Trapping deer

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Walleye jigs
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2015/02/18 17:31:36 (permalink)

Trapping deer

What's everyone think about My Lebenon. plan to deer in their area trapped and shot at close range? Guess there no way to relocate to areas where the hunters claim there are no deer or very low numbers.

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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/18 19:00:15 (permalink)
    It won't happen..
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 06:15:00 (permalink)
    Which part? The GC has given their approval and issued the permits,the contractors hired set and baited their traps last night. The only rule they were given is as soon as there is 6 deer in a trap. They must destroy them.In my view that says its going to work.
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 07:18:55 (permalink)
    I must be out of the loop. Last I heard at the commissioners meeting the residents were very ****ed at this. I think it's ridiculous as well
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 08:12:19 (permalink)
    I completely agree with you the residents are upset but their leaders and the GC are going ahead with the plan. I use to love to hunt but killing a caged animal is completely wrong I don't care how flowers they eat.Their trying to live too. I have a garden every year and its amazing what a little bit of fence does and I've had up to 17+ deer in my yard at one time.What they eat they repay with manure.
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 09:44:06 (permalink)
    The idea of opening up properties owned by the Twp to bowhunting has been floating around for quite some time and without question to me, that was the best solution.  However, the yuppies of Mt. Lebo have decided that they didn't want bowhunting to take place on these properties and the PGC certainly can't force them do so.  If anyone is to blame here it's Mt Lebo.  If I lived there, I'd be furious that $75,000 of tax money was allocated to something that could have been done for virtually nothing if hunters were used.      
    Anyone remotely familiar with the area knows that there really is a serious problem with overpopulation in the Twp.  According to the news, close to 60 vehicle crashes with deer occurred in 2014 in the Twp.  Something needed to be done, and since Mt Lebo didn't want hunters around, what other choice did they really have?   
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 10:35:24 (permalink)
    the game commission needed some extra $. You know they are making out in this. Six deer in the pen and they go in and kill them. I think it is absolutely ridiculous. Bunch of tree huggers in Mt . Lebanon though so I'm surprised there isn't a uproar
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 11:04:10 (permalink)
    Question is what are they going to do with the meat? As for cars, I've been driving for 50+ yes in the country with plenty of deer only hit one and that was definitely my fault. Slow down and pay attention to the road. And to think we claim to be the smartest mammals on earth.
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 11:21:22 (permalink)
    If you read the article, you will note that it said the meat will be donated to food banks.
    I can tell from your comments that you are not familiar with the area.  It's far from being in the "country" and is substantially developed with several major traffic arteries running through the Twp. 
    Eman - What would lead you to believe that the PGC stands to financially benefit from the culling?  A private contractor will be doing the culling and Mt Lebo will be footing the bill.    
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 11:53:22 (permalink)
    I find it very weird that the game commission was backing this.. I am reading a article right now about it .. Some interesting reads. Btw chicfila is so good
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 11:55:58 (permalink)
    Not sure how much money the PGC is making on this, if any.
    The PGC has authorized the municipality’s plan to hire a Tioga County wildlife consultant to corral and shoot white-tailed deer in six public parks.  Cost is $500 per deer.  They plan on killing 150 deer.  All meat is supposed to be donated to local food banks.
    Mt Lebanon hired/paid sharpshooters between 2006-2008 to thin the herd.  The deer population has increased since then and once again and the municipality is right back at it.
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 11:58:48 (permalink)
    That permit is prob big bucks
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 12:17:54 (permalink)
    This is posted on Mt Lebanon's Deer Management program.
    Mt. Lebanon had planned to conduct an archery hunt but was unable to get the program in place this season in time to obtain the required permit from the Pennsylvania Game Commission.
    The high density of homes in Mt. Lebanon and the safety zone requirements for hunting in Pennsylvania make hunting, when not combined with other methods, a ineffective option for achieving a meaningful reductions of the deer population here.
    Mt. Lebanon does intend to use limited archery hunting to supplement the deer control program in future deer hunting seasons. 
    What they failed to mention is they will allow only municipal staff and employees to bowhunt in designated areas of the township.  They were going to implement it this past late season but all the 2B tags were sold out.
    post edited by ridgehunter - 2015/02/19 12:19:29
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 12:36:48 (permalink)
    No matter how you sugar coat it just doesn't seem. I had no trouble shooting one of my cows in pen but just can't agree with doing that to deer, maybe its just me. Its been a few years since I was over there but I know its congested and overbuilt, way too crowded for me. As for the bow hunting if a hunter pas a skill test,pay for a permit it should not matter who they work for.but Pa. Buddy system at its best.
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 13:11:20 (permalink)
    Sugar coating pretty much sums it up................
    This will be a circus for the local(s), news and, PETA.  What-Da-Ya-Think......?

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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 14:38:26 (permalink)
    While donating to a food bank sounds good, because it is, there may be ramifications to doing that. Some state, I don't recall which, but it was not PA, was forced to destroy all food bank donated venison because it was not USDA inspected. They ripped open litterally tons of packaged venison and poured bleach on it to make it unedible. A Google search would probably turn up the article.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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    Walleye jigs
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 15:01:54 (permalink)
    I seem to remember reading that article. Wasn't there some conflict here Pa about the hunters sharing the harvest that did result. In throwing the meat away?
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 15:07:56 (permalink)
    Typical case of urban dwellers as anti hunters- We are slobs in their opinion and dangerous to have around in the woods, besides we actually ENJOY it.
    They would much rather have the pure clean trapping of deer as well as govt 'sharpshooters' care for Deer issues.
    I firmly believe that those Urban folks are so far removed from the realities of nature they don't even know what they are up to- but ahhhh betcha they are all self appointed 'environmentalists' whos only concern is the Deer not being wounded by those shoot at anything that moves hunters. Not to mention pets and kids.
    When they outnumber us by a wide enough margin our way of life is doomed.
    Like my hard huntin retired Game warden cousin says-"we are the last generation to do what we do'.
     He often tells about being sent to a urbies house who had just moved to the country for  late night animal noise call- they wanted him to stop the peepers from peeping because it interfered with their sleep.
     They all vote .
    post edited by r3g3 - 2015/02/19 17:09:59
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 16:39:41 (permalink)
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 16:54:58 (permalink)
    I could not paste the link for some reason, but it was LA and 1600 pounds of venison that had been donated and processed which was destroyed.

    One of our local processors stopped participating in the Share the Harvest program because of all the paperwork required by the PGC -- namely weighing in every deer and weighing out and recording every donated ounce and where it went. They felt they were too busy at that time of year to do the extra work and then go through an audit -- especially when they were doing the processing for FREE instead of making the donator pay all or a portion of it.

    The poster formally known as Duncsdad

    Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 17:14:29 (permalink)
    Was gonna donate one here in Ct a few years back-thought it would be a nice thing to do.
    Contacted the folks who were to receive the Deer and found it had to be professionally cut by a particular butcher and packaged and labeled to their standard-cost of 'donating' was to be well over $100 bucks.
    And here dopy me thought I just had to bring in a Deer and the recipients would care for their own 'special' butchering needs.
    I cut and packaged it myself at home--ate it there too.
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 18:21:47 (permalink)
    The idea of opening up properties owned by the Twp to bowhunting has been floating around for quite some time and without question to me, that was the best solution.  However, the yuppies of Mt. Lebo have decided that they didn't want bowhunting to take place on these properties and the PGC certainly can't force them do so.  If anyone is to blame here it's Mt Lebo.  If I lived there, I'd be furious that $75,000 of tax money was allocated to something that could have been done for virtually nothing if hunters were used.      

    Yep. The anger should be directed at the residents who do not welcome hunters who services are free. 

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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 18:23:10 (permalink)
    the game commission needed some extra $. You know they are making out in this. Six deer in the pen and they go in and kill them. I think it is absolutely ridiculous. Bunch of tree huggers in Mt . Lebanon though so I'm surprised there isn't a uproar

    The PGC has nothing to do with this. They only approved the plan. The Township contracted the work out.

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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 18:55:38 (permalink)
    sSometimes we are our own worst enemies and play into the hands of those who  oppose our way of life and confuse those who don't understand us.
       A couple of years back there was a 'reality' TV hunting show about guys bow hunting the Ct coastline where Deer are overpopulated and live in some VERY expensive neighborhoods where multi million dollar estates and homes abound.
        Aside from the 4 regular bow tags here in Ct that area boasts almost unlimited bonus tags after each reported kill.
    I eagerly awaited the show and watched it a few times untill becoming disgusted  about  how the hunt was portrayed in the REALITY show.
    Not all the shows- some were good- but  too many were full of low grade buffoonish humor likely made up by someone who figured hunters were idiots and sought to portray them as such-consiously intended or not.
     One in particular sticks in my memory.
         The theme was who was going to clean the toilet in the Barn they lived in while hunting- complete with showing a filthy urine filled toilet-made sense to anyone thinking hunters are slobs and cant even flush.
       The game devised  to perform the cleaning was a target shoot at a reasonable distanced bow target.
    Some arrows were shot and some were on target-not many and one  guy completely missed the whole target--the cleaning guy.
    As a general group they were displayed as poor shots complete with lots of hooting and ya hooing.
       Just what too many think is reality.
    Maybee the folks who watched that show chose to trap and kill nuisance Deer.
    Don't even get me started bout that Alaskan homesteading show where they  miss far more Bears than they hit at some great distances and then realize their sights are off.
    Yep guys with guns------------
    post edited by r3g3 - 2015/02/19 21:39:36
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/19 19:28:54 (permalink)
    Yep. The anger should be directed at the residents who do not welcome hunters who services are free. 

    I agree.  I do a lot of work there and most of the people are snooty, arrogant, better than thou kind of bastages.  There's no chance of them allowing hunters on their property to help harvest deer. 
    You're basically dealing with the 'Save Bambi' crowd.
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/20 12:21:41 (permalink)
    Slow down and pay  attention to the road. That says all that needs to be said!!!!!!!! How the hell can you go that fast in ML?????Can only go 35 or 40 anywhere. Should be able to stop on a dime!! How do you hit a deer at that speed???

    It's more dangerous than you think.  In many of these incidents you don't have time to stop.
    In 2014, 83 incidents were reported to the Mt Lebanon police involving injured deer on roads or deer-vehicle collisions.
    A few years back while driving on Lincoln Way in Whiteoak a deer came out of nowhere off the side of the road and slammed into the side of my truck.  I was traveling about 25 mph and didn't have time to react.  It could happen anywhere and usually does.
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/20 12:57:09 (permalink)
    I say we all go to the parks and protect Pa. natural resourses. Or are the parks closed to the taxpayer as well? An organized archary hunt is the way this should go
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/20 14:12:39 (permalink)
    Many municipally (whether boro, township or county) owned parks in PA prohibit the general public from hunting all or portions of them, but do make certain exceptions from time to time.  For example, some (maybe most?) Allegheny County owned parks have limited archery hunting on a draw system for hunters that can pass a shooting proficiency test.  Even when there's enough room for shotgun and muzzleloader hunting, they are still restricted to archery only.  Some Westmoreland County parks have controlled hunts for geese.  
    So yes, hunting in many parks is closed to the taxpayer, or tightly restricted to certain taxpayers that meet certain criteria.  
    From the articles I've read about Mt Lebo's situation, sounds like they have a goal of removing 150 deer this year, and similar numbers over the next 5 years.  It would be nice to see archery hunters at least be able to be a part of the solution where there aren't concerns with safety zones and public safety.  
    Look at the boundary of Mt Lebo on Google Maps:,+PA&hl=en&ll=40.377936,-80.051193&spn=0.042304,0.089951&sll=41.117935,-77.604698&sspn=5.35395,11.513672&oq=mt+leban&t=h&hnear=Mt+Lebanon,+Allegheny+County,+Pennsylvania&z=14
    I don't see a real feasible way that the municipality could depend on hunters to remove as many deer as they'd like/need to at this point with the limited number of acres that aren't inside of safety zones, even the relaxed 50 yard safety zone for archery.  After some culling of this nature is done, hunters could certainly be a part of the solution to prevent unchecked growth of the herd again.  
    The problem could have been prevented, or at least lessened, with prior use of hunters.
    Also consider that deer hit with arrows rarely drop where they're shot.  Do you want to be one of the decision makers in Mt. Lebo that has to deal with the public relations nightmare of explaining to residents why dying deer are running through their backyards and dropping under their kids' swingsets?  Would you want to have to explain to landowners that hunters will need to walk through their yards to track and recover deer that they hit?  I wouldn't.  Not in an area where there's enough $ for many residents to bring lawsuits against me or the municipality because they don't like the policy.  
    Again, not saying that there isn't a place for hunting here at all.  But I don't think a solution to the problem lies in hunting alone.  
    And just a wild guess, but $75 grand out of Mt Lebo's coffers is probably a drop in the bucket.  
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/20 16:00:26 (permalink)
    Dpms I'm sure that permit was not free.. nobody else thinks it's weird the game commission approved this compared to opening up a possible archery season in certain parts or at least trying to find an alternate method?
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    Re: Trapping deer 2015/02/20 16:15:04 (permalink)
    Residents are complaining about lawn damage..........
    post edited by Eman89so - 2015/02/20 16:17:14
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