job, the poor forest is falling apart and hunters only harvested 31 of their 32 deer running around with huge goofy collars on. They've also been laying some supportive studies for years. Remember the one saying we wouldn't go further than a quarter mile off the roads to hunt. lol Someones got to kill all those deer stacked up that we're too inept and lazy to get right? Hey, a lot of the "pens" are already in place in the form of their regeneration plots that have been fenced throughout the state forests. All they need to do now is throw in a truckload of bait and let ol' Merlin and the boys shut the door behind 'em and go to town! lol. Gary Alt during his dog and pony show days, in an interview with some Audubon clownsass for one of their "incite" pieces once said that government agencies would take care of the deer problem if hunters wouldn't. They would bring in sharp shooters, load them onto trucks and sell the meat. I guess he was wrong about that part. They would likely just give it to the food pantries and hunters for the hungry etc. Programs they have just recently and conveniently expanded and hunters can now donate deer for free, processing already paid for. As I understand that's where old Merlin is gonna dump off his carcasses after he collects his bounty. Gonna be interesting to see things that go on here 10 years from now, that's for sure. lol.
post edited by wayne c - 2015/02/23 19:14:02
wayne c
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/23 19:24:46
Another excuse not to move deer ive seen given by pgc is that some might not survive. But we managed to bring deer clear from other states to restock our own in the early 1900's, possibly strapped to the bumpers of model T's by 5th grade educated immigrants...lmao, But now, 100 years later its not doable I guess. lol.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/23 21:30:03
DRod, I like your thinking about the residents dealing with the dead and dying deer in their yards.. how about this scenario that happened here about 15 years ago. A hunter harvested a deer, field dressed it nearby and dragged it thru our yard in the snow... we did not know it at the time... we let our dog out ... he came back to the door about 10 minutes later, ran in the door as I held it open.. across the tiled kitchen floor and into the living room tracked blood as he traveled........ I can hear those Mt Lebo liberals screamin about their $1,00 dollar carpet now ...LOL...LOL
wayne c
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/23 21:57:45
As for dogs tracking things up, im sure any dog owner with a dog indoors is used to dogs tracking mud, dog shat and a whole host of things just as bad as blood into the house if they let them run around outside at will. An interesting snippet: " Sterilization is the second part of Mt. Lebanon's deer control management plan, but that sterilization permit has not been approved by the state. Brumfield said they hope to use the cull for a couple years, then move to sterilization for the long term. Sterilization would cost from $600 to $1,000 per deer, said Brumfield." Sounds like even though they've been "working" with pgc to get a plan into place the sterilization option hasn't been thouroughly squashed and completely put to rest. Interesting turn of events to say the least.
post edited by wayne c - 2015/02/23 22:03:18
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/23 23:41:50
Saw the 'Burgh' news tonight, watched WTAE, that showed some demonstrators beginning to gather in opposition. Some chubby cheeked dude was being interviewed and was mumbling something about the deer dying being much better than, people. Once again, I'm not against the culling of wild animals from populated areas. However, I don't like the way it's being handled and I sure do not appreciate the smoke, being blown up my donkey as to why they need to kill caged wild animals.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way.
Walleye jigs
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/24 07:58:34
I completely agree with Been there, I know it needs to be done I just disagree on how.Every time I killed a animal hunting in my lift time I always felt that little guilty feeling in my gut, wonder if these people do. Killing any animal over Home depot plants just isn't right. Another thing I can't believe is the stated cost, $75,000 for 150 deer? A little wire, some corn and 150 bullets unless they miss a lot. Is that the smell of $800 toilet seats I detect? What does the contractor pay his people hourly? Well guy's I wait to read more post but I'm not alluded to get worked up one trip to the er this month is enough.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/24 09:14:12
Walleye jigs, what you don't understand is the people of Mt Lebanon. They are basically all nut jobs! They all rallied to stop archery hunting because of safety reasons. This community is loaded with anti-hunters and they've prove it. In 2006-2008 the commissioners brought in sharpshooters to cull the herd at night and in 2008 the Mt Lebanon Commissioners terminated the culling program because the public was once again concerned about safety. The deer culling program WAS WORKING at the time, they killed 230 deer during that time. Now the deer population has exploded and these nut jobs don't want anything done to solve the problem. The commissioners are responsible for deer management in that township not the residents.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/24 11:25:53
wayne c Another excuse not to move deer ive seen given by pgc is that some might not survive. But we managed to bring deer clear from other states to restock our own in the early 1900's, possibly strapped to the bumpers of model T's by 5th grade educated immigrants...lmao, But now, 100 years later its not doable I guess. lol.
I agree. The PGC is full of it. They currently trap and transfer Elk without harm to the animal. Shouldn't be any different transporting Deer within the State.
Walleye jigs
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/24 11:45:25
I want to change my idea on killing these deer! I just saw the report on the PCNC news after seeing that female resident with tears, not wanting some other family to suffer like hers, after a member of her family can down with Lyme , I supposeing after being bitten by a deer. I thought this was over flowers, this puts a different light on the matter. Maybe these people should have been educated before voting. Bottom line a little common sense goes a long way. After playing with the flower beds take a shower and don't be bashful look at yourself its not against the law, check your kids when they come in at night ! Turn off the electronics and read a book, learn how to prevent things from happening instead off whining and costing an animal its life. As for relocating these deer theres no money and no glory for the Twp. How do we know that none of this $7500 isn't going to find its way home? People in govt won't do anything unless theres something to be GAINED.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/24 12:11:11
Deer don't transmit lyme disease, infected ticks do. Deer are carriers of ticks.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/24 12:17:32
I'm getting the feeling many of those commenting about this event, are irate because hunting by the general public is not permitted. Understandably so, however I have to say I would be quite concerned about total strangers walking around my neighborhood with weapons, looking for whitetail deer. My closest neighbor is better than 500 yds. and I get a bit anxious when I see strangers hunting, be they, carrying firearms or archery equip. Not here to argue what weapon is safer to use, or what type of testing/tryouts should be conducted, I just know if ANYONE were injured or, worse, then all he!! would breakout. Under the current method that same scenario can be expected, with one exception, the politicians WILL defend their actions "to the hilt". (using taxpayers money for litigation, no less) What I see is an opportunity for the hunters and general public to unite and 'callout' the PGC. We've seen various post on this subject regarding this same scenario happening in many places just in S.W. PA. and, it's been happening for quite sometime. Parading around carrying signs will certainly bring out the News Media, but how far does that go? Truthfully, I didn't even know it was happening until the story appeared here. I didn't see it on the 'Burgh' news (til recently) mainly, because I don't have an interest in the 'circus media' nor, am I from that area. I have interest in hunting Penn's Woods, (finally my point) and the "song and dance" along with "smoke and mirror" production by the PGC has, gone too far. I shudder to guess the amount of money wasted on bogus deer studies and or false reports with regard to heard reduction. Even more disheartening, the PA. Politicians and the many hunters believing the garbage fed to them by PGC. In my opinion, the hunters showing support for the present program do so because it fits their agenda. The politicians on the other hand do not want bothered by something that is of no concern to them. Thus, the info generated by the experts is reason enough to "allow the show to go on". By the way; a problem only get's the attention of a politician if, the problem effects the politicians political career. (bet ya didn't know that, did ya(LOL)) So why, are not the hundreds of disgruntled hunters not making this PGC circus a problem for their politicians, to worry about? Maybe, because it's not happening (yet) in the hunter's back yard, maybe they don't want to, maybe they don't know how or, maybe somebody else will do it? Try writing your politician(s) (not the PGC; their the problem) a friendly note explaining your concern. Have friends and relatives do the same; a person doesn't have to be a hunter to express their opinions. Lord knows there is a bunch of 'self proclaimed' journalist claiming to know what they write about. (problem is the politicians read and believe those articles). Be to the point and don't be long winded (listen to me (LMAO)) but, be persistent. Write follow-ups asking about your concerns and reminding your politician(s) your going to be a problem, come election time. Most likely, your politician(s) will respond informing you to contact the 'Game and Fisheries Committee' (or PGC) and that's when you need to inform that politician he/she needs to "crack the whip" to motivate the "Game and Fisheries Committee" or the PGC! United we stand, divided............. (PA's hunting heritage will fall) Ummmmm.......... I think I'm finished. Thank-you for your shoulder. PS. (so I fibbed ) If you can take time to send your concerns and opinions to this board, send a copy to Harrisburg. Okay, I gotta go.......... time to send some e-mails.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way.
Walleye jigs
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/24 13:12:42
I realize ticks carry Lyme and that deer carry ticks, cats dogs rabbits and any other warm blooded mammal, humans in there somewhere. Do we start a culling program for the above? I don,t buy the can't relocate to some point when it can be done with so many other animals. I can remember as a kid my hero was the local game warden and helping him box trap rabbits and relocate them, live trapping a fox and moving him out of town. Them problem with todays PGC is they think to highly of themselves and like so many others today don't want to work any harder for their paycheck than they have to and you don't want me getting started on politicians or lawyers who my grandfather said were people in school learning to lie to become politicians.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/24 13:20:00
BTDT, contacting the PGC is useless because unfortunately the PGC has no legal say in this matter. The only thing they can do is issue the permit to cull the herd, which they've done. Only the commissioners of Mt Lebanon have the authority to open township owned property to archery hunters. You can hunt on private property within the township if you own the property or have permission from the property owner.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/24 13:30:50
Walleye jigs I realize ticks carry Lyme and that deer carry ticks, cats dogs rabbits and any other warm blooded mammal, humans in there somewhere. Do we start a culling program for the above? I don,t buy the can't relocate to some point when it can be done with so many other animals. I can remember as a kid my hero was the local game warden and helping him box trap rabbits and relocate them, live trapping a fox and moving him out of town. Them problem with todays PGC is they think to highly of themselves and like so many others today don't want to work any harder for their paycheck than they have to and you don't want me getting started on politicians or lawyers who my grandfather said were people in school learning to lie to become politicians.
Walleye jigs, I'm sure that the PGC could do more but they won't. If they were to trap and transfer these deer and disburse them throughout the state, when would it end? They'd be right back at it in no time doing it again because Mt Lebanon refuses to implement a deer management plan.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/24 19:24:56
The PGC admitted years ago that deer numbers have nearly zero effect on the number of Lyme disease cases and even if deer were eradicated you wouldn't notice any difference. Of course they waited until after Herd Reduction was well underway to change their position. That was just another one of their original bogus claims to gain support for HR in the beginning.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/25 15:22:21
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/25 17:50:35
Who's responsible for the deer ??? If your dog tears up my flower bed and destroys some shrubs, I can sue you.... Gee ---- sounds like what Dr Alt talked about the first time I heard him here in Brockway.. the PGC getting sued someday for deer damage... but of course when I heard him again 4 weeks later the first 15 minutes of his talking about that was GONE... taken out of the seminar ?????????????
Walleye jigs
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/03/05 19:39:41
OK who has the deer repellant ? Seen on the news the cops are looking for the people responsible for spraying repellant on the bait, wonder if it works. $75,000 could buy a lot of repellant to pass out to the residents. By the way they claim to have pictures.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/03/05 21:02:58
That's funny................................. They might have pictures of something, seems to me I read somewhere that's, how they would be checking some of the traps. It's still funny.........
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way.
Walleye jigs
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/03/14 13:10:14
To those of us who have lost interest on this mornings news they stated 4 whole deer have been shot in roughly two weeks of professional trapping. However we must understand this low number isn't their fault, there's been interference with deer repellants and noise in the trapping areas. If nothing else it does prove deer repellants do work!
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/03/19 20:11:13
I expect the deer kill to be higher when the report comes out on the 20th.. They should eradicate them all especially in a high dense populated metro area. You want to see deer, travel to the mountains or State forest. Deer shouldn't be living in your backyard. What noise in the trapping area? Firearms used are suppressed.
Walleye jigs
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/03/20 09:15:19
I respect your opinion but do have a question. Do you also live in an area where a small group a people decide what you can park in your driveway,or how your house should look like and what plants you can have? Are you allouded to have a flag hanging outside your front door? Are you permitted to have kids or do they have to visit during certain hours, because they might damage your yard and plants. They might even run into your neighbors car and damage it. My grandfather explained to me years ago that every living thing on this earth needs an as whole to survive and that the human race is no exception. So your kind have a role in life.