Helpful ReplyAnd here come the less or no fish complaints.....

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Re: And here come the less or no fish complaints..... Monday, November 18, 2013 9:25 PM (permalink)
I just hope to find 1 steelhead. Dont even have to catch him, just get him to bite.....WF..I'm always hoping. Having a million or so stocked should help me get a bite. And a good spawning year.
steel whisperer
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Re: And here come the less or no fish complaints..... Monday, November 18, 2013 10:39 PM (permalink)
Think its a low amount of fish problem?
Hangout at Walnut n other creeks and count how many fish are being taken out. Less people fished years ago, its like a see-saw the fisherpeople are now out gaining the fish.

100% nail on the head.
The big runs arent sustained as the fish cant make the gauntlet of ropers. the fortunate ones high tail it up stream so take a walk. I don't need a million fish if I catch 1-2 this time of year I am a happy camper.
Change the creel limit to 1 like NY and or make lower sections C&R only I would guarantee a world of difference.
 Elk and 20 mile are really only streams to see any upstream action. Sorry for spot burn
post edited by steel whisperer - Monday, November 18, 2013 10:40 PM
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Re: And here come the less or no fish complaints..... Monday, November 18, 2013 11:28 PM (permalink)
Ya right like anyone of the Trawt Gawds could even hack The SR let alone a Real Natural Fishery.. i.e Pacific northwest or Alaska.
Erie ditches aren't  even close to being a real fishery.  More like the kids table at Thanksgiving, jus say'IN.....

you kno you miss it
dont B mad at the water/fish/anglRs
B happy

Miss tha 90's jus say'IN
Alott happy, dItCHes aint tha only game around....not hat'IN jus say"IN
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Re: And here come the less or no fish complaints..... Tuesday, November 19, 2013 0:12 PM (permalink)
6lb stellie
H3FisherThink its a low amount of fish problem? Hangout at Walnut n other creeks and count how many fish are being taken out. Less people fished years ago, its like a see-saw the fisherpeople are now out gaining the fish. 

100% nail on the head. The big runs arent sustained as the fish cant make the gauntlet of ropers. the fortunate ones high tail it up stream so take a walk. I don't need a million fish if I catch 1-2 this time of year I am a happy camper. Change the creel limit to 1 like NY and or make lower sections C&R only I would guarantee a world of difference. Elk and 20 mile are really only streams to see any upstream action. Sorry for spot burn

Seriously? When I started steelhead fishing in the late 90's early 2000's I watched limit after limit get taken out of lower walnut and there were ALWAYS fish there. I remember seeing the Manchester filled with steelhead from sept-dec even with limits getting taken out every day. There were also a silly amount of fish around. It has nothing to do with people keeping them!
As for a c&r section.... I hope they do try it. And I'd be willing to bet the creek bed would be littered with dead fish that were caught/lined/lifted/snagged and played to exhaustion day after day!
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Re: And here come the less or no fish complaints..... Tuesday, November 19, 2013 0:43 PM (permalink)
This supposed "lack of fish" has nothing to do with creel limits. They have remained unchanged for a loooooong time.
Catch and release? 68% still released.
It has nothing to do with numbers of fish stocked. Those numbers have been consistent for a long time.

So what has changed?
More fish are straying. This is very evident according to reports from across the lake and from a study proving up to 50% of these did not return to where they were stocked.
Our northern neighbors, off shore steelhead fishery has been phenomenal the last few years while ours has been very spotty/mediocre.
And, IMO, the walleye's shear numbers and sizes (which inhabit more of southern Lake Erie in comparison to the northern Canadian waters) the last few years are without a doubt one of the biggest factors.
It is a fact, that traditionally when walleye numbers are high, which they are, steelhead numbers are lower. Vice versa.

Combine all of this with warmer lake temps, algae, phosphates, etc. and and we have a giant cauldron of issues to deal with.

I'll continue to do my part to help thin the walleye numbers for you stream guys. :-)

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Re: And here come the less or no fish complaints..... Tuesday, November 19, 2013 1:20 AM (permalink)
6lb stellie
H3FisherThink its a low amount of fish problem? Hangout at Walnut n other creeks and count how many fish are being taken out. Less people fished years ago, its like a see-saw the fisherpeople are now out gaining the fish. 

100% nail on the head. The big runs arent sustained as the fish cant make the gauntlet of ropers. the fortunate ones high tail it up stream so take a walk. I don't need a million fish if I catch 1-2 this time of year I am a happy camper. Change the creel limit to 1 like NY and or make lower sections C&R only I would guarantee a world of difference. Elk and 20 mile are really only streams to see any upstream action. Sorry for spot burn

Seriously? When I started steelhead fishing in the late 90's early 2000's I watched limit after limit get taken out of lower walnut and there were ALWAYS fish there. I remember seeing the Manchester filled with steelhead from sept-dec even with limits getting taken out every day. There were also a silly amount of fish around. It has nothing to do with people keeping them!
As for a c&r section.... I hope they do try it. And I'd be willing to bet the creek bed would be littered with dead fish that were caught/lined/lifted/snagged and played to exhaustion day after day!

I disagree with your theory of this section being littered with dead fish, I'd be willing to bet there would be no where near as many fisherman in that section for two reasons, 1) you wouldn't be allowed to keep fish, 90% of people fishing lower walnut have stringers ready to be filled. 2) More fish would be able to get through and migrate upstream, thus spreading fisherman out.
post edited by krott243 - Tuesday, November 19, 2013 5:23 AM

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Re: And here come the less or no fish complaints..... Tuesday, November 19, 2013 4:55 AM (permalink)
Fact : There are steelhead in every single migratory tributary of lake Erie.
Fact : If you look in the right places you will find them.
Fact : That is all you need to know !!!

I have been hammering them at Raccoon Creek.  Just don't tell anyone.
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Re: And here come the less or no fish complaints..... Tuesday, November 19, 2013 11:53 AM (permalink)
I disagree with your theory of this section being littered with dead fish, I'd be willing to bet there would be no where near as many fisherman in that section for two reasons, 1) you wouldn't be allowed to keep fish, 90% of people fishing lower walnut have stringers ready to be filled. 2) More fish would be able to get through and migrate upstream, thus spreading fisherman out.

It may not be 'littered' but my opinion comes directly from what I saw years ago. I remember when the manchester hole was a lot wider and deeper than it is now, and when it was loaded with fish every month.  It was always the 'backup' plan because we knew there would be a thousand dumb fish there. I recall by nov seeing the dead steelies at the bottom there. By hunting season most of the fish we caught would be very very dark and fight very little. Still - there were guys taking out their 3 fish and the numbers were always there.
I think a c&r section would attract way more people than a regular section. Most people I talk to on the stream always bring up wanting a c&r area.  If it was an area that always held fish it would take out the guessing and the trip would always be 'worth it' since there would be a ton of fish there.
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Re: And here come the less or no fish complaints..... Tuesday, November 19, 2013 12:00 AM (permalink)
I disagree with your theory of this section being littered with dead fish, I'd be willing to bet there would be no where near as many fisherman in that section for two reasons, 1) you wouldn't be allowed to keep fish, 90% of people fishing lower walnut have stringers ready to be filled. 2) More fish would be able to get through and migrate upstream, thus spreading fisherman out.

It may not be 'littered' but my opinion comes directly from what I saw years ago. I remember when the manchester hole was a lot wider and deeper than it is now, and when it was loaded with fish every month.  It was always the 'backup' plan because we knew there would be a thousand dumb fish there. I recall by nov seeing the dead steelies at the bottom there. By hunting season most of the fish we caught would be very very dark and fight very little. Still - there were guys taking out their 3 fish and the numbers were always there.
I think a c&r section would attract way more people than a regular section. Most people I talk to on the stream always bring up wanting a c&r area.  If it was an area that always held fish it would take out the guessing and the trip would always be 'worth it' since there would be a ton of fish there.

A C&R section from Rt 5 down to Manchester would simply allow more fish to migrate upstream...period. There is no argument here. 
As far as Manchester hole being loaded with fish years ago, it still is. Manchester always has between 50 and 300 fish in it, always. It has been loaded all year as it is every year. If you do not think there is enough fish in Manchester hole than you either need to quit fishing or fish the trout pond at the Erie Outdoor show. 

The Lord has blessed us all today... It's just that he has been particularly good to me.
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Re: And here come the less or no fish complaints..... Tuesday, November 19, 2013 12:59 AM (permalink)
A C&R section from Rt 5 down to Manchester would simply allow more fish to migrate upstream...period. There is no argument here. 
As far as Manchester hole being loaded with fish years ago, it still is. Manchester always has between 50 and 300 fish in it, always. It has been loaded all year as it is every year. If you do not think there is enough fish in Manchester hole than you either need to quit fishing or fish the trout pond at the Erie Outdoor show. 

I Agree - sort of. If this section was c&r more fish would make it upstream further - but how many more would be related more to flows and angler pressure.  The steelhead stack up here, if it was c&r that area would be a guarantee to hammer fish all day long for any angler. It would always be 'worth it'. But after a fish has been caught/snagged and released will it still have the energy to make it up over the falls?  or will it be fought out?  If it is fought out, how long will it take before it will be able to make it over the falls? and will it not get caught/snagged again before then?
If that area was c&r and we had no rain one fall I doubt too many would make it up further.  Unless this area was posted I don't think it will change anything.
I am not complaining about the number of fish.
I was just using that hole as an example because I remember fishing there years ago and seeing the dead fish on the bottom. There wasn't enough water flowing to get all of those fish through the chutes and over the falls. They just sat in that one hole and got caught by a line of people day after day. Most of the fish were dark and fought very little by mid november. But it doesn't matter because the ice will come down and grind them all up anyway.
LOL and I wont quit fishing over any dumb steelhead. Too much better fishing around.  I'll take catching limits of walleyes in november on the lake over standing shoulder to shoulder at walnut any day.
post edited by freshwaterdrumR - Tuesday, November 19, 2013 1:02 PM
steel whisperer
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Re: And here come the less or no fish complaints..... Tuesday, November 19, 2013 1:36 PM (permalink)
I disagree with your theory of this section being littered with dead fish, I'd be willing to bet there would be no where near as many fisherman in that section for two reasons, 1) you wouldn't be allowed to keep fish, 90% of people fishing lower walnut have stringers ready to be filled. 2) More fish would be able to get through and migrate upstream, thus spreading fisherman out.

It may not be 'littered' but my opinion comes directly from what I saw years ago. I remember when the manchester hole was a lot wider and deeper than it is now, and when it was loaded with fish every month.  It was always the 'backup' plan because we knew there would be a thousand dumb fish there. I recall by nov seeing the dead steelies at the bottom there. By hunting season most of the fish we caught would be very very dark and fight very little. Still - there were guys taking out their 3 fish and the numbers were always there.
I think a c&r section would attract way more people than a regular section. Most people I talk to on the stream always bring up wanting a c&r area.  If it was an area that always held fish it would take out the guessing and the trip would always be 'worth it' since there would be a ton of fish there.

isn't that how lower walnut, lower 16 mile, and a few of the major holes on elk already are for most fisherman? they generally always have fish and take the guessing out of them. I fish a lot of NY and with their creel limit only 1 besides salmon don't see many steelhead littered dead along the stream. So yes you might get some that are tired and exhausted and not released correctly and actually drown but these are resilient fish and would make the gauntlet. Besides only real stream that stops their upstream migration is walnut but its only until water rises.
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Re: And here come the less or no fish complaints..... Tuesday, November 19, 2013 2:39 PM (permalink)
Too lazy to read all the complaints...
All I have to say is that it seems to me there are more fish this year then there have been for the past 3 years.  Hard to see? YES, we actually have good water for a change.  Catching more?  Maybe not...again water conditions.
But yes I believe more fish!

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
steel whisperer
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Re: And here come the less or no fish complaints..... Tuesday, November 19, 2013 9:28 PM (permalink)
Too lazy to read all the complaints...
All I have to say is that it seems to me there are more fish this year then there have been for the past 3 years.  Hard to see? YES, we actually have good water for a change.  Catching more?  Maybe not...again water conditions.
But yes I believe more fish!

Im am in agreement with you on this. With the higher water table its been nice catching fish in October in stretches I don't normally get until December. Spread em out and suddenly no one can find em and lazy ones complain there are no fish.
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Re: And here come the less or no fish complaints..... Tuesday, November 19, 2013 9:54 PM (permalink)
Believe it or not alot of guys can't catch fish in good water conditions.If they don't see them they don't think they are there.They have no idea where fish hold,and how water temp influances fish.So they come on here and cry no fish.Meanwhile, the guys who know how to catch fish are out there getting it done.Myself I can't stand clear water,so for me with the excellent flow,this year has been great.
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Re: And here come the less or no fish complaints..... Tuesday, November 19, 2013 10:35 PM (permalink)
 Stock less fish. Problem solved. 
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Re: And here come the less or no fish complaints..... Tuesday, November 19, 2013 10:39 PM (permalink)
So what has changed?
More fish are straying. This is very evident according to reports from across the lake and from a study proving up to 50% of these did not return to where they were stocked.
Our northern neighbors, off shore steelhead fishery has been phenomenal the last few years while ours has been very spotty/mediocre.

They're finding the better water to migrate. Can't say I blame them. Maybe they're not so dumb after all.
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Re: And here come the less or no fish complaints..... Tuesday, November 19, 2013 11:00 PM (permalink)
Less fish--less anglers   I'm all for it...
Mabee the mouth breathin, window lickin morons would stay home....
Should be more like the REAL steelhead fisheries.
Work all day for just a grab...And be happy as he11 about it..

I was talking to guy streamside on Elk Creek and was telling him about some of the famous steelhead waters I wanted to fish. I mentioned Deschutes. He said he fishes there all the time and catches 30 a day with yarn balls and beadheads.  He thought I was talking about Walnut below the falls.
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