New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots...

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2014/03/23 16:48:01 (permalink)

New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots...

   Hello everyone!
   I just arrived/joined online and am looking forward to gathering some information in regards to trout fishing this year. Now I know there already has been some discussion about Brook Trout, yet I was wondering if someone could email/pm or send me some general information on spots of where to catch these at? Specifically, I was wondering about in in the general Lawrence/Mercer areas? And also, is it true that at one time there was "Brookies" in Hell's Run (Hell's Hollow)? (in Lawrence county).
   I have never caught one of these as well as plan on always catch and release and would also like some tips (if possible) about what to use (bait) and again where to get these. So far, I have only been able to find "possible spots" in: Butler (Harbar Acres Lake), Hell's Run (which I am not sure is a myth or not in Brookies being there?), and spots up farther north (outside of the scope of SW Pennsylvania I know) such as Greenville and Clarks Mills (there's a bridge there with a pool).
    It's just again, would love to finally catch one of these and last year I caught so many Rainbow and Brown Trout I'd like to move on to these. Thanks again everyone for the help/direction and tips in advance......

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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/03/24 08:46:42 (permalink)
    Go here-
    click the info on the right for trout... wild/ stocked/ special regs
    zoom into the area you want
    click the waypoint
    wild- it will tell you the species
    stocked - click the stocking info and it will tell you species

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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/03/25 17:54:32 (permalink)
    There's no brook trout in Lawrence County, and yes that's a myth. None in Mercer either(except for a stocked stream or two). To see what species are stocked in the streams, check out......   KJH807's link is great, but the link I put up will take you right to the lists. Just select the county.
    post edited by troutguy - 2014/03/25 17:56:31
    solitario lupo
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/03/26 14:50:26 (permalink)
    Their just like any other trout. Fish for them the same way brown and rainbow. If u go up north theres dozens of them. Even some native streams that arent stocked.
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/03/27 20:42:14 (permalink)
    ..Hey everyone and thanks for all the info/links and tips. I've been checking out the links (very cool!) And I was wondering Solitario - what did you mean by "going up north"? Did you mean counties such as Venango and Clarion and such? Or other "north counties such as Crawford and Erie/Mercer? Thanks in advance...
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/03/28 09:03:02 (permalink)
    Up north, he meant the Allegheney National forest area. Tons of stocked streams and most have nativies too. Search, Forest, Jeffereson & Clarion county stocking guide for starters.
    Also the SW areas around 7 springs & Donnegal get stocked well,plus lots of natives there too.
    No brookies get stocked in Lawrence or Beaver counties. The only time they ever did was a few years back when the PFBC had some extras and they didn't even announce they were putting them in.
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/03/30 14:10:20 (permalink)
      Heya Jeb - thanks for the info and my dad just moved to Clarion some months back...ill be sure to check that area out :) Also nice Palamino in the pic, I never caught one of these yet seen 2 of them in a small pool in New Castle, PA. Oh yes, when you mentioned about SW areas - can you send me an email online here of some of those areas? Thanks again!
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/06 19:36:59 (permalink)
    I've heard of native Brownies being caught out of Hell Run, ranging from 6 to 12 inches. No brookies though. But, one of my friends did catch a brookie on Neshannock Creek a while back. Not sure where and im not sure if it was just a random catch or if someone privately stocked them.
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/07 16:23:19 (permalink)
     Hey there Mr Ninja,
       Thanks for the all the information, and I had heard about Hells Run for sometime now and when you said "native" did you mean these were found to be in the creek naturally and not stocked ever at all? And as far as Brook Trout go, I finally found a spot to catch them, and although not year round, it still is/was great to finally get my fill of these this year :) Thanks again!
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/08 17:53:00 (permalink)
    Anytime! And as far as Hell Run goes, its classified as a "Class A" Wild Trout stream.
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/11 12:38:08 (permalink)
    jones mill run up near seven spings and trent is stocked with only brookies - and some large ones.  the upper reaches of the creek have natives - very small typically but in the fall their colors are spectacular.
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/14 10:31:54 (permalink)
      Just wanted to say thanks for the information from the both of you, really appreciated! And Mr Phish - is what you described down in the general east of Pittsburgh area am I right? I think I've heard of that area too and about how big the Brookies were.
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/17 15:03:51 (permalink)
    Hell's Run is a very delicate small stream, sssshhhh !
    Try Kooser Run near Donegal or any streams down that way. Lots of stocked brookies and natives too.
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/18 21:36:24 (permalink)
      Just wanted to say thanks for the information from the both of you, really appreciated! And Mr Phish - is what you described down in the general east of Pittsburgh area am I right? I think I've heard of that area too and about how big the Brookies were.

    you can go to the fish and boat commission web site and look for the stockings for somerset county (or any county for that matter).  you'll find the stocking info for jones mill run and on that listing you can click the starting and stopping locations of the stocked section - up will come a map that will show you all you'll need to know as to location.
    jones mill run is mostly in laurel hill state park and is fully on public land. 
    good luck
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/22 18:27:08 (permalink)
    Wow and thanks to the both of you for the extra information as I added/noted it all down - much appreciated! :)
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/22 23:16:53 (permalink)
    Mike from what I've seen from your videos, please stay out of Hell's run.

    East side love is living on the west end
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/23 09:12:27 (permalink)
    ^What he said, and any other similar stream. Streams of that type can BARELY handle pressure from CAREFUL C&R anglers, let alone people who let the fish flop all over the ground. The fish population in that stream(and others like it) has been ruined since being posted about on the internet(by the PFBC and various forums, FB, etc.) A few years ago I saw a roostertail stuck in a log there..  not good   Fortunately, there's MUCH better wild brownie streams in the area, and that aren't as dangerous terrain wise. Trust me. Put on some hiking boots and get away from the known streams and you will be rewarded with good sized WILD trout...   Stay away from the class A list. Yes, they may have(or "had" in most cases....) good numbers of fish but they get way too much pressure and the fishing can suffer. One of my favorite brookie streams(in Central PA) recently got added to the Class A list a couple years ago and the pressure skyrocketed. Needless to say the fishing really went downhill.. My biggest wild browns in western PA have all come out of streams that are stocked in areas............and streams WAAAAYYY off the beaten path. But if you're gonna mishandle fish(ie. use worms on a 2/0 hook and let them flop all over the rocks, and keep them out of the water for more than 5-10sec to get a video or pics), stick to stocked trout or carp.
    Also, I might add, PLEASE take a thermometer with you. Even on the wild streams, if the water temp is in the upper 60s early in the morning don't even think about fishing. Warm water stresses the fish, and yes even some wild trout streams can get toasty in the summer. It's best to let them be for now.
    post edited by troutguy - 2014/07/23 09:16:08
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/23 10:26:15 (permalink)
      Hey there! Its two people from my "online fan club" called "We are the elitist fishing PETA people". I haven't heard from you guys in a long time :) What's been new with you two? I'll start off with "sevenmileshowcase" (by the way what's that supposed to mean)? I was also wondering why you said stay out of Hells Run when I already had been there a number of times? Not only that yet also told many, many friends of mine too. Also while I was there I didn't see any signs that said "Hells Run - exclusive use and ownership provided by Sevenmileshowcase" Why was that? :) When will you people ever learn that:
    - You cannot judge someone by how they handle a fish?
    - There is no prosecutable as well as no universal "clearly wrong or right way" to handle a fish - anyone on any fishing video could be accused of this and even you yourself. Any one could say the same about you :) You seem to forget about that too?
    - Any time I get "flack" on the way you handle a fish - these "elitist fishermen" seem to forget they used a steel hook to impale a fish in the first place to catch them...and by "handling it in the elitist fishermen, cool people in the "in-crowd" way" exempts you for this? Now that is kind of silly isnt it?
       I'm just trying to figure why you said that "one liner sentence" earlier (above). I didn't see any details why :( Or was that the "less is more to reinforce a point" by only putting one sentence down? Come on now, I'll still be your friend and also I already found a fulltime Brook Trout spot only 30 miles from here and got my entire quota (for myself) for the year in only a month and a half :) woohoo. But don't worry I always put everything back in :)
       Now "Mr Troutmans" tirade looks awesome, so I'm going to move on to that next - this should be fun and let's see what he had to say :)
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/23 11:06:58 (permalink)
    Mr Troutman!
      Hey I like the screenname..I have to admit i'm a bit jealous because over the last two years i've been on a trout kick lately myself and woohoo - found 5 fulltime year round spots :) for Brook Trout, Brown Trout and HUGE fat Rainbows ...all within 30 miles of my place, now how can you beat that :) You oughta email me and ill send these across to you complete with GPS and what to use.
       Alright let's see what you had to say...hmm "can barely handle the pressue from careful C+R anglers"? I dont under what you mean by that? If you catch a fish, then release it, which I do and you do, apparently its something that "I'm not as good at as you"? Awe, this means I must not be part of "the elite fishing in-crowd"? Let's look at this closer shall we? Since I take it that you were aiming this at me, if I (or someone wasn't careful) then we would:
    - Not even put he fish back in the water and let them lay there till they die
    - Not even use hemostats to "carefully" get the hook out (which I use).
    - If I did put them back in the water I would just drop them in and walk off immediately.
      Or maybe is it because you and the "elite" in crowd are stil upset that I do just as well (and better at times) then the 8 million dollar fly fishing and outfit gear? I still am using a 15.00 Walmartrod and closed face reel combo, and along with my spinners have been an unbeatable team (sounds kinda like Mortal Combat doesnt it?) ;)
        Oh, now here's a good line you brought up about "letting the fish flop all over the ground". Let's have some factual fun with with that means you are telling me...
    - All of the fish you ever landed (on the ground of course) have never flopped once?
    - All of the fish you ever landed (on the ground of course) you had them unhooked and gently (PETA elitist in-crowd fisher-people approved) way within xx seconds?
    - ....How many times have you told a 9 year old kid this after he caught his first bass?
    .....I could have added to that list yet I couldn't tell if that was supposed to be an insult aimed at me? or maybe ou just are that way to quickly judge other people fishing. And why is that you people come up with these "unknown/unspoken and unreckonized DNR rules" at the expense of someone else's catch? Let's move on to what else you had to say (this is fun:)
         You also said that "spots like these have been ruined by them being posted on the internet"? Now why would you say that? :( Last time I was there, I didnt see your name also added to any sign that said "Hells Run - exclusive use and ownership provided by Sevenmileshowcase and Mr Troutman" or did I miss it was posted somehere else around there? Now when I was in pre-school, one of the first things we all learned was a word called "sharing" :) Now I know we'd all like a fishing spot all to ourself yet in the day in age we have to learn to share don't we? Also, this creek is recognized and posted online from PS/Fish and boat commission. So be sure to remind them the very same line you told me about "how they ruined it" too :)
           Come on now, let's not ruin someone elses fun and fishing experience, I know I don't "hog" any spots or keep them private. I have researched the entire eastern and south western spots of PA with my Google Earth, GPS navigator, stocking list and much more where I serve as a guide sharing every nice hot trout spot and what to use. So let's all share and be friends.
           Let's see what else you had to say :)  Someone got a rooster tail stuck in a log? :( that sucks, and I hate it too when I lose a spinner or two, but my favorite spinners are Panther Martins. Speaking of which I can think of two spots that there were so many spinners in one branch it looked like a Christmas Tree.
          Now you got a GREAT POINT there - where you got to travel and go searching for the wild ones. That's something Ive ben too lazy to do for awhile now :( That's what I heard you have to do and agree there. Yet you mean to tell me that as soon as a stream makes a class A list all of a sudden everyone and their brother just shows up and takes it over? As far as central PA goes, I'm too lazy to drive that far and I was THANKFUL as ever to have found a place for Brookies again 30 miles around the corner from me (well actually two) so that made my year :) woohoo! You sound like youre the pro in finding new spots too yet for trout I dont want to catch any really over 15 to 16 inches at most. An bigger than that is well.....just too big I think for trout :) kinda strange for me isnt it?
           Uh oh, just when I saw we were becoming internet buddies you seemed to have taken a turn for the worst now :( They way you began talking to me online sounded like some new kid took over your favorite trout hole and you sounded mad :( I hope you didnt think that was me - did you? Since you were cool earlier - this is what I use for trout:
    - 4 different color Panther Marting spinners (black/silver/green+white and bright yello)
    - I quit using maggots - they began to nickel and 3.00 me to death)
    - Small mini-rapala minnows (although the hooks are so small they never stay on)
    - I only use worm (on a size 6 hook) if I really have to and are desperate
    - Salmon Eggs - which works every now and then - Brookies it works pretty good, yet the brownies dont seem to want anything to do with these.
    - Trout (power bait) - is messy/boring and doesn't work
        I'm sure Im forgetting other things yet I have to run some errands here in a bit. Yet you seem to be heavily focused on "mishandling fish" - you arent one of those HOT PETA CHICKS are you? And how do you define "mishandling fish"? How about I do this for you?
    - Mishandling fish? - How can you keep every fish you land from "flopping" over?, What is considered "mishandling fish"? Now is this defined by you or the PA fish and boat commission?
    - To not keep a fish out of the water for longer than 15-20 seconds? Now that's about as funny as this one old guy at Volant tried to tell me its the pole and reel selection that you use that catches more fish (aka Fly fishing instead of walmart combos). :) It was even more funny because I brought in 6 15+ rainbows and all this old guy got was a small 11 inch Smallmouth. But lets get back to the point, let me ask you....have you never had a fish swallow a hook before? And if so, now were you able to get them back in the water in no more than 15/20 seconds? Now let's be realistic, it would take you AT LEAST 10 to 15 seconds to go grab your pliers or hemos. right? :)  You're starting to remind me of this kid in elementary school, that did nothing except to tell everyone there wasnt a Santa Clause :(
        Why did you ask me if a brought a thermometer with me when I fish? Of course its been warm lately, yet I have not had a problem in any stream, creek or anything else lately. I just throw out my trusty spinners and away we go :) You dont actually take one of those with you and take a temp every 10 feet instead of just casting do you? Wow thats dedication!
         And its best to let them be for now? hehheh no way! I like to catch trout year around and that last line you said about "leaving them alone for now" sounds like you want the places for yourself :)
         Anyways, great talking to you again and I think Ive seen your name on my youtube channel :) Be well and have a great rest of the week! ROCK ON :)
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/23 12:14:24 (permalink)
     I was trying to find your Youtube videos this past winter & couldn't locate 'em. They are great entertainment & I hadn't laughed so hard in a long time. You defiantly have a passion for the sport. Are they still up for viewing?

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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/23 12:55:58 (permalink)
    Mike, since you had so much fun dissecting my post, I'll take the time and do it to yours as well. Yeah, I may have exaggerated some parts but I'll try to explain more in depth the the questions you provided.
    FYI, though you(all of us for that matter) can always improve our fish handling skills(I've seen a couple of your vids), my post was mainly aimed at the general angling public, not you personally. Except for that first sentence, but I apologize if you took offense to that. 
    Now give me a little time to write out a long, detailed reply lol...........
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/23 13:29:58 (permalink)
    Alright let's see what you had to say...hmm "can barely handle the pressue from careful C+R anglers"? I dont under what you mean by that? If you catch a fish, then release it, which I do and you do, apparently its something that "I'm not as good at as you"? Awe, this means I must not be part of "the elite fishing in-crowd"?

    What I mean by this is small wild trout streams(all throughout the state) are fragile resources. There's just not a whole lot of fish in these tiny infertile streams. What few fish are available should be handled with care. Just because you release it doesn't mean it'll live. Trust me, I've seen my share of fish handled by others that have gone belly up because of poor handling. You can't guarantee a fish will survive even if you're using a size 30 barless hook.....but it's better than 50 anglers using big trebles invading a tiny jump across fragile wild trout stream.
      Oh, now here's a good line you brought up about "letting the fish flop all over the ground". Let's have some factual fun with with that means you are telling me...
    - All of the fish you ever landed (on the ground of course) have never flopped once?
    - All of the fish you ever landed (on the ground of course) you had them unhooked and gently (PETA elitist in-crowd fisher-people approved) way within xx seconds?

    99% of the time, especially when fishing for wild trout, I use a net and keep the fish in the water. So yes, the fish rarely if ever flops around on the ground.
    - ....How many times have you told a 9 year old kid this after he caught his first bass?

    First off, bass are hardier and tougher than trout. Just the nature of the fish. Doesn't mean you shouldn't handle them with care though...
    Secondly, most lakes/ponds have pretty robust populations of bass and can handle poor handling once in a while. I've electrofished a favorite little trout stream of mine with the PFBC. It turned out there were a lot fewer fish present than I realized. Some good holes didn't have any fish! "Careful" C&R is a must on small infertile wild trout streams...
    You also said that "spots like these have been ruined by them being posted on the internet"? Now why would you say that? :( Last time I was there, I didnt see your name also added to any sign that said "Hells Run - exclusive use and ownership provided by Sevenmileshowcase and Mr Troutman" or did I miss it was posted somehere else around there? Now when I was in pre-school, one of the first things we all learned was a word called "sharing" :) Now I know we'd all like a fishing spot all to ourself yet in the day in age we have to learn to share don't we? Also, this creek is recognized and posted online from PS/Fish and boat commission. So be sure to remind them the very same line you told me about "how they ruined it" too :)

    The reason I say that is the more "advertised" they are, the more fishing pressure they receive. Which means the fish get caught/handled more, and unfortunately people who don't have good fish handling skills end up fishing these streams and kill the fish(unintentionally). I'm not against sharing, you just gotta be careful who you share streams with. If a bunch of people start bait fishing in these small streams and they let the fish swallow the hook, then let them flop around in the rocks they will die. I've personally seen a few streams go downhill(including this one) since they were put on the Class A list. It is what is is....     Fortunately I found LOTS of streams pretty close by that have excellent populations of wild trout that nobody ever fishes. The fish are doing fine in those streams because nobody's there to mishandle and kill them(unintentionally).
    Yes, the PFBC is aware of how much pressure these creeks are getting.
    Someone got a rooster tail stuck in a log? :( that sucks, and I hate it too when I lose a spinner or two, but my favorite spinners are Panther Martins. Speaking of which I can think of two spots that there were so many spinners in one branch it looked like a Christmas Tree.

    The point I was getting at is lures being stuck in trees is a sign the stream is getting lots of pressure. Any spinner with treble hooks aren't good for careful C&R fishing for small wild trout. It's just the way it is. If using any lures with treble hooks, PLEASE smash the barbs.
     4 different color Panther Marting spinners (black/silver/green+white and bright yello)
    - I quit using maggots - they began to nickel and 3.00 me to death)
    - Small mini-rapala minnows (although the hooks are so small they never stay on)
    - I only use worm (on a size 6 hook) if I really have to and are desperate
    - Salmon Eggs - which works every now and then - Brookies it works pretty good, yet the brownies dont seem to want anything to do with these.
    - Trout (power bait) - is messy/boring and doesn't work

    See above. Also, using live bait risks having the fish swallow the hook. A size 6(which is relatively big) hook in the stomach of a 5in trout is never a good thing..
    - Mishandling fish? - How can you keep every fish you land from "flopping" over?, What is considered "mishandling fish"?

    Honestly, to sum it up, just use some common sense while fishing. A bleeding gravel covered fish has less chances of surviving than fish landed with a net and not taken out of the water.
     Why did you ask me if a brought a thermometer with me when I fish? Of course its been warm lately, yet I have not had a problem in any stream, creek or anything else lately. I just throw out my trusty spinners and away we go :) You dont actually take one of those with you and take a temp every 10 feet instead of just casting do you? Wow thats dedication!
         And its best to let them be for now? hehheh no way! I like to catch trout year around and that last line you said about "leaving them alone for now" sounds like you want the places for yourself :)

    The reason I brought a thermometer into the discussion is because trout are a coldwater fish. It has been proven that mortality rates increase when the water temp(the air temp can be anything) reaches 70 degrees Fahrenheit.  In the summer months I usually use a thermometer if there's been a heat wave and we haven't had lots of rain. If the temp is in the upper 60s really early in the morning chances are pretty good it'll get into the mid 70s by afternoon. Hot water=dead trout. I usually take a temp right before I begin fishing, and again when I'm done just to see how much it increased. Some streams though have enough springs that keep them at a somewhat consistent temp throughout the summer...   The different limestone spring creeks in Central PA for example.
    The quote "Leaving them alone for now" was directed at me as well. Fortunately this summer has been wet and cool, so most of the streams still have good temps. If you get to a stream and it's nice and cold, fish it!!! If it's getting toasty, leave them alone. This applies to me too. I care about our wild trout streams and even if I'm really itching to fish them, if they're super low and boiling I respect the resource and don't fish...
       Anyways, great talking to you again and I think Ive seen your name on my youtube channel :)

    Nah, I've never talked to you through Youtube. I have seen your vids though...   tight lines...
    One more thing I should've added. It doesn't matter if you're using a 5 million dollar bamboo fly rod or a $10 walmart combo. I've seen "elite fly fishermen" mishandle fish, and I've seen your every day walmart fishermen handle fish with more care. Every person is different in regards to fish handling. some are more educated than others......and it doesn't matter what gear they use.
    post edited by troutguy - 2014/07/23 14:03:21
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/23 16:13:09 (permalink)
    - You cannot judge someone by how they handle a fish?

    Sure I can.  I can judge anyone however I wish.  Right now I'm judging you to be a "dumass".
    Please stay in Ohio.
    post edited by D-nymph - 2014/07/23 16:14:29
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/24 03:45:52 (permalink)
      So if Eye take my boys to a itsie wittzie teenie weanie little tinie peweee wild brookie crick with sz. 18-20 mustad hookies to catch brookies  that barlie have enough food as it is & catch over a 100 fishies & only take our limits (leagle) to roast on sticks over a fire since nobodie brought weenies is not good??
     Don't get much better than that eat'n round fire pitt talkin' bought how we outsmarted those wild fish. Figured might help the fisheriey out by gettin' rid ov the big bad boys eatin' all the young studs/chicks to have a future. 
    DON't worry be happie those wild toots r cannabises & would eat thar own if u don't styx 'em 1st.
    thEY R wILd we AInT"
     I WSOULD rather watch your enthussiuem fishin' on videio than anie fishin on the aire (teA vEE) twodaie.
     mANE THing bee hAppie & fiSjh
    @ bee smaert!!
    post edited by crappiefisher - 2014/07/24 03:50:49
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/24 08:56:04 (permalink)
    Troutman save your breath dude. We all know the type of angler that 'MikeFromOhio' represents. Not his fault, 'MikeFromOhio' sounds like the geek that got put in his locker during gym class. Most likely 'MikeFromOhio' post his sick videos on Youtube hoping to attract a friend. Something he probably never had growing up. After hearing others talk about 'MikeFromOhio' you couldn't pay me to watch the videos. I know one bad potatoe will destroy the bushel but, please do not judge other Buckeye Anglers by the antics of 'MikeFromOhio'.
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/25 01:53:11 (permalink)
      Well good morning everyone! Oh wait its late night :) well since I'm already up and too lazy to go back and lay down, let's have a look at what my new fans have to say ....
      Crappiefisher! Hey what's going on out there? :) Hey I got a question for you first, don't you ever get tired going after ..well...crappies? :) Doesn't it get boring after awhile catching oversized bluegill all the time? I mean, don't they all look about the same and generally all are the same size? I just had to ask :)
       Now about my "superbly supreme video channel that no other can duplicate" :) <--I like that line I should copyright that before anyone else snags it first.....well I guess just "google" it, and of course as I tell anyone else, for autographs, tshirts, bumper stickers, I am having a special this week for bulk orders. But if you still can't find it, just let me know.
        Don't worry my channel will always be around, EVEN IF this year i've been too lazy to begin filming until after I landed them. Sorry, this winter was so long and brutal, I wasn't able to get out much now I'm fat and have to ride around in wal-mart carts wherever I go :( Yet thanks for the kudos from what you've seen so far - the point is - to have fun, have a passion for it, and never EVER take yourself (or others) that seriously, life's too short for that isnt it? :) 
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/25 02:05:16 (permalink)
    Alright now for my next contestant and has been one of my longtime fans ...ITTTTTSS "Troutguy" :)
      Hey what's going on out there? I was beginning to think you forgot about me as well as I wasn't part of "the troutguy in-crowd". Well let's see what you have to say....
    >>>>Mike, since you had so much fun dissecting my post, I'll take the time and do it to yours as well.>>>>
      Uh oh, now this doesn't sound like a good start :) Good thing I just made a pot of coffee, this is going to be as entertaining as catching trout with a Walmart rod/reel combo right in front of rich fly fisher-people.
    >>>> Yeah, I may have exaggerated some parts but I'll try to explain more in depth the the questions you provided. FYI, though you(all of us for that matter) can always improve our fish handling >>>>
      How ...and I still can't believe I read can you:
    1. Improve "fish handling skills" while you still use your own hands to land them?
    2. Or to take a fish out of a net (if you used one) without hands?
    3. How do you also improve "fish handling skills" if a fish swallowed a hook to achieve that "15" or was it "10-15 second" time deadline?
      I mean there's things I'd like to improve on too like my "Santa Letters" for Christmas, or to lose that 10 pounds I gained from last week (sigh :( or find somewhere online I can continue to buy my Shakespeare Synergy 15 reels that they dont make anymore :( but I don't think any of these will ever happen (now im depressed) :(
       <<<<<my post was mainly aimed at the general angling public, not you personally.>>>>
        Oh, I knew that :) its all good, that's why I don't have to take Prozac or see a shrink (pretty neat huh?) Its all in good fun my fellow trout catcher, yet its great to pass the time when you're waiting for downloads to complete online.
    <<<<<Except for that first sentence, but I apologize if you took offense to that.  Now give me a little time to write out a long, detailed reply lol...........>>>>>
        I don't take anything seriously, not even my vids, my comments or even myself :) OH COOL! A "long detailed reply".....:) :) :) I LIVE for those and I hope its next, I still have about 2 hours before I have to leave, yet no matter what you say, I think you're still cool in my book :) Rock on!
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/25 02:19:07 (permalink)
     Troutguy is back :) YAY! Now let's check this one out too! But hey it wasn't that long of a response :( (awww) yet i'm going to check it out anyways....
    <<<<<Alright let's see what you had to say...hmm "can barely handle the pressue from careful C+R anglers"?>>>>>
        I liked the catchy "C+R" slang word :) I think that's catchy too! Kinda makes you different from the average "Zebco user" doesnt it? :) But, now here's the "BUT" (did I spell that right?), you ....uh, got the two sentences I sent back to you a little "backwards". The "barely can handle" is a reference to the fish (that you said can't handle alot of people fishing at a spot) that wasnt a reference to my Chevette if that helps, and the "careful C+R angelers" was from the next sentence down/afterwards. I know I didn't come up with that catch-term (again pretty cool :)
     >>>>>  I dont under what you mean by that? If you catch a fish, then release it, which I do and you do, apparently its something that "I'm not as good at as you"?>>>
       Well, uh, scroll up again for the answer :) And I see we have something in common about "catch and release". Come on, you have to admit, doesn't frost you over when you see people catching and keeping trout? I know it does for me:) especially early spring I saw this fruitcake take and keep 11 trout on 1 stringer? Uh, isnt the limit under 11?
    >>>>> What I mean by this is small wild trout streams(all throughout the state) are fragile resources. There's just not a whole lot of fish in these tiny infertile streams. What few fish are available should be handled with care. Just because you release it doesn't mean it'll live.>>>>>
       Agreed (on a rare serious moment from me), which is why I always release. Yet come on now Mr Troutdude, be honest (I wont tell anyone) now Ill wager with you one of my best Walmart 9 dollar rods that there's been a few fish you released that died right? :) Come on now it happens to us all with or withoput good intent. I just think what's more important is everyone should catch and release! Think about that - then we ALL could have year round trout spots - what do you think?
    >>>>>Trust me, I've seen my share of fish handled by others that have gone belly up because of poor handling. You can't guarantee a fish will survive even if you're using a size 30 barless>>>>>
        Well uh, opps looks like you just answered my last question :)
    <<<<<but it's better than 50 anglers using big trebles invading a tiny jump across fragile wild trout stream.>>>>
         Wait, WHAT?? There are people using treble hooks? I thought they outlawed "snagging" didn't they? That sucks to hear about :(
    <<<<<    Oh, now here's a good line you brought up about "letting the fish flop all over the ground". Let's have some factual fun with with that means you are telling me... >>>>>
          "Factual fun"? hehehe I tell you, you got alot of cool "one-liners" tonight :) Can I use these for later on when I'm out fishing talking to the next "superior fly-fishing superman with an attitude"? :)
      Hey wait, your email got cut off? What happened? :( Was it something I said?  :( :( :(
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/25 02:28:12 (permalink)
      Well, I guess while I'm here wondering if Mr Troutguys internet got cut off or someone forgot to pay the bill, lets have a look at D-nymph? (am I pronouncing that right?)  Either way its kind of a short one yet let's look and see what they had to say:
    <<<<<Message: - You cannot judge someone by how they handle a fish?>>>>>
      Uh, unfortunately no. I know I can't :) Although I did try once to plan out my week trying to use a "Magic 8-ball", but it didn;t work. Not to be insensible, yet what is your infactuation with people's hands? Is that your way of asking me out?
    <<<<< Sure I can.  I can judge anyone however I wish.  Right now I'm judging you to be a turd. Please stay in Ohio.>>>>>
      Now there's the first fact I've seen all night (so far). That's very true, now we all can "judge how we want to" That's called "individuality" in which we all have separate social security numbers for, which means we all don't share the same mind, mental illnesses, fishing tackle, and etc..and etc..
       Now, now, let's not resort to name-calling, You don't see me doing that do you? No need to be mad at me, I wasn't the one who stole your fishing spots and if you would have asked nicely, of course I would have added one of your videos to my most famous and awesome fishing "flew-tube" (youtube channel). You wouldn't believe all the hot babes that always write in asking "If I know any single guys who like to use fishing gear for screen-names" so there's no need for "online passive-aggressiveness" ok? :)
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    Re: New to the forums and also general questions about Brook Trout and Brook Trout spots.. 2014/07/25 02:36:22 (permalink)
      Hey its the crappiefisher guy again! :)  I wanna read what else you had to say :)
    <<<<<So if Eye take my boys to a teenie weanie little tinie peweee wild brookie crick with sz. 18-20 mustad hookies to catch brookies  that barlie have enough food as it is &amp; catch over a 100 fishies &amp; only take our limits (leagle) to roast on sticks over a fire since nobodie brought weenies is not good??>>>>>
       Wait what? They make size 18 hooks? 20? Holy xmas to PLUTO! Would that be a little too small? The smallest I ever used was a size 12 :) And they all kept getting off the hook :( so I moved to a size 8 = ahh much better :)
        Yet you've been to a small creek and caught a 100 brookies? WOW yet I'm a little picky when I go after brookies, I want them at LEAST 13 inches long and this year - WOOHOO :) I even got some that were ACTUALLY 15 inches. Kinda cool huh? :) And I dont care if they were stocked or not too - it was a good time :) :) :)
         Yeah it does sound good yet how big were the ones you were catching?
    <<<<< Don't get much better than that eat'n round fire pitt talkin' bought how we outsmarted those wild fish. Figured might help the fisheriey out by gettin' rid ov the big bad boys eatin' all the young studs/chicks to have a future.>>>>>
        :) heheeh - were you serious when you said that? Now you're going to have every hot PETA babe, emotionally disturbed old fly-fisher people, and animal rights freaks making commercials about you :)  Yet I liked the way you said it :) (A++++)
    <<<<<  UFO,  DON't worry be happie those wild toots r cannabises &amp; would eat thar own if u don't styx 'em 1st.thEY R wILd we AInT"  I WSOULD rather watch your enthussiuem fishin' on videio than anie fishin on the aire (teA vEE) twodaie.  mANE THing bee hAppie &amp; fiSjh@ bee smaert!! crappY>>>>
      Uh, GYA werd! Peace out :) brotha Crappymasta!
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