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Thursday, November 13, 2014 1:03 AM (permalink)

new to the forums

Hey guys, New to the forums here but i have taken some time to read up on a lot of the more recent threads and i gotta say the glory days posts are pretty cool. But anyways I have been fortunate enough to make the trip up to erie quite a few times this year so far and every time im up there i cant help but look around wondering whos all active on this forum and such.. not here to spot burn or be spoonfed ( read the etiquette thread lol) just lookin to make casual fishing friends and share some fishing stories (not tales), pics , new products ect. Thanks, and have a good evening.

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    Re: new to the forums Thursday, November 13, 2014 1:52 PM (permalink)
    Welcome to the circus!
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    Re: new to the forums Thursday, November 13, 2014 10:39 PM (permalink)
    Thanks man, is it me or has it been an... odd/slow/off year thus far?
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    Re: new to the forums Thursday, November 13, 2014 10:53 PM (permalink)
    I caught fish every time was up and caught my first erie brown this year. Now that I got a freezer full of deer meat I'm gonna have to make another trip for steelhead soon.
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    Re: new to the forums Thursday, November 13, 2014 11:10 PM (permalink)
    Ive yet to catch a brown up there..From what I understand a school came into the NUT-house last weekend.. i know of 6 that were caught.. but im talking all in all yea if you know what your doing your still gonna catch fish but stepping back and looking at the big picture.. smaller spottty runs..smaller fish..less fish in usual spots (atleast what I have noticed) and i have put many many miles on foot in the streams as well as my vehicle on the like to be more educated on these reasons and would like to hear others input and such because understanding why this is would help me become more successful in the future. Any PM's welcome on this. Thanks
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    Re: new to the forums Friday, November 14, 2014 2:21 AM (permalink)
    I would not know was obsessed with filling my buck tag and dealing with work.
    Hope to get out next week for 1st time.
    Try different places learn them all they can be good at different times.
    Yeah numbers are down for one reason or another not going there...
    Brown trout are easy to catch when you understand them right Chrome-?
    Go out enjoy what IS available try not to get caught up in the what ifs and whys...WCW
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    Re: new to the forums Friday, November 14, 2014 11:14 AM (permalink)
    Go out enjoy what IS available try not to get caught up in the what ifs and whys...WCW

    I agree with this. Really wanna find out why numbers are down you might have talk to a biologist or someone with more knowledge than me anyway. They stock about a million steelhead and 100 k brown trout so there should be plenty of fish like WCW said different spots see runs at different times. Gotta find the hungry ones I always say. Hopefully they don't go the way of the salmon with poorer returns each year. Plenty of gobies to keep them fed anymore.
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    Re: new to the forums Friday, November 14, 2014 3:42 PM (permalink)
    Yes, i have pulled up the stocking information for the years 2011 and 2012 if a 2-3 yr old steelie is mature enough and 1 in 10 makes it then there should be roughly a 10k-40k fish return for each trib .. what i am puzzled by is why they stock majority of them in presque isle bay? Isnt the whole idea to stock them in creeks for reproduction and lower mortality rates? another interesting read i found was if the creeks arent the ideal conditions fish can and will spawn close to the mouth and lake shores any input on that?

    Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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    Re: new to the forums Thursday, November 20, 2014 5:43 PM (permalink)
    Most erie tribs are not conducive for natural reproduction. If you go on line and read some studies some show natural reproduction fish have been found in small numbers. But it is a put and take fishery just like the stockie trout are across the state. The smolt don't stay long enough in the creeks to grow to a big enough size that predatory fish will not eat them when they return to the lake, so stocking them in the bay is an easier option. These fish were breed in a hatchery and will return to any stream, it's not like they will return to the stream they were stocked in. Plus tons osf smolts in the creek will eat anything and they get caught all the time by anglers. It's better I think to stock them in the bay.
    Just my thoughts... 
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    Re: new to the forums Thursday, November 20, 2014 8:10 PM (permalink)
    They stock so many in the bay because the PFBC likes to feed the pike.
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    Re: new to the forums Thursday, November 20, 2014 8:51 PM (permalink)
    "Documentation of successful natural reproduction in Pennsylvania is rare. Self-sustaining populations of Rainbow Trout are found only in a few scattered streams. But mature Rainbows, especially steelhead that have run up Lake Erie tributaries, successfully spawn and produce young. However, adult returns are mostly comprised of hatchery-released fish" your right that was right out of PA fish and boat website. Supposedly the new york tribs have success in reproducing though. If it is truly a put and take system then im not gonna think twice about keeping a few for the smoker. I wonder what average percentage the success rate is of natural wild returns though.. small im sure but if they get some in there then wouldnt that make some creeks that are more succeptable to natural reproduction have higher numbers of fish ( since the hatchery fish seem to stray and go into tribs at random)?

    Gill em to kill em then Rope em smoke em
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