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You Erie people are nuts
I make a 2 and a half hour trip up there around 2 or 3 times a year and every year I realize that it's to dang cold up there. Went up today and my freaking flies and tippet froze solid, my feet went numb and the snot running down my nose froze in my mustache, it was ridiculous. You people live there, are you all nuts? Don't answer that I already know the answer. On a side note, fished 16 and 20, nothing at 16 and landed one with a few more hook ups at 20.
"Fishermen are born honest, but they get over it." Ed Zern
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/11/29 22:07:56
Once you live here, you will realize that Erie is the best place to live on the planet. BH If you dont like the weather in Erie, just wait a minute, it will change............................
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/11/29 22:14:47
Winter in Erie Where the gentle breezes blow 75 knots and 30 below.
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/11/29 22:34:21
But is it crazier to LIVE there, or to continue to come back time after time KNOWING its gonna be like that?!
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/11/30 00:25:16
Beads never freeze lol :p
Ninja of the Steel
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/11/30 00:28:10
No problems with the cold, I look at it as a test. Getting there on slick interstates can be a challenge. I'm headed to my home state of Tennessee in a few hours, mid 50's and 60's, here I come!
Have fun playing in the snow!!
"The images of himself and his line kept disappearing into the rising vapors of the river, which continually circles to the tops of the cliffs where, after becoming a wreath in the wind, they became rays of the sun."
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/11/30 07:05:51
Worlds greatest winter freshwater more better fishery.
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/11/30 07:10:18
Can't ice fish unless there is ice.
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/11/30 07:35:40
Who you callin crazy??? What does my mental state have anything to do with living in Kentucky? Like I said before, Ashtabula is the best place to live on the planet. BH
Plum Bob
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/11/30 07:52:47
Retired, all kinds of time, live close to the fishing. being local, can pick & choose when to go. After doing this for the past 30 yrs. or so, not driven to fish sthd in the bitter cold anymore. You guys that have to travel, have limited time, kind of feel for ya.
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/11/30 08:50:13
Hey there is worse places to Siberia!
steel whisperer
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/11/30 09:05:23
Siberia has Giant Taimen in its rivers/creeks and less fishing pressure but you are likely to get shot if you mess up someones drift. Crap spot burn
Fishing is one jerk waiting for another on the other end.
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/12/01 12:25:04
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/12/01 20:24:47
Lived here all my life , worked outdoors all my life , you get used to it and you understand how to dress for each day. Even though the weatherman has no idea what its going to do. After time you make your our weather predictions ;) Like BH said wait a few minutes it may change. First hour its 30 and sunny , next hour its 28 and your in a blizzard , and then back again. Its just like anything else.....You get used to it after awhile
The Deetz Fishermen are born honest,but they get over it
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/12/01 21:03:01
Just don't mention where you caught fish and everybody is cool (lol) You wanna be really brutalized and still catch fish travel further wont run into as many whiners that's for sure....I cant believe this **** still continues..
"I feel sorry for the people who don't drink. When they wake up, that is the best they are going to feel all day" -- Frank Sinatra
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/12/03 09:40:59
yep, pretty stupid to fish in those cold temps. That's why landing 100+ fish before November is the goal.
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/12/03 10:38:34
I know where you're comin from Adam. It is certainly desirable to fish when it's warmer, the fish are concentrated and still dumb, and they fight much harder. But winter steelheading brings less crowds, beautiful sights and something to do besides sitting inside (I don't hunt). So frozen toes here I come!
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/12/03 19:00:23
Alex, The more you get out through the week, the more your body (and toes) seem to adjust and stay warm. There's still some winter run chrome to come.
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/12/03 22:34:05
Im jealous of you retired guys that put enough time in that your bodies adjust. Ive still gotta put my time into working! But hey, yinz guys have earned it, so more power to ya. I was out at 645am this morning before work fishing, and by 8am when i got back to my car, toes were already freezing up!
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/12/03 22:48:26
A bad day fishing is better than a good of anything. I don't always exercise my shoulders...but when I do I fish for steelhead....
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/12/03 23:51:52
☄ Helpfulby Chriswalker97 2013/12/04 00:16:21
I was on limited time but got into a couple. I shoulda moved around on elk instead of staying in 1 spot throwing different junk at em. Water was perfect.
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/12/04 00:18:44
I had a feeling it was gonna be perfect. Things were shaping up well last night. I'm looking at next fri-sun and hoping for similar results. Just ordered a pair of those alpacas that got everyone stirred up. Pretty excited to be disappointed. Lol
A bad day fishing is better than a good of anything. I don't always exercise my shoulders...but when I do I fish for steelhead....
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/12/04 10:53:49
fisherofmen376 I know where you're comin from Adam. It is certainly desirable to fish when it's warmer, the fish are concentrated and still dumb, and they fight much harder. But winter steelheading brings less crowds, beautiful sights and something to do besides sitting inside (I don't hunt). So frozen toes here I come!
Have at it man. I just feel It's better to start in August and be done In November. It's just not that fun to me to catch winter boots anymore.
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/12/04 18:48:24
☄ Helpfulby Chriswalker97 2013/12/11 01:14:49
You and Tim definitely do it right. Yinz r catching fresh steel when others are whining about no rain and "waiting till November." Some winter steel are definitely bootlike in their resistance. But a few still got da spunk.
post edited by fisherofmen376 - 2013/12/04 20:43:09
"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/12/09 18:53:00
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/12/25 20:41:10
if i ever get a chance to move from here, my only opion is erie. we been going there for about 7 years every chance we get. winter, summer, or fall. the wife , i , and now my little boy spend as much time there as possible. my boy is 2.5 yrs old now and hes been going to erie since he was 4 month old sitting with me on the beach at elk creek access catching some steel. we will be there in 2 weeks at splash laggoon and sled riding on the hill at the golf course on 4 mile. if there is snow that is.
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/12/25 22:20:55
It is OFFICIAL " Erie , Pa. is the snowiest city in the U.S. !!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/12/26 14:42:48
Kills3ducks1deer, As others have written; BH, Cbeagler, Fisherofmen,H3, ..... in one way or another, it's all relative [as everything is].
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/12/26 18:13:39
Fish 5000 I still love that hot babe's beautiful****! If I had her as a fishing partner and part of the terms of the agreement was we had to fish in Erie in the cold Id be there everyday!!! Honestly though the cold don't scare me to much, but the road conditions paticularly the unexpected black ice does. Last year in January 2013 I was heading up to Erie, it was spitting a little the roads looked fine, a guy flashed me his beams, I hit my brakes and was 360ing across the 4 lanes. I did not hit a thing, I went a 1/4 mile further and it was all pure ice. I turned around and headed for home riding on the berm/highway and flashed cars to warn them, a lady heading the opposite direction hit her brakes and came across 4 lanes and totaled my vehicle, front bags and side bags popped over 75 accidents occured in under that 45 minute period. I don't blame the person who hit me it is a total 0 control situation, and that's why we have insurance. There is never such a scary feeling as having 0 control and with black ice you have 0!!! Everyone was rolling along fine doing 50 to 60 and all of a sudden all hell is breaking loose. I still love steel fishing but it makes me a little more paranoid of the road conditions. I also need to go back to steelhead fishing 101, as I have never sucked so badly at catching steel as this season. 1 fish out of 4, 5 hr trips ( thats round trip). I keep telling myself its because I am fishing so high up on the tribs or its not ideal conditions. I find myself coming home and rereading sections of John Nagy's steelhead guide to flyfishing for steelhead. Some years your a hero and other years a zero!
post edited by silverman31 - 2013/12/26 18:22:14
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Re: You Erie people are nuts
2013/12/26 19:27:46
HMMMM? Another "flashes' you, you hit the brakes and go out of control. You "flash", yet another driver, she hits HER brakes and goes out of control. Maybe flashing other drivers, to "warn" them, isn't such a good idea. Just Sayin.
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