Helpful ReplySon wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/05/02 13:41:06
BTW - As for eating goes, I am taking his word that the smaller was much better. I only tried the smaller and was good.
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/05/02 13:54:52
Snag_826Next plate sized channel I catch at Arthur is coming home with me. Ive heard of soo many people eating them out of there its about time I give it a try. Any cooking suggestions ZelieSam or do you just fry em up like any other fish? Hmmm. I fry them up much like any other fish after a bit of special attention in the filleting process. I'm a flour with spices or seasoned breadcrumbs or prepackaged fry mix or beer batter kind of guy in general, all of which are great on catfish but we don't tend to batter them. Many people like cornmeal breading but I think cornmeal tastes like a bunch of sand in the way of the fish flavor so I don't choose that route. When I fillet a bigger cat (bigger in this case are the 5lb cats) I take extra effort to remove any meat that isn't white. The bigger cats have some yellow in the meat near the head, and that's fine, but any bloodline goes as does anything that touched the skin. We don't eat much fish skin but I know some guys do... I would NOT recommend that on these cats. The farmed channels you see in the 1-2 lb range are very young pellet fed fish. These bigger guys have been swimming around eating whatever they could catch for a few years and they have the bloodlines to prove it. Don't worry about throwing away a bit of fillet to get only the good stuff because there's plenty of meat on a channel. I don't think I'd keep anything bigger than the ones I kept last summer... past 5 or 6 lbs I'm throwing them back for trophy/breeding. I can honestly say I haven't caught one less than 20" or so recently... too much food I guess and they grow fast. PorktownFrom what a trusted source for Arthur said on here before, the channels during the Summer take on a "muddy" flavor, but not so much in the cooler water. I don't know this from experience though. I have had other fish give off a muddy flavor from there as well. Similar to the smell of your anchor when pulling up with the bottom sediment. Not very appetizing. I wonder if bleeding them instantly and icing would change that? I've heard that sort of thing before. Can't back it up with experience though. We kept most of our cats from warm water / dead of summer fishing. Never noticed a difference and certainly nothing I'd consider muddy tasting. Though read above for how we clean them, that may make the difference. We don't bleed our catch. Huck them on ice when they hit the boat and fillet them when we get home. PorktownAfter he cooked the smaller one, we decided to take along some cat gear the following few trips. Of course, they seem to favor the rods targeting panfish/wipers/bass/walleye and snot them up and force to retie, rather than hitting the cat gear. A ton of fun hooking into a nice one on light action panfish gear. Still pretty fun on the more stout gear too. I hooked into one last year just before daylight under a school of alewives that I couldn't put the brakes on with my 6' medium spinning gear. Pretty sure it was a big cat from the fight. He broke me off in the anchor rope before we could pull it. That is definitely a good problem to have at Arthur, there are quite a few species that get 10lb+ that are pretty much anywhere in the lake and that you'll hook occasionally while fishing for panfish.
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/05/02 15:29:23
Porktown From what a trusted source for Arthur said on here before, the channels during the Summer take on a "muddy" flavor, but not so much in the cooler water. I don't know this from experience though. I have had other fish give off a muddy flavor from there as well. Similar to the smell of your anchor when pulling up with the bottom sediment. Not very appetizing. I wonder if bleeding them instantly and icing would change that?
If I ever hear someone on the food network describe some dish as "similar to the smell of an anchor" I will be impressed by that persons diverse pallet.
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/05/02 15:55:43
I always catch channels at Arthur no matter what I am actually targeting on live and artificials. My fiance caught a seven pounder on ultralight gear with a crappie jig. I couldn't believe we got it in the boat. The jig fell apart as soon as it hit the deck.
I fry the smaller ones whole--that's the way we do it in the South. Bleeding them helps with the "muddy" taste.
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/05/02 16:49:42
I'm calling Italian Village right now, and ordering a large pizza, half pepperoni, half anchor sediment.
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/05/02 22:11:11
Hey, Thanks a lot for all the tips and advice. Just a couple of general comments. First - thanks for all the advice, comments, and suggestions on places to fish. I'm not really familiar with some of the local forum history and issues, but I see that there are some sensitive topics here. I'll try to learn the lay of the land before I touch too much of a nerve. Second - I appreciate all (most?) of the safety warnings and concern. I understand the danger that is ever-present in any body of water, and what can happen in the blink of an eye. So I will not be approaching this endeavor recklessly or arrogantly. However, as I mentioned earlier, I have taken a variety of unpowered watercraft into a broad range of conditions. I'm not inexperienced on the water - I'm inexperienced in finding catfish in the Allegheny. So, when I don't know something, I have no problem asking - hence my posts. Finally, Snag, Fisherlady, fishingguy, etc., plus the people who sent me PM's - thanks again for the help. I'm just trying to help my son succeed at a fishing goal he's excited about - that's good stuff. While we likely won't make it out this weekend (I don't like the water levels right now), if we have any luck I'll be sure to let everyone know. It's great when you see your kid have success like that, and you all have definitely improved our chances. G. P.S. I think I'm going to regret the question - but who is Jim Halupka? And what is the background on 'HPD?" Or would it be best not to bring the whole thing up, as it sounds like a sore subject?
post edited by GPM - 2014/05/02 22:15:23
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/05/02 23:37:52
Catfish is the #1 ate fish in the world by tonnage. Tuna & Salmon not even close. crappy
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/05/02 23:51:24
GPMAnd what is the background on 'HPD?" Guessing here, but I'd say "Highland Park Dam" for that one. Which much to the point, if someone feels that fish gathering below a dam is a sekret they might also think that McRibs are made from actual rib meat.
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/05/03 00:07:39
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/05/03 02:39:26
Yea know SNAG I thought that very same thing about Arthur fishing for stripers at night !!! 10/15 years ago Spoonie and I were darn near the only boat on the water after 9 PM. Now you can not swing a dead cat by the tail without hitting some sap fishing within arms reach. Heck on the weekend you don't even need a flashlight to retie you can just all lights from the other boats. But hey what the heck what do you care.
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/05/03 02:42:43
GPM These guy's are not kidding about fishing the river with a canoe !!! IT CAN GET VERY SHAKING. BE SAFE
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/05/05 09:34:22
GPMAnd what is the background on 'HPD?" Guessing here, but I'd say "Highland Park Dam" for that one.
Correct, and has been getting fishing reports posted in the local newspapers since I was a kid delivering the Pgh. Press. Likely before then as well. Possibly the least secret spot in the Pgh. area. There is very minimal shore access, those that fish it a lot, like to be the only ones to fish it. A few months back, one of them came on this site bashing others for any opinion (on any topic). Those getting insulted for any opion decided to return the favor by posting directions and fishing reports to his favorite spot. Giving specific directions to any spot or specific fishing reports on the public forums is frowned upon by many. PM is always the best approach for anything in detail. If posting on the public forum, keeping it vague is always best. The longer you stick around here, the more and more PMs/in person people you will meet and get a good idea of what to look for in the vague reports that many give. I was guilty of some pretty bad, specific reports in my time, and have noticed a lot more competition for real estate in my favorite fishing grounds, likely partially to my own doing. The best reports in my opinion are those that seem worthless to most, but give clues. i.e. "Tried my luck last night on the Allegheny (all the more specific you need to be), can even say "one of the rivers". Water temp was around 60 degrees. Had fun with some whiskers. Two nice ones." The more vague you are on your location, the more you can talk about actual fish caught. Sooner or later you'll have a group of people that you PM more specific reports to, and share tips. Hopefully you are all benifiting from your time and effort. It beats the heck out of someone else giving specific directions to one of your favorite spots, which is usually empty, and show up to see others waiting in line to give it a shot. Many of those waiting in line have never helped you, and no intention on ever helping you or others. It's just the beast of this site and others like it. I'm not sure if this site still shows it, if it does, take a look at a topic, registered users and those viewing. It is usually 4:1, unregistered viewers reading topics to get info, with no intention of sharing their info. Why help them, if they aren't looking to help others. Jim Halupka was a screen name of a college kid at the time, that enjoyed the affects of bong hits and beers, before posting fictisous questions to get others to bite. Usually becoming more and more obsurd as the string went along. Great entertainment, but banned from the boards. Every so often makes a short lived comeback before getting banned again. One of the more enjoyable, although not really fishing benificial, contributors here.
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/05/05 20:14:41
Zelie, you are right about fishing near a dam not being a secret. As for eating. Probably the best fried fish I ever ate was a catfish sandwich in TN. Typical cornmeal breading. I myself prefer the taste of baked or broiled fish. I think Walleye is the best tasting freshwater fish you can eat. I eat it baked with a little butter and maybe a sprinkle of Cajun seasoning.
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/05/06 12:06:35
Porktown, Thanks for the background, and advice. Like any place, as a new guy, it helps to know some background and the local etiquette. I will keep that in mind. Based on some PMs, and messages I've already received - I owe some people some info. If we have some luck this summer, I'll start to give back what I find out. Bighead_1, again, thanks for the caution. Believe me, I am aware of what is involved in riding a unpowered boat (canoe, kayak, rowboat, IBS, etc.,) on rivers, surf, etc., I've seen the cautions, and I am not ignoring them. However, just as an FYI, it can be done and it can be done safely. You can catch huge fish in small boats, (as in sharks, tuna, stripers, etc.,), you can go down whitewater, you can ride down commercial rivers - depending on the circumstances, boat, experience, etc., So, I know what I'm getting into. Finally, as for the potential for a 30-lb flathead - I HOPE we get a chance to hook one! That would be quite the ride for my son, (and yes, he'll have PDF, he's a strong swimmer, trained, etc.,). Frankly, there's nothing that a 30-lb flathead can do that can't be addressed by a combination of common sense, good boat-handling, proper drag settings, and a hook knife if things get dicey. Been helpful, and it looks like the water levels keep dropping. At what water temp does the flathead bite become really active? Is it the same for channels?
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/05/06 13:08:37
65 degrees and up seem to be the key temp for flats which we are creeping up on. Channels you can almost catch year around but become really active once the summer water temps level out. Guys are already reporting fish soo its safe to say the spring bite has started already although its slow. There are plenty of 30+ pound fish within city limits...we catch them almost every year soo your odds are good at getting a decent sized fish. Live bluegill (the size of the palm of your hand) hooked thru the eyes with a big gamatatsu octopus hook on a slip rig seems to do really well for me this time of year. Also, if you have time, check out the portion of river between the 31st street bridge and the veterans bridge...Not going to get too specific because its almost impossible not to notice on a depth finder...but there are some really deep holes down there. I marked the deepest one just over 50 feet deep and only 20 yards off the shoreline. You will know when your in the right area because the water current is strange to say the least over top of these deep cliffs. I've heard everything from "that's where the old dam used to be" to "that's where the aquifer comes up" as to reasons for such deep water. if anyone can explain why there is such a drastic depth change I have been curious about it for years...reguardless, that deep water has to hold fish somewhere down there, it might be worth it to soak some lines since I've never actually been able to really target these areas very much before. Doesn't seem like there is very much structure down there but who knows!
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/05/07 11:02:19
Snag, Hey, thanks for the info, and the other lead. When I get a chance to work that area, I'll definitely let you know if we had any luck, or what we found. Do you mind letting me know if you're talking about the Rt 28 side of the river? We will drift/paddle down and start mapping it out. I also found your old thread on fishing downtown on your lunch break - very good stuff! I saw that other area you mentioned as having lots of activity as well. It's a little further for us, but not crazily out of the way. So I think we have multiple areas to start to learn this summer. We should get out this weekend if the weather/conditions hold, and start putting the info to good use.
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/05/07 12:37:26
GPM Snag, Hey, thanks for the info, and the other lead. When I get a chance to work that area, I'll definitely let you know if we had any luck, or what we found. Do you mind letting me know if you're talking about the Rt 28 side of the river? We will drift/paddle down and start mapping it out. I also found your old thread on fishing downtown on your lunch break - very good stuff! I saw that other area you mentioned as having lots of activity as well. It's a little further for us, but not crazily out of the way. So I think we have multiple areas to start to learn this summer. We should get out this weekend if the weather/conditions hold, and start putting the info to good use.
Yeah the Rt. 28 side of the river. My best advice would be to start floating from the dam down to the city on the rt. 28 side of the river, setting up lines near any structure you find. There are multiple bridges, shallow areas, deep holes and 2 creek mouths, all of which hold a lot of quality fish. You can catch them thru out the day, but ive found that from sunset on is the best time. One more thing ive noticed over the years is that flatheads seem to come in "waves" of sorts. For example, set rods up...45 minutes go by without a run, then in a span of 15-20 minutes you'll get 3 or 4 runs and a fish or two landed...followed by another 45 minutes with no bites... then the process repeats...I don't have too much of an explanation for this but my point is it really does pay to spend a little more time in a spot than you are usually comfortable with. You have all summer soo maybe plan ahead and assign certain days or weeks to specific spots and continue to rotate them. If you limit the amount of time spent traveling from spot to spot and increase the soak time for your baits your success should increase drastically. Excited to see your report when you guys get back. Be sure to take pics. Ill be hitting the rivers myself as soon as the water levels calm down a bit.
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/06/05 12:05:20
So, what's up with this? Did this guy ever go out in the canoe? Or was he just mining for info.
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/06/05 12:52:08
probably just mining info, but at least it gave people something to talk about on here. Forum is dead!
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/06/05 13:54:13
well at the very least we havent read any reports about any canoes capsizing on the allegheny
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/06/05 13:59:11
Allegheny just hit a "canoeable" level a couple days ago.its on its way back up again now though.
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/06/05 15:43:13
FishinGuy Allegheny just hit a "canoeable" level a couple days ago.
That is true.
wayne c
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/06/08 17:31:04
Just some input on eating channels. Ive eaten plenty of them, and I feel they are the best eating fish in fresh water breaded and fried. Much moister than say, walleye, and nice thicker tender fillets. Two things I do and would suggest. 1. soak fillets in large pot or bowl of water overnight in the fridge to get the blood etc. out....NOT salt water...just plain water. As the water gets off color from blood etc. after a few hours, pour it off and add more water. Also after the thing is skinned and filleted, when you cut the fillets up into pieces, take each piece and with your sharp fillet knife remove the thin outer layer of flesh on the side where you removed the skin about an eight inch or a little more... so until you have nothing but "white" fillet, just like the other side. If you leave it on, That thin layer under the silvery looking subskin surface will turn brown when fried and will have a bit of a "flavor" to it that some find odd or to some, "muddy". You can easily prove it to yourself, by making up a few fillets both ways to see the difference. Personally I don't overly mind, have ate it intact many times, but prefer to remove it, and most who have eaten it with me, prefer it removed. When you do this, its extremely mild and delicious. That is where any and all flavor you find "off" may come from, and that is all that needs be done. I wont eat the cats out of the rivers around here, but make a coupla trips per year to some "cleaner" mountain lakes to get a mess of channels. Usually running from 20 to about 25 inch or so. Just fried some up last week. Beautiful fillets on those puppies.
post edited by wayne c - 2014/06/08 17:41:41
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/06/12 14:49:05
Finally made it out between both jobs last night. Managed only two small fish between the both of us after the storms. We were out till almost 2am and go completely soaked. it was nice nonetheless to dust off the cobwebs...need to get bigger bait all my honey holes are fished out.
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/07/09 17:01:52
How is this 'canoe for big catfish on the Allegheny' idea going for GPM?
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/07/10 18:36:51
If you can go to the first trench in one it should be nothing
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Re: Son wants to catch a big catfish on Allegheny (near Rt 28) - suggestions on plan?
2014/07/13 22:15:24
bcain As for eating. Probably the best fried fish I ever ate was a catfish sandwich in TN. Typical cornmeal breading. I myself prefer the taste of baked or broiled fish
try Chilean Sea Bass from the backchannel Ohio...yummy...luv long time!!!