check on the bucket list...
A few people were asking about this trip... here is a bit on the fishing, skipping the asshattery
Huchen are a rarer form of Taimen
Same fish genetically, just split into 2 populations a long time ago when some mountains were formed
Short 3 month season with a lot of rules/ regulations/ fees/ ect
a week ago I got my shot
The area had some insane snow (4ft in 2 days) and then 3in of ice
95%+ of the river was inaccessible due to danger of maneuvering in the snow and you just flat out couldn't access it. There were only 3 spots (4pools) that we could get to and in these pools the chance that a big fish was out hunting, you didn't spook it, and you could get a clean hookup... made expectations VERY low.
2 days before arrival i got this picture...
Day 1 early morning drive through the mountains
And insanely long tunnels
this one was over 6miles

shake hands
unpack fishing gear
rig up
within the first hour... it happened
a smaller fish
but its a fish
Day 2
It rained all night..Knock on the door
"sorry my friend... no fishing"
we decide he is going to show me the area... but i'm going to take my gear in case it clears up
almost "blown out"
"steelhead green" doesn't translate
I want to fish
i managed follows from 2 big fish... one ate the tail, but not a hook
it continued to rain and the season ended on Friday
I got the last fish of the season
packed it up and started to long trek home
over some mountains in some sketchy nighttime snow