Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt

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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/07 11:21:47 (permalink)
DPMS---I have to quit trying to give figures from memory and start looking them up.  It was worse than I remembered.  888,187 deer hunters is the number they used in the report given to the Legislature. The 700,000 is  the number used when they were telling us how nothing changed with the success rate.
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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/07 11:29:15 (permalink)
Quite a difference there for sure. Lets call it 790,000 from here on out. :-)

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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/07 14:18:28 (permalink)

I live smack in the middle of the CWD area and the word here is "I got two doe tags and two CWD tags (for WMU versatility) and is only saw three deer last year, so why buy more?"

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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wayne c
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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/07 17:35:03 (permalink)
Dpms, not sure there is any logical purpose for this thread... your uh- hem...friends lost their lawsuit and the political will wasn't there prior to that nor is it currently.    This is a nonissue and not a lot of reason to hash and rehash it.   Its been decided for the near future anyway.  Find a way to live with it and move on.  There are far more important issues than beating the dead horse.   I read where those hush characters  are going to make more concerted efforts towards changing public perception and that of legislators since they've failed the court route.    So here is your post... here and on multiple other message boards same post.  predictably and par for the course as usual when your boys (and gal) from hush/pfsc get "active". lol.
As for the opposition in va getting quiet, Its only reasonable to expect fighting to me a bit less vigorous after losing a heated battle immediately after a decision has been made and legislation has been enacted.   There will be some consequences of the decision, but they are likely stuck with them now, good or bad and Im sure the people of Va are aware of this, although they just as likely wont like the decision any more 10 years from now than they do today.
On a lighter note, I laughed heartily when I read about the recent hush "sit in".   That'll make a difference!  hahaha.  Lotsa brain power being expended by that group, just about anything they can pull out of there hat.   Pretty desparate to save the keystone states trillium from that evil deer herd.   -Unreal.
post edited by wayne c - 2014/10/07 18:07:44

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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/07 17:46:03 (permalink)
"My numbers are supplied by PGC license sales, harvest stats, and Chris Rosenberry"
Same guy that has kept the deer plan in place for years. Same guy who used/uses the rifle hunting harvest rate across the board to "fudge" the numbers overall.    Same guy who regularly stretched the truth at many pgc meetings and legislative hearings.   Same guy that said deer numbers have nothing...and I repeat NOTHING to do with hunter numbers. lol
Funny, aint it how the story changes.   Whatever numbers they claim to meet the purpose at a given moment, in general, they'll harp on the hunter decline when convenient and to gain support for fee increases, alternate funding sources, and need to keep deer hunting opportunities plentiful.. etc...
Yet when hunter decline is pointed to as one of the maleffects of the deer program, all of a sudden hunter numbers are stable, likely to increase via their efforts at improving recruitment etc. with the mentor programs ad and commercial campaign etc...
All part of the never ending Elmerton Avenue circus.
post edited by wayne c - 2014/10/07 17:57:38

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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/07 21:51:54 (permalink)
Sooooooo Wayne..............  tell us, how do you really feel about the PGC and their bogus stats?  Just askin'
On a personal note..............  I'm gonna kill that *&^& bug!!!!!!!!!                 
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2014/10/08 22:52:53

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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/08 07:10:19 (permalink)
In my line of work I depend on the data to produce facts, perception is just an opinion and we all know that opinions are like butt holes -- everybody has one.

Do the facts are 50.1% is a majority. Gun only hunters comprise more than 50.1%, so they are in the majority whether that is by 0.1%, the 15% or so your numbers (sorry I didn't oh back to check them ), or 90%, a majority is a majority. Next fact, the statistic majority, gun hunters, get 2nd dibs to the archers, which because, fact, they do not represent 50.1% and therefore are statistically in the minority. Next fact, gun hunters are third to early muzzleloader hunters because, again, they are a statistical minority. I'll stay away from the juniors and seniors because they are probably a subset of gun hunters, although an exclusionary subset.

This is akin to one party holding the majority, percentage gap notwithstanding, in the House and Senate, plus the Presidency and the 2nd party, clearly in the minority getting everything on their platform enacted. It doesn't work that way, except with the PGC.

That all written, I am still for Sunday hunting from a purely greedy point if view that I would like to double my time afield for pheasants.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/08 08:52:10 (permalink)

Never denied a majority. Some more facts on top of your facts, using disputed pgc facts. :-)

42% of deer hunters(archers) kill only 32% of our deer over a 9 week season. Less than 10% of our antlered herd is killed during archery.

The characterization of rifle hunters getting second dibs, leftovers, shafted, screwed, unappreciated etc... Are off base when one looks at the numbers.

But, that is only my opinion, and as you said, everyone has one.

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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/08 09:42:02 (permalink)
Actually it's not off base at all -- the minority gets first crack at the bucks, doesn't matter if the kill 10% or 1 buck -- first is first because every buck killed by the minority before the majority even gets to hunt makes it unavailable to the majority.

And what about the antlerless deer? How many if those are killed by one minority group or another before the majority even steps into the game?

But again, while I don't like it, there isn't anything that can or will be done about it, except possibly add some more minority group opportunities before the majority group gets a chance.

In any instance, deer hunting for me has been reduced from the biggest holiday of the year to something I do for a day two. I liken it to the first day if trout that had some level of significance before one could fish basically year round somewhere, somehow within a short drive.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/08 09:46:59 (permalink)
As for the "yuk" factor on. CWD, they are the same deer that would be harvested on a doe tag, so what is the difference?

Actually, CWD permits are preferred because they provide hunting area versatility with regard to WMUs. I can figuratively throw a rock into three WMUs from my house. Not bring tied to one or another is quite an advantage since the deer don't know that this side of the road us one area and the other side is a different WMU. Plus hunting is available for both weeks of rifle season.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/08 09:57:49 (permalink)
Your sure taking a lot of liberty and spinning the hell out of that one DPMS. 32% of the total buck kill is by archers.  The 10% is BS since over half our buck herd is off limits to both gun and bow hunters.
Adding Sunday bow hunting will increase the buck kill during archery to approx. 40% of the total kill. Adding rifle season will greatly increase the buck kill the first couple years. After that the deer herd and the rest of game animals and birds will be drastically further reduced and either the PGC will shorten the season, reduce the bag limit, or the hunters will drop out in larger numbers.
Sunday hunting for Pa at this moment  with the shrinking of our wildlife population, is the best thing the anti-hunters could have to thin the hunters ranks.
wayne c
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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/08 14:01:48 (permalink)
Some pgcs and some well known to be very antideer ex boc members said they wanted sunday hunting because they felt it would be needed to further deer management. (reductions).   That is the sole reason SOME are seeking it VERY vigorously.  Think its just coincidence that Vern Ross ex pgc exec director who started it all (deer program) is one who is pushing hardest for sunday hunting by being one of the 4 hush reps along with a few noted known antideer enviro extreme types?    Its ashame, but I believe the "power" hasn't shifted at pgc as some would like us to believe, enough for pgc to be trusted with this "tool".   When our resources are in responsible and trustworthy hands at some point in the future, then and only then will I support giving more tools to the pgc that can be misused to cause maleffects our deer herd even more than they already have.   
post edited by wayne c - 2014/10/08 14:24:04

wayne c
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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/08 14:16:01 (permalink)
I am as avid an archery hunter as they come.  But I can understand those who feel too many deer are taken before rifle season.   I see more and more complaints since the crossbow inclusion which has increased the ability of everyone from 6 to 80 to be able to have ability to shoot a deer in archery season.   Considering our hunter numbers, deer herd, and already existing opportunities, Id say our level of "opportunity" is pretty much maxed out.    To add any more responsibly, it would be necessary to "take away" others to allow for it.  Otherwise we will have even further diminished deer herd and hunter satisfaction.   Only way that expanding opportunities to any significant degree would be responsible, would be if we had further significant reduction in hunter numbers and only then, if those numbers and existing season structure isn't enough to responsibly keep deer numbers under control.  OR increase the deer herd somewhat and manage for a somewhat higher sustained yield long term with harvests that wouldn't progressively and slowly "drain" the deer herd down the tubes.
post edited by wayne c - 2014/10/08 14:22:22

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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/08 20:28:23 (permalink)
Your sure taking a lot of liberty and spinning the hell out of that one DPMS. 32% of the total buck kill is by archers.  The 10% is BS since over half our buck herd is off limits to both gun and bow hunters.

How so? 42%(archers) of our deer hunters are killing 32% of the antlered harvest according to the PGC. The PGC has also said that archery takes less than 10% of the available bucks from the herd. Yes, some of the herd is sub AR. Never said otherwise. You could also say if we have 100 bucks, 50 are legal, 10 are taken by archers and 40 remain for rifle hunters. So much for seconds...... 
Of course that is all dependent on believing the PGC numbers, which have been shown to fluctuate depending on the subject. 
Adding Sunday bow hunting will increase the buck kill during archery to approx. 40% of the total kill. Adding rifle season will greatly increase the buck kill the first couple years. After that the deer herd and the rest of game animals and birds will be drastically further reduced and either the PGC will shorten the season, reduce the bag limit, or the hunters will drop out in larger numbers.

Which is why I have stated many times I would urge a very slow, guarded approach to adding Sundays to our deer seasons. My support for SH is not centered around adding Sundays to any seasons, though I think it could be done in may instances with minimal affect.
Sunday hunting for Pa at this moment  with the shrinking of our wildlife population, is the best thing the anti-hunters could have to thin the hunters ranks.

Nah. Game agencies not being tasked with regulating hunting on a full time basis is much worse. 

post edited by dpms - 2014/10/08 20:32:52

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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/08 20:38:28 (permalink)
wayne c
I am as avid an archery hunter as they come.  But I can understand those who feel too many deer are taken before rifle season.   I see more and more complaints since the crossbow inclusion which has increased the ability of everyone from 6 to 80 to be able to have ability to shoot a deer in archery season.   Considering our hunter numbers, deer herd, and already existing opportunities, Id say our level of "opportunity" is pretty much maxed out.    To add any more responsibly, it would be necessary to "take away" others to allow for it.  Otherwise we will have even further diminished deer herd and hunter satisfaction.   Only way that expanding opportunities to any significant degree would be responsible, would be if we had further significant reduction in hunter numbers and only then, if those numbers and existing season structure isn't enough to responsibly keep deer numbers under control.  OR increase the deer herd somewhat and manage for a somewhat higher sustained yield long term with harvests that wouldn't progressively and slowly "drain" the deer herd down the tubes.

While I understand the feelings that are out there among some rifle only hunters, most have little knowledge of the actual numbers that we are all discussing. 
I would agree with you that it is time to let things play out for awhile and stabilize a bit. Too many changes lately and I don't think the PGC even knows where they are going these days. 

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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/08 20:55:19 (permalink)
I don't know about your areas with regards to the increase in crossbows but, I see more and more Amish and Mennonites sitting in the trees during archery. I gotta think the same occurs across the great state of PA.

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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/08 21:01:37 (permalink)
So they are saying archers take less than 10% of the "available" bucks. Doing the rough math on killed bucks only that would mean we have approx. 416,000 AR legal bucks and approx. the same number of non legal bucks or approx. 832,000 bucks out of a total deer herd of approx 1.2 million. And that's if we killed ALL the available bucks each year.  I believe the PGC claims we harvest 60% of the available bucks so increase that by 40%. LOL
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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/08 21:49:40 (permalink)
So they are saying archers take less than 10% of the "available" bucks. Doing the rough math on killed bucks only that would mean we have approx. 416,000 AR legal bucks and approx. the same number of non legal bucks or approx. 832,000 bucks out of a total deer herd of approx 1.2 million. And that's if we killed ALL the available bucks each year.  I believe the PGC claims we harvest 60% of the available bucks so increase that by 40%. LOL

This is the exact phrase Rosenberry stated when referring to the archery harvest in a meeting. I had it saved to a document.  Surely one can come to a conclusion that the study area would not be representative of the entire state or we would have bucks behind every tree like Alt promised. 
"after 2009, we have 7% of the bucks being removed during archery season".  
All this debating numbers only proves that the numbers are questionable in many minds, including mine. But, it is all we got other than personal experiences which are all different. 
post edited by dpms - 2014/10/08 21:51:23

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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/09 05:48:03 (permalink)
When quoting Rosenberry on anything, keep in mind that this is the same PhD that works for the PGC and not a university as a researcher and once used a study group (with no control group mind you) of only five bucks, all collared before they grew antlers (so it was unknown if they were even AR legal) in order to predict the number of bucks hunters would harvest statewide. If he said there were a dozen eggs in a box I would check to see if it were a half dozen , 18 count, or how many were cracked before I put the skillet on the stove.
post edited by DarDys - 2014/10/09 07:10:23

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/09 09:48:15 (permalink)
When quoting Rosenberry on anything, keep in mind that this is the same PhD that works for the PGC and not a university as a researcher and once used a study group (with no control group mind you) of only five bucks, all collared before they grew antlers (so it was unknown if they were even AR legal) in order to predict the number of bucks hunters would harvest statewide. If he said there were a dozen eggs in a box I would check to see if it were a half dozen , 18 count, or how many were cracked before I put the skillet on the stove.

Well said...........

The only real use for his reports..... the deer camp outhouse.

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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/09 11:28:58 (permalink)
Lets not forget the comical antlerless deer study of collared deer in 2g and 4b... It was found that 80% of collared deer (and surmised noncollared as well) survived the season avoiding death from all sources including hunting.     For 4b, it was 70%.      At the beginning of the study it was said it was unknown if hunters seeing collared deer might cause some bias towards not shooting that particular deer...for example, see 3 doe, would  they shoot the one with the highly visible collar, or automatically choose another.   This was a good assumption, since I think MANY would do that, not knowing the purpose of the collar, or just because the deer "looks odd" wearing the hardware.  Others might not want to "deal with" the equipment after the harvest...  No to mention its very easy to slant said data by collaring deer in areas known to receive more or less hunting pressure depending on your intent.
The theory of hunters being selective at least somewhat against shooting deer with hardware was mentioned early on in the initial stages of the study and then completely ignored thereafter from what Ive read and heard on the topic over the last several years.   As if it didn't matter or have any effect even though there is no data suggesting otherwise and its pretty obvious that with relatively low number of deer in the study, it wouldn't take a lot of bias to have a significant effect on the end result.   Yet the comedic results were discussed multiple times, even brought up at some fairly recent pgc meetings to try to make points (actually nonpoints) insinuating these results could be extrapolated to the entire units in question, and I saw at least one instance it was insinuated that it could be looked at as representative across the state, even though it would mean we had obscene numbers of deer that have never existed.. millions of deer (lmao) if indeed that were the case.
Yep.  The circus music never stops playing at Elmerton.
post edited by wayne c - 2014/10/09 11:37:28

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Re: Virginia; opposition silent after Sunday deer hunt 2014/10/21 15:14:08 (permalink)
Man hunted long before Sunday was invented. He should make Sunday's illegal instead.   
As far as archers getting first dibs, yes we do. Having deer that haven't yet been through a "war zone" of under prepared and often under skilled hunters, makes them a little less spooky. Killing deer with a bow or a x-bow is a hard thing to do to begin with(harder than with a rifle IMO). Getting first dibs makes it a little easier and frankly more enjoyable. The amount of gunfire I hear while in the forest during rifle season makes me a little uneasy in the place where I feel most at home. I would be pretty bummed if I had to listen to it while holding my bow.
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