New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots...
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Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots..
Friday, July 25, 2014 8:16 AM
HURRAY! :) I FINALLY got "an authentic email" tonight from one of my old fans :) This is going to be as entertaining and enjoyable as a 3-day weekend for me, so lets check this one out from our friend "been there done that"? (did I spell that right?) >>>>>Troutman save your breath dude.>>>>> :) Now there we go - Remember if you really want to be taken seriously online, ALWAYS begin your email with "passive aggressiveness" with someone "short and to the point". Now this is the "less is more" approach, and with an opening line like this, you just KNOW the rest of this emal is going to be awesome, so awesome I can't wait to read on :) >>>>>We all know the type of angler that 'MikeFromOhio' represents. Not his fault>>>>> Already this email is making my night :) Mr "Done that"? I don't consider myself an "angler :) Your silly, I consider myself "a person who enjoys catching fish by putting a fishing line in the water". Use of the title "angler" is just a "make it look more important than it is" title :) You my friend seem to forget that: - We all are dependent on the weather - Right type of bait - Water level - Time of day - Uh, time of year? :) - Luck? Surely, you're not one of those "elitist people" are you? Come on now, we all equal here, wait though, you weren't that guy that was in the Butler area last week that got mad when I brought in all those 18+ rainbows and gave me a mean look and walked off are you? Id be willing to take the time to have shown you what I was using or my world winning fish handling techniques :) Oh, I like the next "passive aggressive line" the "not his fault line. This is the "I am more smarter than he is, so Ill add another reinforced "one-liner" to display my superiority :) Ah yes, you can just feel the love cant ya? <<<<< sounds like the geek that got put in his locker during gym class.>>>>> :) This is getting better! Now we see the "I need to add another insulting line" to make myself: - Feel better - Not as intimidating "by a screenname" online - That is still trying to cope from their earlier years from being a fat-kid in gym class that got "stuffed into lockers" (which why did you admit to that online for? :( You sound mad bro :) Smile - the world is a much better place than having to still live in the basement. (someone told me that was true? - my apologies if not) <<<<<trying to post his sick videos on Youtube hoping to attract a friend.>>>>> Uh, what? Was that directed at me or yourself? Sick videos? Aw come on now, all you had to do was ask if you could be my friend, and if you're nice about it, why i'll even through in a free t-shirt with an autograph for you too. See how we solved that? :) You're also starting to sound like you're either one of those hot PETA babes too, because they always refer to something that they don't agree with as "sick". Or you're not that bitter old dude from last week again out at Butler who got mad and left are you? :) Let me look (one second) ,right now I have 139 subscriptions on my page, and those ARE JUST close friends my friend as my entire channel was only meant for that not the whole online world. HeHEHEHHE I dont want to mention any names yet other "competitor fishing video channels" are actually out to get as "many friends" as possible not people I dont know :) <<<<<Something he probably never had growing up.>>>>> Wait what? What was that a reference to? You? or me? Oh my goodness, this is the "I am more popular than you" contest now? How silly :) :) I know I moved on since the "play ground school days"....."I AM MORE POPULAR THAN YOU, NOW BE DEPRESSED BECAUSE I INSULTED YOU" opps that's 4 insulting lines now, SEE? Nothing gets past me, not even your "master intellect" :) I guess you showed me you big "bully" :) I can't wait to read more..... <<<<< After hearing others talk about 'MikeFromOhio' you couldn't pay me to watch the videos.>>>>> Then how or why did you know about my videos, and even better - why are you here commenting about them too? :) <<<<<I know one bad potatoe will destroy the bushel>>>>> :) You mean "apple"? :) <<<<< please do not judge other Buckeye Anglers by the antics MikeFromOhio>>>>> Then why did you just do the same about me this whole entire email? :) A little short on the response there about that? Here, let me give you some nice, positive, and ever learning "debating skills'. Grab a notebook and feel free to take some notes: Now when debating online with someone: - Always avoid "name-calling" - not a good thing to use or do. It makes you appear that "you can't come up with anything else to express yourself with, while looking not only insensible (because you want to get personal now) but by because it it makes you look insecure. I think I mentioned that to someone earlier tonight about that too. - When making accusations - make sure that can be proven. Something as silly as a "way of handling fish" can be universal to anyone if you are not giving examples and details about what or whom you are accusing. - Be sociable! :) If there's anything disappointing is someone who just writes a paragraph and expects that to be taken serious, or even worse think that you explained enough. Come on, you have the extra time so why not use it? - Don't escalate by repetition - By responding to the same person using virtually the same words and points. Hot babes don't like that in a guy and if you really want to look good (and possibly get a phone numbe) be creative :) Chicks dig it man! - Find some humor in it all :) - Because we can't be negative all the time, plus who wants to read an entire "I AM MAD AT YOU EMAIL" right?" These last entire 5+ years EVERYONE from your angler club has the personality of an empty pop-can while continually to chase me around online. - Listen to what the other person has to say (in full) - respond to each section of their email, not generalizing after a few sentences and skipping parts - it just shows "you're mad" :) - Develop true "debating skills" - you know use of words and cool phrases, kinda like that last chick at the bar you tried to hit on last month. Learn how to find and work through differences of opinion. I could have listed more :) yet I think that's enough for you to study for now. Yet the "email of the night award" definitely goes to you....uh....(wait gotta remember your name again)...ops it is you Beentheremissedthat :) Almost had me fooled there. Yet anyways, great hearing from you again and looking forward to more, have a great rest of the week and thanks for playing :)
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Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots..
Friday, July 25, 2014 1:51 PM
.... and this is why we can't have nice things
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Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots..
Friday, July 25, 2014 3:16 PM
Did I call 'Mike From Ohio' an angler? Opps, my bad, my appology to ALL the true sportsman that enjoy fishing.
Tell us, 'Mike From Ohio', more about the 8+" trout you were catching at Butler. Was that you that was using a cast net in the kiddie fish pool at the outdoor sports expo? Speaking of lurking about at night cause your too lazy to go to bed; was that you they caught feeding corn to the fish in the kiddie pool? Do you really think the officials believed you didn't want PETA upset about the hungry fishies? Good thing the promoter stomped off after they discovered the unopened cans of corn, he was really upset.
On a sadder note 'MikeFromOhio' I'm (almost) sorry to inform you; like your friends..... you have no fans.
Til the next time..........
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Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots..
Friday, July 25, 2014 5:00 PM
KJH807 .... and this is why we can't have nice things
At least it is a break from the doldrums this board has been stuck in, right?
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Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots..
Saturday, July 26, 2014 4:59 PM
...Hey everyone. how our Saturday going so far? And anyone else sleep in and miss the early morning trout fishing like I did ?:) Anyways, let's start off with another round of the "online edition of the Rivermike show" shall we? :) Now here's our first contestant of the day called ..uh... KJH807? By the way what's the 807 stand for? Anyways, here what they had to say: <<<<<.... and this is why we can't have nice things>>>>> What was that supposed to mean? You mean nice "things" as in fishing spots? Or how about this forum? :) My KJH friend, if you were to scroll up (as I think you're referring to this forum), you'll see that this portion of the thred you've been folllowing was started by a few "mean people" who love to insult others :( (kinda not cool isnt it?). So, in my valiant efforts to "pimp" these types of people online (and what fun I have with them too) is simply "to call them out" online. What's even more fun is that...well.. uh... :) ...these people are absolutely no much at all, further they're just jealous because my famous "wal-mart 15.00 road/reel combos" always "own" them too. Oh, yea and I NEVER use steel leader or spiderwire too > that's cheating and it takes more skill not to use these things. All my muskies I ever caught was just using 20lb test line :) Yet I agree, these "I am the pro fisherman, YOU are not and can never be as intellectually involved as I am" are also entertaining to me. But it does suck to see them "troll" on othes thread just to put others down. Feel free to note my screenname and follow me around online as I make online examples of these types :)
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Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots..
Saturday, July 26, 2014 5:05 PM
Alright now my next contestant is.........ACCOUNTANT - COME ON DOWN! :) hey are you a REAL accountant in real life? I just had to ask and let's see what you had to say.... <<<<<and this is why we can't have nice things...At least it is a break from the doldrums this board has been stuck in, right?>>>>> Now, now look at it this way my CPA friend, if we didnt have people like these (mean people who like to talk down to other fisherman) what would the world be? :) Probably boring :) huh? But yes I like fellow fisher person who likes to look at anything in a positive way and don't worry, I always bring some entertainmean with me, especially having to "call out mean people" online who try to talk down to others. And as I told our "ACCOUNTANT friend" just earlier, I always find some entertainment value in it all :) Just like my ever famou you-tube channel. I was averaging having to respond 20-30 comment a day for awhile, making embrassing examples of them online until they realized my fishing dominance :) (hehehehe)
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Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots..
Saturday, July 26, 2014 5:33 PM
UH OH! I got another one :) A "real one" - woohoo :) Now KJH and Mr Accountant - grab a lawn chair for this and take note how you handle people like this....ITS......"Beentheremissedthat" - COME ON DOWN :) Your my next contestant for the RIVERMIKE show!! (audience applause)....... Welcome back to the show "Mr Been", so tell us what's on your mind :) <<<<<Message: Did I call;Mike From Ohio; an angler? Opps, my bad, my appology to ALL the true sportsman that enjoy fishing.>>>>> Here we go again with that "online passive aggressiveness", this is the "indirect way" (passive aggressiveness) of trying to insult someone by trying to establish "how good he is, that I am surely not" while also associating himself/themself by "being part of the fishing in-crowd" too. This was better than his last "rebuttal" because now we're using the "two in one" responses :) Pretty cool, Im going to give you a 7.5 for that one, because of the creativity and trying to "reinforce a poiint. But uh oh, now we see the line of "ALL" in ALL CAPS, yet what he forgot to do was: 1. Indentify or explain what "true sportsman" are? 2. Why the all caps for the word ALL was? So apparently, I am the only one who fishes that 'doesn't enjoy the sport then? Aw, that hurt my feelings again :( you're trying to make me feel bad online again - you big bully :( :( :( :( And no you didn't call me "an angelr" in your last email, you don't remember how you were too busy trying to insult my way of fishing and where I also had to correct you publicy how I never use that title by what I said as: "someone who just throws a line in the water and catches a fish" You might want to scroll up to remind your short term memory :) Now I also don't mean to be the grammar police, yet what is "appology"? <<<<<Tell us, 'Mike From Ohio', more about the 8+" trout you were catching at Butler. Was that you that was using a cast net in the kiddie fish pool at the outdoor sports expo?>>>>> You will address me by my royal name "RiverMike", for I am and have been the most exceptional trout fisher person ever to come across this region :) (kidding heheheheh) Yet now we have the "I am going to try to publicly call this person out and sound intellectual in the process at the same time. Yet........why would you try follow up on a nice opening line like that with "what kind of trout I was catching in Butler"? Can I ask, what does that have to do with anything? Why would it matter if I was catching trout or Darth Vader's socks? :) What the? -- What was this supposed to mean too"? <<<<<< Was that you that was using a cast net in the kiddie fish pool at the outdoor sports expo?>>>>> Its called a creek, uh, I dont think there's any established kiddie pools anywhere in any of the creeks out there? I didn't see any signs posted anywhere too and who would want to fish or swim in a "kiddie pool"? And how is it that you know so much about kiddie pools and outdoor sports expos? Uh, that's kind of weird to put the two together wouldn't you think ? Oh wait, NOW I get it :) heheh nice try! - You were trying to get me to reveal where my secret trout spots are out in that area, hehe I'll give you an 8.5 for trying to be sneaky you sly one you! :) - NO WAYYYY but nice try! <<<<<Speaking of lurking about at night cause your too lazy to go to bed; was that you they caught feeding corn to the fish in the kiddie pool?>>>>> DUDE, WHAT IS YOUR INFACTUATION WITH "KIDDIE POOLS"? That's twice you brought that up now. You're starting to worry me now, The only people I ever read about that were into "kiddie pools" were uh.....the people you see on "Most Wanted", ...dude that's FREAK stuff man! <<<<<Do you really think the officials believed you didn't want PETA upset about the hungry fishies? Good thing the promoter stomped off after they discovered the unopened cans of corn, he was really upset.>>>>> HUH?? What are you talking about? Do they not drug test where you work at? "Officials"? Uh "Hungry fishies"? Holy Xmas - dude there is SOMETHING wrong with you, you're not making sense at all as well as you're talking about something I never talked to you about. You're getting me confused with someone else. I don't use corn for Trout - I only use Panther Martin spinners of 4 different colors, where did you get corn from? That's weird, silly and scary too you're coming up with things that aren't even relevant or said from me. Also, who was this "promoter"? And "officials"? You're going "RAIN MAN" on me online here :) And here I thought my Saturday was going to be boring on the fishing forum. I don't know what's wrong with you, yet I'm sure its hard to pronounce :) But still always fun to hear from you :) Until next time.... - Me :)
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Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots..
Saturday, July 26, 2014 5:50 PM
Trout guys first post was very informative. You should consider taking it more seriously.
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Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots..
Sunday, July 27, 2014 1:25 AM
Well "MikeFromOhio' it is with great pleasure that I wish to inform you that this will be my last conversation with you. You see I prefer lntelligent conversations and that, in your case, will be impossible.
Giving credit were credit is do; concerning the fish you display in your profile, interesting. One question, about that fish, if I might? Was that PhotoShop 1 or 2?
The best of luck in your endeavors as a "comedian" (your gonna need all the luck you can get) and never give up (we don't; hoping you'll go away).
ps. Your rantings have been analyzed and found to be full of hate and discontent. This is usually found in persons that are somewhere between lost and found. Perhaps a change in meds. is in order.
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Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots..
Sunday, July 27, 2014 4:00 AM
Honestly, reading and participating in this thread has been a lot of fun. MikeFromOhio needs to post on here more often(especially in the dead of winter!!). Even though we disagree with a LOT of what he has to say, I enjoy his style and enthusiasm.......I really do. And FYI, within the past three days I saw two fish go belly up because of poor handling. And no, they weren't trout, but hardier fish. Both fish were out of the water for an excessive amount of time, flopped around on rough, dry rocks, and just about had their mouths ripped apart with pliers. Just throwin' that out there............the timing couldn't have been any better with this thread lol. BeenThereDoneThat. Giving credit were credit is do; concerning the fish you display in your profile, interesting. One question, about that fish, if I might? Was that PhotoShop 1 or 2?
Ohh, it's real alright(unfortunately). Just watch the vid(viewer discretion is advised)  With that said, he seems like a Photoshop 1 kinda guy, or better yet MS Paint. Remember, he uses a $15 Zebco instead of a $5.8 million Hardy
post edited by troutguy - Sunday, July 27, 2014 4:13 AM
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Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots..
Sunday, July 27, 2014 10:50 AM
MikeFromOhio Well good morning everyone! Oh wait its late night :) well since I'm already up and too lazy to go back and lay down, let's have a look at what my new fans have to say .... Crappiefisher! Hey what's going on out there? :) Hey I got a question for you first, don't you ever get tired going after ..well...crappies? :) Doesn't it get boring after awhile catching oversized bluegill all the time? I mean, don't they all look about the same and generally all are the same size? I just had to ask :) Now about my "superbly supreme video channel that no other can duplicate" :) <--I like that line I should copyright that before anyone else snags it first.....well I guess just "google" it, and of course as I tell anyone else, for autographs, tshirts, bumper stickers, I am having a special this week for bulk orders. But if you still can't find it, just let me know. Don't worry my channel will always be around, EVEN IF this year i've been too lazy to begin filming until after I landed them. Sorry, this winter was so long and brutal, I wasn't able to get out much now I'm fat and have to ride around in wal-mart carts wherever I go :( Yet thanks for the kudos from what you've seen so far - the point is - to have fun, have a passion for it, and never EVER take yourself (or others) that seriously, life's too short for that isnt it? :)
oHH jUst pAINTIN' wHTH oIL bASE it smells reel bad tho :( crappiefisher waz ment 2 b crappyfisher(/ knot good/bad/loosey/needs help/worser/sad/teribale) fisher person but my son missspelled it wen he singed me up. Stil cant" locate your vids. on line & eyed like 2 make a order for your stuff. crappy
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Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots..
Sunday, July 27, 2014 11:18 AM
MikeFromOhio Hey its the crappiefisher guy again! :) I wanna read what else you had to say :) <<<<<So if Eye take my boys to a teenie weanie little tinie peweee wild brookie crick with sz. 18-20 mustad hookies to catch brookies that barlie have enough food as it is & catch over a 100 fishies & only take our limits (leagle) to roast on sticks over a fire since nobodie brought weenies is not good??>>>>> Wait what? They make size 18 hooks? 20? Holy xmas to PLUTO! Would that be a little too small? The smallest I ever used was a size 12 :) And they all kept getting off the hook :( so I moved to a size 8 = ahh much better :) Yet you've been to a small creek and caught a 100 brookies? WOW yet I'm a little picky when I go after brookies, I want them at LEAST 13 inches long and this year - WOOHOO :) I even got some that were ACTUALLY 15 inches. Kinda cool huh? :) And I dont care if they were stocked or not too - it was a good time :) :) :) Yeah it does sound good yet how big were the ones you were catching? <<<<< Don't get much better than that eat'n round fire pitt talkin' bought how we outsmarted those wild fish. Figured might help the fisheriey out by gettin' rid ov the big bad boys eatin' all the young studs/chicks to have a future.>>>>> :) heheeh - were you serious when you said that? Now you're going to have every hot PETA babe, emotionally disturbed old fly-fisher people, and animal rights freaks making commercials about you :) Yet I liked the way you said it :) (A++++) <<<<< UFO, DON't worry be happie those wild toots r cannabises & would eat thar own if u don't styx 'em 1st.thEY R wILd we AInT" I WSOULD rather watch your enthussiuem fishin' on videio than anie fishin on the aire (teA vEE) twodaie. mANE THing bee hAppie & fiSjh@ bee smaert!! crappY>>>> Uh, GYA werd! Peace out :) brotha Crappymasta! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------- ------------ _____ - u wOod think the 18 & 20's would be cheeper than the 12"zs @ 8's with scrap prices the way they r. my i's aint' as good as tey wonce wer so 2 hard two tie anie mor as much :( u can catch little bugs/ants along the crick 2 use on the 18-20 # may be knot a 100 axzactlie but somewere around tere. They r from 2" - 11 and 3/4" wone inawhile a 12" er Think a biggfeat or flyin" squrill or somethin' like that savatoged our camp in the forest so had to survive on pokadotted fish/sticks for a few days. bet way was stick stick threw mouth & out the bum, a nother way use those long handle 2 pronger (looks like a devils pitchfork a little bit) poke threw eyeball & one threw side ov bum/tail, can do a hole limit at once this way if you are in a hurry. Bettr than eatin' marsh mello"s for ya. still cant find your vid.s on line could you post the "best ov Mike" on here? Thanks for the kind words & have a nice Sonday. crappy
post edited by crappiefisher - Sunday, July 27, 2014 11:29 AM