Now here is a dumb question.....

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2013/11/18 13:26:10 (permalink)

Now here is a dumb question.....

What are my chances of catching, fighting, and releasing
Steel using a 5' Ultra-light Spinning Rod with 4 LB test?
Thought I'd use CP Swings,  Gulps... bounced off the bottom
or floated under a bobbin, maybe even lures.
Thinking of trying this Wed!

3 Replies Related Threads

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    Re: Now here is a dumb question..... 2013/11/18 13:29:26 (permalink)
    What are my chances of catching, fighting, and releasing
    Steel using a 5' Ultra-light Spinning Rod with 4 LB test?
    Thought I'd use CP Swings,  Gulps... bounced off the bottom
    or floated under a bobbin, maybe even lures.
    Thinking of trying this Wed!

    Last two years I've used my ugly stick Ultra Light with 4lb test and had no problem landing fish.  

    Got Walleye???
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    Re: Now here is a dumb question..... 2013/11/18 14:33:55 (permalink)
    If the waters real cold and they're sluggish you could be OK. But for releasing fish, you'd be better off with something a bit heavier. Of course, there's a lot of variation between ultralight rods.
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    Re: Now here is a dumb question..... 2013/11/18 22:11:31 (permalink)
    Watched an older gentleman using a 5' or 5'6 UL on Saturday and he caught one and had no issue landing it what so ever.  It's all in the basis of can you play fish properly to not break the rod, line, reel or even the fish (killing it.)  Would I suggest releasing it after fighting for an hour or so maybe not but that's not here nor there.  Your original questions answer is yes you could essentially do it.  I myself wouldn't go much smaller than a 6'6 or even 7' rod the load on the reel may be detriment to the reel when you go with much shorter rods.
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