Helpful ReplyLawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable"

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2014/03/20 15:50:24 (permalink)

Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable"

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Posted land
A lot of anglers got upset last year when landowners in Erie County posted against trespassing their property along several steelhead streams.
Fishermen said it wasn't fair landowners were closing off access to waters stocked with fish they'd bought and paid for with their license dollars. A couple of lawmakers agree.
State Rep. Dan Moul of Adams County said in a recent public hearing that he's looking into writing legislation that would designate Erie's steelhead streams as “navigable” under state law, meaning landowners could not shut off access to floating or wading anglers. Rep. Marc Gergely of Allegheny County said he's interested in working with him on that.
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/20 16:05:17 (permalink)
This would designate a "wet feet" law for the Erie tribs, correct? 

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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/20 16:17:24 (permalink)
I have a few good spots I've been itching to fish......
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/20 16:41:32 (permalink)
Sounds like a nice dream...hope it happens but not holding my breath while waiting for it.
I got no problem walking miles sure would be nice to finally fish mid Elk.
OFC?-whats that stand for?
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/20 16:48:46 (permalink)
OFC?-whats that stand for?

Of course. 

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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/20 18:35:43 (permalink)
If this passes(which I doubt) it's going to be epiK. Man I wonder how Beaver and all those guys are gonna feel
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/20 23:46:11 (permalink)
I doubt that it will, but man we can dream!
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/21 08:08:07 (permalink)
While I personally would benefit from this, morally, politically, ethically, I hope it doesn't.
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/21 09:42:49 (permalink)
What Cold says....
What about personal property rights?
Anglers should work within the confines of the current laws.  
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/21 10:09:28 (permalink)
I'm split over this.
It would greatly improve my fishing by opening up alot of water..
Would rather see it done on a stream by stream basis without it having to go to Federal Court.
Should be an easier way to designate streams navigable or not
Eyes if the navigability law were used then the fishermen would be acting within the existing law...
But I am also against landowners leasing their access to a public resource for profit....

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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/21 10:57:41 (permalink)
I agree with you on all counts, Bings.
As much as I do (did) enjoy steelhead fishing in Erie, between the current access issues and increased exploitation of a publicly funded resource, I am quickly losing interest.  My simple solution is to stop stocking steelhead in the tribs.  PFBC won't knowingly stock trout in posted sections of streams, so why stock migratory fish in the tribs when it is known that many of them will spend a considerable amount of their inland lives in posted areas off limits to the general public?   
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/21 11:07:11 (permalink)
Would rather see it done on a stream by stream basis without it having to go to Federal Court.
Should be an easier way to designate streams navigable or not

It would be great if the state could just release a comprehensive list determining navigability.  besides the obvious cost issue has this ever been discussed?
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/21 12:47:43 (permalink)
What Cold says....
What about personal property rights?
Anglers should work within the confines of the current laws.  

Property owners have plenty of personal property rights, it's not like anglers can leave the high water mark of the stream and go anywhere they like on the property owners land with the navigability rule.  This is really no different than having a state road or even a township dirt road going through your property. 
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/21 12:49:54 (permalink)
Not to split hairs but, I don't think the Erie tribs currently fit the definition of "navigable" as the law currently stands.  Hence, the lawmakers would need to write special legislation that specifically designates these waters as "navigable," no matter what the definition currently is.
I don't fish the tribs anymore (haven't since the mid-90's when I was in college) so the issue doesn't affect me either way.  What would bother me is using this legislation as an end around for eminant domain over waterways and taking away personal property rights from landowners.
The state DEP and EPA currently do enough of that IMO with the way they can apply the Clean Water Act, etc.  
Yeah, I think it stinks some landowners are profiting off of fishing license monies and exploiting the steelhead runs but as Esox stated, quick fix to that is to stop the stocking and put that $ elsewhere.  That would unleash a tsunami of protest though.
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/21 13:35:20 (permalink)
Oh look, its this thread again.
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/21 13:39:39 (permalink)
Yep, except this time there are two actual state representatives working together to draft new legislation.  Something Cold and KJH have laughed at in the past and dismissed as not even being possible in PA.  Guess it might be a little more possible than they thought, and in my opinion a better solution than designating posted land as nursery waters.
post edited by SteelSlayer77 - 2014/03/21 13:49:07
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/21 13:53:42 (permalink)
i wouldn't really take this as much... according to the article
one rep from Adams (gettysburgh) county is "looking into" it
and one from Allegheny (pittsburgh) county said he's "interested"

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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/21 14:44:34 (permalink)
Understand your point eyes.
I'm not for the government usurping Private Property rights either...Way to much of that in todays world.
Mabee their time would be better spent researching the history of some of the streams and see if they are navigable under the current law.
Instead of some poor fisherman getting busted for Trespass and having to pay for all that himself.

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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/21 14:46:19 (permalink)
Yep, except this time there are two actual state representatives working together to draft new legislation.  Something Cold and KJH have laughed at in the past and dismissed as not even being possible in PA.  Guess it might be a little more possible than they thought, and in my opinion a better solution than designating posted land as nursery waters.

Omg!  Only 101 reps, 25 senators, and the governor to go!
Not only was I laughing off the idea, I was laughing off you.
My simple solution is to stop stocking steelhead in the tribs.  PFBC won't knowingly stock trout in posted sections of streams, so why stock migratory fish in the tribs when it is known that many of them will spend a considerable amount of their inland lives in posted areas off limits to the general public?

Because money.  
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/21 15:04:37 (permalink)
At least our state representatives are aware of the issue and willing to look into it.  Most bills that come to a vote begin with two bi-partisan representatives working together to draft it, as is the case here.  That's already more than you said they would ever do before, which is why I'm laughing at you right now
Everyone who supports this should write a letter to your local representative and express your support for new legislation making the Erie tribs "Navigable". 
post edited by SteelSlayer77 - 2014/03/21 15:07:24
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/21 17:50:41 (permalink)
They should spend their time lobbying for more money for the Easement program.
Don't like the end around on this...
They will drop the idea when see the can of worms this would open..

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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/21 18:48:21 (permalink)
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/22 00:27:48 (permalink)
i hope this passes...
but it won't pass...
are the ice jams up to route 5 yet?  

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Matthew 4:19
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/22 11:12:23 (permalink)
What if the state simply closed the portions of stocked waters that flow through posted property, that doesn't allow access, to fishing? I don't like the situation. Property owners should not be told what to do with their property by the government. Private is private. They should not be able to profit from fish that fishermen have paid for. If property is posted and fishing in any way is not allowed, then ok. If they are allowing private access to fishing, then a fee should be paid to the state to pay for the fish, just as I do. A difficult situation to say the least. In either case a solution is a long way off.
Tight Lines
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/22 11:48:14 (permalink)
They should spend their time lobbying for more money for the Easement program.
Don't like the end around on this...
They will drop the idea when see the can of worms this would open..

winner, winner, chicken dinner....
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/22 14:30:46 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Big Steve 2014/03/22 15:02:45
trout man
They should not be able to profit from fish that fishermen have paid for. If property is posted and fishing in any way is not allowed, then ok. If they are allowing private access to fishing, then a fee should be paid to the state to pay for the fish, just as I do.
Tight Lines
Trout Man

You do realize that those fishing for those fish bought a license, so in essesnce they paid for the fish, just as you did. Your license didn't cost any more. Further, the hundreds of thousands of PA license holders that NEVER fish the tribs, helped pay for those fish.
In addiiton, just how much of the posted property is really being leased on a fish-for-pay basis and how much of it is simply posted for one reason or another?  My bet is very, very little.
With regard to the privacy rights, if you owned a piece of property on a trib and it ran through your yard, would you really want folks sloshing through there from dawn to dark for 4-5 months of the year acting like they act, even if they stayed in the water?  How about if the piece of water you owned wasn't near your dwelling, but it was a prime deer hunting spot -- would you want the hordes sloshing through it to the high water mark while you were hunting on your ground?

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/22 15:13:35 (permalink)
You do realize that those fishing for those fish bought a license, so in essesnce they paid for the fish, just as you did. Your license didn't cost any more. Further, the hundreds of thousands of PA license holders that NEVER fish the tribs, helped pay for those fish.

Except he didn't say that they shouldn't be allowed to fish there...he said the property owner shouldn't be able to profit from it.
The best solution is to give trib property owners an option: if you're closing the water to the licensed angling public, you're not permitted to profit from it.  If it's closed to everyone that isn't paying, it's nursery water, and even the landowner themselves aren't permitted to fish it.
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/22 15:25:33 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Mr.Slickfish 2014/03/22 15:27:10
Just sayin
I wish we'd quit stocking those stoopid fish

I don't always snag fish, but when I do...
I choose Little Cleos

I'm the best looking smartest snagging poacher alive...
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/22 16:35:47 (permalink)
You do realize that those fishing for those fish bought a license, so in essesnce they paid for the fish, just as you did. Your license didn't cost any more. Further, the hundreds of thousands of PA license holders that NEVER fish the tribs, helped pay for those fish.

Except he didn't say that they shouldn't be allowed to fish there...he said the property owner shouldn't be able to profit from it.
The best solution is to give trib property owners an option: if you're closing the water to the licensed angling public, you're not permitted to profit from it.  If it's closed to everyone that isn't paying, it's nursery water, and even the landowner themselves aren't permitted to fish it.

Okay, I can see that.
Now how about the landowner tell the PFBC to keep their fish our of the private water since they are tresspassing.  Don't think that can happen?  Think again.  A landowner near here high fenced his ground with the intent of starting a deer preserve.  The PGC approached him once he had the fence up and presented him with an invoice for the number of their deer they felt he trapped in his fence.  He then told them, fine, he really didn't want their inferior genetic deer on his property anyway, so remove them.  They told him they couldn't possibly do that.  He said the deer were tresspassing.  He said the options were, get them off, he would kill them, or they could stop being stupid before he filed a lawsuit.  They decided to sto being stupid. 
What about private gorund that deer, bears, stocked pheasants, stocked fishers, etc. wonder onto?  should everyone simply because they bought a hunting license be permitted to tresspass?  How about if they person leases their farm to hunters?  Does that now allow tresspassing since he is profiting from it?  Or should the landowner not be permitted to hunt his own property?
Don't tell private property owners what they can and cannot do with their land.

The poster formally known as Duncsdad

Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
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Re: Lawmakers looking at making Erie tribs "Navigable" 2014/03/23 00:08:30 (permalink)
That's all a red herring argument and you know it.  You're using an inaccurate counter-argument to muddy the issue and distract attention from the main issue.
If you really want to get technical, though, the fish aren't trespassing, because they're not setting foot on the streambed.
As far as the game animals, if they're stocked, then I'd say the same goes for them as well.  And the issue of leasing their farm to hunters would be equally applicable if it were stocked with PGC pheasants.  
What if a landowner has nesting bald eagles?  Should they be allowed to dust them with a 12ga.?  Don't tell private property owners what they can and cannot do with their land, right?
post edited by Cold - 2014/03/23 00:11:14
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