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Well it seems most of you guys are smart and have transitioned to the hard water. For people not so smart like my two buddies and I, we are planning (note I said planning) a trip to the SR on Feb 19th. Any indications of how much snow is along the banks and this may sound like a dumb question but any thoughts on actually buying snow shoes? As always it seems we are opening our horizons on fishing up there.... We would typically keep to Oct, Nov, Dec, March and April but now we apparently want to really get a taste of what its like to have frozen fingers and feet. Anyhow any and all info appreciated... Also we were talking to a guy that frequents up there.... He indicated even Mid to upper river is getting slush and starting to potentially lock up. Anyone care to put this rumor to rest..... I mean I'm sure everthing below 2A is probably a waste of time with all of the slush. I hope that his commentary is inaccurate as I would prefer not to concentrate in Altmar with everyone else. I've never fished up there and would prefer it to stay that way as the parking lot alone makes me want to turn around and go home. Thanks as always.
Clint S
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2015/02/03 22:07:21
I have not fished the river since early January. As far as snow we just a foot and there was a pretty dense one foot plus pack on the ground. As far as slush I don't know, all really depends on the temps, lots of shelf ice forming, but they did just raise to 500 for the weekend so some may have broke off
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2015/02/04 06:01:31
Town pool is completely unfishable. Slush from 2a down is a sure bet. Even pineville had shelf ice a couple days ago when I drove over it. A couple day warm up of lows in the high teens and highs in the 30's would make for no slush in my findings through the years. Upper river is not locked up... Hitting 33 today... But another -20 could be possible tomorrow evening. Machine send me pm as it gets closer to your trip and I'll let you know what I see. My back yard had close to thigh deep snow yesterday afternoon. Probably same by the river. You could luck out and be able to walk on top of it though by the time you come up
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2015/02/04 07:45:11
Always a safe bet to have snowshoes anywhere near the Tug Hill this time of year, and carry the waders until you get to the river. The hike into Trestle from the North when the road is not plowed was a good work out with a foot on the ground when I was in my 30's, and now with thigh deep snow I would venture to guess they might find me in spring! Of course, there is always only going where the paths are walked down, and the lots may all be plowed out, but even 100 yards in deep snow is a lot of work.
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2015/02/04 08:07:58
Was well into the outback one March walking on the top and as the day progressed started busting through every third or fourth step- **** deep and HARD to get out of every time. LONGGGG walk back to the car. lol That snowshoe thing woulda helped-
post edited by r3g3 - 2015/02/04 08:53:25
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2015/02/04 10:50:14
I just can't get excited with fishing in those conditions in Feb.,did it many years ago and never did it since. Looking at the ten day forecast does n't give much hope for a warm up.
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2015/02/04 10:58:25
Thanks everyone, I was eyeballing some cheap-ish snow shoes on ebay. No point in buying them new if you live in the south-central portion of Pa. With that being said, I've had some pain in the !!! walks back to the truck in early March so I might recommend the idea to my two buddies that we atleast consider it. Keep in mind those walks weren't even that tough because the snow amounts were not thigh deep. My one bud did counter with there will already be trails but.... I'm not sure I feel like having a heart attack. Appreciate the offer dime, I will probably take you up on it. The kind lady that we are renting from said that if the weather were to get nasty we could always reschedule/cancel as we will be down across from the deer creek. We like to frequent Eddie's Cove so we always stay outside of Pulaski. Like last year I get nervous traveling up there beyond December and since my one bud will be driving up from Dover, DE, he has already expressed his concerns driving up so we shall see.... I definitely want to see some higher overnight lows up there and hope the flows stay up. I'm not a fan of shelf ice... being a big guy I freak whenever I'm walking on that stuff. Obviously you can tell the only frozen water I'm usually on is when I'm playing hockey :). You hardwater guys are nuts, I'd be freaking out the whole time especially if in a shanty with a heater.
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2015/02/04 11:04:25
Upper river has been fished fairly steadily. Should be trails unless a bomber drops anytime soon
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2015/02/04 12:35:19
Jack you ain't kidding. Although last winter was more ferocious, this current one is lacking any substantial thaw outs. We had 1 thaw out right at Christmas. Few days later lock right back up and have had thick snow cover ever since. Last year at this time we had a 3 day rain and thaw. Almost went bare ground 2 times last year. Not happening this year.
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2015/02/04 15:31:56
Clint you're right. Town pool opened back up a little. Gonna start two tier shelfing soon. Down low has gotta be clogging up pretty good with the recent break offs. Just goes to show the power of the sun. Any excess water Brookfield had must've been from the extra day light and higher sun
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2015/02/04 17:14:38
I wear waders and use Sorels w/o the liners over my stocking foots for snowshoeing. If you have boot foots, put your cleats on after you shoe in. I've gone in some of the less traveled ways in and had good times. I haven't gone lately because of low water. E- bay has some good deals on snow shoes. I use Atlas shoes I paid over 2 bills for 10 years ago. I see them now on e bay for 30-40 bucks. Feb. is pretty slow going, probably the deadest month of the season.
post edited by fichy - 2015/02/04 17:16:05
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2015/02/04 19:12:43
Dime would know best on the trail conditions now. Just watch the long range, people going up for 4 days tomorrow could have some hellacious weather for the return Sunday.
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2015/02/04 21:07:38
Sorels are the ****!!! I have two pair of caribous that I intend to have for the rest of my life. One pair is 17 years old. Fichy"s advice is spot on. Lots in Altmar had cars today. There are some trails. But expect deep snow. Especially with the bleak 2 week forecast. But snow is packing pretty good. Foot trails are building with 1 -2foot snow under them... Happy winter :)
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2015/02/05 07:23:35
I have one pair of Sorels about 20 years old that are amazing boots. Last year I bought a pair made in china instead of up north, complete garbage in relation to the old ones. Good old slave labor maximum profit for the owners capitalism at its finest, won't be too long before the goodwill is used up and the company is on the dung heap.
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2015/02/05 08:11:09
LL Bean makes a pack boot that are similar to the Caribou. I'm sure its China made but comes with a lifetime guarantee. Sorels have been made in China since 2000, when Kaufman went bankrupt. I have a pair that's 10 years old that I work in daily. My wife's are fine, as are the Conquests I use for winter backpacking with crampons and snow shoes. If you have a problem, I bet it would be addressed and you'd get satisfaction. They are now produced and owned by Columbia and they are very pro- customer relations. I'm not saying that the current product is as good as Made in Canada, just that they are still a relatively decent product, at least by my observations and the feedback I get from fellow construction workers,and on the winter hiking and mountaineering forums.
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2015/02/05 08:44:58
Well Finch way to make me disappointed before even going ;) It's going to be very much about getting away. I suspect fishing in these temps weeds things out a bit plus I'm going to assume the snow covered banks, etc... probably create quite the backdrop. If we catch a few that will obviously be a bonus but I'm not looking for any 10+ days. Ultimately its about getting away and enjoying some peace and quiet hence why I would prefer to stay away from Altmar if possible... So just to make this dumb guy over here a tad smarter- the snow shoes obviously go over a boot. Do you think I could get a snow shoe over a Simms G3 guide boot and any concern with the studs tearing up the snow shoe (I have the alumnibites and hard studs on the bottom)? I'm 250 lbs so I suspect I want a 30 inch shoe? I'm probably just being lazy but I would rather just wear my simms stocking foots with my wading boots and just throw the snow shoes over the wading boots it possible. The G3s are a pretty light wading boot but I wouldn't want the snow shoe tearing them up if that's even possible. My neoprene boot foots had a massive hole in the leg from goose hunting so I tossed them and have yet to replace. I have a pair of 5 mm stocking foot neos but from my understanding if I layer right my simms should be fine. Thanks for all of the info guys, it puts things into perspective and provides that insight since I've never fished this time of year. Who knows... maybe I won't after this trip.
post edited by fischnmachine - 2015/02/05 08:47:33
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2015/02/05 08:51:43
Yeah we will keep a close eye on that weather my one buddy from Dover, DE has quite the haul so if things looked dicey on lets say the Sunday we are heading home we would skip fishing that morning and just head back earlier if needed. I'm not sure we will get even close to the amount of fishing in that we would typically do. I mean during the other months it was get up and to the stream by around 630 and fish it til dusk. It looks like we will be more inclined to either start toward the upper end in the am or simply get a later start and fish where the conditions permit. Lucky13 Dime would know best on the trail conditions now. Just watch the long range, people going up for 4 days tomorrow could have some hellacious weather for the return Sunday.
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2015/02/05 10:31:07
My older pair of Sorels are american made. I misplaced them for a year and bought another pair in 05 a and yes they're China made... And yes there is a difference.
I've never personally snow shoed but looking Back I probably could've benefited from it plenty of times. Fish machine, pm me a few days before you're going. I'll take a few walks around to let you know how the trails are... Too many days between now and your trip to know how it will be. I may have to bring my rod with me too ;)
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2015/02/05 11:48:44
If you buy shoes with hypalon decks, which is the most used material for modern snowshoes, your studs might rip them. It's not as tough as leather; and though you have a moveable foot bed your boot actually straps into that is metal and a leather heel patch (Atlas and Tubbs), stepping on the tails is common. They also make some all plastic shoes I've seen guys use on the river which can withstand use of studs, but maybe not full on cleats like the usual Korkers. 30x9 shoes work for me. I weigh 200 and generally carry a 35-40 lb. pack in winter (not on the river), so not much difference in our weight. I didn't mean to deter you from going, I've had a few good days, but also some thorough zeros. I've also just enjoyed the time on the river, but I do things outside that don't require a rod or gun. I use roomy wading boots and oversize breathables, but if you read threads here on this subject, you'll find I'm in the vast minority, like the only one stupid enough to do so. The past few winters I've dropped off of here, having little to add, except I generally keep fishing the river. In a couple of weeks,I'm going for 4 days. I hope you post a report. In general, hope for some sun. Dark bottoms will absorb some rays and heat up a bit , moving fish into some shallower lies. I use to like Schoolhouse from the south because of the frog water that'd heat in the sun. Actually got a few decent fish with shallow indicator and nymph set up when it was pretty cold and deep snow with shelf ice. Afternoons tend to be better, especially with sun. Best of luck. Oh yeah, I used Sorel as a generic term, seems most of us who wear pac boots as daily wear, do. Wear 'em or don't as you see fit.
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2015/02/05 16:04:08
Yeah I will definitely report back good or bad. There's no deterring (unless a storm swings through that is just nasty) this trip but honestly if my buddy didn't have a little one on the way we would be going later. Anyhow thanks for all of the insight sounds like I may just forego the snow shoes and curse my whole way to and from the river. Also sounds like I will be fishing much deeper pools versus the shallower fast moving lies that I would typically target. Dime, I will reach out to you in probably like 9-10 days just to get a sense of what's going on weather wise. Thanks again guys.
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2015/02/05 17:18:31
Machine charlie gave excellent advice with the shallower lies after the sun has been up. The rocks heat up and bug activity takes place. Steelhead can become very active at times from this for both reasons (bugs/warmth)...
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2015/02/06 06:32:22
One small piece of advice that may apply or not- depending on your level of fitness. Plowing through the snowdrifts and even hiking in a distance on packed trails can get you pretty warm. What sucks is getting sweaty, then stopping and getting in the water to fish. Results are you freeze your azz off. You can even get hypothermic. Save a warm layer in your pack, or regulate your body temps with a hat, and take your time getting in to where you're fishing. Dry is warm.
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2015/02/06 10:34:17
Might be around in bout 2 weeks- the wife and a couple of grandkids will be X country skiing up in Osceola. Will be for 3 or 4 days and might get a couple of hours upriver. I have been VERY concerned about Steel fishing and wether or not I should catch them and tire them with the disease thing- any advice ??? Not on c and r methods but on wether they should even be caught if it may have negative affect on next years potential. Perhaps making too much of it but really appreciate the entire fishery and don't want to negative affect it--if that's even possibility. Thanks--
post edited by r3g3 - 2015/02/06 10:35:36
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2015/02/06 11:14:04
Thank finchy, I've learned my lesson. I will always carry layers in... like you said those temps are tough enough without being sweaty. Last year I went over black Friday a couple nights the temps dropped into the single digits if not negative the one night. A lot of the tribs started to lock up. I learned real quick what it was like to fish in the cold. I'd even have to get out of the water every now and then because my feet would be numb not to mention looking out for icebergs.... As for the diseased steelies, I thought that situation had sort of resolved itself. Guides are reporting fish with no lice if I recall. I realize that wasn't the only rationale behind the whirling steelies i.e. fishing pressure/water conditions and diet of course being a big problem. However I haven't read a thing indicating its still going on in the river.
post edited by fischnmachine - 2015/02/06 13:05:27
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2015/02/07 08:10:32
Trevor, it would seem that the DEC would have initiated some closings if they felt the fishery is in trouble. Hook-ups will be slim anyway. For myself, I just try to use some sense and don't keep the fish out of water or use light tippet. You know all that. IMHO, Go and enjoy yourself. If more people cared about the river as much as you, it'd be in pretty good shape. That goes for all the regulars here. There's a lot of intangibles to appreciating a river that don't involve hooking boatloads of big fish and making money off it.
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2015/02/07 10:10:52
Thanks -much appreciated.
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2015/02/07 15:13:39
All good advise and observations. I'm going to have to try the sorel with the liner out over my stocking foot neoprenes and carry the wading boots with the cleats. The snowshoes are all fitted to the sorels, just change at the river, and leave the sorels right in the Iversons. May have to travel to try it, everything around here is locked up except the genny,and that has a lot of ice and snow issues that make it dicey.
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2015/02/07 18:27:28
Those ash and rawhide shoes float a lot better than the higher tech models. If I lived out your way, with the deeper snows, I would have never sold mine. Hope you go, have a great time, and tell us about it, Lucky.
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2015/02/09 12:39:02
As you know lucky the river is getting very locked up for the lower half with 12 straight days of snow... Arctic blast coming in now... Trev, your neighbor is right. And that 2+ foot is a compacted total of about 8-10' from the past month and a half. Irs really piling up now
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2015/02/09 16:12:42
Hope he can get it outa the driveway Andy- first time done this year. He uses a large blower on his tractor. Heard they eat stuff a plow cant budge.