Bait question

smally hunter
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2014/07/03 18:40:58 (permalink)

Bait question

What's the earliest opening bait shop near conneaut ohio that you can get emerald shiners? Were heading out for walleye tomorrow but if that's not productive we want to search for perch

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    Re: Bait question 2014/07/04 08:47:00 (permalink)
    Snugg Harbor at the top of the hill.
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    Re: Bait question 2014/08/01 14:26:52 (permalink)
    How do the emaralds hold up in batterey operated buckets ? You could always get them the day before (unless your heading up that day). I've used fatheads before and caught perch as well. Justa thought.
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    Re: Bait question 2014/08/01 15:17:35 (permalink)
    Instead of trying to keep them alive we've been throwing the shiners in a bucket with a lot of ice and killing them right away.  Jack at Snug Harbour suggested we do that several years ago and it has worked great for us.
    I'm not sure but the little spot in the actual harbor that sells gas also has had shiners at times in the past also although we usually get them at Snug Harbour as Chauncy suggests
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    Re: Bait question 2014/08/01 16:52:36 (permalink)
    Dead or alive they work, I actually have my best luck just pinching off the body behing the gill leaving just the head works for me even better than the whole minnow.Couple week ago chauncy and I were hammering them on just the head and even just the tails.
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    Re: Bait question 2014/08/08 20:52:44 (permalink)
    How do the emaralds hold up in batterey operated buckets ? You could always get them the day before (unless your heading up that day). I've used fatheads before and caught perch as well. Justa thought.

    I've kept about 2 dozen alive for a weekend trip in Erie this past spring.  Mainly need to keep the water changed and cold.  So freeze some bottles (doubles as ice packs) and change out the water if possible every 3-4hrs and right before you call it a night and you should get atleast 24/36hrs with minimal deaths...  Oh and that aquarium stater with Aloe helps also.
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