Lake Arthur crappie?

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2014/06/03 00:26:02 (permalink)

Lake Arthur crappie?

Anyone willing to share basic advice for catching crappie? I've never targeted them -but thinking about giving it a try w/my son. Is this minnow on a hook under a bobber? Perch spreader jigging? Mr twister cast and retrieve? Should I look for submerged structure in deep water? Any basic crappie help would be appreciated... Mark

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    Re: Lake Arthur crappie? 2014/06/03 07:11:52 (permalink)
    I'm new to the lake. The few good ones we've caught have been on minnows near the bottom in 7-8 fow. Slip floats or cast and slow retrieve with light jigs.
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    Re: Lake Arthur crappie? 2014/06/03 08:25:13 (permalink)
    If you can find a place on the lake after dark where those dang Byrds aint at feedin' close to shore this time ov yr. use glow sticks. Byrds (man made) are cruising 3/4 ov  the lakes shallows though.
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    Re: Lake Arthur crappie? 2014/06/03 09:42:16 (permalink)
    MM1 - any of the things you said will catch crappie.  They will reliably hit minnows, worms, jigs, crankbaits, and **** near anything else you throw in the water.  If I had to use artificials, and I don't see why I'd have to do that ever... I'd probably use small gulp minnows on a jighead.  But I wouldn't, because fathead minnows are cheap as hell.  Any size hook from #8 up to 1/0 will work fine, and any size minnow from tiny fathead to bruiser shiner will work.  
    The trick is finding them.  If you fish any random shore in 2-10' of water you'll eventually catch a couple crappie.  They are everywhere.  Numbers are a different game, and big ones different from that.  In about a month most of the big weedbeds on Arthur will fill in, and most guys will stop fishing because it is too hot, can't catch fish in summer, nascar season, or some other BS reason.  Weedbeds always have crappie.  The big ones might be out deep or scattered or whatever, but if you are looking to bobber fish and soak minnows weedbeds are the ticket.  You'll catch perch in the same places.  
    Good luck.
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    Re: Lake Arthur crappie? 2014/06/03 10:16:39 (permalink)
    Mark monkey:
    I've been doing really well so far this spring just using medium fatheads under a bobber. I've also caught some fishing off bottom with the same kind of minn
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    Re: Lake Arthur crappie? 2014/06/03 10:48:00 (permalink)
    Thanks for the info--sounds like catching them is the easy part & finding them is the trick.
    We'll be fishing from a boat so can easily cover lots of water...

    OK.... Since the weedbeds aren't deep, should we look for beds by sight for an area to start at? -Or find structure on the sonar? (We'll launch at 528/422 unless recommended to start elsewhere)

    Is this like Erie perch---look for the boat pack? Or are the crappies schooled in smaller groups throughout lake?

    When we're anchored at a weedbed...would u move if no crappie in say 15 minutes?

    What's the best time for crappie...Dawn, midday, evening, night? Or doesn't matter?

    If we 're catching small fish--any advice to get bigger ones ? Bigger minnow? Deeper? Etc?

    Am I over complicating this w/these questions????
    I'm not asking anyone for their honey-hole spots----just want to start out on the right track. I don't want my son to end up hating Lk Arthur since we're getting skunked!
    Thanks for the help!!
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    Re: Lake Arthur crappie? 2014/06/03 11:00:00 (permalink)
    you're definitely over thinking it. if the wind is decent I recommend floating the shoreline of your choice that has weedbeds/structure ect...toss a bobber out with a fathead minnow once you catch a fish anchor up and work that area for a set amount of time, if you produce stay in that area if not move on and try the same thing else where. If you are catching small crappie try a larger minnow or jig if your results are not desirable move on to a new location. You will not see crappie packs, like perch packs on erie lol.
    There are numerous areas down by the 528 launch, as well as working your way up to the 422 area. Trust your judgement and just have fun, there is no exact science to it.

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    Re: Lake Arthur crappie? 2014/06/03 11:00:10 (permalink)
    Yes, I think you're over complicating it. If you don't get any in a half hour or so, I'd move. But your kid will probably have caught bass, perch, or blue gill by then. So your son should be happy enough. We caught the majority of our bigger ones deeper than the weed beds I've seen.
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    Re: Lake Arthur crappie? 2014/06/03 11:06:13 (permalink)
     If you are not familiar with the water go at dawn. For me night is nice.
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    Re: Lake Arthur crappie? 2014/06/03 11:13:09 (permalink)
    You will learn that lake Arthur is a true Love/hate type of Lake. What you do or use in one spot on one day typically wont work on the next. The cool part is that you could catch anything from a dink perch to a monster bass on any size fathead. Its truly a 100% trial and error experience.

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    Re: Lake Arthur crappie? 2014/06/03 11:50:58 (permalink)
    markmonkey1Since the weedbeds aren't deep, should we look for beds by sight for an area to start at? -Or find structure on the sonar? (We'll launch at 528/422 unless recommended to start elsewhere)

    The weeds aren't deep. It's a science thing, with how far the light penetrates. Generally speaking, if you are within 100 yards of shore in Arthur and the water is less than 10' deep, there are weeds. Couple different kinds of weeds there, like lilly pads, millfoil and hydrilla. Bass and bluegills LOVE lillypads. Crappie... not so much in my experience. Could also be that LPs are typically in 3' or less water.
    markmonkey1Is this like Erie perch---look for the boat pack? Or are the crappies schooled in smaller groups throughout lake?

    Yeah no. I've never seen more than two boats in one spot, like on top of each other outside of night fishing. Seriously, that night fishing thing is crazy. We looked for all those boats (very easy to spot) and then we went somewhere else. If you parked your boat less than 50' from us while we were anchored we'd be like "WTF are you doing?" That and I use a lot of 4 letter curses while fishing. You'd probably flee anyway. :)

    markmonkey1When we're anchored at a weedbed...would u move if no crappie in say 15 minutes?

    Eh. I'm more patient than that. Absolutely no action in a spot, not even a nibble? 30 mins we'd leave. That's pretty rare though that you don't at least see something small or some dumb bass. The guys that use a trolling motor and move around almost certainly outfish us. But 4 of 5 trips to Arthur will be windy, and I don't have the patience to be blown all over the lake. When it is windy, we hide. I'd rather catch dink perch throwbacks where it is calm than cast into wind.

    markmonkey1What's the best time for crappie...Dawn, midday, evening, night? Or doesn't matter?

    Doesn't matter. The other things matter more, like water temp, wind, barometer, etc.

    markmonkey1If we 're catching small fish--any advice to get bigger ones ? Bigger minnow? Deeper? Etc?

    Some guys say that crappie school by size, some say they don't. In my experience, it is pretty random.

    markmonkey1Am I over complicating this w/these questions????

    Yep. But that's what you do on a forum. Pretty much the whole point, other than ****ing about stuff.

    markmonkey1I'm not asking anyone for their honey-hole spots----just want to start out on the right track. I don't want my son to end up hating Lk Arthur since we're getting skunked!

    There aren't any honey hole spots. There are some techniques that work better if you know where to use them though. We caught most of our fish by numbers and weight within easy sight of one of the launches. In spots that other people were like "why the heck are they fishing there?" And we don't cover very much of a big lake.
    Good luck out there.
    post edited by ZelieSam - 2014/06/03 11:52:15
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    Re: Lake Arthur crappie? 2014/06/03 11:55:31 (permalink)
    You may be complicating it a bit much for just starting, but once you are in the swing of it, your thought process is dead on.  Do a little research on seasonal movements.  Pick up a cheap paperback book on the subject, it will make for good reads during the porcelain thrown sitting time...  You'll need to adjust what they are saying a bit to your specific lake, but they give a good base to start from.  Spring time, they will be more shallow in the brush.  They will not always stay in that shallow brush though.  I could be wrong, but I think right about now, is when they typically move from the shallow brush to the deeper submerged structure, points, creek channels near brush, ect.  They'll move back into the brush at certain times (water temps seem to dictate as Crappy is noting).  You'll need to find that stuff on your depth finder, and some maps available.  If you have GPS, mark where you find some nice submerged structure for future reference and if drifting around it.  Move around until you find the fish, 15 minutes is a good time line.  Like said, one day they will be all over one, the next day same conditions and nothing is there (even an hour or two later).  When they move deep, slip bobbers are nice.  You can also drop shot (or other deep water no bobber) off the side of the boat for them.  If that stuff isn't working, go after the bluegills, you'll likely get into enough fish to keep your son happy (depending on how old and experienced he is).  To be completely honest, if looking for nice crappie, head another hour north to Pymie.  The crappie there are much larger on average, and much more willing.  Arthur definitely has some, and likely an easier drive (that is why I fish there).  But list of good crappie lakes, Pymie is much higher than Arthur.
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    Re: Lake Arthur crappie? 2014/06/03 13:50:13 (permalink)
    Thanks for all the advice!
    I'm just south of butler - I'd like to focus on learning Lake Arthur so I have a close place when I only have a few hours to get out. :)
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