Lake Erie Tributaries Guided Services

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2013/11/15 19:26:20 (permalink)

Lake Erie Tributaries Guided Services

To those of you out there that are a "GUIDE" or one of their clients,can you please be courteous to let me know the exact location you and your clients are going to be fishing on this Sunday November 16th after 3:00 PM and Sunday November 17th all day.Im not wanting to spot burn,I know every nook and cranny of the Elks watershed.Im just asking because I don't want to make a long hike in the dark to find a spot surrounded by a light show of flash lights letting me know you are there at your majestic fishing honey hole,telling other fisherman that you are fishing that hole( like they can't fish there as if you own the property),and most importantly not having any fishing manors at all.I will share a drift with whom ever is around me.Im not out to catch a fish faster than you nor does it matter how many I land,break off,whatever.PM me.Im a nice guy,I prefer not to fish near "Guides and there Clients.Crossing my father and my lines last Saturday purposely so that we would get peed off and leave.Well we did,walked back to the truck and went to a spot that had some fish in it,did the work and hooked up.See yinz Sunday.Oh,you guides ought to mark you vehicles with an orange bicycle flag and required to have yellow hats that say" Guide Service" we own this area of stream.Good night all,I got to finish packing.Oh I forgot to ask,is it worth the drive up?I live 2 1/2 hours away.Are they running yet? How far mup they? Can I fish after dark?Does anybody have any skein? I take a hot bath with skein before I head out.It is a ritual and it works for me.Tight lines and bent rods,broken tippet,snags,fowl hookers and I'm done.If any of you want to hook up Sunday and fish fast water PM me.Feeeesh On!


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    Re: Lake Erie Tributaries Guided Services 2013/11/15 22:27:23 (permalink)
    Take a deep breath dude.
    They're just dumb fish.
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    Re: Lake Erie Tributaries Guided Services 2013/11/16 12:15:51 (permalink)
    They eat yarn..jus say'IN
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    Re: Lake Erie Tributaries Guided Services 2013/11/16 18:39:27 (permalink)
    If you don't like guides being on the creek then stay home, simple as that. 

    The Lord has blessed us all today... It's just that he has been particularly good to me.
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    Re: Lake Erie Tributaries Guided Services 2013/11/16 21:49:55 (permalink)
    I disagree with guides making money off of a resource that us fisherman pay for through our license and Erie stamp.That is all.

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    Re: Lake Erie Tributaries Guided Services 2013/11/16 22:04:07 (permalink)
    I don't care for rude behavior on the streams regardless of who it comes from. Guides are just trying to make a living doing what we all wish we could do for money. If they're rude then they're a holes just like any other a hole on the stream.
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    Re: Lake Erie Tributaries Guided Services 2013/11/16 23:09:33 (permalink)
    I disagree with guides making money off of a resource that us fisherman pay for through our license and Erie stamp.That is all.

    You might want to have a talk with the local baitshops, hotels and restaurants too.
    Most all of the guides I have run into on the tribs have been alright to fish around.
    Even pulled a few tips from them. 
    Mabee next time you can get up a little earlier and be the one who gets the jellyhole.

     I love the sweet smell of Victory and the Salty taste of Liberal Tears in my coffee. BB

    Plum Bob
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    Re: Lake Erie Tributaries Guided Services 2013/11/17 06:39:55 (permalink)
    Guides on the Erie tribs. Most are ok. a few are jerks. Don't have a problem with them guiding on public water as long as they respect the space of other anglers. Guiding on leased/private water, another story altogether.
    I would rather work at Walmart than guide on the Erie tribs.
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    Re: Lake Erie Tributaries Guided Services 2013/11/17 23:01:27 (permalink)
    I disagree with guides making money off of a resource that us fisherman pay for through our license and Erie stamp.That is all.

    I guess guides do not purchase licenses and are not considered fisherman? 

    The Lord has blessed us all today... It's just that he has been particularly good to me.
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    Re: Lake Erie Tributaries Guided Services 2013/11/18 07:37:01 (permalink)
    egg-zactly, krott. most arguments fall apart when you apply cold, hard logic. depends whose ox is being gored. i guess.
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    Re: Lake Erie Tributaries Guided Services 2013/11/18 07:39:21 (permalink)
    o lord forgive me, i ,m  spelling like T.D. now.
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    Re: Lake Erie Tributaries Guided Services 2013/11/18 13:52:48 (permalink)
    I was fishing the catt. a few years ago and a guide came up to me and ask if I minded if they could fish the bottom of the run below me, no problem go ahead there is lots of room but also I was fishing in the middle of a run on the same stream a different time when I stepped out for a snack when a guide and his client started down at the top of the run . I finished my snack and went back into the stream where  i was fishing and then I proceeded to get a lesson on how I was crowding in on his client . Needless to say I didn't leave and a few words were spoken but he was a real jerk about it.

    There will be days when fishing is better than ones optimistic forecast, others when it is far worse. Either is a gain over just staying home.
    **Roderick Haig-Brown
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    Re: Lake Erie Tributaries Guided Services 2013/11/19 01:21:09 (permalink)
    couldn't imagine being a guide on public water on erie.     
    what about the guys who guide on public water where the state stocks adult trout? musky fingerlings?  walleye fingerlings/fry?
    what about a guide fishing public water where private clubs stock fish?
    easy leonard. go easy man.
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    Re: Lake Erie Tributaries Guided Services 2013/11/19 10:46:25 (permalink)
    Guide if you want...don't be a jerk about it. 
    Saw a guide on Elk yelling at a group of kids to stay away from "his" hole and "stay out of the water".  Which was uncalled were just running the woods with their dog, not even wearing waders or boots of any kind and none had a rod in hand.  Personally, if they were there to fish I'd give them the hole just to enjoy watching them catch a fish or two.
    If you got the money to blow and want a guide have at it.  It is your money to blow and at least it's going to the local economy.  Again just get some ethics...paying for a guide does not mean you get to treat other people different.

    Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
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    Re: Lake Erie Tributaries Guided Services 2013/11/20 19:16:44 (permalink)
     It's kind of sad really, All the cool places in North America where you could be a guide, and end up in Erie Pa. You gotta feel sorry for the guy. If I ran into him , I'd give him a couple bucks. He's gotta be on the skids.    Glen
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    Re: Lake Erie Tributaries Guided Services 2013/11/23 22:54:24 (permalink)
    Now that there's funny ! Seems I've meet those type of guide's not long ago. "Claimers" would be more appropriate wording than "Guides". It's a wonder the client's don't get sick of fishing the same ditch all day and not moving!
    post edited by CAPTAIN HOOK - 2013/11/24 23:34:35
    Ninja of the Steel
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    Re: Lake Erie Tributaries Guided Services 2013/11/24 19:10:50 (permalink)
    I personally and thankfully haven't had issues with guides/clients in Erie. At one point, I considered guiding trout waters far away from Erie tribs. I decided fishing was just bigger than that for me. Like anything, do it enough and it turns into work. That may explain the poor attitudes some of these folks have. I decided to hold fishing in a higher regard, it's for me, myself, not a client. Guide services ARE needed and let's face it, we live in a free market. Hopefully we can live and act up to the simple standard of being a sportsmen.

    In my opinion, getting youngsters interested and involved with the outdoors is the best investment one can make for the protection of all the natural resources we flock to these forums to argue, brag and quibble about.

    "The images of himself and his line kept disappearing into the rising vapors of the river, which continually circles to the tops of the cliffs where, after becoming a wreath in the wind, they became rays of the sun."
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    Re: Lake Erie Tributaries Guided Services 2013/11/25 10:06:43 (permalink)
    Well said Ninja!
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