Upper 20 mile

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Re: Upper 20 mile 2014/12/08 13:00:37 (permalink)
One of the reasons I quit sharing pics on here.
It's wasn't the regulars on here that I was worried about but the couple thousand lurkers that contribute nothing....

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Re: Upper 20 mile 2014/12/08 13:34:15 (permalink)
Bings I hear ya bud... Although I always enjoyed seeing your pics. But yes thousands of lurkers is a precise estimate I'd say... With less specific internet chatter I do see a difference in the past year on my home waters...big difference... Steelhead fishing used to be a gamble... Trips were made regardless of weather and flows...and flows were never able to be determined. And it were those key factors that made a steelhead angler a true "steelhead" angler. We learned by adapting. Many folks now expect to have fish at their feet. And most guys travelling The distance have more money than the average steelheader from years ago. So the whole "I don't want to waste my money if there's no fish" complaint is a crock... Its fishing folks...deal with it...
Joni Mitchell coined it years ago with "they paved paradise and they put up a parking lot"... But then there was the internet that took it to a whole other level
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Re: Upper 20 mile 2014/12/08 13:44:57 (permalink)
make the site member only viewable

Sorta like what they do over on the IceShanty website. When you sign up for an account, you have to have a certain number of legit posts on the forums before you are granted access to the reports page. 

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Re: Upper 20 mile 2014/12/08 14:15:05 (permalink)
make the site member only viewable

Why would Fish USA want to do that?  The purpose of this board, is to bring traffic to their website & sell more gear. 
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Re: Upper 20 mile 2014/12/08 14:28:36 (permalink)
The open forum has all of those things X 10.
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Re: Upper 20 mile 2014/12/08 15:20:14 (permalink)
With all do respect; it's not only this board, some, anglers come to for info. Most of the anglers, on the tribs, probably aren't aware of this sight.

Any business dealing with food, housing, bait/fishing equip. etc, will be providing information to boards promoting tourism and/or fishing in their general area. A business owner would be crazy not to send up smoke signals when and where the fish are.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Upper 20 mile 2014/12/08 16:13:43 (permalink)
I don't think you're catching the drift.. Bings stated thousands of lurkers.. I said make it a member only forum. 
But at any rate, a Member only forum would cut back on those lurkers. And if its for Ad's only, you still would have the ads on the pages but to see all the content you would be required to be a member. 

The point is, Fish USA WANTS the lurkers.  They buy stuff.  They want more reports.  They want more people on the tribs.  They want to sell more stuff.
Posters here want less people on the tribs.
Fish USA wants more.
Do you see now why open is better than closed for the site's owners?
post edited by D-nymph - 2014/12/08 16:15:18
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Re: Upper 20 mile 2014/12/08 17:29:07 (permalink)
pUrdy simple, If u fish it u are part ov the problem.
nUff sAID,
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Re: Upper 20 mile 2014/12/08 18:56:50 (permalink)
I know what you guys all mean when it comes to spot burning and such.. but its always going to be a lose lose situation.. just a few weeks ago i came up to a hole caught one on the first few casts and next thing u know within 5-10minutes people were coming out of the woodwork literally running to the water needless to say i was ran out of the hole by fish hungry people.. little did I know that these were people that were there all day and didnt see one fish caught etc. Its frustrating. But fortunately for me i am physically able to put my foot time in and find some more fish in what little erie seclusion i can (legally)(respectively)(public access) fish. So i guess my point is the internet ruined a lot of it but your always gonna have to put up with it on the streams.. and it sucks for the people that put their time in researching knowledge and purely enjoy the sport and being outdoors. Lets face it if youve read hours and hours and hours of tips, tactics, setups, and anything and everything u can about steelhead and their patterns then u wouldn't have to rely on who what where when and how to get on some fish. It sickens me seeing 15 people around a pod of fish in a hole meant for 4 or 5 people to comfortably fish. But thats erie and out of those 15 people only 1 or 2 guys in that hole have put their time into embracing the sport... and u will know that by the 1 or 2 guys catching the fish. Yea some of us arent fortunate enough to live close..but theres not an excuse to not sit back in the evening and read articles and books and educate your self on the species of fish your trying to obtain so when push comes to shove you can fend for yourself on the water and adapt. Just venting. If your not obessed with it then find a different hobby. Because its tough love

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Re: Upper 20 mile 2014/12/08 19:50:35 (permalink)
Well said my friend well said see some of us get it!
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Re: Upper 20 mile 2014/12/09 07:51:08 (permalink)
I travel up to 60 miles round trip to the tribs;  not alot compared to some.  But I don't rely on any reports to dictate whether I'm going to fish or not, it's the local weather around where I'll be fishing, road conditions, and water guages.  That's all anybody needs to determine whether to come up or not.  If you're relying on positive posts to tell you to come up and fish, then stay home.
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Re: Upper 20 mile 2014/12/09 07:56:16 (permalink)
And Tracker12, there is a ton of useful information on this site.  Everything I've learned about walleye trolling came from OJT and questions that I've posted to people here in the forums.  Take what you need and use it, but I've become apprehensive about some of the reports over the years because I know for a fact some of them were flat out bull crap, that's why I don't even read them anymore.  Like I said above, positive (or negative) reports do not dictate whether I'm going to hit the tribs or not. 
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