Hush sunday hunting lawsuit

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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/26 15:29:35 (permalink)

You didn't address my questions. Should the PGC be expected to seek legislation for regulatory changes such as the examples I mentioned. You know, to "prove" that they are needed.

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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/26 15:57:21 (permalink)
Your right Doc. Sunday hunting is dead. The horse is also dead. May they remain that way for a long time or at least until the states wildlife numbers rebound.  Now, if you want open season on hawks, owls, and fishers lets talk.
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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/26 16:33:34 (permalink)
.  Now, if you want open season on hawks, owls, and fishers lets talk.

And allow us to use semi automatic actions. Oops, didn't intend to open up that can of worms.

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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/26 17:11:31 (permalink)

You didn't address my questions

I can't see where it would hurt anything or anyone if they had too ........
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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/26 18:07:47 (permalink)
Dr. Trout

You didn't address my questions

I can't see where it would hurt anything or anyone if they had too ........

Well, at least you are consistent in supporting political control of hunting regulations. 

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wayne c
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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/27 14:19:22 (permalink)
I think maybe doc realizes pgc with absolutely no oversight and completely independent in their actions, the only other alternative, would be completely insane and totally unrealistic Whether he, or you, likes what they do on every particular issue.
Legislators have the say over pretty much everything to some degree.   They have many ways of exerting pressure over decisionmaking they don't like.
Just because they don't jump in on topics that they don't really have a problem with, doesn't mean they don't have a great deal of power over the situation, should they choose to use it.
And every time they "interfere" obviously and publicly, there are 5 times as many incidents where they do so behind the scenes in private interactions with the agency that most of the general public isn't aware of.   And you can take that to the bank, knowing this first-hand!
As I see it, you have two options in positions to take.  1. You can try to lobby to change the system itself.    Good luck with that.     And having given much thought in the past, don't know what you would change it to anyway, realistically cant think of a "better" alternative.
or 2. you can try to work realistically within that system understanding that every single issue isn't always going to go your way.
I think many were spoiled in the late 90's into the 2000's by getting pretty much EVERYTHING they wanted due to gov's involvement and commissioner boards that were appointed to be "on the same page".  And legislators involvment was  touted by those who were getting their way especially, as "taboo" and even some like "unified" and other opponents of deer management etc. for a while, bought in to that mantra of keeping out the politics until they learned the hard way wildlife management is nothing but, and the "other" side (Audubon, pfsc, dcnr) was going full speed ahead ballz to the wall with their own enabling reps and sens taking up their agenda the entire time they were spreading their "no legislative meddling" gospel, hoping to prevent the oppositions legislative voice from growing.
(sigh) Gotta love Pa nonpolitical wildlife management.

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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/29 11:21:34 (permalink)
why can't we have more exceptions to the outdated no sunday hunting rule ? we already have crow, fox coyote. we are fortunate to have millions of acres of public land in pa. how about waterfowl , and squirrel, groundhog, legal  on sunday ? sunday hunting isn't going to decimate the hallowed deer herd . the pgc will with their money making policy of issuing of hundreds of thousands of doe licenses at $6 each will. and has done. people don't like change, people are afraid of change , but change will come never the less. It's time for a little change.
wayne c
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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/29 12:57:53 (permalink)
why can't we have more exceptions to the outdated no sunday hunting rule ?

The fact most don't want it might have something to do with it?
sunday hunting isn't going to decimate the hallowed deer herd .

Its ALREADY much lower in many areas that hunters would like.   Although your sarcasm shows your great concern of our "hallowed" deer herd. lmao.
the pgc will with their money making policy of issuing of hundreds of thousands of doe licenses at $6 each will.

So we should help them with that by adding more days AND their potential to add too many tags which we cant really do much about?   No thanks.   Like giving another gallon of gas to a chronic arsonist and thinking they probably wont use it for a negative purpose.
people don't like change, people are afraid of change ,

Especially when there is good reason for it.    How dare they! lol...   But I disagree.  Most only fear nonconstructive change.    Most hunters, for example, would readily embrace changes made to "fix" the failure that has been pgcs deer management program.   Although I have no doubt the envirocrazies would "fear" that change irrationally.
 It's time for a little change

Unfortunately we've had a helluva lot more than "a little change" the last 10 to 15 years in game management.   Its time for a little less change.
Unfortunately environmentalist progressive liberals think they can force change via lawsuits intended to get more deer killed.    Thankfully their lawsuit was flushed.
post edited by wayne c - 2014/06/29 13:04:28

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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/30 05:49:01 (permalink)
With regard to Sunday hunting, I would like to be able to hunt preserve pheasants on Sunday, which are birds on completely private land that the PGC had nothing to do with puttng them there, but can't because of no Sunday hunting.  (There is a loop hole for "clubs," but it requires completely separate grounds of the same size as the the "commercial" area and one cannot be used by the other group, so most preserves won't go through the hassle.)
I agree with S-10, one has ot make a choice, beach in summer for vacation (or wherever) or a tree stand in the fall.  Unforatunately, with the way deer hunting has gone, more and more are not opting for the tree stand in the fall.  I know right now if I had to choose between my typical three days of deer hunting and my typical three days of tarpon fishng (although I didn't cathc one this year), I would be selling a bunch of guns.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/30 06:40:26 (permalink)
I, too, will give up hunting LONG before fishing  !!!!!
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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/30 11:57:07 (permalink)
Dr. Trout
I, too, will give up hunting LONG before fishing  !!!!!

You do know that fishing is more dangerous than hunting and trespass is as big an issue, yet fishing is legal on Sundays.......

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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/30 17:58:06 (permalink)
You do know that the people upon whose land most of us rely on to hunt don't want us there on Sunday and many have said they will post their land NO TRESPASSING  if Sunday hunting passes.
post edited by S-10 - 2014/06/30 18:00:08
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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/30 18:05:09 (permalink)
Amen  ... My fishing rod is not going to propel anything that could harm a person walking around enjoying a Sunday afternoon walk after church ...
I would LOVE to compare the number of fishing accidents to hunting accidents ANY day of the week.....
now I'm not going to count the boaters, skiers, etc... just folks actually fishing... what maybe 5 a YEAR !!!!!
trespassing.. I believe that is 99% around Erie .... and that I believe was for littering ....
I have NEVER EVER had anyone say no to being on their land to fish water open to public fishing .....
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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/30 19:13:39 (permalink)
You do know that the people upon whose land most of us rely on to hunt don't want us there on Sunday and many have said they will post their land NO TRESPASSING  if Sunday hunting passes.

I guess "many" is subjective. I hunt a lot of private land. One landowner expressed concern. the rest don't give a hoot. 
For every person that may lose a piece of land to hunt someone will gain a full days hunting on land that was previously closed to hunting because of a blue law. 
I have seem the threats. "My land will be closed to all hunting if SH is passed". I call BS on most of them. If they really welcomed hunters to begin with, they will continue to welcome them and ask that those hunters don't hunt of Sundays. Sure, some will post out of spite, but I suspect when no boogeymen magically appear in this state, they will re-open in time. 

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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/30 19:23:36 (permalink)
Dr. Trout
Amen  ... My fishing rod is not going to propel anything that could harm a person walking around enjoying a Sunday afternoon walk after church ...

Is that walk only in jeopardy on Sundays if SH becomes legal? You know, Saturday is the day most non hunters enjoy the outdoors. How could that be, Doc. Non hunters choosing Saturday as their day to enjoy the outdoors. If that walk is so dangerous on Sunday, why is it not dangerous on Saturday? 
Btw, well documented statistics prove your concerns to be absolutely false. You should be working to ease fears and not fed into them among non hunters. 
I would LOVE to compare the number of fishing accidents to hunting accidents ANY day of the week.....

I like you, Doc, so I will save you the embarassment of posting the numbers. Do a google search of accidents rates among sports. 
trespassing.. I believe that is 99% around Erie .... and that I believe was for littering ....

Certainly some exists there but you would be wet behind the ears to think that fisherman don't trespass in huge numbers everywhere. Especially during trout season.
I have NEVER EVER had anyone say no to being on their land to fish water open to public fishing .....

Many waters are not open to public fishing nor is the land around them. People see water and go fishing or walk through private property to get there. Stand on the bank of any stream on private property, and you are trespassing without permission if you did not ask permission first. Farm ponds, strip ponds, rivers, lakes and stream. Most water in this state flows through or is on private land. 

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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/30 19:33:23 (permalink)
Lets see--The Farm bureau says no, Somewhere around 80% of landowners surveyed during the start of this said no, 50% of hunters said no, in part because the folks who owned the land they hunted on said they would post if it passed.-----On the other hand DPMS said "BS"---Who to believe, who to believe. ------For some strange reason I will have to vote against you DPMS, sorry.
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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/30 20:19:30 (permalink)
I got broad shoulders, S-10, now worries. I will stand with the good data that we have supporting SH expansion across this country with nary a blip on the radar from the boogeyman.

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wayne c
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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/30 20:31:39 (permalink)
s10 said
You do know that the people upon whose land most of us rely on to hunt don't want us there on Sunday and many have said they will post their land NO TRESPASSING  if Sunday hunting passes.

Yep.  And I have heard that straight from multiple landowners.    Not good. 
Dpms says
Non hunters choosing Saturday as their day to enjoy the outdoors. If that walk is so dangerous on Sunday, why is it not dangerous on Saturday?

I know one landowner that wont step foot in the woods on her 240 acres during any of the gun seasons.   She walks it regularly on sundays tho.   Despite her fears and great inconvenience, she kindly permits anyone who will take the time to ask, to go ahead and hunt.
For every person that may lose a piece of land to hunt someone will gain a full days hunting on land that was previously closed to hunting because of a blue law. 
First, all that equates to is the "same old" majority of already readily accessible ground only getting pounded harder.   Second, there is no blue law, as proven by federal court case and obvious to anyone addressing the issue based on facts, not just pure emotion.  
post edited by wayne c - 2014/06/30 20:33:11

wayne c
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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/30 20:37:44 (permalink)
I got broad shoulders, S-10, now worries. I will stand with the good data that we have supporting SH expansion across this country with nary a blip on the radar from the boogeyman.

You just conveniently ignore the "blips".

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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/30 20:58:10 (permalink)
wayne c
You just conveniently ignore the "blips".

As do you I suspect if it pertains to a topic you agree with. The fact of the matter is which cannot be disputed is SH has been successfully implemented in a growing number of states with no measurable ill effects other than bruised egos. 

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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/30 21:07:41 (permalink)
As do you I suspect if it pertains to a topic you agree with.

Absolutely not.  I'll readily admit to the "good" aspects of sunday hunting expansion in Pa, and yes, there are some.    I feel they are just outweighed by the not so good.
 The fact of the matter is which cannot be disputed is SH has been successfully implemented in a growing number of states with no measurable ill effects other than bruised egos. 

Last I checked WE here in the blue law touting ancient minded state of Pa, had near the highest number of hunters in the nation despite some complaining about their civil rights being strangulated.   And we've had one of the strongest storied hunting traditions. 
Gaining access in other states to private lands is MUCH harder.   How much of that is due to the landowners not having even one day to themselves?   It would certainly appear that the "threats" some of us hear regularly by landowners on this issue have been followed up by action in those other states when sundays were actually legalized.   But we all have our own opinions on the magnitude of the problem.  Or the big issue of the antideer agenda.   Just as we all have our opinions on the good aspects of sunday hunting and that yes, they do exist, even with not much hard evidence supporting them.  
post edited by wayne c - 2014/06/30 21:12:19

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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/06/30 21:19:30 (permalink)
SH got crap-canned. Move on.

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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/07/01 06:51:46 (permalink)
SH got crap-canned. Move on.

Not gonna happen buddy. I bet you would be singing a different tune if you could not run charters on Sundays because Sunday fishing was illegal.

I will always keep my head in the game when it comes to game agencies having the ability to regulate hunting on a full time basis.

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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/07/01 06:56:28 (permalink)
wayne c
As do you I suspect if it pertains to a topic you agree with.
 Absolutely not.  I'll readily admit to the "good" aspects of sunday hunting expansion in Pa, and yes, there are some.    

Missed another one, Wayne. The context was national levels and you directly said, some national blips should be ignored and eluded to other national blips that deserve no focus.

In regards to the above I have also acknowledged some of the negatives and have worked to ease those concerns to try to move the issue forward as it is not going away.
post edited by dpms - 2014/07/01 07:35:53

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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/07/01 07:39:27 (permalink)

Did some looking last night.. You have a much greater risk of being physically assaulted on your own property than getting injured by a stray bullet from a hunter. Are you going to stay inside now or just keep coming outside and risk physical assault to talk about how dangerous hunting is to the public?

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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/07/01 09:42:47 (permalink)
SH got crap-canned. Move on.

Not gonna happen buddy. I bet you would be singing a different tune if you could not run charters on Sundays because Sunday fishing was illegal.

I will always keep my head in the game when it comes to game agencies having the ability to regulate hunting on a full time basis.

Do you make a living from hunting? Didn't think so.

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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/07/01 10:23:04 (permalink)
Do you make a living from hunting? Didn't think so.

Irrelevant to the discussion, Hed, and many earn money from the sport of hunting in this state. Just more hypocrisy from many in the opposed camp.

As I said, if Sunday fishing were illegal, you would be singing a different tune instead of telling folks to "move on".

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wayne c
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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/07/01 10:36:38 (permalink)
Missed another one, Wayne. The context was national levels and you directly said, some national blips should be ignored and eluded to other national blips that deserve no focus.

Gee, don't try to be deceitful there dpms, don't wanna hafta concede when obvious points are made or anything. lmao.    You sir, were comparing the national setting to OUR setting.  The one with sunday hunting and ours if we were to go the same route, according to you would be no problems (like everyone else) although you haven't and never will be able to show conclusively that they haven't or don't.
I also said that YOU conveniently ignore the "blips"  because YOU said there were NONE.    But feel free to completely restructure my words and my entire position for me... Maybe you'll have better luck against it that-a-way. lmao.

In regards to the above I have also acknowledged some of the negatives and have worked to ease those concerns to try to move the issue forward as it is not going away.   

You've done nothing but ignore issues not in line with your agenda.
Sunday hunting is dead.   Stick a fork in it.  for the time being anyway.   If youd like to continuously bang your head off the wall in your futile efforts, and being made to look foolish in the process, knock yourself out.   Over the course of the last year or so, Ive heard more and more opposition to sunday hunting among both legislators and especially within our hunting ranks.   Many who were in strong support no longer are, and others on the fence have hopped off in your opposite direction.   I directly attribute that to uncovering of some of the agendas really behind the push, specifically the lawsuit, and I also attribute it to people like you, and hush, and your style of trying to ramrod things down everyones throat.   A very extreme and distasteful way of going about it.
Keep up the good work!
post edited by wayne c - 2014/07/01 10:44:01

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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/07/01 11:00:03 (permalink)
Never mind, I don't need or wish to stoop to your level and manner of discussing issues.
post edited by dpms - 2014/07/01 11:08:16

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wayne c
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Re: Hush sunday hunting lawsuit 2014/07/01 11:29:57 (permalink)
Me?   uh...ok. 
I apologize for pointing out that you completely misrepresented/lied about our previous posts content.   You might wanna consider the fact previous posts by you and other users are actually still there when you make new ones and consider their content while making a new one.    Might be less embarrassment involved that way.
-All I have to say on the topic for now bro.    She's all yours.

post edited by wayne c - 2014/07/01 11:31:55

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