Water Depths

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2014/10/07 01:43:23 (permalink)

Water Depths

Can someone help me out with how to read the gauges for Walnut in relation to what will trigger a run to get the fish moving upstream a decent way? I recently got out of the Army, and will be making a trip up this weekend for the first time since 2006, as long as the water is cooperative. I was looking at the gauge tonight, and it is showing 3.7 feet at Walnut at 53 degrees. I am wondering what is a good depth, or other recommendations I should take into consideration before deciding whether to make the trip up this weekend. I definitely don't want to fish the mouths so if there aren't fish in the streams I am up in the air. I don't deal with crowds as well as I used to, but I can handle them as long as I am not having people basically sitting on my lap. Any advice sure would be appreciated. Also, not sure if anyone is familiar with Project Healing Waters, but if there is a local chapter can someone send me the information on a Point of Contact?
Thanks so much for any help - Scott sw795614@wcupa.edu #(307)-871-0971

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    Re: Water Depths 2014/10/07 08:01:06 (permalink)
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    Re: Water Depths 2014/10/07 09:05:24 (permalink)
    :-) THANK YOU SCOTT :-)

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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    Re: Water Depths 2014/10/07 09:15:08 (permalink)
    Silverbullet, first off, thanks for your service sir!  
    I prefer to look at the Discharge (cubic feet per second) rate on the Walnut gauge, and don't really pay much attention to depth.  But depth and discharge generally rise and fall at the same rate.  
    Here's what I've found, and what I prefer.  Very subjective, as each fisherman prefers different conditions:
    1.  Hard to say exactly what will "trigger a run."  Often has as much, maybe even more, to do with water temperature and amount of daylight than the amount of water depending on who you talk to.  But when Walnut is at about 100 CFS and rising, you can reasonably expect some fish movement on it and Elk - whether it's fresh fish moving in from the lake or existing fish moving upstream or both.  When the Walnut gauge is up around 175-200 CFS and rising, I personally wouldn't really consider fishing either Walnut or Elk as I don't have the skills to do well in those conditions.   
    2.  For ideal fishing conditions for typical drift fishing, take a look at the pics in what FishinGuy posted.  My preferences:  When Walnut is at 200 CFS and DROPPING, smaller streams are usually prime.  When Walnut is at around 150 CFS and dropping, conditions are usually OK there and on Elk.  When Walnut is at about 70 CFS and steady or dropping, those are my favorite conditions.  Nice flow, a little bit of color, but generally clear enough to see fish pretty well.  
    3.  Would imagine that this weekend will be among one of the most crowded of the year, with many having a long weekend with Monday off for Columbus Day.  Check out the Angler Maps here, http://fisherie.com/Maps, and check out different access points higher on Elk and Walnut and you should be able to find a little elbow room the further you get upstream.  
    4.  Skip16503 on here (Skip Hughes in real life) runs the Erie Project Healing Waters chapter and does a great job.  Send him a PM or see if he chimes in here.  
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    Re: Water Depths 2014/10/07 10:10:36 (permalink)
    ^ This, that post by DRod is spot on.
    The water levels in the tribs will trigger good fishing conditions more than triggering fish to run.  These fish have and will make the run in large numbers even if water is very low sometimes.  Water temp and the amount of daylight will get them in the creeks. 
    The numbers given above for CFS on the Walnut gauge are pretty much right on from my experience and for what I prefer.
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    Re: Water Depths 2014/10/07 21:39:52 (permalink)
    Wow! I really appreciate all that information! DRod, That really told me a whole lot and will be very helpful for me in the future. Also, I got a call from Skip today and will call him back tomorrow so thanks again!! If any of you guys are out this weekend and looking for some company, let me know. I am coming up by myself to "get away" so I am really looking forward to it.

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    Re: Water Depths 2014/10/07 22:46:22 (permalink)
    SCOTT sit down and be quiet................  Or we're turning this car around.............. Hope ya catch a barrel of fish and have just as much fun.  Once again thanks for your service. 
    post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2014/10/07 23:08:55

    Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
      Old fisherman never die; we just smell that way. 
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    Re: Water Depths 2014/10/08 22:35:04 (permalink)
    Haha... I will make sure I keep to myself!!
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