Critters in Boat?

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2014/04/04 12:22:04 (permalink)

Critters in Boat?

I have had animals (I assume Cats) in the past get in and spray in my boat, but when I took my boat cover off last week I was ready to vomit.  I told my wife I was buying a new one since it smelled so bad, that ain't happening, so I need to prevent this from happening again.  I keep my boat under an overhang so I don't cover during the season and the cover I do have does not seal the back off tightly off enough to prevent something from jumping in. 
Does anyone have any suggestions that will not land me in jail?  Like a repellent or play a radio in the barn or something of that nature?   
Any input is greatly appreciated as I already used a 1/2 bottle of Lysol and can still smell it. 

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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/04 12:35:26 (permalink)
    Well, as a skunk remedy we make a paste of 
    1 qt hydrogen peroxide 3%
    1/4 cup baking soda
    1 tsp liquid soap (we use Dawn)
    Scrub this over the affected area.... then wash off.... it is meant for dog fur, but hey, if it takes out skunk smell it is worth a shot! 
    Precaution though... it may 'bleach' out color on fabrics, so I would test it first on anything made of a fabric.
    Cats don't like Moth Balls, you could try dumping a box of them in the boat before storage next fall, especially around the back where they enter
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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/04 12:37:37 (permalink)
    I would set a small animal trap inside the boat.   If you catch a cat with a collar find the neighbor and take the cat back and explain to them what happened to your boat.  If it continues with the same cat - or it is an unmarked cat or other critter I would take out to the middle of no where after trapping it and let it go.
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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/04 12:45:11 (permalink)
    If its an unmarked cat that is feral, running loose, don't let it go again.  If you want to "save" it, take it to the local shelter or if it is truly feral, S.S.S. 
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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/04 12:50:37 (permalink)
    If its an unmarked cat that is feral, running loose, don't let it go again.  If you want to "save" it, take it to the local shelter or if it is truly feral, S.S.S. 

    I agree, to take an animal away from it's home territory and let it go again is just moving the problem to someone else's back yard or potentially exposing the animal to starvation or predation.  I would rather see a humane dispatch or animal shelter drop off.
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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/04 13:04:22 (permalink)
    Thanks for the responses.  I may put a trail cam and or a Have a Hart to see what's going on at night. 
    Thanks again.
    dakota kid
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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/04 13:59:58 (permalink)
    Cats dislike the smell of ammonia. Try spraying around the boat and see if that helps, or maybe mothballs. You can try using the cover you have and make a repair with painter's plastic and duct tape.  And of course, You could always get a dog.
    I might catch some guff for this, but I'm used to it. If it's feral, put it down. Feral cats are awful things, killers plain and simple. They will put a hurting on your local songbirds, squirrels, and baby bunnies. It won't land you in jail, unless you start shooting inside city limits. The most humane way is to put the cat in a cardboard box, or leave it in the box trap if you catch one. Soak a rag in acetone and trow it in with the cat. Then put the box in a garbage bag and seal the top. The cat will be dead in 10-15 minutes, with little to no struggle or suffering. FYI I like cats. I've always owned them, but feral cats are nothing like a house pet. 
    post edited by dakota kid - 2014/04/04 14:01:54
    dakota kid
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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/04 14:03:41 (permalink)
    Oh I forgot. If you have a lot of mice, it wouldn't hurt to start trapping them. It might be why the cats are hanging around, but they probably just like the dry comfy boat.
    dakota kid
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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/05 17:38:34 (permalink)
    Don't take a feral cat out to the woods and drop it. That's actually illegal and detrimental to the ecosystem. Treat it like any other invasive species. No 3 strikes and your out nonsense. Go straight to the gas chamber/ garbage bag. Make sure it's feral. Don't kill pets.
    We had a real problem with feral cats out at my folks house. There was an abandoned farmhouse and apparently they left the barn cats. It wasn't a problem at first, but when they started attacking our cats and trying to steal food it became a problem. The method of dispatch I described above wasn't the first we tried, but it was the best. Cats die hard(way harder than Bruce Willis). That nine lives thing isn't a joke. Shooting them was ridiculous. 9 times out of 10 they run off and die slow, even with head shots. The ones that didn't get away, got buried 2-3 ft down. Woke up one morning to an empty hole where one had gotten itself out. Drowning works well enough, but it's hard to watch and seemed cruel.  Suffocation by solvent fumes is far more peaceful for all involved.
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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/05 19:33:09 (permalink)
    Wow Dakota. Id question the legality of any of that....if I was the judging type.

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    dakota kid
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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/05 21:15:42 (permalink)
      I'm pretty sure killing a feral non-native species is unregulated, but judge all you like. I felt bad about having to do it, but I was cleaning up someone else's mess. By killing those cats, I'm sure I saved hundreds, if not thousands, of native critters. Plus, my cats weren't coming home all tore up anymore.
    What's the difference between that and the "humane" society killing them after they can find anyone to take a wild cat that would kill and eat you if it were a little bigger? I would never kill a pet cat or even a cat I was unsure about being feral. I don't like killing anything, but sometimes it needs done. 
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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/05 21:31:24 (permalink)
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    Anti-Cruelty Laws
    Pennsylvania’s anti-cruelty statutes dictate that it is against the law to intentionally kill a cat, regardless of ownership. This includes housecats, abandoned cats, lost cats, and feral cats. In fact, it is a criminal offense in all 50 states.
    Pennsylvania Animal Anti-Cruelty Statutes
    These animal anti-cruelty statutes are part of a larger set of laws built to protect society from violent acts. The intentional shooting of a cat is a violent act, and this protection does not bias on the cat’s status of ownership. It’s important that it doesn’t, because like many laws involving abuse, it serves to protect us from aggressive persons. To maintain civility, we must hold ourselves and others to these laws, even for the cats.

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    fish heads fish heads rolly polly fish heads
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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/05 21:35:24 (permalink)
    Hey bud....i dont like them any more than you fact, I agree with you....all except the whats legal part.

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    dakota kid
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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/05 22:14:43 (permalink)
    They claim intentionally killing a is cat violent act and is therefore against the law? How can vets do it then? What if my cat has leukemia and I want to put it down? Is it illegal if I do it myself? Is it illegal for the vet to do it? What other animals are on this list or is it just for "cuddly" ones?
    If these animal cruelty laws are in place how can hunting be legal. Hunting is in fact, intentionally shooting an animal. Is that violent? Does that breed violence and aggression?
    After I shoot a deer, I have remorse. After that initial adrenalin fades there is a sadness. I thank the deer's spirit for offering it's body up so that my family and I are able to have protein. I say a "prayer" and burn some sage. There's a Native american belief that you cannot kill an animal unless it's spirit offers it's body to you. I suppose my little ritual is derived form that. The point is you can kill without it causing you to turn into a serial killer.
    I'll give you that shooting a gun is violent(by the physics involved if nothing else), but to say it breed's violent aggressive people is hogwash. Violent aggressive people are attracted to shooting because it the perfect embodiment of how they feel. 
    I'm going to have to read these laws, cause the way its presented above makes no sense.
    Our country has been at war(in one place or another) for decades. Perhaps someone should look into how much violence and aggression comes form that, or even just watching the nightly news for that matter. I would even wager driving a car breeds more aggression than killing. It does for me anyway. 
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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/05 22:23:34 (permalink)
    Upon further inspection the website you quoted  left out the the very important word "malicious". 
    Yes, killing for no reason other than to kill is an awful thing and should be illegal. It is something that I don't do. Even by that definition however, hunting crows, groundhogs, pigeons, starlings, and numerous other animals comes into question.
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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/05 22:27:39 (permalink)
    Again...i agree. And I apologize for continuing this thread off topic. I just hate seeing good people getting in trouble for laws that they dont know.

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    dakota kid
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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/05 22:44:52 (permalink)
    I didn't mean to seem like I was going after you. Those were legitimate questions more for the website you quoted than you. No hard feelings. I feel strongly on the subject is all.
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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/06 04:15:35 (permalink)
    All good...this discussion makes an interesting topic and gives me reason to research. Someone should consider creating a thread about it. :o)

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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/06 04:18:36 (permalink)
    Smokey...trail cam is a great idea. Identifying the species is the first step tward a solution.

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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/06 05:57:20 (permalink)
    Hey bud....i dont like them any more than you fact, I agree with you....all except the whats legal part.

     DEAN, what do you think we have using for cat fish BAIT !!! That's way I HAVE NO cats near my house  LOL
    Walleye jigs
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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/06 06:55:06 (permalink)
    nd we're suppose to be the smarter animals on this earth
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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/06 12:31:08 (permalink)

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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/07 13:03:15 (permalink)
    TNR is actually illegal, at least in the eyes of the PGC.  
    Lots of $ wasted on that program in many areas of the state.  
    Cats are still put out in the wild wreaking havoc on the native birds and mammals and taking away potential food from native predators.
    IMO, more "humane", all around, to SSS if they are truly "feral" cats.
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    Re: Critters in Boat? 2014/04/21 11:24:25 (permalink)
    To remove the smell, try Nature's Miracle enzyme cleaner, from pet store.  It does a good job on dog pee, although cat pee is far more potent, especially if soaked into wood.  50/50 bleach and water blend might be needed if really bad.
    I'd do my best to cover the boat in the future and cut off access.  Don't make it air tight, since it will need to breath, especially if still warm.
    50mph tennis ball to the head or body will deter a cat from hanging out around your boat, unless the food supply is just that good. 
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