Helpful ReplyLetter to the PA Fish Commission

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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/08/28 17:52:21 (permalink)
Has anyone ever kept track RE: the average number of replies it takes for the post to go completely off topic and turn into a urinating contest?
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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/08/28 17:57:29 (permalink)

imo only musky are harder fish to catch than a wild trout around the 20" length. there is a complete other side to this battle where wild trout enthusiasts are sick of having prime water stocked

Overall, I have to agree with you there. The fish themselves may not be hard to hook, but you gotta do your homework and know where a biggin may be hiding and when(time of day, weather, flows, etc..) it'll likely be feeding. Can't be afraid to get skunked. Luck can also play a role though lol. I've only gotten a couple muskies so far(I don't target them) but I'm sure the same concept applies. There usually isn't a secret fly/lure/bait, but if you pay your dues and get to know the water you'll be rewarded with nice fish.
And don't even get me started regarding stocking over wild populations lol. Some(not all though) streams can be SO much better if they weren't stocked. More and bigger fish + less pressure(since the stream isn't stocked) = good time  
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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/08/28 18:01:21 (permalink)
@7mile So, what you're saying is that, as a trout fishing enthusiast, you also want the pfbc to quit spending so much money on trout stocking? I like that point of view.

I'm pretty sure he means the act of stocking fish where they don't need to be stocked. Why should the PFBC waste money on streams that already have good(or potentially good) populations on their own.....
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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/08/28 18:03:19 (permalink)
Has anyone ever kept track RE: the average number of replies it takes for the post to go completely off topic and turn into a urinating contest?

Welcome to the FishUsa forums! That would be interesting to know though.
Anyways, back on topic......
Lets stock some snakeheads!!!!!! lol  (just kidding of course....)
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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/08/28 18:11:36 (permalink)
 I know carp are plentiful so I don't feel the need for them to be stocked but I would like for one day carp to be recognized as they great sport fish they are rather than just a garbage fish.

Same goes for native bowfin, gar, drum, etc...  IMO all are very cool fish to catch. Lots of people hate bowfin and illegally throw them on the bank(call the PFBC if you see people doing this) but in my opinion they are the ultimate gamefish. They are very strong fighters and can be a challenge. And sometimes they're easy to catch depending on the situation. What's not to like!!
People just need to have open-minds and explore the opportunities available to them.
And some of those mediocre "trout streams" that get warm in the summer turn into great smallmouth streams.......and by then very few people fish them. IMO I don't really think there's much more the PFBC can do to create more of a variety.........but the opportunities for good fishing for many different species are there. Just gotta explore and do some fishin!
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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/08/28 21:34:22 (permalink)
Reasearch the studies conducted on the mortality rates of stocked trout. Very interesting to see the numbers estimated to be washed down stream into waters that won't support stocked trout. Even more interesting is the number of these trout lost to predation (other then fishing), starvation, change in enviroment and, transportation.

When you consider the cost to raise/buy these fish, transportation and, manhours to stock. There's a substantial amount of money going down the tubes.
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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/08/28 21:36:46 (permalink)
not gonna argue with you.  the original "now we have to pay extra to fish in lake erie" stamp was to offset the loss of income of the commercial fishermen when gill nets were banned.  what do you think "to provide funding for the removal of gill net fishing operations" means?  the commish didn't need 3 years worth of stamp sales to get this law passed.  they needed the funds to subsidize the commercial fishermen who chose to go out of business rather than switch net types.  do you know how many commercial fishermen there were in erie before the gill nets were banned?  and do you know how many exist to this day because of the ban?  1, uno!  jerry mathers, "the last fisherman"(his store name), down on east lake rd. and dunn blvd.  that was the original plan for this stamp.  like I said above, it has morphed into something completely different.  no false info coming from me seven.
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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/08/28 21:54:45 (permalink)
I am referring to the current stamp, which was brought up by Beentheredonethat, read the bold and italicized text. The current ••CURRENT•• stamp is for the improvement of the Erie watershed, not hard to read that straight from the fish commish website. Not for trout around the state holly ****.

East side love is living on the west end
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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/08/28 21:56:31 (permalink)
This should put this argument to bed........

registration fees).
1995 – Lake Erie Permit (Act 79, signed into law October 5, 1994) required for Lake Erie, Presque Isle Bay, and their tributaries for the 1995 license year. The $3.00 permit (stamp) created to provide recompense for holders of commercial fishing licenses, who are now prohibited from using gill nets. Stamp discontinued after 1998 license year after adequate funds have been raised for the recompense program.
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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/08/29 00:05:42 (permalink)

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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/08/29 05:24:20 (permalink)
Quite frankly I like them stocking trout Reason is that I Always need Flathead bait Keep ah stocking
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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/08/29 11:13:13 (permalink)
Quite frankly I like them stocking trout Reason is that I Always need Flathead bait Keep ah stocking

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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/08/30 01:30:29 (permalink)
Quite frankly I like them stocking trout Reason is that I Always need Flathead bait Keep ah stocking

Well now that you put it that

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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/08/30 19:18:26 (permalink)
I just would like to see more variety in what the PFBC can offer us. I know carp are plentiful so I don't feel the need for them to be stocked but I would like for one day carp to be recognized as they great sport fish they are rather than just a garbage fish.

If you look on the PFBC website, they do list common carp as a popular PA sportfish here:
And that list has been on there for years and is nothing new.
And their carp page has been updated with info. in recent years, but that has more to do with a few PA carpers providing the info. than anything from the PFBC.:
Carp and catfish are also considered game fish in PA if ya read through the semantics of the PA fish code and regulations (their definition from what I've found):
 "Game fish."  Unless otherwise provided by commission
regulation, the following fish: Brook trout, Salvelinus
fontinalis; brown trout, Salmo trutta; and rainbow trout, Salmo
gairdneri, and the salmon family, Salmoidae; walleye,
Stizostedion vitreum; chain pickerel, Esox niger; northern pike,
Esox lucius; muskellunge, Esox masquinongy; fallfish, Semotilus
corporalis; smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieui; largemouth
bass, Micropterus salmoides; crappies, Pomoxis sp.; rock bass,
Ambloplites rupestris; yellow perch, Perca flavescens; striped
bass or rockfish, morone saxatili; suckers, Catostomidae; eels,
Anguilla rostrata; chubs, Semotilus and Nocomis, measuring at
least eight inches in length; sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrhynchus;
white perch, morone americana; and all other species or
varieties of fish except bait fish.
They don't actually name carp or catfish by name and family in the official  list, but they are gamefish by default and fall under "other species".
Of course that doesn't mean that some in the PFBC (or others in general) actually view carp as a gamefish.  But all this has been gone over plenty of times before by us carpers. 
You're probably aware that you can now legally fish with up to 3 lines in PA public waters for the last three years now-----before that it was only 2 rods for many years.  It was actually a couple of W. PA carpers that submitted the original proposal to the PBFC to get the rules changed from 2 to 3 rods allowed.  It took a couple years to get the changed implemented, because the PFBC wasn't about to change the law just because some goofball carpers got behind the proposal, but once the Erie charter boat captains caught wind of the proposal and supported it, so their customers could fish one more rod, the rule change was made.  So there is a process to get things changed, if ya go through the proper channels.  So all it took was a couple of carpers to get the ball rolling with the proposal and eventually the change got made once the right group of anglers got behind it, even though most of the higher-ups in the PFBC probably don't give a flip about carp or carpers.
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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/08/31 13:54:11 (permalink)
Pacarper, yep im aware of the whole story behind the 3 poles law being passed. It is a shame though that it was probably scoffed at at first because it was carp fishermen who originally proposed the idea. Just another example of carp fishing being second rate to trout, steelhead, etc. But carp fishing is slowly (again, SLOWLY) beginning to get some recognition in the area. Honestly though I shouldnt mind because that means less pressure on the waters I fish. Its amazing how little carp fishing is done at some of the prime locations around here.

Again though, im not pushing for carp to be stocked. But Id really like to see more catfish being stocked in our local lakes. The usual seems to be 200 fingerlings. Maybe an increase to 400? Or even better just do 200 yearlings. Surely thered be a much higher survival rate if yearlings were stocked instead. Im probably asking for too much but cant blame a guy for trying, right?
post edited by jug - 2014/08/31 13:58:12

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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/08/31 15:13:59 (permalink)
Bass fishing was not that popular until a guy by the name of Ray Scott came along in 1968. Ray just turned 80 on Aug. 24.
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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/08/31 16:44:14 (permalink)
Jug, I believe that lowering the limit on catfish & maybe ,God forbid, some more people actually helping the cause by building cat fish boxes for nesting etc. would do more for the population than just stocking would. As far as popularity of Carp goes,have you noticed all the times that I have announced when there were free contests that had prizes for carp in this area how few members have responded.You know what they say,you can lead a fisherman to water but,oops nevermind.  sam
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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/09/01 16:53:05 (permalink)
Sam I agree, that limit on cats needs to come way down! Five a day would be reasonable. And what are these nesting boxes you mention? Ive never heard of them but would be willing to put some time and effort into building them if its something you can do yourself.

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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/09/01 19:26:51 (permalink)
Jug, Go to the PF&BC site & look up habitat,there is a good article on the purpose & success of the nesting boxes & a pict. of one. The problem is that you must get permission from them to put structure or nests in public water. If you are really intrested in doing a project like this you may get some good info from the rangers at Keystone State Park,they were involved in big project a couple of years ago. I am a Cripple prettymuch & can't do much physical work ,but I can & do donate on projects like this & would be willing to do so on this.This can be done in the winter when everyone on here seems to have Cabin Fever. From talking to Rick Lorsen,the area manager of this area for the PF&BC,I am sure that he will help you. ps I like Carp,their eggs & young make good Crappie food.   sam
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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/09/02 08:56:09 (permalink)
Jug, I believe that lowering the limit on catfish & maybe ,God forbid, some more people actually helping the cause by building cat fish boxes for nesting etc. would do more for the population than just stocking would. As far as popularity of Carp goes,have you noticed all the times that I have announced when there were free contests that had prizes for carp in this area how few members have responded.You know what they say,you can lead a fisherman to water but,oops nevermind.  sam
I went to one of those free Derby's at mammoth once. There were probably twice as many people there for that than on opening day of trout(i wasn't there for the opener). People were basically bluegill fishing in 2' of water 10' off shore where I would have wanted to set up for carp. I didn't even wet a line. It was a mad house. But still good to see all the kids out fishing.
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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/09/02 08:56:09 (permalink)
post edited by FishinGuy - 2014/09/03 07:08:18
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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/09/02 17:56:20 (permalink)
Fishing guy,That is the main reason for those derbys that we put on,we try to get the whole family involved. I personally don't fish them dispite helping to run them for approx.25 years. I do believe that we could talk the Cnty. into having a separate carp derby if there were enough intrest. I know that it is tough to compete with the money derbys around Fayette Cnty,but these are intended to be fun, sort of like the 1 held at Shawnee State Park where the public can observe & ask questions.  sam
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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/09/30 16:06:20 (permalink)
Way to go Chris. More people (myself included) should take an active interest like you did and actually take the time to write a letter, rather than just **** and moan. 
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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/10/01 14:21:50 (permalink)
What they should write back to you:
"Bass and catfish populations are capable of replenishing on their own in most commonwealth waters.  Carp is a non-native species and considered a garbage fish by most.   We have a massive Great Lake in our Commonwealth that is full of the species of fish you mention, in addition to many other lakes and rivers.  Without stocking programs, trout would be limited to a relative few native streams which contain mostly small brook trout.
Perhaps you are unaware, but the PAFBC stocks walleye, muskellunge, catfish, pike, perch, crappie, shad, striped bass, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, sauger, and panfish generally as juveniles throughout the state.   Many anglers buy a fishing license primarily or exclusively to fish for trout and do not target the other species that our state stocks. "

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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/10/01 14:27:56 (permalink)
After reading through some of the responses, I'm gonna guess Jeb that your thoughts are geared more towards the small lakes in the southwest - county park lakes like Twin, Mammoth and Keystone, and most of the Fish Commission owned lakes.  
There's only so much those smaller lakes can support, and trout provide the most bang for the PFBC buck in those waters.  Fishing the 3 Rivers or some of the larger lakes in the area (KPD, Arthur, Yellow Creek, Crooked Creek, etc) that are managed for warm water fish can be pretty daunting without a boat, but if you put in the time, there are good fish to be had even for shore fishermen.  

Jug wrote the post not JEB, I'm Jeb... lol
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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/10/10 11:34:35 (permalink)
I personally would like to hear what the PFBC has to say in there reply. Could you post it when you receive it? I will fish in a puddle if I thought I could catch a fish. I put them all, with a few exceptions, back. IMO the PFBC does what it deems the best course for the public.
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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/10/14 00:04:40 (permalink)
Trout Man, I never received a reply. Probably because I may have come off a little nasty which was not my intention but had I not said what i said, I knew I could only expect a typical cookie cutter reply. Anyway, if I ever do hear anything back I will be sure to post it here.

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Re: Letter to the PA Fish Commission 2014/10/29 11:23:46 (permalink)
I couldn't agree with you more Jug.  Stocked trout are extremely easy to catch - PERIOD.  I too would rather see better and bigger populations of walleye, bass, catfish, panfish and even striper at the same lakes, reservoirs, etc. that receive a stocking or even multiple storckings throughout the year.  I don't have any data to prove this, but I would also think that most people keep the trout that they catch so there is a one time "catch" and one time "fun factor" if you will.  Even though fisherman will most definitely catch and keep walleye, panfish, etc., I believe that many would be returned and have the chance to reproduce.  This would allow for multiple people to experience "the catch" or "fun factor".  These populations of fish would also at least have a chance of reproducing unlike the stocked trout.  I have heard many times that the population of walleye, panfish or even bass, is struggling here or the size isn't what it once used to be at this lake or that lake.  I too believe that too much money, time and effort is spent on stocked trout.  There is no doubt in my mind that kids, families, groups of fishermen or whomever would be able to find just as much enjoyment catching these other species of fish if there were better numbers at some lakes or better size to be found at other lakes.  There most definitely needs to be more money, time and attention spent on these other species of fish.
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