Is there still Pike in the stream that runs out of mammoth? "Welty Run"

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2014/05/22 01:05:58 (permalink)

Is there still Pike in the stream that runs out of mammoth? "Welty Run"

Hello I was wondering if anyone has caught any pike in the stream that comes from mammoth dam recently I used to go there all the time around 10-15 years ago as a kid and catch a lot of catfish pike and carp. I was wondering if any Pike are still left in there  and where they are at. I went there the other day and could not find any or did not get any bites. not sure if I was in the wrong area of the stream or they were not biting or wrong bait or something.
post edited by zdub7 - 2014/05/22 11:52:23

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    Re: Is there still Pike in the stream that runs out of mamoth? "Welty Run" 2014/05/22 09:44:53 (permalink)
    Second bend to the left by the leaning sycamore tree, there is a submerged rock.  Go about 426 yards downstream of that rock to where that old car axle used to be.  From there, look for the squirrel who drops nuts into the pool upstream, 75 feet of the old axle.  That squirrel spooked most of the pike back up into the lake, except for the ones that are under the bridge.
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    Re: Is there still Pike in the stream that runs out of mamoth? "Welty Run" 2014/05/22 10:47:35 (permalink)
    I've only caught fish in there that are stocked in the lake. It runs nearly dry in mid summer. I always assumed what was left at that point was raccoon food.
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    Re: Is there still Pike in the stream that runs out of mamoth? "Welty Run" 2014/05/22 11:45:46 (permalink)
    no ive caught plenty of pike out of it. there are a couple spots that are deep that never dry out. I just couldn't manage to find any last 2 trips i made out there this year.
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    Re: Is there still Pike in the stream that runs out of mamoth? "Welty Run" 2014/05/22 13:13:02 (permalink)
    I've heard pike used to be in the lake too. I've been fishing the lake and stream for over 10yrs and never seen one. I fish with big creek chubs often too.
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    Re: Is there still Pike in the stream that runs out of mammoth? "Welty Run" 2014/05/22 16:42:56 (permalink)
    Approx. 20yrs ago,while I was judging a WCSL fishing derby a young guy caught a small Northern in the lake & brought it down to be measured. Around that time I used to see guys fishing for them at the bridge below the farm also. I haven't heard of any caught since then & there is no telling how they got there anyways.  sam
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