Here we go again....

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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/08/28 08:37:16 (permalink)
Soo.. Is it werth it yet 

Oh, and are the zombies up to rt 5 yet?
post edited by johnthefisherman - 2014/08/28 08:38:41
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/08/28 09:37:52 (permalink)
Zombies isn't that bad of a name for the ORANGE ARMY.
They(WE/I)do kinda walk around sometimes slowly and awkwardly and other times sit motionless staring into the great beyond.
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/08/28 11:41:46 (permalink)
Okay........ okay........ I admit referring to those appearing out of nowhere, sometimes in numbers just yards apart, at/before day break as Zombies is bit strong. I'll try and come up with a better noun that might discribe what a land owner experiences as they look out across their land on opening day of, any given season. Imagine looking out a window, just before dawn, enjoying your coffee as you start your day. Without warning a dark figure of a human passes by your window. Maybe that figure appeared to be carrying a fishing pole or, a gun or, there was a group of dark figures. As day begins to break, more figures begin to appear standing along/in the stream crossing your land or, along the trees boardering your fields. The land owner has the right to wonder who these people are, where did they come from, when did they get there, how long have they been there and yes, what are their intentions? Least not forget some of the uninvited people will, before leaving, trash their area.

Until I can come up with a better name, than Zombie, to describe these people please accept this pleasant thought. " A Rose by any other name; is still a Rose".

You sound a little paranoid!  There are safety zones established around houses, and no one should legally be walking so close to your window to startle you.  I would say some trespassing signs, if not already up, and a call to the local authorities are in order. 
But that sucks if hunters are trespassing on your property and trashing the place during hunting season.  In about 30 years of hunting I have honestly never seen or even heard of any problems with hunters trashing a private woods or leaving garbage behind.  I guess it all depends on what kind of people are hunting in a particular area though.  Even with trespassing, I think we might get someone every few years walking around our farm uninvited during rifle season.  Nine times out of ten they are just hunting with a neighbor and unsure of the boundaries.  A polite conversation and we never see them again. 
Now fishing is a whole different story for some reason!  However I do feel that all of these major stocked streams should be open to the public, up to the high water mark, as the commonwealth and people who live here currently own the actual water flowing through it.   It's similar to having a no winter maintenance township road running through your property in my opinion.
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/08/28 13:48:21 (permalink)
I speak of reality and don't live in a dream world. That malarky of 'safety zone' only exist if a person is actually in the act of taking game. Carrying a loaded weapon in PA. does not constitute hunting. As for trashing a place I consider anything from a empty soda can to game entrails as trash. However, I do understand "one mans trash is; another mans treasure" so, I understand you not seeing trash in your 30 years.

As for the streams being opened to public access, not a problem but, how do you propose to get to that stream.

As a land owner I support all land owners and their feelings to post. This blog centers around waters running through private property and those people who think they have the right to trespass in order to access those waters.

Sorry, but I'm not among the narrow minded as this problem involves more than fishing.
Thousands of acres of PA. state game land are surrounded by private property. Thousands of hunters think they have the right to cross private land when, where and, how they please to access the game land. So you see, fishing or hunting matters not but, the personal feeling of the land owner and how they see those walking his/her land does.

As for posting with 'no trespassing' signs and expecting people to abide by those signs........... get real...... those people bought a license which, in their mind, trumps your sign.

Not sure if you are aware, PA. hunters no longer are required to display a hunting license. (Another brilliant idea by our legislators)
Before that genius idea became law, a land owner could see the license number without the possibility of stirring irratation. Now a land owner has to ask to see that license only after introducing oneself as the land owner. Also, a person living in PA. and holding a fishing license may aquire a permit to carry. Approaching a total stranger with a loaded gun to inform him/her they are trespassing is not my preferred way of having sh! tz and giggles.

If not trusting total strangers appearing in the twilight of dawn is being paranoid then you sir , (even if it is the first time) are correct. ;-);-)

PS; Your turn.
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/08/28 14:31:50 (permalink)

You sound a little paranoid!  There are safety zones established around houses, and no one should legally be walking so close to your window to startle you.  I would say some trespassing signs, if not already up, and a call to the local authorities are in order.   But that sucks if hunters are trespassing on your property and trashing the place during hunting season.  In about 30 years of hunting I have honestly never seen or even heard of any problems with hunters trashing a private woods or leaving garbage behind.  I guess it all depends on what kind of people are hunting in a particular area though.  Even with trespassing, I think we might get someone every few years walking around our farm uninvited during rifle season.  Nine times out of ten they are just hunting with a neighbor and unsure of the boundaries.  A polite conversation and we never see them again.  Now fishing is a whole different story for some reason!  However I do feel that all of these major stocked streams should be open to the public, up to the high water mark, as the commonwealth and people who live here currently own the actual water flowing through it.   It's similar to having a no winter maintenance township road running through your property in my opinion.

When my wife uncle, who lived behind us died, the property, several hundred acres, some wooded some not, transferred to a city dwelling cousin. They decided to move there.

The property was always open to hunting before. Being city folks they didn't like guns and posted the property. People still hunted , igniting the posters, often tearing them down in the process. New ones would go up only to be torn down.

She had some nasty run ins with folks using her property as an ATV area, even bring threatened. Of course the authorities could do nothing without witnesses.

Last spring she gad the woods select cut except for the borders which she paid to have clear cut for 10 yards all around the property. She also had large logs dropped over the ATV trails. In addition, she had the logger remove all tree stands of which there were 8 permanent ones which damaged the trees.

Last week she heard shots on her property and called the police. By the time they arrived no one was around. What they found was the logs moved off the trails; cans and bottles shot apart; several oaks that were not part of the cutting riddled with bullet holes; and 3 new metal trees stands. One stand was less than 100 yards from her house and one was less than 75 from mine. With the leaves on, they cannot be seen. In the fall/winter get could.

I guess the point us that safety zones, posted signs, logs, etc. are no deterrent unless you catch an armed person that feels entitled for some reason.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/08/28 15:25:30 (permalink)

In the movie FIELD OF DREAMS the lead actor known as Ray hears someone whispering "if you build it: he will come". At the time, I never gave a thought to just how accurate that statement could be or, just how many private individuals would be affected.

Funny, in a way, how a guy can work all his life to build his dream and have to set back and watch as 'the have nots' demand what is yours. "if you build it; he will come".
post edited by BeenThereDoneThat. - 2014/08/28 15:37:16
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/08/28 15:28:55 (permalink)
As for the streams being opened to public access, not a problem but, how do you propose to get to that stream.

As a land owner I support all land owners and their feelings to post. This blog centers around waters running through private property and those people who think they have the right to trespass in order to access those waters.

I propose to get to that stream through access areas that already exist (ie. parking lots, bridges, and parks).   This article has nothing to do with allowing people to trespass over private property in order to access streams.   I don't think anyone is advocating for that kind of access to private property.  You and Dardy are turning this whole stream access thread into something way more than it is!
Not sure if you are aware, PA. hunters no longer are required to display a hunting license. (Another brilliant idea by our legislators)
Before that genius idea became law, a land owner could see the license number without the possibility of stirring irratation. Now a land owner has to ask to see that license only after introducing oneself as the land owner. Also, a person living in PA. and holding a fishing license may aquire a permit to carry.  Approaching a total stranger with a loaded gun to inform him/her they are trespassing is not my preferred way of having sh! tz and giggles.

If not trusting total strangers appearing in the twilight of dawn is being paranoid then you sir , (even if it is the first time) are correct. ;-);-)

PS; Your turn.

Couldn't you just locate their vehicle and take a picture of the license plate.    If you have never confronted any hunters who are trespassing and asked them to stop, then like I said you are paranoid!   Do you really think a hunter with a loaded gun is going to shoot you for confronting him about trespassing?  You sound like you just hate guns in general.
post edited by SteelSlayer77 - 2014/08/28 15:29:57
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/08/28 15:50:07 (permalink)
When my wife uncle, who lived behind us died, the property, several hundred acres, some wooded some not, transferred to a city dwelling cousin. They decided to move there.

The property was always open to hunting before. Being city folks they didn't like guns and posted the property. People still hunted , igniting the posters, often tearing them down in the process. New ones would go up only to be torn down.

She had some nasty run ins with folks using her property as an ATV area, even bring threatened. Of course the authorities could do nothing without witnesses.

Last spring she gad the woods select cut except for the borders which she paid to have clear cut for 10 yards all around the property. She also had large logs dropped over the ATV trails. In addition, she had the logger remove all tree stands of which there were 8 permanent ones which damaged the trees.

Last week she heard shots on her property and called the police. By the time they arrived no one was around. What they found was the logs moved off the trails; cans and bottles shot apart; several oaks that were not part of the cutting riddled with bullet holes; and 3 new metal trees stands. One stand was less than 100 yards from her house and one was less than 75 from mine. With the leaves on, they cannot be seen. In the fall/winter get could.

I guess the point us that safety zones, posted signs, logs, etc. are no deterrent unless you catch an armed person that feels entitled for some reason.

I guess you and BTDT just live in a different area than what I'm use to back in Northeastern PA.  People especially neighbors are certainly more respectful where I'm from than what you guys are describing.  If someone is illegally trespassing and putting up new metal tree stands so close to your house.  Then I would take down their metal tree stands and keep them, and destroy their other permanent ones.  They're not likely to keep paying for and bringing brand new tree stands in for you to take down and keep. 
Either way I would certainly take matters into my own hands at this point, rather than complaining about all deer hunters on a fishing forum and in a thread that has nothing to do with access outside of the high water marks of a stream.   Most of the hunters I know are very respectable people, and spend a lot of time bonding with their kids and family in the great outdoors.
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/08/28 16:01:30 (permalink)
My memory is way before links, Cold.I really wished I would have saved the ruling and where it pertained to...WF...  raparian rights are a very slippery slope. Most of my more recent readings, on the subject, are like you have read. There is a reason the ruling on ther Little J took a few years to hand down....Personally, I dont give a dang. Enough water now for me.
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/08/28 16:02:40 (permalink)

"You sound like you just hate guns in general."~steelslayer.

Just in the hands of people that think they can trespass because they bought a license, pay taxes or, paid for those fish with the purchase of a stamp.

Nice to know you do not impose upon others for the enjoyment of your sport. Unfortunatly, not all feel the same way as you.

As for me feeling paranoid about strangers with guns I am happy to say I am not alone. I've not seen, at anytime, a officer of the game, fish or, other law enforcement agency unarmed while in the line of duty. Even off duty, you can bet, these men and women carry. Does that make them, paranoid too?
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/08/28 16:05:14 (permalink)
Funny, in a way, how a guy can work all his life to build his dream and have to set back and watch as 'the have nots' demand what is yours. "if you build it; he will come".

You don't have to set back and watch.  Do something about it and stand up for yourself!  Don't let people walk all over you.  I get the impression that you possibly never confront anyone, and therefore might have a reputation where these people think they can get away with anything they want.
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/08/28 18:36:23 (permalink)

Either way I would certainly take matters into my own hands at this point, rather than complaining about all deer hunters on a fishing forum and in a thread that has nothing to do with access outside of the high water marks of a stream.   Most of the hunters I know are very respectable people, and spend a lot of time bonding with their kids and family in the great outdoors.

Actually, I'm not "complaining about all deer hunters on a fishing thread."  Just providing real world examples of how some feel entitled just because they bought a license.  And if you look far enough back in this thread you will discover where "a fishing forum and a thread that has nothing to do with access outside of the high water marks of a stream" came to include trespasser fo all stripes, including hunters.   
But to save time, here is the connection -- if there are some that feel a license grants them "rights" to trespass in the pusuit of game that they didn't pay for, how does that bode well for the property owner in connection with those that will feel even more entitled because they not only bought a fishing license, but by extension, bought the stocked fish (although the funds from a fishing license also go to law enforncement, administrative costs, equipment, maintenance at PFBC lakes, etc. and a relatively small portion goes for stocking fish) and they can do whatever to get those fish that they rightly own.
As with you"Most of the hunters I know are very respectable people," but they aren't the ones that will cause an issue.  It is the same slobs that everyone complains about whether the sport is fishing, hunting, hiking, camping, boating, or what have you.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/08/28 19:33:09 (permalink)
Funny, in a way, how a guy can work all his life to build his dream and have to set back and watch as 'the have nots' demand what is yours. "if you build it; he will come".

You don't have to set back and watch.  Do something about it and stand up for yourself!  Don't let people walk all over you.  I get the impression that you possibly never confront anyone, and therefore might have a reputation where these people think they can get away with anything they want.

My intension(s) are to show support for all land owners having to defend their land from trespassing for any reason. If landowners lose the battle to keep people below 'the high water mark' along a stream what's to prevent laws being changed for hunting. That's all I'm saying. I don't post my land but, I'm still amazed by the amount of people that think they have a right to private land. And I still think, as day breaks, the hunters in the fields or the anglers in the water appear as zombies. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Now I'm taking my land and going home.
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/08/28 20:51:12 (permalink)
Post and patrol your land if you want others not to hunt it.
Cameras have come along way last few years...some now take pics all day long at desired intervals(every 10 secs or every 5 min you choose)these can be very useful takeing pics from a distance of an open area like a clear-cut border.
One thing I have learned about the BAD PA HUNTERS is if you give em an inch they will take a foot.
Word spreads sometimes it takes a while but confront them or call PSP or PGC it can be controlled if you want to control it or just watch in fear of what if...
BTDT- Post your land if you do not like the orange army invading.
My next post will be about the issue at hand...
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/08/28 21:11:56 (permalink)
Thanks for the advice WCW.

Just for the record my threads were not intended to complain about HUNTERS trespassing on my land.

I was showing support for those land owners that may lose the right to post their land because some fish that is 'paid for' migrates into a stream that crosses their property. In addition, I was showing support for the reasons people wish to post their land as I experience those same reasons. Nothing more folks; sorry if I p'ed in somebodies Post Toastees!
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/08/28 21:51:43 (permalink)
Yeah I am back sore from firewoodin duty jus' sitting here annoying yall'...SORRY IN ADVANCE!
Has anyone read the actual bill is it written for just Lake Erie Tribs that are stocked or any tribs that are stocked?
I hope the original post was misworded.
If not they need to get their act together and fix it cause this statewide any trout stream that is stocked ain't guna work.
I guna put my mess all together here 1 more time.
Please tell me (and anyone else reading)what you think of it in whole or piece by piece.
Or just bash me-WHATEVER...
WCW Bill 0001...
1-ELK- WALNUT -AND -20 mile the bigger streams with bigger creek beds only walk in access below high water mark from PFBC parking lots.
Up to certain points clearly described in reg book- no tributaries of...
On top of trespassing charges set up a system that when caught outside high water mark you get heavily fined and lose fishing privileges in PA enforced by PFBC.
This will give landowners 2 motivated "agencies" to contact.
I think PFBC needs to follow NYDEC model and flood the area during season with undercover guys and video cams make the fines heavy and so its worth the while and people respect the rules and lanowners.
2-The rest of the ditches keep access as is no stocking some fish will still use the ditches maybe the clubs will stock them.
4-The Stamp...
Has to be changed separate stamp to fish the big 3-Lake Erie stamp separate put an end to the Lake access and Trib access spending debate.
Split up monies from stamp between landowners along creek according to stream footage length.
If you own both sides of creek you get that amount if just one side split it in half.
Probaly have to  pinch 10% out of it for Parking lot/Porta-potty/g-can cost.
And minus cost of raising and stocking smolts.
So whatever is left(has to be figured out by minds more informed than mine)give it to the landowners.
5-Stop spending money for parking lots we have enough.
   Leave some room for us walkers to get away from the masses.
6-Spend any "extra parking lot money"  on more BROWNIES!!!
7-If access was given in the big three and the same level of stocking happening now or more was put into them I would gladly pay more for a stamp to fish them and help fund the improvements.
Yes I am a LOCAL YOCAL from MUP her' and therefor I have less of a problem spending more on the stamp due to many days spent on stream BUT I KNOW I am not the only one who is addicted to steel ...
The funding has to public(I think it is now) how much comes in and where it goes so we can have future debates on here...
*** I am aware that I do not know all the facts just trying to stir the pot a lil' see what other ideas may be out there!
Again if I annoy you I am sorry but its a www. forum it is what it is right...WCW
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/08/31 12:32:09 (permalink)
someone called it a "backdoor" approach.
i don't see that at all.
looks like it's aimed squarely at it...nothing backdoor about it and the right way to do it imHo
NOT using arcane right of passage commerce  laws from 1803 for recreational fishing  ...THAT was/is a "backdoor" move
Whether i agree or disagree with the proposed law, it's the way it should be approached
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/08/31 17:45:04 (permalink)
Is there any way to ban or stop private leasing of the stream? If that is stopped wouldn't you think land owners would be more willing to sign easements?
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/09/01 09:44:05 (permalink)
Hello All
A conundrum  indeed! I don't like the idea of land owners profiting from posting their land and charging fees to fish for publicly funded fish. I know some land owners fish also and contribute through licenses.  I don't like the idea of govt telling people how to use their land. If the PaFBC offered x amount of money for an easement, and the private "outfitters" offered twice that amount. What would you chose? Cant blame the land owners. Lets not over look the fisherman that helped bring this about. Walking through their yards, littering, p***ing in some ones back yard. I have always tried to treat people and their property as I would like to be treated. A simple "hi, how are you today" kind of attitude, goes a long way. As with much of todays attitudes, people in general feel entitled. If push comes to shove, the local govt will take the land in an effort to keep the $$ flowing. If the fishing public boycotted one weekend in Erie. The local economy would suffer. Two weekends and the local businesses will really suffer. The point being tourist $ and fisherman $ are much greater that tax $. Maybe I should become an outfitter so I can fish those private waters? With a client , of course. Lets hope something can be worked out. But I'm not holding my breath.
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/09/01 10:44:00 (permalink)
the number of fishermans(STREAM ) dollars are a small amount compared to visitors  in the summer  theres more people putting in the local economy in one saturday on the beaches of presque isle then all the streams combined you should go up on   a sat in june july and see for yourself  they area has and will survive with or without steelhead!
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/09/05 14:26:52 (permalink)
Yea i payed for the stamp to fish there its there land but its (our) fish so to say we payed for them people need to get there head outa the sand and be respectable to the land owners i love fishing up there but I'm not gona stand at the mouth beside ten guys snagging fish id like to roam around its bullsheet they can post it and then sell it to an "outfitter" imo how many trout streams do they stock that are posted to public access and are leased to said "outfitter" ....none ok I'm done

I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/09/05 14:32:08 (permalink)
I mean cut the land owners a tax break for letting us fish or something geeze louise i just wana walk around and fish by myself this subject really bugs me i need to catch a fish or go shoot some more tasty doves now I'm all worked up

I'd rather be lucky then good,but im to good to be lucky
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/09/05 15:23:16 (permalink)
You do understand that those fishing on those private stretches, whether they own it, lease it, or pay for a daily rod trespassing fee, also paid the exact same amount for those fish as you did because they, just like you, bought the same license that makes them "your" fish thereby making them "their" fish as well, don't you?

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/09/05 16:38:42 (permalink)
Money makes the world go round....WF..especially if you have it.
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/09/05 17:58:42 (permalink)
Non argument there.

I do not live in Pittsburgh, yet when I bought things there I paid extra sales tax to pay for several sporting venues that include luxury boxes that I cannot use, even though I can buy a ticket. Worse yet, I paid the extra sales tax that helped pay for sports venues that I may never visit, just like those that put money into the PFBC coffers that pay for a boat registration and sakes tax on a boat and they neither fish or utilize a PFBC facility.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/09/05 18:22:13 (permalink)
Some one needs to try a different flavor of jello.
Although it has been awhile since I have looked into the amount of posted vs. open stream. I'd be willing to bet that the ratio of posted to open is less than 1/10th of all available stream. I'd also bet that there isn't a stream there that you can't fish for YOUR fish before or after the posted section.

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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/09/05 21:42:39 (permalink)
4-The Stamp...
"Has to be changed separate stamp to fish the big 3-Lake Erie stamp separate put an end to the Lake access and Trib access spending debate.
Split up monies from stamp between landowners along creek according to stream footage length.
If you own both sides of creek you get that amount if just one side split it in half.
Probaly have to  pinch 10% out of it for Parking lot/Porta-potty/g-can cost.
And minus cost of raising and stocking smolts.
So whatever is left(has to be figured out by minds more informed than mine)give it to the landowners.
5-Stop spending money for parking lots we have enough.
   Leave some room for us walkers to get away from the masses.
6-Spend any "extra parking lot money"  on more BROWNIES!!!
7-If access was given in the big three and the same level of stocking happening now or more was put into them I would gladly pay more for a stamp to fish them and help fund the improvements.
Yes I am a LOCAL YOCAL from MUP her' and therefor I have less of a problem spending more on the stamp due to many days spent on stream BUT I KNOW I am not the only one who is addicted to steel ...
The funding has to public(I think it is now) how much comes in and where it goes so we can have future debates on here..."
"How about they release a new stamp called Erie open water for say $20 and these funds go to allowing fishermen the rights to fish all creeks up Erie to the OH or NY state line. The funds would be put into a large pot and all owners on the creek would get a cut from this. I'd be willing to do this and I'm sure others that love to walk to creeks to fish would as well.
I was just referencing that each fish stocked is funded by a fraction of each purchase of a fishing license.

I will catch fish regardless but would be nice to be able to explore each creek without the worry of a fine."

Just the Erie tribs not statewide let  us follow the steel zombies..
Although it has been awhile since I have looked into the amount of posted vs. open stream. I'd be willing to bet that the ratio of posted to open is less than 1/10th of all available stream. I'd also bet that there isn't a stream there that you can't fish for YOUR fish before or after the posted section.
Mike-Mike you better check those numbers...THINGS HAVE CHANGED-
They are YOUR fish when guided on private land but OURS on the public waters-that's the difference...I do not have a problem sharing at all but sum do!
Enough- I will be back again like it or not its a www. forum in the USA!
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/09/05 21:56:25 (permalink)
I was just referencing that each fish stocked is funded by a fraction of each purchase of a fishing license.

I will catch fish regardless but would be nice to be able to explore each creek without the worry of a fine.

Its not the cost of a "fish" in question here. Like it or not, the ones that can afford it are paying for access.

Have you ever parked in a parking garage?

Blacktop Charters
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/09/05 22:42:41 (permalink)
 I would have no issues to pay extra to have better access to fish new areas that I know are locked from the public now. 

you can now
the only question that remains is, "how much" extra are you willing to $pend??
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Re: Here we go again.... 2014/09/06 07:47:19 (permalink)
I was just referencing that each fish stocked is funded by a fraction of each purchase of a fishing license.

What if it were viewed that it was "each fish" but rather a specific fish and you had to catch that one? And what if that one was eaten by a walleye? Or caught and kept by someone else? Tisk, tisk, what in the world happened to "my" fish? And how did I actually know which one was mine?

Okay, that was fun.

Something I forgot in my previous post about paying fir things you don't get, but others do where I referenced extra sales tax that goes to support sports venues that I can't use the luxury boxes -- should I not pay my property taxes on my soon to be finished house?

After all, part if that is a school tax and we never had nor will ever have kids in school. That seems to be me paying for something others get to use and not only don't get to use, but can't even enter the property that I helped pay for because of security reasons.

The other part goes to the county and township to provide services. Well, it is a private paved road that the Home Owner's Association (that I pay into) takes care of with respect to plowing, repair, etc. We use well water. We pay (way too much compared to other locations nearby) for sewer. The fire department is volunteers (that donate to generously). We pay for an ambulance subscription. So about the only thing I get for my property taxes is police services that more than likely will never be used.

I suppose I would be content paying a prorated tax bill that was equal to the percentage of the budget that goes for police services. How about that?

I guess as a property owner that pays for many, many things that others get to use and I do not, I simply cannot agree that because someone pays $20 for the privilege to fish that that gives them any sway in violating the rights of property owners.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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