Walleye jigs
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/20 16:47:26
What about having the people who are complaining sign Hold harmless contract with city and the bow hunters who pass a shooting test. As for the deer during in my yard under a swing set I'd rather they witness that then some stranger killing a bunch deer in a cage that has no chance of escape, I am definitely against only hunter who work for the city or state are aloud to hunt these deer. Last I heard they do drug test these employees but when was their IQ test, so what makes them safer and better hunter than the next guy? Bottom line there's right and wrong and this is WRONG.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/20 17:16:46
People are protesting the Monday meeting! Yesss!
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/20 17:58:51
Walleye jigs As for the deer during in my yard under a swing set I'd rather they witness that then some stranger killing a bunch deer in a cage that has no chance of escape,
I hear ya jigs. I don't like it either, as it reduces an animal most of us have great respect for to nothing more than backyard vermin. They're trying to sanitize the process as much as possible so that the problem disappears without anybody having to really see it. Not saying it's right or good, but the way politicians stay in office is by making their constituents happy. People that protest hunting live in a world with a sky of a different color than most of us. They don't think much about life and death and the wilds like many of us do. They'll think nothing of dropping $100 for a steak at Ruth's Chris downtown, but would never bother to think about where it came from.
Walleye jigs
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/20 18:03:59
I hope someone gets some pics sends them to that pahunts.org web site. where the GC wants hunters to share pictures of their favorite hunting moments in Pa.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/20 18:17:01
I guess when you (Mt Lebanon) have cash you can get anything you want. Killing all those deer is wrong. I am a hunter and a farmer and you just dont kill things for eating your fancy lawns and shrubs. As far as collisions with cars, drive slower and look up instead of playing with your. Slow down and enjoy the wildlife.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/20 19:39:00
Anybody see any of this planned whitetail genocide being discussed on KDKA, WTAE or, WPXI? If not, maybe they don't know about it yet.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/20 20:09:20
BeenThereDoneThat. Anybody see any of this planned whitetail genocide being discussed on KDKA, WTAE or, WPXI? If not, maybe they don't know about it yet.
It's been in the Post-Gazette and Trib. No idea if it's been on the tube yet?
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/20 21:31:38
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/20 22:38:14
Eman89so Dpms I'm sure that permit was not free.. nobody else thinks it's weird the game commission approved this compared to opening up a possible archery season in certain parts or at least trying to find an alternate method?
There is no specific provision in Title 34 for a fee associated with a deer control permit for a political subdivision. Section 2904(c) states that "The commission shall set a reasonable fee for any permit required by this title which is not specifically set forth in this section". Based on the cost to obtain nearly any other permit issued by the PGC or any state government agency for that matter, I highly doubt that the permit was more than $1000 (which is being generous), and that wouldn't even cover the staff time used to evaluate the plan. Secondly, the PGC has no authority to mandate hunting in any way shape or form, especially on lands that they do not own. The decision to take the path that they chose was made by the Township, not the PGC.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/20 22:52:56
I think many people are missing the point of this operation. It has nothing to do with hunting and everything to do with drastically reducing the overpopulation of deer. Mt Lebo is approximately 6 square miles with over 30k residents. I've seen estimates that somewhere close to 400 deer live in the township. I've also heard estimates that nearly 80% of the township is developed, meaning that only a little over 1 square mile is "forested". That would mean deer densities are close to 400 dpsm. I don't think anyone is happy with the way that this is being handled, but it is very well known that this area has severe issues with overpopulation and something had to be done. Rather than take the logical first approach to implement hunting on publicly owned lands work on landowner acceptance of bowhunting to expand hunting opportunities, they chose to trap and kill. Again I don't agree with it, but then again I don't pay taxes there thankfully. And BTDT, it's been all over the local news for the past few weeks, both in print and on screen.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 00:25:14
Esox_Hunter, I agree 100% with what you've posted however if the deer population has been estimated to be around 400 dpsm, trapping and killing 150 deer doesn't drastically reduce the herd. That's leaving 250 dpsm to reproduce in no time which will lead them right back to this problem in the near future just like it did when they culled the herd back in 2006-2008. I'm totally against this method they're currently using also, but if they are going to cull the herd why stop at 150.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 05:16:12
First off I am against This plan. E H statement about way to many deer and the amount of land they have, Well Just like anything else THE DEER will expand out just as natural as they have done for their existence looking for more food, browsing and bedding. Quite frankly I would like to go down, Watch and film there method of putting these deer down. Then releasing to the local news and see on TV I think the people of MT Lebanon might not be so anxious doing so again !!!
Walleye jigs
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 07:36:35
Why can't these deer be darted and relocated ? If the Twp has money for Christmas lights, fireworks and parades I'm sure they could cover the cost for this plan. Relocate them to places where the hunters complain the herd is low. If nothing else some of these people should have to stand there and witness this killing first hand.Seems to there was another time in history residents had to witness what their leaders did. Anyone know the location of these meeting Monday night?
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 07:38:10
Paying $500 per head to have someone come in and trap and kill them rather than letting hunters do it for free. Must be some real anti's living there. I would be screaming about the waste of taxpayers money. Better solution is have prospective hunters pay a fee and use the money to conduct a class on safety related to the area and make them pass a proficiency test before issuing permits to hunt the area. It's a ongoing problem and needs an ongoing solution. Of course you could always fence in the area and release some wolves the libs seem to love. lol
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 07:57:15
this argument sounds almost identical to the landowner disputes in Erie. Its private property, if they refuse hunters, why resort to name calling? It's ironic how some people seem to change their view on subjects, to fit their agenda. I think those that feel so deeply about this subject, should fund a program to trap and relocate. I'm sure if the borough's cost were the same as proposed and there aren't strangers walking around densely populated private property, they would agree.
post edited by Porktown - 2015/02/21 07:59:58
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 08:18:25
I'm just glad it's not happening in my township :)
Walleye jigs
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 08:42:13
Ditto, on the S10 post. Don't know you personally but have always enjoyed reading you post. Whether I agreed or not.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 09:07:05
Due to the high density of homes in Mt Lebanon it makes it difficult to only rely on archery hunters to control the deer population. For the most part, it's more of a safety zone issue.
Walleye jigs
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 09:28:13
And when action takes place I wonder what Twp will be next to sign ? At this very moment there are 5 deer in my yard which is fenced in eating the grass I paid for and care all summer because it makes yard look good and there's a road in front of my house. Where they could and do get hit. This is a fact my brother in law is the of our Twp road dept. Wonder if he can get me a My Lebo permit? We have food banks out I'm sure could use the minus the bleach.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 10:54:45
Essox I appreciate the come back............ not being from the 'Burgh' I don't partake in their news. On another note: In the name of 'safety'. Not against 'culling' deer for the sake of reducing numbers in (heavily) populated areas. Not against the use of traps for the reason of moving said deer from "heavily" populated areas. Not against having the meat from the euthanized deer donated to food banks. But, leads me to ask just how and where these animals will be killed? Do wonder about the cost per deer (not that I'm paying for the project) as I would think transporting the deer to 'other' areas for release (not to be euthanized) can't be all that costly, per deer. Do wonder why, these particular deer would not be released to other parts of the county/state in hope of spreading their 'genes' for generating "bigger and better quality bucks". After all who hasn't seen the, size of those 'racks' on, bucks living in heavily populated areas? Do remember 'spreading a (good) gene pool' as being 'A' reason for heard reduction in Penns Woods! Do wonder why (in the name of 'hunting heritage') the PGC is not assisting with relocation instead of allowing euthanization? Do wonder why, the PGC traps AND transports bear in the name of safety? Do wonder why, it seems the 'SIGN OF THINGS TO COME' is spreading like 'wildfire'? I sure do wonder?
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 11:10:38
O'Hara Township has been doing this for years...using subs to thin deer populations.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 11:59:53
Walleye ji Walleye jigs Why can't these deer be darted and relocated ? If the Twp has money for Christmas lights, fireworks and parades I'm sure they could cover the cost for this plan. Relocate them to places where the hunters complain the herd is low. If nothing else some of these people should have to stand there and witness this killing first hand.Seems to there was another time in history residents had to witness what their leaders did. Anyone know the location of these meeting Monday night?
According to the PGC there are several reasons why deer aren't trapped and relocated. Risk of disease, high mortality during and after transport and lack of need for population restoration. For those reasons mentioned, the PGC simply will not do it. Cost has nothing to do with trap and transfer.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 12:07:18
Ironhed O'Hara Township has been doing this for years...using subs to thin deer populations.
So has Fox Chapel and Upper St. Clair. Upper St Clair has been doing it for several years now. They've culled 140 from 2012-2013. This isn't something new. Fox Chapel started this 20 years ago.
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 12:36:56
ridgehunter Walleye jiWalleye jigs Why can't these deer be darted and relocated ? If the Twp has money for Christmas lights, fireworks and parades I'm sure they could cover the cost for this plan. Relocate them to places where the hunters complain the herd is low. If nothing else some of these people should have to stand there and witness this killing first hand.Seems to there was another time in history residents had to witness what their leaders did. Anyone know the location of these meeting Monday night?
According to the PGC there are several reasons why deer aren't trapped and relocated. Risk of disease, high mortality during and after transport and lack of need for population restoration. For those reasons mentioned, the PGC simply will not do it. Cost has nothing to do with trap and transfer. =================================================================== Does it not seem strange the PGC will use the reason(s) listed for not working with deer but, have no problems with bear, turkey, pheasant, etc. being relocated? Exception: "NO NEED FOR (or wanting) POPULATION RESTORATION" Just wondering..................
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/02/21 12:42:56
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 12:50:28
I can't speak for the PGC but my guess would be that Deer are more destructive on the habitat than those you've mentioned.
post edited by ridgehunter - 2015/02/21 12:52:01
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 13:03:34
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 13:10:18
Nobody can speak for the PGC as they seem to speak out of both sides of their mouth. Habitat destruction is/was a big reason for "herd reduction"; at least that was a reason they capitalized on. I know one thing; the PGC deer program sure has projected "A sign of things to com". Think Spring and stay warm; better days are comin'.
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 13:14:51
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 13:19:07
Eample: Smoke and mirror show................... Q: Why can’t the deer be captured and transferred to another location? A: The Pennsylvania Game Commission and similar wildlife agencies across the United States have decided to discourage the transfer of white-tailed deer for many reasons. The primary reason is to minimize the spread of diseases like Chronic Wasting Disease. Other reasons include not transferring problems of deer overabundance from one area to another. Often people cite low deer populations in another area as being a reason to move deer into those habitats, but most often those low populations are a result of poor habitat caused by historically unbalanced deer herds, where the high populations degraded the habitat, and the habitat is taking time to recover. =================================================================== Interesting how 'other state wildlife agencies' is used to enforce the PGC but, when used by opponets of a PGC plan we're told "this is PA.; not another state".
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2015/02/21 13:29:36
Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~ Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Trapping deer
2015/02/21 13:24:40