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Re: Steelhead
2014/04/14 09:42:13
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Re: Steelhead
2014/04/14 10:43:01
TELL ME MORE! Pics or it didn't happen. WCW
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Re: Steelhead
2014/04/15 06:54:57
Darn steelhead kept getting in the way of my stockie blastin on Sunday. Suckers too. BH
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Re: Steelhead
2014/04/15 17:38:34
Now that brown fingerlings (smolts) are stocked whats the use of putting stockie browns in during the spring ? I don't get it.... How bout some brookies, so we can get a few straglers returning in the fall, nice to get a big lake run brookie. LOL....
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Re: Steelhead
2014/04/15 20:28:04
Theres alot about the "trout stocking" in the Erie Tribs I do not get. I welcome any additional stocking but think it has to really has to hurt the smolts. And there are already steelies in those creeks so why not put them elsewhere. But whatever FISHON! WCW
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Re: Steelhead
2014/04/16 00:48:27
I fished opening day and did pretty good on old dark steelhead. Went the next day it was lower and caught nothing but suckers every cast and did not see one steelhead. Enjoyed seeing the kmart fisherman walking out with smoltz on stringers thinking they were adult trout. If possible, why do they not stock smoltz later in the year? Sick of them putting them in in February and ruining decent steelhead fishing.
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Re: Steelhead
2014/04/16 07:16:06
Smoked smoltz is tha veal cutletts of tha tribz.
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Re: Steelhead
2014/04/16 07:45:43
mike55 I fished opening day and did pretty good on old dark steelhead. Went the next day it was lower and caught nothing but suckers every cast and did not see one steelhead. Enjoyed seeing the kmart fisherman walking out with smoltz on stringers thinking they were adult trout. If possible, why do they not stock smoltz later in the year? Sick of them putting them in in February and ruining decent steelhead fishing.
Stocking those smolts is just ruining the Steelhead fishing. They should stop putting them in there... Now that really makes sense....
I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB
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Re: Steelhead
2014/04/16 07:50:40
mike55 If possible, why do they not stock smoltz later in the year? Sick of them putting them in in February and ruining decent steelhead fishing.
Ever stop to think there might be a biological reason they do that? Like maybe, just maybe, the fisheries biologists that have worked with the steelhead program for decades might actually know when the smolts should be stocked to provide for optimal returns?
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Re: Steelhead
2014/04/16 22:29:31
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Re: Steelhead
2014/04/18 00:03:38
They should shut the creeks down once the smolts and stockies are put in. Then reopen regular Trout season. A six week shutdown window would not hurt any fish or fishermen. Barbless hooks should be standard practice by all sport fishermen during those Spring outings . Those smolts are your future fishing give them fair break!
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Re: Steelhead
2014/04/18 01:52:08
Prob. because they stock more than enough to begin with. Can't see closing more water than necessary that time ov year when those fish are artificial in the first place. crappy
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Re: Steelhead
2014/04/18 10:09:01
While steelhead fishing I just use big baits and hooks the smolts hit it but can not get it in their mouth.Plus I just move if there are a lot of them around.I really do not hook many smolts . But if I went pellet head fishing(I have not tried it yet in erie tribs) I would use smaller baits then I see the smolts getting hooked regularly. It would save a lot of smolts if pellet heads were not put in IMO. But everyone sees things different PFBC has their own thoughts ..... From what I know (NOT EVERYTHING)I would say more smolts are eaten by fish then killed by fisherman. WCW
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Re: Steelhead
2014/04/18 13:03:46
They say on average a 10% return is what to expect on Steelhead stocked numbers. Release a thousand smolts and maybe a hundred adults return years later. Not great odds. I've seen fishermen totally abuse hooking smolts in Spring's a joke.
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Re: Steelhead
2014/04/21 09:21:13
Woo woo Captain are you saying people be responsible and have some conservation tactics to help a fishery thrive instead of it being just a pay and take??? I mean it would be funny seeing someone thinking smolts being adult fish at first, but then it would get annoying. And as RSquared said I think it's a biological thing when they drop the smolts, same reason why does the Trout Opener happen 2 weeks earlier in the East end of the state then it does in the West? (Or is it just typical PA mentality you know the capital and Philly are in the East lets give them everything and say screw NW and SW pa...)