Here we go again....
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/06 10:16:19
I don't even think the fact that our licenses pay for these fish gives us the right to access private parts of streams. I believe that the fact the Commonwealth of PA and public currently own the actual water flowing within the stream, should give us that right on most streams in PA. Along with the fact that these waterways could be used as means of transportation to hike past a posted area in order to get to some destination, while staying within the high water mark where no roads exist, should also give us access. Comparing this issue to hunting, or visiting a sporting venue, or any other crazy analogy is just apples to oranges to me. A more proper analogy here would be comparing people who are posting both sides of streams and putting a wire across, to people who try to close off no winter maintenance public dirt roads that rarely ever get used and happen to cut through their property.
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/06 12:17:59
Just sitting back and enjoying all-ya-alls comments. Comments by some ya-all have some real merit and some yinz need to proof read your remarks before sending them to print.
For those of you wishing to access private lands to inable you to get away from the masses......say what?? Do you really think you are the only person wanting to catch the fish 'you paid for'? Regardless of how or why waters are made accessable, once the word gets out that it is, 'they will come'.
For every one (1) angler hitting those Erie tribs. wishing for easier access to more secluded water(s) there is, most likely, two fold waiting in the wings.
It's not the posted land that creates the shoulder-to-shoulder fishing frenzy on those open waters. It is the frenzy created by those who stand to make money by hyping the anglers (seasoned or novice) into fishing the area. Many of these 'money makers' have nothing to do, directly, with fishing but, their lively hood depends on tourism.
DarDys, your comments are right on the money. However, you can see, your not saying what many of the people want to hear. Like the great steely your fight is strong and movements are swift but, at best, your chances are 50-50.
Let's hope the Legislator casting his 'stink bait' fishes with old weak line.
As for those wishing for access to secluded waters by one means or another, I feel your pain but, SECLUDED will never happen in the shadows of tourism.
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/06 12:53:12
STREAMS, ETC. The chief stream of Girard is Elk Creek, which comes in from Fairview, flows nearly through the center of the township from east to northwest, and empties into the lake about a mile and a quarter beyond Miles Grove, after a length of thirty to thirty-five miles. The West Branch rises in Elk Creek Township, runs north eight or ten miles and unites with the main stream near the Fairview line. Hall's Run flows through Lockport and falls in a little south of Girard Borough. Brandy Run heads in Fairview Township, about a mile further south; and Spring Run west of Miles Grove -- each of them being of sufficient size to furnish water-power for one or two mills. The valley of the chief stream is narrow and precipitous in the eastern portion of the township, but further west it widens out, with steep, but beautiful bluffs on both sides. At the junction of the West Branch there is a high peak, resembling part of a Roman profile, with its base at the water's edge, which has received the peculiar title of "The Devil's Backbone." The West Branch runs along the base of an almost perpendicular hill for a quarter of a mile, then rounds the bluff and comes back to a point opposite the one which it left, forming a sort of a loop. At the narrowest place, the crest or backbone is not more than two feet across, and the height being over a 100 feet, it is a severe test of a person's nerves to walk along the lofty pathway. The spot is a favorite resort of the people for miles around. Not far from the "Devil's Backbone" is the fruit farm of Asa Battles, which contains 6,000 apple, 1,000 peach, 600 or 700 pear and many quince trees, besides fourteen acres of strawberries and five or six of grapes. The other streams of the township are Crooked Creek and several rivulets flowing into the lake in the northeast. Crooked Creek rises near Lockport, runs through the southwestern portion of Girard and the northeastern of Springfield, and empties into Lake Erie about three-fourths of a mile beyond the village of North Springfield. It has a course of about ten miles and there are some good lands in its valley.
MOUTH OF ELK CREEK. The mouth of Elk Creek figured extensively in the early plans of internal improvement, as well as in the courts of the county and State. When the canal was under discussion, there was a bitter strife as to the adoption of the
HISTORY OF ERIE COUNTY. 841 eastern route by way of Waterford, or the western one by way of Girard. The Legislature, at length, by recommendation of the chief engineer in charge, adopted the western route. Next came a dispute as to whether the terminus of the canal should be at Erie or at the mouth of Elk Creek, which was finally settled in favor of the former. On the third of March, 1837, pending the discussion of the proper terminus, a contract was entered into between James Miles, of Girard, Thaddeus Stevens, then a member of Gov. Rigner's "Kitchen Cabinet," and Charles Ogle, a Congressman from this State, looking to the building of a city at the mouth of the creek. Miles was to dispose of 200 acres of land on both sides of the stream to Stevens and Ogle, in consideration of $5,000, on the 1st of August ensuing, and $95,000 from the sale of lots, while Stevens was to work for the adoption of the site as the terminus of the canal, and Ogle was to obtain an appropriation from Congress for the improvement of the harbor. The project failing, Miles sued Stevens and Ogle for the $5,000. The case was carried to the Supreme Court and decided in favor of the defendants. Some very curious testimony came out in the course of the trial. While the country was being cleared, the mouth of the creek was considerable of a shipping place for staves and lumber. A warehouse formerly stood on the lake shore for the convenience of trade. The water in the creek is probably deep enough at its mouth to float any sailing vessel, but there is a wide bar in the lake, which will effectually prevent its use as a harbor until removed, which can only be done by a heavy expenditure of money. Quite a fishery is maintained there, and hundreds of barrels of fish are put up for shipment. A limekiln has also has been maintained for some years, receiving its stone from Kelly's Island.
MILLS AND CHURCHES. The mills and factories of the township -- not naming for the present those of Girard Borough, Lockport and Miles Grove -- are as follows: On Elk Creek -- Strickland & Nason's grist mill, at the mouth of Spring Run; the West Girard Grist, Saw, Cider and Plaster Mills, and a planing mill at the same place. On Spring Run, T. Thornton's woolen mill and Brown Bros.; hand rake factory and cider mill. A grist mill is said to have been established on this stream by Mr. Silverthorn, as early as 1799, being one of the first in the county. On the West Branch, Pettis' saw mill; on Brandy Run, Rossiter's tannery; on one of the lake streams, Herrick's and Godfrey's saw mills. All of the above are run by water, but in some cases steam is also employed in the dry season. Pettibone & Morehouse have a limekiln on the lake road north of Girard. The first mill on Elk Creek, within Girard Township, was built at Wet Girard in 1814, by Peter Wolverton, and was owned successively by Dr. Rufus Hills, James C. Marshall and his brother-in-law, Addison Weatherbee, George Rowley, L. S. Wright, Loomis & Horton and W. C. Culbertson. During Mr. Rowley's term, the mill burned down and was rebuilt."History of Erie Co., Pennsylvania Chicago: Warnerm Beers & Co., 1884 Saw mills = timber floated to mill.Tannerys= Hemlock Harbor= shipping lumber, Fishing = shipping out fishHard not to fight for navagable waters for Elk Creek.
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/06 16:45:55
Research the cost of a farm/hatchery raised trout, factor in transportation fee and, add administration cost. Now, add the cost of your fishing license and the stamp fee then divide that total by, the total cost for a stocked trout.
How many trout did you pay for?
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/06 21:51:52
H3Fisher I would have no issues to pay extra to have better access to fish new areas that I know are locked from the public now.
you can now the only question that remains is, "how much" extra are you willing to $pend?? ..L.T.A.
I aint be hazing that kinda $$$
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/06 22:14:14
"For those of you wishing to access private lands to inable you to get away from the masses......say what?? Do you really think you are the only person wanting to catch the fish 'you paid for'? Regardless of how or why waters are made accessable, once the word gets out that it is, 'they will come'.
For every one (1) angler hitting those Erie tribs. wishing for easier access to more secluded water(s) there is, most likely, two fold waiting in the wings.
It's not the posted land that creates the shoulder-to-shoulder fishing frenzy on those open waters. It is the frenzy created by those who stand to make money by hyping the anglers (seasoned or novice) into fishing the area. Many of these 'money makers' have nothing to do, directly, with fishing but, their lively hood depends on tourism." 1st of all you need to check your typing before sending to print too- you misspelled 2 words -OH NO!!!-Jus sayin' -no need to grade each others post it is a www. forum- whatever -people type things... As for solitude it is rarely found- during the week -during bad weather and those are always fun days. One observation I have made during my 35 plus yrs of creek fishing(not just steelies)the further you get from the bridges/parking lots the better quality fisherman you will find next to you. Less greedy and more laid back and willing to share the bounty. Personally not looking to have the creek to myself(MINE ALL MINE!)just think the fishery in general would be better off if it was open to walk the length of the creek within creek bed for the big 3. I will keep fishing whatever is available as long as the steelies keep migrating the creeks. Just sharing my thoughts you do not have to agree. Please forgive the tone of my post/posts it has been since April that I have hooked a steelhead I am going thru withdraw...and my to do list is never ending going to have to declare WORKCANWAIT very SOON! WCW
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/06 22:19:51
BeenThereDoneThat. Research the cost of a farm/hatchery raised trout, factor in transportation fee and, add administration cost. Now, add the cost of your fishing license and the stamp fee then divide that total by, the total cost for a stocked trout.
How many trout did you pay for?
That equals as many as I keep and you better bet everyone kept has a belly full of eggs so I can tie sacs...Its just me being sarcastic relax!WCW
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/07 01:28:11
See, if you disagree with others wishes and say not what they want to hear, they get upset. WCW can't remember who he told what when.
Shame all those eggs weren't layed and given a chance to hatch. Just think of all those fish you wouldn't have to pay for.
Glad your just being sarcastic WCW and FYI........ I am relaxed.
PS. Thanks for the spelling lesson.
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/08 04:46:13
oh no sept. 8th and no steelbow reports........i give up??????? they aint coming???????????
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/08 09:19:18
They all swam to private property.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/08 11:52:16
Maybe. After all, they can read because they were in a school in the lake for three years.
Sorry. Too easy not to let go.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/08 12:55:11
Booooo....... hsssss. (lol)
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/08 14:16:02
By the end of this week the water temps will be just fine for them to enter... all we need now is some rain! Didn't someone do the rain dance last year?
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/08 15:31:04
Uh, no.
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/08 16:08:55
By the end of the week, they should be around 60...
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/08 17:14:19
H3Fisher I was just referencing that each fish stocked is funded by a fraction of each purchase of a fishing license.
I will catch fish regardless but would be nice to be able to explore each creek without the worry of a fine.
Its not the cost of a "fish" in question here. Like it or not, the ones that can afford it are paying for access.
Have you ever parked in a parking garage?
Devil's Advocate here: Yes, I have paid to park in a parking garage. But if the garage is privately owned it was not built with taxpayers concrete and asphalt. The question remains, access to what? Publicly held property, property of the commonwealth. Again, Devil's Advocate.
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/09 00:33:14
Wow some of u guys travel 2.5+ hours. one way every weekend to fish (WORLD FAMOUS )elk creek i give u props
I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/09 06:59:33
I live 3 hours away, not 2.5 .....WF......3.5 from 20 mile..
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/09 07:20:20
And one of these days WF WILL catch a steelhead.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/09 09:46:39
If the night temps drop; they will come.............
Heard somebody whispering that.
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/09 10:02:33
Rain comin' tomorrow, and lotsa it from what I done see.
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/09 10:39:11
Next cold front (Thursday) bringing a longer string of low forty degree nights and low sixty degree days. Couple that with the shorter days and we should see the temps of the streams and creeks falling by middle of next week. Least not forget we are under the light of a full moon.
Patience is a virtue..... Fish On!!
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/09 11:08:19
Can I have my horse back now?
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/09 11:48:19
Sorry it is dead.
And we probably aren't done beating it.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/09 12:36:02
cbeagler Can I have my horse back now?
High Ohhhhh Silver........AWAY!! ........................AND...................... Never look a gift horse in the mouth!! :-P
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/09 17:36:07
Yo, Dars, if you remember, I kinda caught one last year...WF.....that was this year. someone called it a smolt, however.
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/10 08:28:52
Some called a creek chub.
But it is your story. Tell it as you will.
The poster formally known as Duncsdad Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/10 13:10:12
cbeagler Can I have my horse back now?
High Ohhhhh Silver........AWAY!!
Never look a gift horse in the mouth!! :-P
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/10 13:29:35
cbeagler Can I have my horse back now?
High Ohhhhh Silver........AWAY!!
Never look a gift horse in the mouth!! :-P
As in Brandon McManus of the Denver Broncos? Go Broncos....... giddy-up!!
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Re: Here we go again....
2014/09/10 21:36:47
Chub or steelhead, they both taste the same when cooked...WF...I say steelie...I AM a known liar