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Regulations changes
post edited by Lucky13 - 2014/12/16 19:42:44
hot tuna
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/17 14:01:34
Yup they are massively confusing for sure. The way I understand is the underlined paragraph is the proposed change so yes they are adding the 2 hook points to a fly.. Does that mean 2 separate flies with 1 hook point each also ? Or just 2 points on one shank ? Have no idea the reasoning , maybe some TU guys want to use articulating flies with 2 hooks ? Or double chez nymph rigs ? Or maybe the jail water is expecting a HUGE Atlantic run next year and are pushing for exclusive rights for world class Atlantic Salmon fishing using traditional Salmon flies . Either way I don't get it ..
No Lucky, they are not already set in stone as the 7 ice device proposal was shot down last year but is back on the table again but if passed wouldn't go into effect until April -1-2015 ( sadly ice season is closed 4-1)
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/17 14:30:28
post edited by Lucky13 - 2014/12/16 19:43:09
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/17 14:34:42
i would think they mean spey flies...but there is the problem....i think
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/17 16:02:58
double or treble hooked salmon flies were traditionally used with no weight on a floating double taper or weight forward. They do give a better pull and ride for your wet flies if used the traditional way.
Clint S
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/17 18:27:28
I see they changed the regs on endangered fish too. I started a pretty large discussion on MFF last year or so about this pic here: The regs were gray about what you could do with an endangered fish and if you could even take it out of the water for a pic. I even called district 7 office and asked if I caught a sturgeon could I get a quick pic, there were alot of dancing around and they said it was up to the officer if the fish was mishandled. They are crystal clear now, this would defiantly be a ticketable offense.
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hot tuna
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/17 20:14:11
Well I guess it's our opportunity to voice an opinion. I'm all for a 7 device clarification towards ice fishing. The 3 rod rule was made geared to open water. Hardwater guys " tweaked " the regs and made dead sticks with triggers , hence working the regs. Ain't no way I could run 2, let alone 3 jig rods but I could enjoy the opportunity of 6 tip- ups and 1 jig rod . A bonus for the water walker . Dang, I'm thinking ice already for a reg that may not matter till next 2015-16 season. Silly me
Unless one is back trolling plugs ( a dying art with crowds these days ) , more then 1 hook point on a Great Lakes trib is just a TOOL ,a snaggers tool . BTW : That coho last time I was out engulfed my 1980's wee wart backtrolled , right in front of the Jailwater LOVED It !!!!!
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen
hot tuna
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/17 20:32:31
Ps , In response to db's correct observation of traditional unweighted double salmon flies . Do you think they would work for a GL trib ? And when and where ? I know the Champlain tribs they are still in effect. Pressure is light for super sparse returns and a catch is an extremely rare occurrence. Do you think a high return rate of GL fish in a pressured environment an extra hook point would increase success givin weight is allowed ? Do you think no weight allowed would bring a better fishing environment , experience in a zoned area ? Just throwing it out .
I'm kinda feeling a snag only zone might be the way to go again .
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/18 00:57:13
I think weight completely takes away from the whole purpose of using a double hook I would think. I wouldn't mind seeing a snagging zone open up from sept. 15th til maybe Oct. 7 or 15... It would really even a lot if the bull**** out I believe.
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/18 02:18:13
post edited by twobob - 2014/12/16 06:19:33
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/18 05:11:53
Yes and we were both in agreement I believe two Bob in regards to the snagging zone. The 1/8 oz. Rule I think is fair if folks abide by it. But honestly I get pretty disgusted when looking at the lfz. My seven year old son casts as good or better than some folks. He often prefers to fly fish with no weight. I think he's finally ready to attempt stream trout with a fly rod.
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/18 05:58:09
post edited by twobob - 2014/12/16 06:20:02
Clint S
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/18 06:30:40
Ok guys were would you put the snag zone, I have to think about it for a bit.
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/18 06:52:28
I think I know my spot and the regs to follow. I will report after work.
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/18 07:03:59
OK--what in the world makes anyone think that a snagging season and special zone would make ALL the lifters and snaggers go 'fishing' only then and only in that area ???? IMHO it would only serve to make many think its permissible and OK to do just as they think now==the madness would only be reinforced.
post edited by r3g3 - 2014/11/18 07:05:31
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/18 07:20:31
You could be right Trevor. We're just throwing darts in the dark here. Honestly most times I look off the rt. 52 bridge I see nothing but foul hooked fish on the upstream Side of it. In steelhead season I'd say more bad ethics go on above the bridge the immediate area just below. See, the problem with this river is something always needs to be done, but the right answer is never found.
For a snagging zone and season: maybe a separate stamp or code on your license permitting snagging that can be used only during the open season for snagging... And if caught practicing snagging during the off season an automatic 1 year suspension of fishing rights???
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/18 07:46:34
post edited by Lucky13 - 2014/12/16 19:44:46
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/18 08:03:48
Its a real problem in our society that whenever an illegal activity gets out of hand, govt, instead of facing the enforcement reality and costs, makes it legal. Generally with some kind of fee or added tax into a general fund that does nothing to alleviate the initial issue. Those who were 'doing right' in the first place are therefore subdued and understandably frustrated by the permissive nature of what happens-and have no further recourse or reason to keep complaining. The issue is therefore now a NON ISSUE. No more legit complaints - no more issue. The complaintents are now the WRONG people cause now its legal. No wonder folks do what they want when they want regardless of law. Awwwww its OK little Johnny- you can keep kicking the girl who sits in front of you--its her fault- we will get HER a padded seat so your activity isn't a problem anymore. There was a real bully problem with a kid who had 'issues' in a local grade school- They 'fixed' it by having teachers walk with the victims. TRUE. Now the victims felt even more singled out -- the kids stopped complaining about the bully. Issue GONZO. On the flip side -Lucky makes some good points.
post edited by r3g3 - 2014/11/18 11:18:25
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/18 10:33:53
I do not condone snagging anywhere....period! If the DEC would get SERIOUS about enforcing the rules that are there now and HEAVILY fine blatant snaggers the problem would go away.That's my take on it but this whole issue is getting old and I'm not too far from forgetting the "world class" Salmon River for good.
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/18 11:21:03
Hey- If they can let Charles Manson get married to some much younger idiot woman in prison -Hey - anything is possible. Lets fish in the Hatchery brook-if enough of us do it it will be OK.- Just tellum we are starving and the fish were gong to die anyway - honest itl be OK..
post edited by r3g3 - 2014/11/18 11:22:27
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/18 11:46:41
Trev,that Manson thing is a real joke,he is a mass murderer and somehow he has developed a relationship with a women and is getting married,will he enjoy a honeymoon in a penthouse cell? He and all other murderers should be executed with -in 6 months,how's that?
hot tuna
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/18 12:14:23
pafisher I do not condone snagging anywhere....period!If the DEC would get SERIOUS about enforcing the rules that are there now and HEAVILY fine blatant snaggers the problem would go away.That's my take on it but this whole issue is getting old and I'm not too far from forgetting the "world class" Salmon River for good.
Jack and Trev , Like db said, we are just throwing darts . I don't agree with snagging, snatching or the lifters. Folks that go there to fish get super disgusted at the clowns who just go there to " hook " and feel great about themselves . It ruins the experience of many including myself. It seems to go unpunished and excepted all up and down the river. They are everywhere from the whalers in the estuary, through the DSR and in zoned areas. Givin the free reign they spread out polluting the entire river system. The joke or dart is , why not corall them under a big top like L-13 said . While it makes no sense , in joking it does. I'm not quite to the stage of never fishing the river any longer but I sure limit my exposure . Still being able to catch salmonoid s , all be it boring fishing , the lake is my new calling to the area .
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/18 12:18:07
Its just another example of wrongdoers getting over with permission of Govt at the expense of the rest of us. How dare us to even think of violating Mansons 'rights' to a happy marriage to his beloved lol. In that example of the school bully I gave they wouldnt deal with the 'issue' because the future murderer kid would have to be sent to a pvt school for kids with behavioral issues at school boards expense--budget budget. The rest of us get the shaft while the bad guys get what they want. Snag away- its ok. Nobody has the budget to hire enough wardens to care for the issue. I understand it but don't like it- same thing on all the Great Lake tribs from what I read- likely in Canada too. That Warden show on TV had a half hour on the same thing in the beloved promised ground-Alaska. Showed guys rippin away like the ballpark. In that show they got pinched. OK - I'm done with this --blood pressure goin up.
post edited by r3g3 - 2014/11/18 12:22:24
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/18 16:15:53
r3g3 OK--what in the world makes anyone think that a snagging season and special zone would make ALL the lifters and snaggers go 'fishing' only then and only in that area ???? IMHO it would only serve to make many think its permissible and OK to do just as they think now==the madness would only be reinforced.
post edited by twobob - 2014/12/16 06:21:14
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/18 17:34:24
post edited by Lucky13 - 2014/12/16 19:45:21
Clint S
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/18 17:42:09
I was more thinking from the estuary to the black hole. Let them pay 75$ to snag........... As far as my second choice would be from 81 bridge to the 2a bridge. Little impact on the towns, drift boats, guides and it is far from the best spawning areas. Single hook only and you must keep what you bring in and once you get your three you are done (until you take them to your car). After that minimum 500$ fine, 2 year revocation and your tackle gets impounded and sold at auction in the spring. Funds from auction go to river enhancement. No trout to be kept too.
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/18 17:53:12
Regardless of where NYS authorizes legal snagging the collateral damage done to trout, steel and Atlantics may be too detrimental to the fishery.
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/18 17:55:54
I totally agree with that Gerry. I would not sign a petition to legalize.
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/18 18:52:21
post edited by twobob - 2014/12/16 06:22:04
hot tuna
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Re: Regulations changes
2014/11/20 22:12:32
2 packaged and processed , 8 to go and that's just with a bang stick. Gosh I hope the current regs stay on par.
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen