Kiski River near Apollo

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2014/03/16 17:22:48 (permalink)

Kiski River near Apollo

Looking for some info as to what species of fish are prevalent in this area of the river. From what I've read the river has trout, smallies,channels, and perch. I'm sure it holds bigger game fish as well. I have approximately an hour to an hour and a half to kill between appointments twice a week, from 6-8 pm so I figured why not get a line wet in a new to me river. I drive through the area often and took notice to a few spots that look fish able when the river is at good flow.

I would be wading and just looking to catch anything that bites to have some fun. I would primarily be using lures and jigs.
Any info about the area would be appreciated. Thanks!
post edited by TheBlueLagoon - 2014/03/16 17:31:08

Got Walleye???

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    Re: Kiski River near Apollo 2014/03/17 08:39:53 (permalink)
    A ways farther downstream I've done well on smallies, rock bass, and channel cats. Also caught a few small walleye. I've never fished it that far up though.
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    Re: Kiski River near Apollo 2014/03/17 09:41:15 (permalink)
    Thanks! I have fished the mouth at the Freeport pool and done well on walleye, I'm going to give it a go around the Apollo area this evening if it's not raging.

    Got Walleye???
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    Re: Kiski River near Apollo 2014/03/17 10:07:11 (permalink)
    I believe the roaring run watershed association stocks trout at some point in the spring.  You might want to google the name and see if they have a stocking schedule
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    Re: Kiski River near Apollo 2014/03/18 09:37:06 (permalink)
    Accountant, thanks! I wasn't able to find any stocking info but I checked out the Rivers Edge site, they had a few pictures and mentioned different species that thrive in the river, as others had. Looks like it would be a good time to float it and discover more remote spots of the river.

    Got Walleye???
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    Re: Kiski River near Apollo 2014/03/18 10:40:30 (permalink)
    River's Edge usually has a groupon a few times a year and thats a good way to save a few bucks on their floats.

    Last year my girlfriend and I did the float from apollo to rivers edge and we had a great time.  Its an interesting trip in terms of landscape and safe as well.  I didnt bring my rod but it seemed like there were not a ton of super fishy areas along the way.
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    Re: Kiski River near Apollo 2014/03/19 00:42:54 (permalink)
    Everything that's in the allegheny is in the Kiski.
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    Re: Kiski River near Apollo 2014/03/20 21:37:42 (permalink)
    There are nice float trips with public launches in Saltsburg, Avonmore, Salina, Roaring Run, Apollo, Vandergrift and Leechburg. I know that won't be of much use to you if you only have an hour or so.  If fishing from shore only it might pay to spend a day hiking and scouting out deeper holes at the tail out of riffles. The bike trail runs from Roaring Run upstream to Salina. Using a bike will let you quickly reach some more secluded sections.
    As for the river, it's typical river fishing with 90% of the fish in 10% of the water. Not uncommon to have multiple species days. Smallies, sauger, walleye, rock bass, channel cats and an occasional stocked trout. Loads of carp and huge balls of baitfish.
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