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Re: Well? 2014/12/07 23:47:25 (permalink)
Good read as usual.
Still very few shots around here and most of them have been does from what I have observed.
Sat 6 hours-3 sits only seeing 1 small MAMA and her 2 peewees each time they are hiding out behind my stands.I might take a large doe if I got a shot but really just sitting to get away from work and relax.
S-10 typed...
"DarDys-- The hardcore realize that between all the factors governing deer numbers in the fall, half or more of the legal bucks are gone before rifle season starts. If you want a reasonable chance to kill a buck on public ground with any consistency you have to start in archery season.
Read what I posted again. Then read this.
A. We kill "legally in season"  70/80% of all available legal bucks in any given season per the PGC.
1.We kill and tag approx. 1/3 of all harvested legal bucks in the archery season.
2. We kill a unknown number of legal bucks in archery season we fail to tag or claim.
3. We kill and fail to recover a unknown number of legal bucks in archery season.
4. We poach a unknown number of legal bucks in the fall and have forever.
5. We kill a unknown number of legal bucks on the road in the fall before gun season.
I will stand by my claim,  PS, by we I mean humans"
I agree with you mostly but there are some smarter bucks that just plan hole up for hunting season so maybe 50% of the bucks that will show themselves are taken during archery. And I am including private land in the conversation.
I am hopeful for next year being good year for bucks if winter isn't too hard but deer numbers are down overall IMO not sure what to think about hunter interest around here
pockets of land are hunted hard others have less pressure then they did a few years back.
enough fur now...WCW
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Re: Well? 2014/12/08 07:08:00 (permalink)
Hunters have changed -- speculate why, but they have.

The hard core are still hard core, but many have switched to archery.

The serious hunters have become aberage hunters.

Average hunters have become casual hunters.

Casual hunters have quit.

I sat on a spot of very private land surrounded by other agricultural private land and listened to the number of shots on the two open to hunting mountains on either side. Monday there were 12 shots and Wednesday there were zero. Keep in mind that this in a CWD zone where everything except less than three to a side bucks were legal.

Sorry, had to post and run without finishing.

Not only is this a CWD zone, but the entire valley, except for a handful of farms is Amish and Mennonite that hunt hard.

This points to A) no hunters, B) no deer, or C) some combination of both.

Now, for the record, there were no shots on Monday on the private ground either. I did see plenty of deer though -- 5 different bucks, 2 buttons, 9 antlerless, and 14 "other" deer. None of the bucks were AR legal, let alone property rule acceptable (8-point or bigger at least 16" wide or bigger than anything else you have shot, whichever is bigger) that has been in place for 10 years -- so much for AR working even under ideal conditions. None of the antlerless provided a good opportunity.

Wednesday I saw a different non legal buck, 4 antlerless, and 9 others. The only 2 shots anywhere were the two that removed two CWD threats -- LOL.

But back to hunters changing. On Monday there was one other hunter on the three private properties that equal close to 2000 acres. Wednesday I was alone. Not even those with access were out in not bad, slightly rainy, coole but not cold weather.

Talking to guys at work, while some of the archery guys gave it a good go, some taking off from Halloween on, there those that scuttled half of all of the first day of rifle, even with CWD tags, because of the weather. No one took Tuesday off. Most were playing wait and see for the weather on Saturday. It rained all day, so I doubt many ventured out.

It seems that deer season, for many, is now more anticipation than action.

When I dropped deer off at the processor on Wednesday evening, no other deer were there (they usually do 300-500 the first week if antlerless are involved). But there was one guy picking up from Monday, something that used to take more than a week. I got a call around noon on Thursday to pick up my Wednesday deer.

I have talked to a few people that have yet to see a deer, including one fairly prominent outdoor writer who has spent everyday out and saw one live deer.

I don't know the answers or maybe even the questions, but deer season, particularly firearms season is, in my mind, officially gone from what it once was.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Well? 2014/12/08 16:14:45 (permalink)
Let my 11 year old skip school today and we hunted most of the morning in 2B and 2D.  He was as sick as a dog last Monday, and between that and the weather, we hunted very little last week.  
Hunting with a mentor is certainly different, as he's not quite ready for quick shots on deer jumping out of a bed or moving, so the last couple of years have been sitting in spots that are open to 50 yards or so trying to catch natural movement or deer moving from pressure around us.
We sat this morning on a small 30 acre property in 2D where deer feed and travel some funnels to bigger woods, hoping to catch some early movement.  We had our blind set up at 6:45 and settled into a funnel area.  A little before 8, I stepped out of the blind to take a whiz.  Got out of the blind and saw an orange blob in a tree 75 yards away on the same property.  Had a good idea who it was and knew he had to have come in after we set up and also knew there was no way he couldn't have seen the orange on our blind or the orange coat I tied to a tree next to us as he climbed into our tree.  
I'm not comfortable hunting that close to somebody when I'm alone, let alone with my son, so even though he pulled a punk move, we backed out and went the long way back to the car.  Got back to the car, and in fact he parked right beside us in the landowner's driveway.  
Our movement bumped a deer - couldn't tell what it was - and he shot.  Pretty sure the deer was on the other side of the fence on the posted property.  Didn't mess us up, and my son wouldn't have had a shot at that deer anyway.  But the whole scenario honked me off pretty good.
Anyway, we went to a couple different spots in 2B and did some very slow walking.  I've never done much still hunting, but figured it was the best way for us to at least see some deer.  Nobody else around.  
Bumped one doe and another unidentified that I know of for sure.  Some fresh tracks indicated we may have bumped another deer or two.    
Other than Doo$hy McDoo$herton's shot, we did not hear any shooting at all.   
Check that, as I'm sitting here at home typing, I just heard 2 shots.
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Re: Well? 2014/12/08 19:06:30 (permalink)
PS--On 500 acres, assuming it is not posted property, with todays DPSM you likely would only have 2 bucks 2yo or older living here. 

We have quite a few more than that but the dpsm in 2A is higher than much of the state. 

My rifle is a black rifle
Dr. Trout
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Re: Well? 2014/12/08 20:57:09 (permalink)
met up with two neighbors this morning for a couple mini-drives.
temps in the mid 20s and winds 15-20 miles per hour made for a short morning of hunting, spent the rest of the day by the wood stove trying to get back to a normal body temp ...
no deer spotted......now maybe snow for Wed, at least I hope that will get these deer moving during the daylight hours ????
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Re: Well? 2014/12/08 22:18:17 (permalink)
Hit some new turf today, about 30 acre wooded plot containing about a 2 acre marsh all surrounded by farm fields.  Walked in under dark skies; set my climber and, up the tree I went.  Sat there, as still as could be, until about 8:00 pm when I had to stretch and what, to my surprise did appear but, a orange coat wrapped around a tree, a ground blind with a orange top and, some guy standing outside whizzzzing in the weeds!
I'm sorry I just couldn't refuse after reading Drod's great story.(lol)
DRod I would say your son learned some valuable lessons from a very wise father about hunting the PA. Wilds.  The memories your boy has of hunting with his dad can never be made in a classroom.
I did try some new turf today and in doing so, I felt it wise to dress from head to toe in 'hunter orange' as, this week will certainly bring out the 'IF IT'S BROWN; I'M SHOOTING AT IT' gang.  I was so orange today Charlie Brown would of thought I was 'The Great Pumpkin' looking for his pumpkin patch.
Wind was out of the southeast at 10 mph gusting to 18 mph with the OAT hovering around 35.  Skies were partly cloudy to sunny with the sun low in the southern sky.  Not exactly the type of sky I was hoping for as I would be 'still hunting' the area, seeking both a whitetail and, more info about this new area itself.  In order to stay downwind of any possible deer I would need to walk facing directly toward the sun.  Believe me when the sun came out, my orange suit lit up like a neon sign announcing my arrival.  My plan, stay in the shadows of the trees as I moved slowly and quietly into the wind, constantly scanning the woods.
Things were moving along smoothly as I put my left foot forward, a few feet and planting it softly, next moving my right foot just far enough as to maintain a good shooting stance.  Waiting until I scanned as far as my eye could see (look at the trees in front of you and that's what you will see; look at the farthermost trees and you'll see what moves between you and those trees.) I moved my left foot another few feet and so on.  I try to make my way to the closest tree regardless of the size and there, I will remain for several minutes scanning those farthermost trees. 
Wasn't long (maybe two hours) when I felt my legs becoming stiff and my boots feeling like they were made of lead.  Guess who isn't conditioned to walking and standing on this type of terrain; heck this wasn't my first time at 'still hunting' this year but, it sure was the longest.  (My how time flies when your having fun).  Saw a fairly high knoll ahead so I set my course in hopes of making it there to rest a spell.  I think I know the true meaning to 'one step forward; two steps back',  no matter how slow I tried to go and how easy I tried to plant my feet each step made me look like the first round loser on Dancing With The Stars as I stumbled, slipped, tripped and, Bi_ched the last 50 yards.  Well I made it, just in time to see three doe split to the right and the north end of a south bound deer going to the left.  What ever it was disappeared in to the red brush and undergrowth along a stream edge and the other three disappeared down the other side of the brush.  Been in this situation many times and have had deer split up, come back into the area looking for each other (one of these days I'm gonna buy a bleat/grunt call) so, I pulled up a stump and made myself at home.  Just my luck, this wouldn't be one of those times when the deer wanted to come back or even circle me trying to get down wind. 1:45 pm back on my feet, I made my way around the brush stepping gingerly on the soft ground along the small stream, up a small bank and onto solid ground with dry feet no less.  Didn't take too many steps to reveal which way the lone deer was headed or the fact it was 'pedal to the metal' getting to the next swamp. The leaves were ruffled every place it touched ground before lifting off into the next jump.  No doubt this deer has an idea why I was there and it wasn't sticking around to ask questions. 
Now, knowing this deer split from the other three, taking a different route and,  made no attempt to slow down getting to other cover better than a 100 yds. away, might I be correct in thinking this one is a buck?
Hold all my calls I'll be out, of the office tomorrow morning, sitting on a knoll somewhere in the PA. Wilds, before sunup. 

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Well? 2014/12/09 08:39:03 (permalink)
Hit some new turf today, about 30 acre wooded plot containing about a 2 acre marsh all surrounded by farm fields.  Walked in under dark skies; set my climber and, up the tree I went.  Sat there, as still as could be, until about 8:00 pm when I had to stretch and what, to my surprise did appear but, a orange coat wrapped around a tree, a ground blind with a orange top and, some guy standing outside whizzzzing in the weeds!
DRod I would say your son learned some valuable lessons from a very wise father about hunting the PA. Wilds.  The memories your boy has of hunting with his dad can never be made in a classroom.

This is the year for him to learn about jackwagons.  We were fishing lower Elk the day before Thanksgiving with our friends.  My son had the hot hand from the get go.  Guy above me, whom I had given about 25 YARDS (not feet) of space to when we got there, stepped in between my son and my buddy, no more than 5 feet from either of them, and started casting.  Some words were said, convinced my buddy it was not worth it to push the guy in the water, and we moved on.
I try to make it a general rule in life to not have verbal confrontations with people who I know are, or may be, armed.   Especially over fish or game.  
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Re: Well? 2014/12/09 09:23:27 (permalink)
Yeah buddy

Live to play another day

Years ago, while archery hunting with my son, a squirrel hunter who just passed us began shooting into the tree tops. No squirrels were visible anywhere. When I tried to get the idiots license number he became very belligerent . I backed off and returned to my son who was quite shaken up. Not because the idiot was shooting in the trees but, out of fear the POS would shoot me.

That was 18 years ago and that is one memory I wish he could forget!

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Well? 2014/12/09 09:49:01 (permalink)
Went to 1B yesterday to try to get my grand son a deer. Hunted West Findley TWP. It was quiet. A couple distant shots but that was it. Went to lunch, saw 15 in fields. On our way home counted 52 with 2 good bucks. It si thick stuff in the hollow down there. Could not get any thing going in the woods. Still a great day with my new companion.
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Re: Well? 2014/12/09 20:21:25 (permalink)

Listened to the weather dude forecasting 1 to 3'' of snow in my area for tomorrow so, I didn't hunt today thinking snow carpeted forest floors would be waiting for me come Wednesday morning.  Turns out that ain't happening and the weather dude says snow is now forecast for Thursday.  Seeing (3) 'antler-less', (1) 'couldn't tell' yesterday and, getting this picture from last night plus, a report of snow had me feeling like a kid on the eve of opening day.  What a let down, and now, I feel like the kid who just got a sled for Christmas and no snow.
Oh well, better days are coming and I'll be out tomorrow hunting for something I didn't lose.
Good luck to those still looking; Hunt safely.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
Dr. Trout
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Re: Well? 2014/12/09 20:30:54 (permalink)
I took my trail camera down for the first week of "buck season", did not want to take a chance on a hunter stealing it...
set it back up last night (Monday).. after 4 days of no deer sightings while "hunting" ...............look what showed up on it after I checked the card after my dinner tonight...
same two I have over 100 photos of at just about the same time ......
calling for 20-30 mph winds here tomorrow, may not be too good for a day of deer hunting ???
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Re: Well? 2014/12/09 23:48:17 (permalink)
Finally, success for my son this evening.  
Picked him up after school, and settled into our spot and ready to go at 4:20.  Had a good feeling about tonight.  Field edge loaded with red oak acorns, and winter wheat and freshly cut corn a few hundred yards away.  
Set up 5 yards from where he shot his first buck 2 years ago tomorrow.  Don't know why, but we never got around to hunting this spot in archery.  And I wanted to wait for a decent weather day to catch some natural movement of deer moving towards food.  
At 4:35, I looked up and saw tails running through the thick stuff, just out of shooting range.  Looked like little skippers, which I thought was a bit odd.  Looked back to where they came from, and here he came. Apparently, the late rut is on where we were.  He was after one of dem little buggers.  They stopped in some thick stuff, and I thought they were heading away from us, but for whatever reason, they came right past us at about 7 yards and just into the field.  He followed suit, and at 10 yards, I gave him a bleat with my mouth, and POW! right in the wheelhouse.  He dropped but wasn't dead.  After a little chaos of this guy trying to get back up and chase that doe again, got a second shot in his neck and dat was it.  10 yards from where his first buck fell.  
He's got about a 1 1/2" G4 on the left that was busted off, and hard to see in the pic.  Spike 2 years ago.  9 point next year.  Can't wait to see what he does next!

post edited by DRod - 2014/12/09 23:50:56
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Re: Well? 2014/12/10 06:21:11 (permalink)
Nice, congrats.
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Re: Well? 2014/12/10 07:34:49 (permalink)
That is one great picture and story!

Congratulations Drod; to your son and, to you.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Well? 2014/12/10 09:05:08 (permalink)
Thats an awesome deer and story! Congratulations to your son and a great dad!

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Re: Well? 2014/12/10 09:58:53 (permalink)
Early experiences last a lifetime- congrats
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Re: Well? 2014/12/10 11:03:46 (permalink)
Good Job -Drod!
Thanks for sharing pics and story.
My father set me up and I got a 8 pt my 2nd year and I have been antler crazed ever since.
Here's a pic of my nephews 9 pt taken 1st day on family's land in Poconos he got a 4 pt last year good to see the new hunters smiling!

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Re: Well? 2014/12/10 11:41:13 (permalink)
That looks like a nice fat dude! Nice job!

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Re: Well? 2014/12/10 11:57:36 (permalink)
Thanks guys!  He is on cloud 9!  It was a great day!
That's a dandy WCW!  
We had some close encounters in archery with a couple of bucks on different properties, but couldn't get any clear shots for him.  The last two weeks of archery really fizzled for us.  Last week was pretty much a bust with him being sick on Monday, basketball practices and the first tournament of the year Saturday and Sunday, and the weather.  Yesterday was a perfect day to hunt this spot based on our past there.  We hunted a couple times in archery on the other side of the bedding cover about 150 yards away, coming in from a different location, and saw two different 1 1/2 year old bucks and a few does and skippers.  
Up until a few weeks ago, there was quite a bit of standing corn around there.  2 fields totaling about 10 acres got cut a few weeks ago.  Another 25-ish acre field across a road about 1/4 mile got cut yesterday, which I suspected might push some more deer to this spot. Don't know if this guy was a resident of those woods, or a transient, but he was on a mission to find a young girlfriend, that's for sure.  
Told my son he'll probably never get an easier, closer shot than the one he got yesterday.  
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Re: Well? 2014/12/10 11:59:35 (permalink)
Good deal. Congrats to the young man.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Well? 2014/12/10 13:02:33 (permalink)
Tell him congrats Dave.  He looks like your mini-me!  
You, as the guide, need to get them that close in archery from here on out....
Hoping to get my son and daughter out for a little in the late season just to observe.  I'll have my bow and still have a doe tag but not much freezer space yet.  Might just be filming.  
Have to buy a camo sleeping bag for them to snuggle up in if its chilly.  
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Re: Well? 2014/12/10 17:16:14 (permalink)
Congrats Drod!! Great buck foe the kiddo!

My rifle is a black rifle
fishin coyote
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Re: Well? 2014/12/10 18:36:37 (permalink)
Job well done tell the lil man congrats from me.
I remember when my boys were that age and the youth program was in its infancy . They are grown up now so I have a new trainee. 
The 9th must have been a good day because after passing up numerous chances(8 ) on the 2 days she was able to get out. She decided that this one was big enough.
So after 1 shot from 156 yds and a short 30- 35 yd tracking job, I can't describe the feeling of how proud I was of her, but you guys who have sat with your kids ,wives and grandkids when they were successful  know how it feels.
She ask me after it was over why I was so excited and I told her that I'd never get over the excitement of sitting with Her, the boys and hopefully grandkids one day when they get a deer and if I never killed another one as long as I'm with one of them when they get one I'll die a happy man.

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wayne c
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Re: Well? 2014/12/10 18:53:12 (permalink)
Congrats to the successful hunters.    Nothing like taking out a youth, or a lady huntress and having success.  

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Re: Well? 2014/12/13 10:43:31 (permalink)
Congrats to the kids.
Turning out to be my worst season ever.
Haven't seen a horn and have only seen two tails in the woods.
Mabee this afternoon.

 I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB

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Re: Well? 2014/12/13 10:54:52 (permalink)
Coyote I could feel the excitement just reading your post and that it is a NICE deer.  Congratulations to you and yours from me and mine.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Well? 2014/12/13 20:57:08 (permalink)
..........  I didn't get a deer...........  ..............  Second season archery............  .
Neeeeeeeever saw as much as a tail today nor, did I see more than 3-4 hunters.   Heard the moaning of a combine as one of the few remaining corn fields, about a mile south, was being taken down.   I think I now know where most of the Amish were hunting but, surprisingly there was few shots from that area.  Thought for sure (was hoping) those boys would be pushing through all the fields and woodlots in my area today.  About 4:15 pm two shots rang out about 400 yds to my south but a third shot, about a minute later and further south, told me which way the deer was headed.(if it was still heading).

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
  Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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Re: Well? 2014/12/14 00:21:30 (permalink)
I did not hear a shot fired all week but today I heard more than any other day this season.
I have not hunted just working,neighbor called at 3:30 today could you make a short drive?- SURE- 15 minutes later I strolled out didn't even take the rifle(still have a doe tag but it can go unfilled)heard 2 shots in wrong directions and he and 2 other guys saw 10 BOLT by them in 3 groups no shot all does.
This is a 10 ac area I pushed but it has been undisturbed for most of season.
The deer are where the hunters are not and there are less hunters over all in PA.
As hunters we just need to adjust to changing conditions some natural but it can be as simple as paying attention to what the hunters around you are doing or not...
BTDT- Keep at it still got the late season-GOOD LUCK!...WCW
fishin coyote
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Re: Well? 2014/12/14 08:29:08 (permalink)
Well....... Now that we got that out of the way. It's time to take the real gun out of the safe and have some fun.
Finals for the season for me after spending about 24-25 hours on stand were  27 doe and 1 unknown sized buck.

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Re: Well? 2014/12/14 08:58:01 (permalink)
Interesting, I spent 4-5 times the hours on stand in archery and saw 1/3 the doe you did. I did see 4 legal bucks and 5-6 small ones. None of the legal ones were bigger than what I was seeing before AR. I did spent too much of my time time hunting in the apples given the amount of acorns available. Old habits are hard to break I guess.
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