Spot Burning

trout man
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2014/12/04 12:33:10 (permalink)

Spot Burning

Hello All
  Could someone please explain the concept of spot burning to me. Not sure if I grasp the idea behind it? Thanks in advance for your help.
Tight Lines
Trout Man

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    Re: Spot Burning 2014/12/04 12:44:19 (permalink)
    Revealing someone else's secret spot by either leaving identifiable backgrounds in photos, or by just spreading the word to others. If it's a location that you discovered by your own means and hard work, then it wouldn't be spot burning.  
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    Re: Spot Burning 2014/12/04 13:00:38 (permalink)
    • Mentioning specific fishing locations on private property which may cause increases in angler traffic (a/k/a "spot burning") is prohibited.                                                                                                                                                                                             copied and pasted off of FishErie's own rules page.
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    Re: Spot Burning 2014/12/04 13:12:33 (permalink)
    As it applies to this site in the Acceptable Use Policies: 
    "Mentioning specific fishing locations on private property which may cause increases in angler traffic (a/k/a "spot burning") is prohibited."
    I dunno the exact number, but this applies to quite a large percentage of the open water on the tribs.
    The problem usually arises when anglers think open access to privately owned property = Public property.  There aren't a whole lot of places on the tribs that are TRULY public property, i.e. owned by the state or a local municipality, or where stream access has been secured through a PFBC easement and are opened to the public with no restrictions other than the general regulations set by the PFBC.  
    One of the smaller streams I have fished in is a good example.  Although it's open to walk in fishing from a major road downstream to the lake and you don't need to ask for permission to fish from the owners, the entire stretch is privately owned property and could be shut down at any time.  Many, many other stretches of water on the tribs are like this as well.  
    If one feels the need to mention a bigger trib like Elk, Walnut or 20 Mile, upper, middle or lower should be sufficient descriptions.  On smaller tribs like the one I mentioned, simply saying, "a small trib" or a "west/east side trib," is all you need.    
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    Re: Spot Burning 2014/12/04 13:53:08 (permalink)
    Spot burning per the site is listed above by others.  Do that, and likely get your message deleted.  Do it more than a few times, and likely get banned.
    Spot burning per "the unwritten code", is being specific of any spot.  Other sites that I check out, which are more regional, naming a town is spot burning...  For trib fishing, saying things like, east side stream or west side stream, mouth of stream, in a pool, in the rapids, in the lake, ect. is all you really need to say if giving a report.  You can be a bit more specific on bait/lure/fly if you want, most likely the next day, it isn't doing much.  If you want to share more detailed info to a few guys that you share reports or b.s. with on here, PM them.  There is nothing worse than having a trip planned out, then read a report that the exact water you were planning to fish that is usually pretty clear of people, has a detailed report, and 10 times the guys than normal there.  This goes for inland waters as well, which most of my fishing is.  If posting a picture, try to not capture a rather recognizable backdrop, or edit it out.
    Trust me, I did my share of spot burning trying to give back to the boards helping others.  What most don't realize is, you think you're helping a handful of regulars on these boards, but there are a ton of guys that just read and don't contribute.  They take the reports and pass along to their friends, ect.  Next thing you know, your hard work and others tips to a peaceful low pressure fishing spot is now a high volume area.
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    Re: Spot Burning 2014/12/04 14:13:29 (permalink)
    Spot burning per the site is listed above by others.  Do that, and likely get your message deleted.  Do it more than a few times, and likely get banned.
    When has anyone ever been banned from this sight for spot burning or for that matter had their post deleted.
    He11 they spot burn posted private property on the reports page and nothing is done about it..

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    Re: Spot Burning 2014/12/04 14:19:02 (permalink)
    There are multiple spot burn threads at the top of the page right now.  Both of them are against the site rules.  The Elk Creek new posted signs thread & the upper 20 mile thread, both should have been deleted, per the site's rules.
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    Re: Spot Burning 2014/12/04 15:32:15 (permalink)
    There are multiple spot burn threads at the top of the page right now.  Both of them are against the site rules.  The Elk Creek new posted signs thread & the upper 20 mile thread, both should have been deleted, per the site's rules.

    "Mentioning specific fishing locations on private property which may cause increases in angler traffic (a/k/a "spot burning") is prohibited. "
    Here are the site's rules.  How is talking about specific newly posted areas that no one is able to access spot burning?   How are either of those two threads going to cause increases in angler traffic to those areas?  
    If anything those two threads are the complete opposite of a spot burn, because they are no longer open "spots" anymore, and may actually prevent anglers from going there.
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    Re: Spot Burning 2014/12/04 15:44:56 (permalink)
    When has anyone ever been banned from this sight for spot burning or for that matter had their post deleted.
    He11 they spot burn posted private property on the reports page and nothing is done about it..

    I was hoping my message might deter those that didn't realize the site rule enforcement.  There have definitely been posts deleted and guys banned, for less than breaking site rules. 
    Ninja of the Steel
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    Re: Spot Burning 2014/12/04 15:47:50 (permalink)
    The weather must be rough in Erie right now. Rods are tucked in their racks and fingers are feverishly pecking the keys! Lol! Getting a kick out of reading these boards!

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    Re: Spot Burning 2014/12/04 16:12:36 (permalink)
    There are multiple spot burn threads at the top of the page right now.  Both of them are against the site rules.  The Elk Creek new posted signs thread & the upper 20 mile thread, both should have been deleted, per the site's rules.

    "Mentioning specific fishing locations on private property which may cause increases in angler traffic (a/k/a "spot burning") is prohibited. "
    Here are the site's rules.  How is talking about specific newly posted areas that no one is able to access spot burning?   How are either of those two threads going to cause increases in angler traffic to those areas?  
    If anything those two threads are the complete opposite of a spot burn, because they are no longer open "spots" anymore, and may actually prevent anglers from going there.

    Thinking about it, you are likely correct. 
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    Re: Spot Burning 2014/12/05 10:56:53 (permalink)
    How bout we jis start embellishin the truth a bit in our reports... So the noobs cant find the good spots off here.

    I caught 50 in Manchester, fishin from the east bank.

    Just like the 9th green at 9 in Happy Gilmore.

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    Re: Spot Burning 2014/12/05 11:20:10 (permalink)
    You mean there are still spots to burn in Erie ? Really ? Secret spots ? Somebody's living in fantasy land ! 
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    Re: Spot Burning 2014/12/05 11:40:56 (permalink)
    You mean there are still spots to burn in Erie ? Really ? Secret spots ? Somebody's living in fantasy land ! 

    That is not nor was it ever the point.
    You clearly did not read the thread. 
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    Re: Spot Burning 2014/12/14 20:05:19 (permalink)
    You mean there are still spots to burn in Erie ? Really ? Secret spots ? Somebody's living in fantasy land ! 

    Lol. Relax D...your last post and really the gist of the conversation is Erie streams...or whats his name I forget holding up a big muskie with woodcock dam spillway in the backround lmao...woops

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    Re: Spot Burning 2014/12/14 20:07:30 (permalink)
    Nevermind..theres no big muskies in woodcock outflow I lied

    "I feel sorry for the people who don't drink. When they wake up, that is the best they are going to feel all day"
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    Re: Spot Burning 2014/12/15 13:43:35 (permalink)
    You mean there are still spots to burn in Erie ? Really ? Secret spots ? Somebody's living in fantasy land ! 

    Lol. Relax D...your last post and really the gist of the conversation is Erie streams...or whats his name I forget holding up a big muskie with woodcock dam spillway in the backround lmao...woops

    WTF are you talking about?
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    Re: Spot Burning 2014/12/15 21:36:25 (permalink)
    I heard the first trench is banging right now.
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