Helpful ReplyKeeping your feet warm ?

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2013/12/01 20:45:00 (permalink)

Keeping your feet warm ?

Every year this gets posted , every year the same comments are made. I have a question for you all that may require some more insight than just the normal answers. Here it goes.
I have tried the layered sock thing , and wool socks ,  I have tried the baby powder and antiperspirant thing to keep feet dryer to help keep them warmer , I have tried the toasty toes pads ( which work but not long enough )
I have stocking foot breathable waders and a good pair of boots that are 3 sizes larger to have the room for movement. I do not tighten my boots up so tight that it cuts the blood from circulating in my feet. I try not to stand in the cold water during the winter months while fishing , I think I have tried it all !!!
YET , I still cant keep my feet from getting so cold after only a couple hours on the cricks fishing for steelhead.
To quit fishing in the winter months for steelhead is not an option !
Do I really have that poor of circulation in my feet to have them get so cold so fast??? Am I doomed to only get a couple hours of fishing in??  Other than what has already been said is there something else I can do to help keep my feet from getting so cold so fast?
I appreciate any helpful responses even if they are sarcastic in nature. 

The Deetz
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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/01 20:56:08 (permalink)
Duud im with ya...ive tried all that matter what i do, cold feet is my fate.  
The only thing that helps me is walking a lot every once in awhile.  But that don't help if ya got feesh in fronta ya and you dont needta walk!  

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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/01 21:00:07 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby deetz4352 2013/12/01 21:04:10
I have similar issues. Also wear stocking foots as of recently as I made the switch from 800 gram thinsulate neoprene boot foots. The only way I survive 8-10 hours(which I always do) is by moving spots in my truck every 3 hours or so. And a 30-45 minute lunch indoors helps as well. I have friends who use half the technology and gear I use and have no issues keeping their feet warm. I think we are doomed on circulation. I will share with you a system that made my situation 100% more manageable....
My first layer is a pair of poly-pro liner socks, then one pair of the heaviest duty smart wool sock. The poly pro allows the feet to breath and wicks the moisture away and the wool traps the heat. I then stick on "hot hands" foot warmer to the bottom of my sock. The grabber brand is garbage and only lasts an hour or two. The hot hands brand claims 9 hours but realistically gives you 3-4. After sitting down inside sheets for a half hour lunch it's like a fresh start and buys you another 3-5 hours without doing anything. This weekend I found a product at walmart called "little hotties which is a wool/felt insole that works in a similar way as a thermos does. That seemed to help but I'm skeptical as it added bulk to my boot and crammed my feet a bit. The ticket is to have excellent movement in there.... This is my way of managing our problem but it isn't perfect. But it gets my by and keeps me in the game. I would love for anyone to give other ideas as my system definitely has room for improvement. Looking forward to the replies.

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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/02 00:05:19 (permalink)
When other men set by the fire steelhead fisherman go forth.!!!!!!!You want some cheese to go with that WHINE!!!!! MAN UP
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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/02 01:15:39 (permalink)
The only thing that works for me is to walk.  I tend to stand flat footed at a spot for as long as I can if there are fish around.  That's not good if you have the cold foot problem.  It probably wouldn't help the fishing but maybe walk in place every once in a while?
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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/02 01:45:08 (permalink)
Sometimes it helps if you can keep your lower leg (knee-ankle) warmer.  I spent more than one cold foot day/week while I was in the Army and what I found is:  Very loose boots, wicking socks, wool socks, and keeping my ankles warm.  Really!  It's easier to attach a larger heating pad to your ankle/calf than it is to get one for your feet.  If you do use chemical warmers to warm your feet, try putting them on top of your feet or at the ankle. Movement really helps too.  Also check your waders for even a tiny leak.  It doesn't take much water to chill the blood.
     Deetz, also you are a larger person so you will compress the air spaces in the wool socks quicker than some other people. The Army used to make a plastic insert that kept our feet from coming in contact with the bottom of our boots.  See if you can find a dense, vented shoe insert. This will allow air to circulate and remove water vapor. 
     I never tried it, but I talked with a man streamside who actually put some vent tubes down the inside of his pairs of socks to allow his feet to breathe.  I'd imagine windshield washer tubing might work; placed between the layers of socks.  Just a thought.

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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/02 05:50:26 (permalink)
The guy who said to man up is one of those people without feet issues. Walk a mile in our boots before u judge. It's not about manning up, obviously we are if we are fighting through the pain for 10 hours a day. We are trying the better the situation. If I were to "man up" and simply do nothing I would've lost toes by now.

A bad day fishing is better than a good of anything.

I don't always exercise my shoulders...but when I do I fish for steelhead....
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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/02 06:00:28 (permalink)
Boot foot 3mil waist highs, Cabelas, works best for me in sub freezing weather. A good stocking hat or fleece hood also helps. Never really had a problem with uncomfortably cold feet wearing boot foot waders or hips.
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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/02 06:15:35 (permalink)
yeah i mean... you guys are pros but why not wear neoprene?!?! i wear shorts with one pair of socks under my neoprene waders. Its hot when i move around but really great for a really cold day. Even if you sweat in there its still warm.. 
I still wear my breathable just cause their more fancy and classy (and cold)   (:
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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/02 09:34:33 (permalink)
Saw a pair of electric heated insoles in a Black Friday add. Field and stream I think. $99..... Ever try those battery powered heated socks?
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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/02 09:42:06 (permalink)
Bootfoot neoprenes with thinsulate help a lot.  Not very good for hiking far though, so not ideal for the Tribs.  Mine are more used for inland wading.  They will still constrict a bit under water, but nothing like the sock booties with boots do.  They buy you an hour or two before you need to walk a bit to warm up.  Even moving in the water helps a lot.  I do the same, poly-prop liner with wool sock.  I bought my boot feet a size larger.  The ones my size even gave a bit of room for thicker socks, but sizing up gives a bit of air pocket too.  Like said, they aren't the miracle that I was hoping for, but do keep me much warmer than I was with the breathables.  Much less need for multiple layers on the pants too, which I never had an issue with breathables, always just my feet. 
Give what Indy said a shot.  It might not be very comfortable though.  I was thinking to use packaging bubble wrap for my ankles and top part of my feet, to keep the compression down a bit.  The chambers around the bubbles should allow for some air flow.  Not sure how to keep in place, maybe atheletic tape?
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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/02 11:13:44 (permalink)
Windshield washer fluid tubes, bubble wrap, and battery powered socks. There ya go deetz!

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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/02 12:56:52 (permalink)


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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/02 13:02:12 (permalink)
Windshield washer fluid tubes, bubble wrap, and battery powered socks. There ya go deetz!

These only work if you put talcum powder and antipersperant on as well.  Obviously, rubbing dog dirt on your feet first.
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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/02 14:53:32 (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby Chriswalker97 2013/12/02 16:01:01
Of course Porktown.  I thought that the anti perspirant was assumed....
Just make sure its old spice.  stay classy.  

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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/02 16:06:03 (permalink)
Had prenes my whole life but my feet still got cold in the 800 gram version. Although they are colder now I take the bad for the good. The breathables are a blessing in terms of flexibility, get in and out in a timely manner, and they are only as warm as you layer so perfect year round. Miss my thinsulate but I've found ways to work around not having them. I've considered the battery socks but am skeptical of how big the battery pack is/where it would sit and the comfort of having that in ur waders with you. Would love to hear from someone who used them though.

A bad day fishing is better than a good of anything.

I don't always exercise my shoulders...but when I do I fish for steelhead....
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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/02 16:07:43 (permalink)
I hang the breathables up this time of year. They're great to walk in, but my neoprenes are all I wear now. Plenty of room in the boot for thick socks, but I wear normal athletic socks.
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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/02 16:27:49 (permalink)
The neos with the heavy insulated boot foot is the only thing that works.Heavy as heck to walk in but I can stand for hours in the freezing water with no discomfort.
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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/02 16:32:35 (permalink)
Yep, two pairs for me.  Breathables, hands down on anything in water 45 degrees or over.  When the feet start getting cold, I sacrifice vesatility for comfort (and style).  Smacking around fish, looking like a giant turd is a style in it's own.  Like said, they aren't the absolute answer, but gives you a few extra hours of feeling in your feet.  I actually try to float above the water and have my feet in thinsulate hiking boots, but not really the answer for the Erie tribs, or if too windy to safely boat in cold water.  Cold feet are better than wet body in these temps.  Always take spare clothes and a towel, regardless if wading or boating in anything in the 30s-40s water temps.
I didn't realize Old Spice made women's antipersperant.  Wait..  Do you guys not use your wife's sitck? 
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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/02 18:14:27 (permalink)
Thermacell's new heated insoles would be ideal if they did a good job.  But based on the reviews I doubt they are worth it.  I haven't tried them and can't say how they work from experience so who knows.  
I'm in the market for new waders myself I'll probably buy two pairs...
Cabelas 3mil neoprene felt sole boot foot chest &
Frog toggs hellbender breathable stocking foot chest
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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/02 19:12:11 (permalink)
  I'm in the market for new waders myself I'll probably buy two pairs...Cabelas 3mil neoprene felt sole boot foot chest &Frog toggs hellbender breathable stocking foot chest 

Try the Cabela's Spring Run 5mm Felt 1,000-gram Waders, I just bought these and used them 3 times so far in the past week. No issues in 33* water temps for multiple hours, my feet normally get cold easy but these waders kept me nice and warm. On sale too.

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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/02 19:30:06 (permalink)
Thanks for all the replies , SH1994 , I have tried the electric socks once and hated them. They have a belt loop where they attach at the waist and running the wire from the socks to your waist is a pain in the **** not to mention bending and kneeling tugs and pulls on the wires. It just wasnt comfortable.
I appreciate the responses , ALL of them !!!
I usually never stay in one place too long as walking helps me keep the heart pumping faster and supplying blood circulation down in the feet. But I guess its just me. I do walk a lot when fishing the cricks and its more of a pain to wear the heavy boot foot waders than the stocking foot breathables and boots.
I layer up the clothes underneath the breathables so keeping warm has never been an issue except for the feet.
I think Ill just invest in real good pairs of wool socks to specifically use for winter steelheading.

The Deetz
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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/02 19:31:31 (permalink)
Each day I go out, I seem to be able to last longer in the water. 
Today i went 7 hours with an hour break for lunch. I was pretty much wading ball deep for most of the day. 
Stockingfoot waders and two pairs of socks. Water temp got up to 35 which helped.
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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/03 05:54:00 (permalink)
Thermacell's new heated insoles would be ideal if they did a good job.  But based on the reviews I doubt they are worth it.  I haven't tried them and can't say how they work from experience so who knows.  
I'm in the market for new waders myself I'll probably buy two pairs...
Cabelas 3mil neoprene felt sole boot foot chest &
Frog toggs hellbender breathable stocking foot chest

I have Therma Cell's and have used them a few times for hunting.  They do work, but they are NOT meant to keep your feet warm, they are meant to keep your feet from being cold -- and that is where most folks think they don't work.  They are not meant to heat your feet, like putting them in front of a heat source, but rather to not let the temp drop to the point where your feet feel cold and get cold to the point of no recovery.
Even on High, they are only a few degrees above body temp, so you will not actually feel the heat, but it is there.  The idea is not to get your feet to start sweating, which wil cause them to actually be cold when they are warm.

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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/03 07:49:38 (permalink)
So do u think they have enough heat output to keep your feet from getting too cold in your waders while fishing in ice water?  For several hours? 
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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/03 08:47:31 (permalink)
If sticking with stocking foots, maybe something like these under?  They would require your stocking foot and boots to allow for some extra room.  Constriction on your feet will have your feet cold, more than anything.
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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/03 09:13:45 (permalink)
Best thing i have found yet is Alpaca socks.... single pair on an average day, thinner pair plus the heavy pair on a cold day/cold water. They stay warm even with sweat, even better than any wool i have ever had. I was out for 7-8 hours on Saturday, only time my feet were cold is when I was out of the water walking through the snow and i could feel it creeping through on the top. About $20/pair but well worth it. You can buy them locally from a farm near Canadota lake, if you are interested, PM me and I can look up their info and pass it along.
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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/03 10:51:00 (permalink)
 I'll second jah on the alpaca socks. I have a friend who raises them and turned me onto using the socks. 10 times better than merino wool. I wear a pair of medium wieght ones with unisulate Lacrosses and can stand all day in them. Only downside is the price @ 20-30$ a pair but compared to what a high quality female alpaca costs it's reasonable.

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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/03 10:55:46 (permalink)
The best that I have found are alpaca socks, very pricey at $18-$20 a pair but if you can find them they are by far the warmest I've used.
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Re: Keeping your feet warm ? 2013/12/03 22:09:51 (permalink)
Id use his head for dubbing. Got drunk at Oil Creek Campground one time and attempted to steal some fur from a live alpaca in there pens, didn't work out real well.

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