Helpful ReplyArthur Lake - Largemouth fishing

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2014/05/27 19:19:41 (permalink)

Arthur Lake - Largemouth fishing

Was wondering if anyone could offer me some advice as to how to catch some Largemouth on Arthur Lake. I have been fishing the North Shore but to no avail. I have tried tubes and plastic worms but again with no luck. I should mention that I am fishing the waters edge - I don't know of anyone with a boat but would love to get out on the lake and into some deeper waters. Replies from those who have had experience on this lake would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance 
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Re: Arthur Lake - Largemouth fishing 2014/05/28 09:27:03 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Gaito81 2014/05/30 15:51:29
I can help you with that.  Here are the steps:
1 - get some minnows
2 - fish with those minnows for crappie and/or perch
3 - ahole bass will eat your minnows
Forget all that artificial BS.  Live bait is what works.  
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Re: Arthur Lake - Largemouth fishing 2014/05/28 09:45:16 (permalink)
If artificial baits are not working, try what ZelieSam offered, throw some live bait out there. Fish coves, wooded cover, weed lines. The lake has an abundance of largemouth try those areas and you should have some success. I like the Rapala scatter rap for largemouth and any Junebug colored artificial.

Got Walleye???
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Re: Arthur Lake - Largemouth fishing 2014/05/28 10:26:15 (permalink)
I can help you with that.  Here are the steps:
1 - get some minnows
2 - fish with those minnows for crappie and/or perch
3 - ahole bass will eat your minnows
Forget all that artificial BS.  Live bait is what works.  

That seems to work for me, and they don't mind Gulp minnows either.  The big ones are fun additions to the day, especially when the kids are fishing.  The smaller ones just get me excited that I have a slab crappie until it gets close.  Although after the Spring panfish bite slows, they often save a slow day from being a complete wash. 
For how many I catch targetting other fish, I'd probably target the same areas now.  Shoreline structure, timber, weeds, anything that gives baitfish a hiding spot.  When the weeds grow in a bit more, then move out to there.  When it gets really hot out, move to deeper water structure (but mornings and evenings usually bring fish in).  Turn to wiper/walleye tactics and you'll still find a few large mouth and cats (both seem to be the most prevelant fish in the lake - besides alewives and bluegills).  If the water is high and submerges cat tails, fish right against them.  Use some baby bluegill immitations.  Arthur is full of them, and would guess that they are one of the primary sources of forage.  Just about everything in Arthur eats alewives as well.  Fish the coves, seems to be more structure.  Rent a boat or buy a canoe/kayak.  You'll open up a ton of new spots, although there are a ton accessible by land.  Even if you only boat it once, you'll see 10 times as many spots and figure out a way to get to them from shore.  Heck, take the nature tour with a map and mark locations! 
Probably the best approach is just to pull the map off of the State Park page, that shows where the launches and other access areas are.  Print that, then go to a satellite view of the lake and you can see a lot of structure from there.  Mark some areas that look fishy and go from there.  The North Shore is nice for the bike path, but there and the South Shore beach area is where 90% of the families are and fish.  A little more elbow room for fishing at other access points.
Hopefully you get some info from some of the real bassin guys.  Like Sam, they are a biproduct of my fishing day.
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Re: Arthur Lake - Largemouth fishing 2014/05/28 10:43:50 (permalink)
Funny thing about boats is that we fish the shoreline anyway.  It isn't that we can reach the middle or deep areas or something like that.  We just get to pick shoreline where it is hard to get to from shore.  Most of the LMB I see and catch are in very shallow water.  They are in there to eat small fish after all.  If I had to shore fish I'd go back to the bear run launch.  In summer that whole area is one giant weedbed, and if you wade a bit you can access a ton of water where most boats don't go.  Ask any bass guy and they'll tell you that bass like weeds.  They hide in them and they eat things hiding in them.  The inside of the weedbeds are a great spot too... between shore and the weeds.  You'll always find small fish there, which means you'll always find predators.  
Biggest musky I ever saw was cruising the inside of a weedbed at Hereford Manor and it tried to eat my bluegill I was reeling in.  That's four foot plus of fish in 12" of water.  
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Re: Arthur Lake - Largemouth fishing 2014/05/28 22:30:10 (permalink)
Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated. Porktown, I think I may try a few other spots on the lake. A map seems like a swell idea. 
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