Clint S
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/01 19:47:53
Here is my disclaimer. Go see your doctor. My advice is just that,advice. Without knowing the true extent of your injury you may put yourself at risk for further damage or future issues. You need to be sure it is back in place. All that said. Common treatments would include. Ice and NSAIDS if you can take them (alleve, advil, naproxen) to keep the swelling down. A sling to immobilize it as you need to give the affected ligaments a chance to heal. 6 weeks is a good time frame to heal for a dislocation/ subluxation . Partial dislocations (subluxations) are usually reserved for folks that have had previous injury as the ligaments are stretched and they can spontaneously reduce on their own. A true dislocation usually requires a manual reduction. You may in fact had a subluxation and it popped back in. Pain usually decreases once it is back in. You may have torn something and at the least you stretched a few things out Limit movement, keep the swelling down and take er easy for a bit.
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/02 05:53:42
Thanks again Clint. I most certainly didn't want you to diagnose , much less without ever seeing the shoulder. Just looking for what you have seen as an average kinda thing. You didn't let me down . Spot on answer. Yes the pain subsided but is definitely still there especially with any kind of shoulder rotation (like putting on a shirt or coat. Feeling good that there is no bruising, so hopefully no tear just stretching of ligament. While my job is not that physically hard it does require constant light lifting and reaching with 10ish pounds at both shoulder high and ankle low levels.
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/02 07:20:00
I waited three days before going to my Doctor when I fell back in September, and I got a good bit of grief from him about the delay. My leg is still not back to its totally original shape. I think you need to invest in some hockey goalie pads for going fishing in 2B! A totally padded suit, with a helmet mounted rod! L13
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/02 07:44:54
Since this happened new years eve day I haven't seen the doc yet but will be calling at 8am when they reopen. I am working on one of those cool blow in a straw set ups like Steven Hawking uses. Control the hookset by the direction (upstream downstream) and strength (trout weenie to tarpon strip set) of your breath. Til I have it perfected A helmlet is definitely in order. Thanks for pointing that out Chuckles. So what's with the gauge reading for Iroc? Even during the 40 degree days it was saying ice with no current reading.
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/02 16:01:48
The doc says take miloxicam (1 pill equals 12 advil) and hydros and stay off it for 4 to six weeks. Four too six weeks off from work and no holding the rod. (at least til it doesn't hurt so much I'm guessing he meant)
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/02 16:04:10
what's going to stop you from fishing with one arm? If I were you I'd be fishin 75 percent of the days I was off from work.. lol
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/02 16:54:16
Oh I might get out some. The action of reeling is painful at this point dime. Couple that with having to pull all the line and change over to right hand retrieve and its a pain in the atz Probably wait til I feel comfortable fighting the fish lefty then changing to the right to pick up line. I'm sure I will work out the details once this storm is gone and the meds are taking the edge off a bit.
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/02 19:21:00
Do what he says- STOP -will be worth it in the long run--good luck.
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/02 23:38:29
Well what he says is I have a 5 pound weight limit. The rod weighs much less than that. The moment of setting the hook may add more than that but if I am fishing lefty that isn't an issue. As long as I am not fighting the fish righty I think I can stay within the guidelines. Strip line and only switch hands to reel once the fish is holding in place with little pressure on him. And not until the pain level has eased first.
hot tuna
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/03 00:32:20
2, When I had a plate put in my left collar I was outta work for 3 months.. As soon as I could hold a rod (after a month) , Charlie and I hit the SR for kings.. I couldn't land any but had a blast catching some.. That was the day we had some kings taking in the surface film.. The next week we went back and had an EPIC day with the ho's.. When I had tendentious in my right arm, I couldn't cast the rod well and any hook set on fish was super painful.. Thats when I bought the spey.. It sure helped the casting but not so much the fighting but fish on I did through the pain.. Moral of story, Heal up and Fish on brother !!
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/03 00:54:17
Thanks Tunes. Ya that was me after my neck surgery. That was the year of the kumbaya party. Hooked kings but could only get 1 to cooperate and let me pictofy him. Couldn't take the chance of pressuring them so if I couldn't fool them into doing what I wanted they won. That A OK in my book.
Clint S
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/03 06:53:25
Good to hear TB. I am on 1 to 2 of those little yellow pills a day for my neck. Remember, no other NSAIDS while on those. Take her easy for at least a few weeks then ease back into it.
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/03 07:23:25
I sent a message to USGS asking how they get ice with 38° water temperatures. New Federal rules of Physics! But after last night there is definitely ice! It is cold enough this am to freeze the line in the guides while the rod is still in the car! L13
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/03 08:02:41
13 I just got done blowing the drive and it was cold enough that I to stop a half dozen times to pull my fingers into fists to warm them enough to grip the handles. Says 3 at the airport but feels colder. Clint definitely no added nsaids. Made that mistake when I was on it before and got a whole bank of kidney tests when some bloodwork came back funky. I think I am lucky with the brutal cold coming over the next week. Much less chance of me doing something stupid. Well outdoors anyways.
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/03 18:17:21
Luckh, n. Sandy's flow gauge has been iced for 3 weeks now. No cfs but it does read gauge height... even when it warmed up it was reading ice...didn't understand it myself. I was very optimistic towards fishing there last Saturday for the few hours I had, but didn't want to chance it due to the ice reading... it had blown out the weekend before Christmas with that rain event when salmon river went up to 3500.
Twob... fish on!!! With 1/0!!!
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/04 18:22:32
Everybody is worried about liability, although I think that letting people see the stage changes without showing them the discharge could lead to bigger problems. As it stands now when you see the stage rising you can either conclude that flow is up or ice is constricting the channel. But USGS is always whining about cooperators pulling out and gages closing up, and this certainly can't help them with the arguments. I know the emergency planners are not happy when they got to a high priced website and can't get any information of value for flood reaction conditions. When it is this cold, it is low flow and shore ice forcing the stage up, sort of a no brainer, but if it is up at or over 32, you are back to complete guess work and a risky 25+ mile drive up there. Stay warm, the deep freeze returns tomorrow night! L13
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/06 17:07:58
Well too cold and my arm isn't up to fishing anyway so passing the time
Clint S
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/06 18:21:02
Looking good. Never have really fished big stuff before. Have a pink marabou streamer I have messed around with a little with hopes it will produce in the spring
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/06 18:36:59
Over the last few years I have gotten into the big stuff more and more. In the fall when fish the SR a lot I usually start with my standard west coast patterns #6 but especially on slow days I find the big stuff wakes something up when nothing else seems to. Winter is when I have really gone to them. Everybody else is going small and drab mostly or egg flies . Hasn't really let me down yet this year. Getting as many hits as most of the pinners.
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/06 21:47:14
Bob, do you think Winter would be worth a try with the big #2 or # 4 popsicles I use sometimes in August on early active Kings ???
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/07 03:08:54
Absolutely. Istarted this expecting fewer but bolder takes. What I haver found is that if there are aggressive fish around they will find it and try to kill it. When the fish are logy I may not get as many hook ups as the tiny and dark with a long #4 pound tippet fishers but they will be solid grabs and it won;t be much less in number. Side benny is I am fishing these just off bottom so I have only lost 3 to snags all year and #10 floro is the lightest I have gone. Mostly its been #10 or 12 ultra green so its time for a tug of war not a follow and wait game when I do hook up. Still never had a # day like I have had fishing #6 traditional patterns so they are still my go to in the fall but I am trending big more often as it gets colder now. Sorry about the long winded response but this weather and shoulder combo have me bored to tears. Need more detailed ice stories please.
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/07 09:17:21
r2g2 Bob, do you think Winter would be worth a try with the big #2 or # 4 popsicles I use sometimes in August on early active Kings ???
August would be nice right now don't you think?
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/07 15:52:42
Just saw they are calling for 80" in the next 72 hours and they are closing down 81. So much for a trip anytime soon for me.
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/07 16:35:12
Climbed all the way up to 2 here. Good news is little snow. Could hit 20 tomorrow.
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/07 17:22:15
uglyfish Just saw they are calling for 80" in the next 72 hours and they are closing down 81. So much for a trip anytime soon for me.
The river isn't supposed to get a 1/4th that. Or less. Friday looks to be a great day in the mid-30's, Sat. warmer, but rain showers. Wayne, it's lots shorter to go through Rome and up 13 than it is to get on 81. It's a minimum 1/2 hr., more like 45 minutes shorter; especially to the upper around Altmar. If you thought about going later this week, I wouldn't totally write it off.
Clint S
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/07 17:33:29
Have not been up in Altmar, but here in Parish we got NADA for snow. The heavy stuff is all staying at around the Oswego, Jefferson co border.
The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span the hours spent in fishing. ~Babylonian Proverb
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/07 17:52:50
Fichy it all comes down to how and when they go about draining a bit off the top of the res in advance of the assumed heavy run off to come. Haven;t looked at the site but it might be wise to pump an extra 500 or 1000 right now and have that much less left so an over the floodgates event doesn't happen next week.
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/07 18:01:41
750 til tomorrow night. Must be fairly low, as it was running 285 for the past few days. It's a crap shoot, but worth watching if you actually want to go. Might be worth a run on Friday, maybe not. If it was me, I'd still be hoping.  Almost everything I say here is absolute BS, so take it for what it's worth.
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/07 18:35:20
OK just went and looked. 750 thru wed. With everything locked tight on the Tug that will siphon a little but 1250 now would feel better to meand then they might only need to hit 1500 at the first sign of warm rain. But of course they are getting paid to know what they are doing not me.
hot tuna
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Re: Why would you need # 1/0 hooks
2014/01/07 21:09:22
r2g2 Bob, do you think Winter would be worth a try with the big #2 or # 4 popsicles I use sometimes in August on early active Kings ???
August would be nice right now don't you think?
Jack , NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ICE is NICE !!!!! Throw another log on the fire .. OR come play in the shanty where outside temp was -22 with wind but inside was a balmy 60 deg.. I hate hot and humid summer ... tHe salmon river now.... Nah, I'll pass on bottom hugging non active fish that see lines pass over them every day..
post edited by hot tuna - 2014/01/07 21:14:59
"whats that smell like fish oh baby" .. J. Kaukonen