Sabiki rigs for Arthur alwives

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2014/06/10 15:38:20 (permalink)

Sabiki rigs for Arthur alwives

For those times when you only need a few baits or don't want to break out the cast net, because cast nets are a PITA... have you had any luck with sabiki rigs?  I've use sabiki rigs many times in fresh and saltwater and caught all sorts of fish with them.  So I know what I'm doing, but I couldn't get any **** alewives to hit the thing.  Tried two different rigs thinking maybe they didn't like the color I had rigged.  There were thousands of them circling our lights, and eating the micro-bait under the white light but not one of them would hit the sabiki.
Anyone have that same experience?  I can cast net them, but if I'm just using the wrong sabiki I'd rather hook em.  

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    Re: Sabiki rigs for Arthur alwives 2014/06/10 16:16:44 (permalink)
    I've tried and failed.  I was doing blindly.  Doesn't sound good that you were doing with a ton of them there and still not catching.  I know they use sabikis on Lake Michigan for salmon bait.
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    Re: Sabiki rigs for Arthur alwives 2014/06/10 18:54:36 (permalink)
    When them allywags are circling. It ain't eating that's on their minds.

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    Re: Sabiki rigs for Arthur alwives 2014/06/10 19:56:00 (permalink)
    Is it October yet....jus ask'IN
    I do have a question. If you can throw a cast net and get 2 or 3 dozen at once, why would you want to try to catch these shad 1 or 2 at a time? As always jus ask'IN jus say'IN.....
    post edited by pensfan1 - 2014/06/11 09:56:38
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    Re: Sabiki rigs for Arthur alwives 2014/06/13 21:05:24 (permalink)
    So after watching the video Pork sent me, I watched a few more.  This one struck me as super easy to pull off from my pontoon: 
    Five throws in the yard, 4.5 full circles.  I'd have caught enough alewives with those throws to sink my boat.  Maybe I should sell some at the dock on my way out.  :)  
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    Re: Sabiki rigs for Arthur alwives 2014/06/13 22:56:36 (permalink)
    Got to be a cylinder container or oval. Rectangular live well or even standard bait bucket, they will drive their heads into a crevice until they die. 5 gallon bucket will keep 8-10 alive for about an hour. Depending on how many people fishing. Catch new bait as you go. The "fresher" they are, the better.
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