Helpful ReplyGood Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated)

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Saturday, January 24, 2015 1:12 AM (permalink)

Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated)

So I noticed this in this years regulation booklet. THANK YOU PFBC for trying to educate people.

But unfortunately, you can't fix stupid, and never will....
I see dead fish on the bank way too much. This has been happening more than usual on one little NW Pennsylvania waterway so I took it into my own hands. I contacted the PFBC about the issue, recommending they patrol the area more and put up signs. And guess what...........they actually LISTENED to my suggestion and put up new signs!!!!!!!!!!!

Feels good when you suggest something to the PFBC and they actually follow through with it. So if you've noticed some new bowfin can thank me
But like I said, you can't fix stupid. "Fishermen" will still continue to do this. I still see dead fish, even after the new signs were put up.

I have noticed the PFBC patrolling the Geneva Swamp, as well as this location more regularly. Hopefully more people get busted but it is up to us REAL sportsman to educate people, and contact the PFBC as soon as possible if you see people killing fish.
The sad part about it is the people who are killing them KNOW they aren't snakeheads. They know they're bowfin but still think they are just as harmful.
post edited by troutguy - Saturday, January 24, 2015 1:14 AM
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Saturday, January 24, 2015 1:16 AM (permalink)
If you see people throwing this unique sportfish on the bank, call the NW PFBC Law Enforcement immediately at: 
(814) 337-0444   (save this number in your phone! never know when you'll come across poachers regardless of species)
Or better yet call a WCO directly if you have their number.
post edited by troutguy - Saturday, January 24, 2015 1:20 AM
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Saturday, January 24, 2015 1:27 AM (permalink)
Thank-you.......................  Thank-you..........................Thank-you. 

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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Saturday, January 24, 2015 1:44 AM (permalink)
No problem   It is unfortunate this happens. They didn't put up signs at all the places I suggested, but at least they put up some. Is it making a difference? Idk, especially after seeing dead fish afterwards, but I guess it's a step in the right direction.
I actually have a few photos(of the "fishermen" and vehicle) of two guys I caught killing them in September of 2013. I couldn't call the PFBC office since it was after hours, and I didn't have any WCO contacts at the time. Did see an officer the next day and gave him all the info I had.
I would like to post those photos on here, but I'm not sure if it's against the site rules?????
post edited by troutguy - Saturday, January 24, 2015 2:00 AM
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Saturday, January 24, 2015 2:05 AM (permalink)
Yeah but it's a dam good start so if ya post a address where I can send my support, I'm ready to start typing.
PS.  If I can find the picture, I'll post it....................  caught one at Pymie fishing with a nephew this past summer.  Large Mouth Bass would be my comparison as to the fight in the fish. ((even better) just don't won't to make those guys mad(lol)).
Don't know about the picture, maybe a quick PM to Admin. will get ya some answers.  Good luck.

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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Saturday, January 24, 2015 2:19 AM (permalink)
Yeah but it's a dam good start so if ya post a address where I can send my support, I'm ready to start typing.

Other than talking to WCOs in person, I actually sent in my thoughts to "The Fishing Hole" thing on the PFBC homepage(bottom left on the website). I suggested them putting up signs at some places, and a week later.....waddaya know, there's new signs at one of the locations. I'll have to dig through my emails to provide an address, but I don't think the PFBC likes to freely give away email addresses.........which is why they have "The Fishing Hole" feature on the website. They responded within a business day. Send me a PM if you'd like more info.
Don't know about the picture, maybe a quick PM to Admin. will get ya some answers.  Good luck.

Yeah that's what I'll probably end up doing. For all I know those guys got busted, but it's always good to post some mug shots
Definitely post that picture if you can find it! They are a blast to catch. Maybe you caught a wimpy one my opinion they fight a lot harder than largemouths. Kinda a mix between a catfish and a trout maybe.....and have the strength of a carp. Fun sportfish. They even jump sometimes!!
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Saturday, January 24, 2015 4:48 AM (permalink)
I'll try the fishing hole see if I can get a reply................
Looking for that picture and yes it was a wimpy one, on 4lb test using a 1/16 oz. jig and tube.  Fishing for crappy/gills. right at the campgrounds up from the Jamestown Marina.  It's still in there somewhere.  I hear they're not bad eating?  Sure do got a mouth full of teeth.  Those pictures you posted above sure are disheartening; seeing people killing because of ignorance!  Surely the posters will save a bunch in the future. 

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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Saturday, January 24, 2015 5:58 PM (permalink)
Good job along with a good post Nick. Just curious has anyone ever caught or seen those Snakeheads around here ?  
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Saturday, January 24, 2015 6:44 PM (permalink)
As reported by the PBFC................

No spot at the base of the tail as found on the Bowfin.........  First indication it's a N. Snakehead.

I've watched several of these videos since we talked troutguy................  Each time the person referenced the fact that the fish was plentiful.  Amazing how fast they multiplied since being first found in the Philly area.
The video made by this dude is pretty interesting as he takes time to measure weigh and give a good view of teeth in this critter.

post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - Saturday, January 24, 2015 7:36 PM

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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Saturday, January 24, 2015 7:41 PM (permalink)
Yeah I guess in PA snakeheads are becoming more plentiful in the Philly area. Lower Delaware River system, etc.

Other than that I haven't heard of any caught in the state outside of SE PA.

Keep in mind not all bowfin have that big spot on the tail. I think it's only on males??
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Saturday, January 24, 2015 7:50 PM (permalink)
I honestly think they should have different signs for NW PA, maybe just about bowfin. The current signs give fishermen the idea that there COULD be snakeheads in NW they give second thoughts about each bowfin caught, since they have snakeheads in the back of their mind.....even though there are none.

A sign just stating the facts about bowfin, saying they're a native species, don't cause any harm, etc, etc.. would be much better. Leave snakeheads off the sign except for SE PA
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Sunday, January 25, 2015 4:19 PM (permalink)
No spot at the base of the tail as found on the Bowfin.........  First indication it's a N. Snakehead.

Keep in mind not all bowfin have that big spot on the tail. I think it's only on males??

BIG mistake in the regulations booklet. In the booklet it just says "Black spot at base of tail"

On the sign it says it's only present on males and small, immature females(ie. not ALL bowfin)

Gonna have to bring this to the PFBC's attention.....people may start killing fish just because it doesn't have the spot..
Here's an example of a fish with the spot, and a fish without it(the first one probably a male, and the second probably a big female). Both bowfin.
Bowfin with spot

Bowfin without spot

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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Sunday, January 25, 2015 5:11 PM (permalink)
Thanks Troutguy..............

I know the Snakeheads haven't been reported in this area......... yet! But, honestly, I would have questioned a fish not having that spot. Although there is other indicators, a C/R would have been questionable.

Tight lines........

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Sunday, January 25, 2015 9:35 PM (permalink)
People kill them because they "Eat all the good fish" as some white-trash told me to throw them all into the weeds at the one location you have in your photos. He ended up leaving and when I was leaving I looked over that hill and seen 4 fish dead. 
Thanks for providing the number, I'll keep it in mind once I start fishing that way this spring again. 
post edited by H3Fisher - Sunday, January 25, 2015 9:53 PM
solitario lupo
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Sunday, January 25, 2015 10:47 PM (permalink)
People kill them because they "Eat all the good fish" as some white-trash told me to throw them all into the weeds at the one location you have in your photos. He ended up leaving and when I was leaving I looked over that hill and seen 4 fish dead. 
Thanks for providing the number, I'll keep it in mind once I start fishing that way this spring again. 

 What you do is if u hear someone tell u this, are u see some one throwing fish up on the bank is to give them a little scare. Tell them what they are doing is illegal and littering, tell them your calling the fish comm... on them.  Even if u dont know the number start walking away as u grab your phone and start to pretend on calling them.    Watch how fast they get out of there.
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Sunday, January 25, 2015 11:07 PM (permalink)
Thanks for providing the number, I'll keep it in mind once I start fishing that way this spring again.

The only problem with the number I provided is you'll only be able to leave a message(which is still better than doing nothing at all) if you call after-hours. That is not a direct WCO number.....but a number for the PFBC office.
People kill them because they "Eat all the good fish" as some white-trash told me to throw them all into the weeds at the one location you have in your photos. He ended up leaving and when I was leaving I looked over that hill and seen 4 fish dead.

Yep, I've heard that that location and others.
One time at the swamp this past summer there was an older guy who came up to me and the people I was fishing with and the first thing out of his mouth was "do you guys have a pocket knife?" We asked him why.........and he said something along the lines of "for you to slit the guts of bowfin and throw them in the woods." He wasn't fishing, just parked parked his vehicle, walked around and talked to fisherman, and then left. We told him all the facts about bowfin and he just grunted and walked away. He insists "the PFBC put them there." Though if I remember correctly he actually said the Game Commission.....but we know what he meant lol.
I saw him again a week or so later talking to other fishermen.
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Sunday, January 25, 2015 11:15 PM (permalink)
solitario lupo
What you do is if u hear someone tell u this, are u see some one throwing fish up on the bank is to give them a little scare. Tell them what they are doing is illegal and littering, tell them your calling the fish comm... on them.  Even if u dont know the number start walking away as u grab your phone and start to pretend on calling them.    Watch how fast they get out of there.

I've done this..........though I didn't actually see them kill any. The people told me they're bad, etc. and to kill them if I caught any. After I informed them and threatened to call the PFBC if I saw anyone kill them they were speechless and didn't stick around much longer.
Luckily most fisherman release them, even though they may not like them. At least while other fishermen are around...
There is a growing number of people who like to target them.....which is good imo. Making good use of a hard fighting and abundant(at some locations) sportfish.
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Sunday, January 25, 2015 11:21 PM (permalink)
I don't mind giving away these locations. The more real sportsmen to keep an eye on these places, the better!
Conneaut Lake
Geneva Swamp
Woodcock Creek
French Creek
Sugar Lake
Presque Isle Bay(fortunately haven't heard of people killing them there, yet)
Those are the places have the highest populations. I've also heard of at least one of them caught from the following: Pymatuning(heard of a couple from there), Shenango Reservoir, Wilhelm, and the Allegheny River. I'm sure there's others.
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Monday, January 26, 2015 1:09 AM (permalink)
Just talked to my Nephew, he's checking his camera, thinks he still has my picture........ I hope!
Don't know if you guys saw the problem with downloading Adobe Flash updates for your 'puters but if ya haven't, be very careful. There is/was malware piggybacking with the downloads that redirects your search engine.  I remember seeing all kinds of weird program names flash as I watched the updates download.  I had programs listed in my programs file I never had before, including one that reset my IE to another browser that would redirect my searches to third party sights.  Messed up my WiFi connections and really slowed the start-up and shut down of the system.
Don't mean to trash the thread........ I'm gone. 

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Monday, January 26, 2015 4:21 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby crappiefisher Tuesday, January 27, 2015 9:02 PM
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Monday, January 26, 2015 4:38 PM (permalink)
Was it a "Vosteran" search engine that keeps popping up?
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Monday, January 26, 2015 6:37 PM (permalink)
Eyes that's the one and I had a fun time trying to get rid of it. I also had programs (3) regarding coupons I had to uninstall , Google was full of pop-ups, plus the other problems I already listed. Could uinstall Google than couldn't reinstall. Did uninstall Adobe but the Vosteran was listed nowhere. Had to dump the system and reinstall Windows. Reinstalled Adobe Flash and used it for several days. Had to reinstall Adobe for PDF to use PBFC for my boat license. System very slow to start/shutdown/load web pages and the pages would freeze. Uninstalled Adobe this morning and the system runs fine. Haven't tried to reinstall Google yet....... I' m feeling a bit....... Paranoid!(lol)

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Monday, January 26, 2015 7:23 PM (permalink)
run malwarebytes
walleye taker
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Monday, January 26, 2015 10:33 PM (permalink)
Crappiefisher that's funny
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Tuesday, January 27, 2015 4:53 AM (permalink)
I see that most chefs say that Snakeheads are excellent eating ! Since I know nothing about Bowfins how do they rate on the dinner scale ?  Can you even keep them ? I don't see much info on them.
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Tuesday, January 27, 2015 3:09 PM (permalink)
From what I've heard bowfin aren't that great eating.........but I'm sure with proper preparation and decent cooking skills you can make them taste ok. I guess bowfin meat is supposed to be kind of mushy, similar to carp(I've never had carp either). Bowfin are a fun C&R sportfish nonetheless.
As far as the legality goes, I think you can keep them to eat, though it is highly encouraged that you release them since they're a candidate species. Throwing them on the bank to die.......nope, can't do that. Other than ethics and common sense, I think the only issue with this would be wanton waste or something along those lines. That's probably what the ticket would be written up for, unless they can write you up for "waste of sportfish" or "stupidity" or something lol. I'm sure the fact that they're a candidate species can be factored in somewhere as well. Moral of the story, they can and will give you a ticket if you toss them in the woods to die. Don't think they can if you put one on a stringer to take home since they aren't exactly threatened or endangered...
If I ever get the chance to fish for snakeheads I'm definitely taking them home!!! No use having them rot on the bank and going to waste.
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Tuesday, January 27, 2015 5:44 PM (permalink)
I second what Porktown stated.
I uninstalled Chrome and IE and downloaded a fresh install of Firefox to work from.  
I downloaded and ran fresh updates of Malewarebytes, CC Cleaner, Spybot Search and Destroy, updated Avast and Superantispyware.  
Only Malewarebytes and CC cleaner saw it.  After I cleaned it up, I reinstalled Chrome and IE and was rid of it.
I also had a holdpage.pup that came along with it that I had to clear up too.  
I ran a search for the Vosteran files and the holdpage.pup files on the C: drive and deleted what I could find but had to run MB and CC Cleaner to get rid of it all.
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Tuesday, January 27, 2015 7:54 PM (permalink)
If you can get away with it (most probably can), replace your PC with an iPad.  iOS is about as secure of a platform as you can have right now.  Some can't get away with just a tablet, but if you can, the benefits of iPad over a PC are well worth the cost.  Especially if your company allows you to expense it...  
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Wednesday, January 28, 2015 4:38 PM (permalink)
Troutguy my appologies for 'trashing' your board. I was having trouble trying to access info on my 'puter' then read a story of the malware that caused these problems and how it get's installed. So I thought it important to post it for all to see.

Eyes and Pork thanks for your input nice to know the problem is real. I was feeling a bit paranoid, don't cha know. (lol).

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) Wednesday, January 28, 2015 4:39 PM (permalink)
There's a bait shop at Glendale Lake where I have heard an employee (I believe it's actually the owner) tell people to kill any Bowfin they catch.  It's the first bait shop on the right when you turn onto the south end of Beaver Valley Road.
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