Helpful ReplyWhen it thaws...

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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/20 20:06:16 (permalink)
Check chimney smoke before u go.

I don't get it.  
Can you, or somebody, 'splain that please? Something to do with atmospheric pressure?
I won't be going, was just curious.  Have never fished on the ice.  Don't see myself starting any time soon.  
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/20 20:23:49 (permalink)
i remember old timers (i mean much older than talking about these signs.  the natives went by these also (from my readings on native american culture).
post edited by rap - 2015/02/20 20:28:10
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/20 20:26:54 (permalink)
i remember when fishing as a young man that we'd look at the leaves on deciduous trees when we knew weather was coming.  when the tips started to curl towards the sky, it as getting time to pack up and head on our way.
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/20 20:48:31 (permalink)
I can't pass this one up......  not at my age!
Old fisherman never die, they just smell that way..........  okay.. okay.... here's my fishing forecaster.
When the wind is out of the south or west, fishing will be at it's best..............
When the wind is out of the north or east, fish bite the least ~ heard that somewhere?
......................  beat ya to it (lol)

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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/20 20:54:14 (permalink)
post edited by rap - 2015/02/20 21:43:11
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/20 21:15:26 (permalink)
When the wind is out of the south or west, fishing will be at it's best..............
When the wind is out of the north or east, fish bite the least ~ heard that somewhere?

Certainly familiar with that, and have the skunkings to show for it.  
Overthought the chimney smoke thing.  
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/20 21:53:44 (permalink)
You know what they say about a bad day of fishing being better than a good day at work.
As for the chimney effect well, now you have one for your book.
You know what they say about never too late to learn! (lol)

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/21 08:12:09 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby rap 2015/02/21 10:00:32
Do a search on barometric pressure and fishing. There are even some fishfindeers with barometers on them. I wouldn't follow the from east, bite least, west is best. It all depends on where you are fishing. Some places, it is the complete opposite.
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/21 09:50:11 (permalink)
Do a search on barometric pressure and fishing. There are even some fishfindeers with barometers on them. I wouldn't follow the from east, bite least, west is best. It all depends on where you are fishing. Some places, it is the complete opposite.


Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/21 09:59:07 (permalink)
i agree, porktown.  i've done well on walleyes with an east wind hitting my face while wading on the ohio side.  probably my least favorite incident of weather would be that clear, mile high sky right after a cold front has moved through.  i've found the fishing to be a bit more challenging then.
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/21 11:04:36 (permalink)
I yi yi.... yi yi ..... really?

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/22 16:20:56 (permalink)
i agree, porktown.  i've done well on walleyes with an east wind hitting my face while wading on the ohio side.  probably my least favorite incident of weather would be that clear, mile high sky right after a cold front has moved through.  i've found the fishing to be a bit more challenging then.

Post cold front is definitely the most challenging, especially if it is a drastic drop. Deep and slow and hope for the best. Light east wind is unbeatable along the Atlantic coast for clear water species, especially OBX. For lake fishing, it really depends on where I'm fishing, and how hard it is blowing. Anything gusting over 15-20, is going to be rough regardless of direction, unless it is right before a storm. That is my favorite, except for taking the boat out in a downpour. Usually those are winds from the south, since low pressure systems are counter clockwise and almost always come from the west.
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/22 16:29:37 (permalink)
i fish the walleye spawn during the spring at pymatuning and i really think that the fish are so focused on the natural agenda that they really aren't affected by weather as much as they are during the rest of the year.  then again, i've only been wading for 40 years and i could be wrong.
post edited by rap - 2015/02/22 18:09:15
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/23 10:31:57 (permalink)
Walcat give me your address and I'll send you some cheese to go along with your WHINE!

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/23 18:55:16 (permalink)
I've heard 'windbag' and I've heard 'blowhard', but blowbag is a new one for me.

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
Matthew 4:19
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/23 22:45:15 (permalink)
I'm thinking Walcat got me mixed up with his hero...............................  Mike Tomlin.
Anyway......... your calling out Blowbag Walcat so, I trust your calling out the answer to my question, should I send the cheese to that address?   Ummm... what kind of cheese would you like to go along with your whine?
PS. You have asked a very interesting question and truthfully, being a legend in my own mind, I would have to answer no.
Thank-you for asking.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/24 23:43:12 (permalink)
 Did I say something wrong?   I can't believe your calling me names Walcat, I'm shocked!!!!!
How could you even think about calling me................ Tim?

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/25 08:02:05 (permalink)
and yet another good thread gone to pot.
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/25 15:44:15 (permalink)
Rap..............  My surface go to lures consist of the J 9 thru 11 Original Floater in silver and the J 13 Jointed in silver, gold and, perch.  I've lost several of both fishing at Pymy.   Usually from musky hitting my lures as I cast or troll near the shore lines.  I also have a nice collection of the smaller floaters with broken lips that, I used in the creeks for walleye.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/26 21:05:51 (permalink)
Ditch the Rapala's and cast flies.
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/26 21:24:03 (permalink)
started with rapalas, went to flies, ditched the flies and went back to rapalas.  my hands and my back feel much
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/26 23:13:28 (permalink)
Looked into that fly fishing and after reading some of the posts on the boards about line wt. tippet size, rod weight, this fly, that fly, center pin, spare spools, my boots, your boots, somebodies boots, stocking foot boots, no boot boots and people yelling at some guy named Chartist...... no thanks I'm stickin' to my spinning and bait casting. (lol)

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/27 08:10:03 (permalink)
so I stopped ICE FISHING yesterday ,n, ran to Cabelas ,n, got a Minn kota t.m. for my boat, so i,m ready for the global warming or the next ice age. oh, went back ice fishing, didn,t sink the ice with my pile of fish, but i had a great time. lol wire
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/27 09:33:12 (permalink)
Wading in knee high water, 20' off of a shore line filled with brush at night, isn't really ideal streamer tossing environment.  There are definitely situations that swinging a fly rod is a huge advantage, and the guys that really know what they are doing can get by in most other occasions.  Night wading for walleye as Rap is mentioning, is not the most ideal though (same for wipers a bit south of him where I have unsuccessfully forced the fly rod - although I have landed nice fish in the process).  No doubt enjoyable hooking up with a monster on a hand tied streamer, but the delivery system, untangling back casts from poison ivy filled brush or tree limbs that suddenly appear isn't worth any extra enjoyment IMO.  Not to mention the bats that are always around.  I'd think a higher probability of an accidental bi-catch with the multiple false casts looping through the air.  Similar issues with the 20+ items in my boat that seem to act as a magnet to back casts.  Especially with those dang navigation lights blinding you, when it is pitch dark out and you turn your sight into one.  The natural reaction to flinch from the temporary blindness, might alter the back cast enough to permanently blind someone.  IMHO, it is just as enjoyable hooking up with a hand crafted lure, casted with my knuckle dragger brand spinning rod with neanderthal brand reel.  Albeit, I end up spending a decent portion of the night untangling with it as well, but not nearly what I had done attempting the fly rod.  There is definitely a very short window at dusk, that the overhanging tree limbs are visible, and depth perception to the shore is a bit more manageable, and the fish seem to be more focused on a single bait fish, that a fly rod presentation is probably the best approach available.  I have had success with casting bubbles and streamers at night and using streamers as teasers, although they tend to tangle to each other a bit and need constant adjustment.  My go to lure during the post spawn months, are hand tied buck tails.  More of a Congo/Deceiver mix tied on a saltwater lead head collared jig.  That all said, my go to night time plug is commercially available, and still fun as heck to hook into mr. line side and give the neanderthal reel drag a workout.  Just as enjoyable feeling a nice smack, not nearly the fight, but knowing that there will be walleye fillets in my fridge.
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/27 10:10:13 (permalink)
so I stopped ICE FISHING yesterday ,n, ran to Cabelas ,n, got a Minn kota t.m. for my boat, so i,m ready for the global warming or the next ice age. oh, went back ice fishing, didn,t sink the ice with my pile of fish, but i had a great time. lol wire

Great to hear ya caught some fish through the ice. What type of bait were ya usin', flys or rapalas?

Sorry........ couldn't resist (lol)

What model Minn Kota did ya pick-up?

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/27 10:18:06 (permalink)
porktown, i've been fishing the same points, bars and 'shoals' for decades and i've never had an issue with wading at night, be it with snags or tripping.  we either cast parallel to shore or fan cast into the lake.  no branches or trees to contend with.  i will say that i've been at it so long that i have seen the island off of poplar grove on the ohio side completely disappear.  sad.  it went from five trees to four and on down to one over twenty years.  about six years ago, or so, it completely eroded away.  we needed that island as a landmark to find a bar pretty far off shore.  dang.
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Re: When it thaws... 2015/02/27 13:27:36 (permalink)
Are you saying, no problems with swinging a fly rod at those same spots at night?  I don't have many issues with spinning gear, unless I am casting from the boat, towards shore and don't notice overhang.  From shore, more the normal line catching a treble hook, or hook catching brush if I put the rod down.  Swinging a fly rod, I only did it about 5 times at night at Arthur (none at Pymie), due to frustration.  Only twice on Arthur that was a planned night fish, and not just a good day wading that ran late.  I was hung up on shoreline brush constantly, thought I'd make some changes the second time (parallel to shore), but still had a ton of issues (and no fish that outing).  Most of Arthur, you can't wade more than 20' out, before it gets over your waist high, much of the time where the fish are at night.  You can always do the parallel to shore casting, but need to spread out from your buddies and anyone else there (which now days on Arthur, means mid week & bad weather).   That is where the limbs that hang over the lake get you.  I ended up finishing both days, roll casting out 20' or so, covering half of the water that I wanted to.  Like said, those that use a fly rod constantly and know the intricacies of the spot they are fishing can get by, but far from the ideal tool for the situation.  Much like the guys that use ultra-lights to drift fish Elk.  They'll work, but a noodle or fly rod is a better tool IMO.
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Lots a Hillbilly scientists on this board - 2015/02/27 15:46:04 (permalink)
last year the top bass we took in Quebec North of Ottawa was a large mouth that weighed in at 7lb 4 oz  that is not a provincial record but this was 200 miles west of Montreal. Every year we catch more and bigger bass up there. 35 years ago the Ottawa was half Lakers and Sturgeon and the other half was Pike and Walleye.  Smallmouths were around but not plentiful. Now smallies are the most plentiful and Lakers are much deeper and harder to get. Top smallie last year was over 7 as well. La Beuchene which even further north and noted for big brooks and lakers now has more smallmouth in their big lake that any other species. The bass are getting prolific due to a long trend of increasing temperatures. Like the other scientists said in the Est colder and wetter winters and springs but the average temps up north are definitely on their way up. 
Fish don't lie.  
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Re: Lots a Hillbilly scientists on this board - 2015/02/27 16:08:50 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby crappiefisher 2015/02/28 01:27:53
sorta like when I was child lookin' for Salamanders & Crabs in local crik. Still Fun
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Re: Lots a Hillbilly scientists on this board - 2015/02/27 16:32:22 (permalink)
Better to find them in the local crik, than the local crack...
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