trout on top

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2014/12/17 18:53:32 (permalink)

trout on top

Still hitting Browns & Perch at Twin Lakes, all the room that you want at either lake, wind also.  lol The Browns are cruising just under the surface & believe it or not are taking dry flies.I have had trout hit my bobbers & the last time out a trout knocked my bobber completely out of the water,about a foot & a half high. Still some tags left. The gills & Crappie must have gone deep,haven't done well on them in a couple of weeks. I have been using a Strike master bait puck that I got for ice fishing,the one that has a divider in the middle with holes in it. The maggots crawl out of the sawdust down through the holes then you turn it over & they are clean & easy to grab,also I had a chemical handwarmer in my coat pocket with the container & the maggots stayed wiggly. Very handy item,it is also insulated.  sam

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    Re: trout on top 2014/12/17 20:46:01 (permalink)
    Thanks for the report. May try to head out after Xmas since I am off after tomorrow until the 2 nd.
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