Lake arthur fall perch run

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Re: Lake arthur fall perch run 2014/10/15 07:24:34 (permalink)
Cool looking fish. I caught one last week that had one black spot where a spotted bass would have one, but not on the other side of the fish.... The channel's spots were definitely different. The spots were a bit raised. Per the biologist, it sounds like the Susquehanna smallmouth are similar to the largemouth that you caught, and nothing to worry about. He said the catfish spots probably aren't dangerous if cooked, but always better to be safe.
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Re: Lake arthur fall perch run 2014/10/15 10:09:50 (permalink)
FYI - Response from PFBC
When we survey our lake populations, we see channel catfish like this.  We see one or two fish that look like this almost everywhere we catch large numbers of catfish, but we never see large numbers of catfish with this condition.  I’ve searched the fishery science literature and I can’t find any studies that explain this condition in channel catfish.  I don’t think this is the result of some type of pollutant because we only see one or two of these a year.  DEP regularly tests fish from Lake Arthur for contaminants and haven’t found any that would warrant a consumption advisory.  My best explanation is that just like any other animal (and people), some will get sick and die.  I suspect that the fish you caught, and the fish like it that we see in our nets, have contracted a disease and will likely soon die of natural causes.  Handling these fish does not pose a health risk to people; I’ve handled many of them personally.  Most people do as you did and throw them back.  As I said, I can’t find any scientific literature that has investigated this.  However, I’ve copied the PA Fish and Boat Commission’s Fish Pathologist on this response and have included your original picture.  If he has more or better information, he will contact you.   Thanks for passing this on to us.  If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me directly. Sincerely, Timothy A. WilsonFisheries BiologistPennsylvania Fish and Boat CommissionFisheries Management Area 113240 Hartstown RoadLinesville, PA 16424
Follow up response -
From what I’ve heard so far, the investigation into the black spots on the smallmouth bass in the Susquehanna has not found a cause and so far has not determined that it is lethal to the bass.  From my observations of both conditions, I think the catfish blotches are different than the smallmouth blotches.  They have different textures and it appears to me that the catfish condition is progressive and will eventually kill the fish.  The smallmouth blotches seem to be less of a disease and just more of a pigmentation change.  I’ve seen this skin condition in channel catfish for as long as I can remember, I don’t think it’s new.  I would worry if all of sudden large numbers of catfish showed up with it, but so far it’s just one or two a year.  Just my personal observations.  Thanks.Tim Wilson
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Re: Lake arthur fall perch run 2014/10/15 10:23:01 (permalink)
I have to correct my earlier statement on cooking.  That was not a PFBC remark.  I personally wouldn't trust it.
The largemouth and smallmouth, I personally don't eat, but think the spotting would be nothing to worry about.  I have had both in the past, without spots, and not bad eating.  I leave them go primarily since there is such a C&R emphasis on them and they are relatively easy trophy catches for kids (and all anglers).  If I wanted a fish dinner and couldn't catch enough perch, crappie, walleye or other fish that I normally keep, I'm not against keeping a few C&R emphasized fish...
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Re: Lake arthur fall perch run 2014/10/15 11:07:37 (permalink)
Thanks for the info, from his responses it seems there was no clear cut answer rather an educated guess on his part, it would be nice to see them keep a netted fish with those physical symptoms to test it and come up with a definitive answer of what the disease is.

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Re: Lake arthur fall perch run 2014/10/15 11:37:52 (permalink)
I was hoping that pathologist that he cc:ed would respond.  I'm not too worried about it, if they aren't though.  I've only seen one like it.  If I see any more, or if others see any, let me know and I can follow up with them.
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Re: Lake arthur fall perch run 2014/10/16 09:40:34 (permalink)
 Figured your in-laws was a lava lamp carnival circus clown cat & the one I caught was a diamond back bass. Most likely from the stinkin' black septic suet muck bottom would be my guess.  
 Went down after dark for crappie, slowed down 'round 10'ish ----- picked back up 'bout 11:00 slowed down 11:45. Highlight ov night, 29" cat on crappie rig   Purdy sad grown men fish for pan fish 
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Re: Lake arthur fall perch run 2014/10/16 12:14:07 (permalink)
Headed out tomorrow 2-6 or so.  Will report back.  Hoping to get the old lady hooked up with a cat or two, shouldn't be that hard to accomplish.  
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Re: Lake arthur fall perch run 2014/10/16 12:56:48 (permalink)
^^^ probably right considering they're all over the lake, over populated in my opinion. Looking forward to your report though Zelie, good luck!

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Re: Lake arthur fall perch run 2014/10/16 17:50:16 (permalink)
tim, i found a picture of that bass in my acme freshwater fish and muscle car id guide.  it's called a north american s.w. pa. frack bass.
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Re: Lake arthur fall perch run 2014/10/17 19:03:23 (permalink)
Fall perch run my butt.  Did I say that already?  The only perch we saw were the ones we took with us for catfish bait.  Honestly though, hard to blame the fish with that BS wind.  It was HOWLING across the lake in pretty much all directions.  We couldn't keep the pontoon in a spot.  
Didn't stay long, maybe four hours of fishing.  Tried 8-10 spots.  Three nice cats, two to my wife on a crappie rig w/fathead minnow, and one ate cut perch on the bottom.  14" wiper, couple small bass, couple bluegills.  Bleh.  If this is the best of fall fishing, it's time for me to put the toon away.
Might go tomorrow if the weather stops being such a****  
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Re: Lake arthur fall perch run 2014/10/19 08:17:25 (permalink)
Did ok yesterday in the rain after putting my boat away for the Winter. Sucks to have to store during one of the better parts of the year. That said, my 17'er is too big for the shallow water perchin. Water is perfect for wading now, but sure it will have the toes frozen in a few weeks. They are feeding pretty heavily on the baby bluegills and other baitfish. Pretty fun watching.
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Re: Lake arthur fall perch run 2014/10/19 10:03:30 (permalink)

HEY Porktown!!!!!!!!!

That's the second thing we agree on!

It sucks to be you....(lol)

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Lake arthur fall perch run 2014/10/19 10:05:54 (permalink)
But............ there is next year to look forward to.

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you will feed him for a life time. ~Anne Isabella Thackeray Ritchie (1837–1919)~
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Re: Lake arthur fall perch run 2014/10/19 20:46:28 (permalink)
I have a 12'er for late & early seasons. With the fall perch, wading is probably just as good. Although, I do like my feet not being numb, with the cold water in November. Futsol on Friday nights starts in November and wading in ice water Saturday or Sunday is a recipe for me throwing out my back. I try to fish from ice off until ice on. Winter below I-80 is too unpredictable to invest the money and limited storage space for ice fishing gear for me. Cabin fever is too much for me for 3 moths, no way I'd extend that to 4-5 months not fishing, because my bigger boat is stored.
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Re: Lake arthur fall perch run 2014/10/19 21:56:00 (permalink)
anyone have a water temperature for Lake Arthur?
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Re: Lake arthur fall perch run 2014/10/20 08:01:34 (permalink)
54* A.M 57* P.M  fish were extremely active, lots of gills, LM and crappie.
post edited by TheBlueLagoon - 2014/10/20 09:11:20

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